Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 81 The grudges re-emerge

In the end, Wangyue Shuangjiao, who looked hesitant, did not choose to fight to the death with Qin Ming, but watched him leave.

Qin Ming turned around and got into the car, quickly started the car and drove away.

Through the rearview mirror, Qin Ming, who was driving the car, couldn't help but let out a long breath, looking at Wangyue Shuangjiao standing in the same place and getting farther and farther away from him.

Huh! Finally safe! This broken mission is full of pits!

If you know when to stop and have self-knowledge, just find a low-level Wangyue Sect disciple to kill, and then quickly withdraw, then you will be safe and sound. The difficulty of this mission is not even the D-level displayed, and it can be completed very easily.

But once you are greedy and want to hunt more targets in order to better complete the mission.

I'm sorry! You have successfully stepped on the landmine!

At that time, you will not only have to fight Wangyue Shuangjiao, the main plot character, alone! If you are not careful, you will be besieged by other Wangyue Sect disciples who rushed over! You will definitely die!

The difficulty of the mission at that time is not D-level! It is above B level!

The tasks in the nightmare space are like this. The difficulty level it shows only refers to the degree of difficulty you will face under normal circumstances after mobilizing all the favorable conditions it has prepared.

For example, when Qin Ming is doing the novice task, he chooses to fight together with the four protagonists, then the difficulty of completing the task is only D level, or even lower.

But if he does not find the four protagonists, or if the negotiation with them fails, then the difficulty of the task is not just as simple as D level!

The task evaluation of the nightmare space is just an assessment. The real difficulty depends on how the adventurer arranges and acts.

Driving the car quickly down the mountain and heading towards the distant highway, Qin Ming, who was driving on the road, suddenly stepped on the brakes.

He leaned out of the car and looked at the disciple of Wangyuemen who was holding a tin staff and wearing a bamboo hat and rushing towards this side quickly. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He looked around and confirmed that there was no one around, and then used his glasses to detect the attributes of the visitor.

After confirming everything, Qin Ming quickly retreated into the car and manually rolled up the car window.

A moment later, the Wangyue Sect disciple finally ran over. With a gust of wind on his body, he shuttled through the road at high speed and passed by Qin Ming's car in an instant.



With a loud bang! One side of the vehicle suddenly exploded! A huge rotating air wheel broke the car! The Wangyue Sect disciple passing by was horrified! It just chopped him hard!

Accumulate power! Sonic hand knife!

………… A few minutes later, several figures ran from a distance.

They quickly stopped and looked at the bodies of their companions who were cut in half in front of them. They were so gloomy and silent.

Wangyue Shuangjiao, who was standing in the middle, held the tin staff in his hand tightly, and his teeth creaked.

He picked up the vehicle fragments on the ground and took a quick look. His palm suddenly clenched and directly squeezed the iron sheet and deformed it severely.

"It's him! That guy is indeed from Shiranui!"

"Brother! What should we do now!"

"What else can we do! That old man Shiranui Hanzo! It seems that he is determined to kill us all! To avenge his son and daughter-in-law! Now he is forcing us to fight him to the death!"

Throwing away the iron sheet, Mochizuki Shuangjiao's face was gloomy.

He knew why Shiranui Hanzo was so anxious to take the initiative to attack the Mochizuki Gate. The reason was actually very simple, because the old guy Shiranui Hanzo would not live long.

He was old and weak, and he was injured in the battle that year. He couldn't hold on for too long.

If he died, Shiranui Mai would be the only one left in the Shiranui family. How could a little girl fight against so many people from the Mochizuki Gate?

As for the disciples in the gym? They just came to learn martial arts, not to fight with others. How could they really risk their lives to help Shiranui Gym fight.

So Shiranui Hanzo must get rid of the Mochizuki Gate before he died! This is for revenge! It was also to help my granddaughter eliminate the crisis!

This kind of assassination has happened in recent years.

But four people died in one go! Two of them were elite disciples! This is the first time!

How many people are there in their Wangyue Sect? Almost a quarter of them were lost right away!

This sudden situation, the tragic deaths of four junior brothers, made Wangyue Shuangjiao unable to suppress his anger.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the death of the old man Shiranui Hanzo before going to the Shiranui Gym to settle the grudge.

But now it seems! He must fight the old man Shiranui Hanzo! Send him off with his own hands!

He shook the tin staff in his hand hard, directly knocking out a lot of cracks on the ground. Wangyue Shuangjiao looked up at the direction of the Shiranui Gym and spoke coldly.

"Gather everyone! Follow me to attack the Shiranui Gym! Kill Hanzo!"


With an order, the disciples of Wangyue scattered, relying on the ghost and spirit method, began to pass the message to their companions, asking them to gather here.

Mochizuki Shuangjiao sat cross-legged on the ground, with a staff across his knees, and began to close his eyes to recover.

To be honest, he had no idea whether he could beat Shiranui Hanzo, after all, he was a strong man of the older generation.

But now his family is about to be wiped out! He has no choice!

He has to fight even if he can't win! Otherwise, how can he live up to his master's teachings!

The cause I planted more than a decade ago! In exchange for the result I found today more than a decade later!

The cycle of cause and effect, revenge, retribution!

I don’t know if the grudges can really be settled after this battle? Or will the cycle of revenge continue? Continue this fateful duel?

No one knows why the ancestors of the Shiranui family and the Mochizuki lineage became mortal enemies.

Anyway, both sides are just retaliating. When you are strong, you hunt me, and when I rise, I kill you.

From generation to generation, from generation to generation, it has been fighting from ancient times to the present, as if the cycle will never end.

Even if I can win this time, so what?

After more than 20 years, when I am old and weak, will the descendants of the Shiranui family come to my door and take the opportunity to kill me?

Then after another 20 years, my apprentice will retaliate again...

Thinking of the tragic fight between the two sides more than a decade ago, Mochizuki Shuangjiao couldn't help but close his eyes in pain.

To be honest, he didn't want to fight any more. He wanted to negotiate and put an end to this feud.

But Shiranui Hanzo was not the kind of person who would let go of his grudges. After all, if anyone's son or daughter-in-law was beaten to death in front of him, he would not let it go.

Shiranui Hanzo's heart was already full of hatred.

So Mochizuki Shuangjiao had been waiting, waiting for Shiranui Hanzo to die of old age, waiting for the head of the Shiranui Mai family.

That woman was not fierce, but kind-hearted.

And she was still young, and she had no memory of what happened more than a decade ago.

Even if her parents died in that battle, as long as she persuaded them kindly, the other party would probably accept the negotiation, after all, all the masters and others on her side were dead.

In this way, the grudges between the two sides could be completely ended, but it was a pity that now...

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