Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 83 Enemies Arrive

Outside the door, Mary and Mai Shiranui, who have become good friends at this moment, are sitting next to each other with their dogs, complaining about things in a low voice.

As for what they are complaining about, what else can they complain about when they get together.

Looking up at Andy, who has almost recovered from his injuries, is constantly stretching his muscles and concentrating on boxing in the distance, Mai Shiranui can't help but sigh and complain to Mary next to him in a low voice.

"Mary, why do you think men are so boring? They are always boxing, practicing, practicing hard, competing for the world's number one throne all day long. Can't they do something meaningful?"

Mary, who reached out to stroke her beloved dog, didn't even raise her head when she heard the words.

"For example?"

"For example, dating! Dating! Dating and so on!"

"It doesn't seem to make any sense."

"Why is it meaningless? This can promote feelings!"

"You and Andy still need to promote feelings? Aren't you childhood sweethearts?"

"To be precise, we can only be considered half childhood sweethearts. He came here when he was fourteen years old, and I was the one who taught him martial arts in the beginning."

Reaching out and rubbing the Dalmatian's head vigorously, looking up at Andy who was training hard, Mai Shiranui couldn't help but sigh.

"This guy is just like a piece of wood. He only knows how to train all day long and does nothing else. After all, I am also a descendant of the Shiranui family, the heir of a ninja family that has been passed down since ancient times, and I am also a daughter of a famous family. Our family style is very traditional!"

"Huh? You traditional?"

"Of course! Don't look at me dressed like that! But that is the family's inherited clothes, okay! I don't like to wear that kind of clothes, but the Shiranui school has to wear that kind of clothes when fighting. Many moves need that kind of clothes to assist in performing. What can I do."

Sitting on the ground with her hands hugging her knees, Mai Shiranui looked melancholy.

"This guy is a dead wood, not proactive at all, and my grandfather doesn't like him. Hey, why do you think I have such a bad taste?"

Mary, who picked up the Dalmatian and rubbed the dog's head hard, didn't even look up at Andy when she heard the words. She looked at her beloved dog happily and replied casually.

"Yes, you do have a bad eye."

After these words came out, Mai Shiranui, who was originally complaining, was instantly unhappy.

After all, she could say whatever she wanted about Andy, but it was not okay for others to say it.

She put her hands on her waist and immediately raised her eyebrows and scolded.

"Hey! Don't be so direct! How can I have bad vision!"

"Didn't you say that?"

"I said it! But you can't follow me! Besides, you said I have bad vision? Don't you have worse vision?"


"That biting guy! Look at what's so good about him! He loves to bite people! He loves to fight! He's ruthless! He also likes to attack by surprise!"

"Hey! Who is his boyfriend or girlfriend? He is just my wanted target, okay? This guy broke the law, and I'm going to take him back, that's all."

"That's all?"

"Well, he saved my life, and I owe him a favor now, so he can be considered my benefactor."

"Life-saving favor?!"

Hearing this gossip, Mai Shiranui's eyes lit up, and she quickly stuck to Mary and began to pester her to ask about the situation.

Helpless Mary could only tell what happened on the plane before.

Terrorist hijacking, lightning-fast fighting, and subsequent high-altitude rescue, emergency landing

This legendary experience made Mai Shiranui's eyes sparkle. She held her face with her hands and shook it from side to side.

"Ah~ What a classic hero saving a beauty, so legendary and romantic! Why haven't I encountered it!"

Looking at Mai Shiranui's crazy look, Mary couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Of course it sounds romantic, but when you are hung on the plane and frozen for a long time, and then fall from a high altitude and hit the sea, you will never think of such a romantic thing happening again. This is because he chose to save me. If he chose not to save me, I would have fallen to death!"

"Oh, I will save you, I will save you. A guy who loves to bite people can sacrifice his life to save people. How can my junior brother Andy not save me! I have confidence in him! I..."

Before Mai Shiranui finished speaking, there was a loud noise at the door of the Shiranui Dojo.

The next second! The door panel exploded! The huge Shiranui plaque broke in two! It flew in!

Seeing this scene, the disciples who were training around were frightened and screamed, and quickly retreated to avoid it.

Noticing that something was wrong, Mai Shiranui also had a serious expression on the spot, and quickly stood up and walked towards the door.

When she arrived at the door, she found that there were already several monks dressed as ascetics standing here.

Wearing a bamboo hat on their heads and holding a tin staff in their hands, these people had fierce expressions and sharp eyes.

Seeing Mai Shiranui approaching, the leader shook the tin staff in his hand, making the iron ring on the weapon make a nail-clanging sound, and spoke in a cold voice.

"Where is Shiranui Hanzo! Let him come to see me! Tell him! Come to visit the Moon-Moon Gate!"

"Momoku Gate?!"

Hearing these three words, Mai Shiranui was obviously stunned, and her eyes quickly became sharp after she reacted.

After all, she had always heard her grandfather say that her parents died at the hands of the Moon-Moon Gate, so it was naturally impossible for her to have any good feelings towards this enemy sect.

She pulled the kimono on her body with both hands, and swung it violently, completing the erotic transformation in an instant.

Mai Shiranui, who changed into a red ninja suit, raised her hand and grabbed between her breasts, and unexpectedly pulled out a paper fan from it!

She opened the paper fan with a snap and used it to cover the lower half of her face, and Mai Shiranui spoke in a low voice.

"I don't think you are here to visit! It's more like you are here to cause trouble! You want to find trouble! Ask me if I agree first!"

Looking at the conflict here, Andy, who had stopped training, quickly came over. He stood next to Mai Shiranui with a bandage on his hand and spoke coldly.

"Everyone, you come to our place to cause trouble, you may have found the wrong place!"

Looking at the two people who stood up, Mochizuki Shuangjiao couldn't help but sneered.

"Oh? The girl is the descendant of the Shiranui family, right? She is as beautiful as the legend says. As for you... a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes, the Shiranui family actually needs foreigners to support them. It seems that they have fallen."


Shiranui Mai blushed when she heard this, and anger appeared on her face. She held the paper fan tightly and prepared to force her move.

But before she could make a move, footsteps suddenly came from behind her.

Accompanied by a rhythmic dull sound, an old man pushed open the door and strode out.

He had his hands behind his back and wore a standard male Shiranui ninja uniform. Although he looked old, his eyes were still sharp.

Staring at the Mochizuki Shuangjiao opposite, Shiranui Hanzo walked out of the room and spoke coldly.

"I heard that you are looking for me?"

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