Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 85: Shiranui Hanzo's ruthlessness

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A shrill scream rang out, and Mochizuki's horns were hit from the back by a fireball. Not only was his move forcibly interrupted, but his body was also directly set on fire.

And before he could fly backwards, Shiranui Hanzo, who quickly broke off his special move, jumped up with a fierce expression.

The next second! His body rotated at high speed and turned into a hot wheel! Roll up a lot of fire! Just like that, he hit the body with the two horns of Wang Yue below hard again!

A surefire move! Dance of the Phoenix!

Two consecutive B-level skills bombing! Directly inflict severe damage to both corners of Mochizuki!

Just now, while taking advantage of Mochizuki's twin horns to duel with Qin Ming, Shiranui Hanzo sneaked behind Mochizuki's twin horns and launched a sneak attack without hesitation.

And this sneak attack! Every move is a killing move!

With a bang, Wang Yue's horns, whose body was severely burned, fell straight to the ground, and his body was like black coal.

Before he could struggle to get up, Shiranui Hanzo, who did not choose to stop attacking, but continued to rush towards him, had already activated his skill again!

First, Huadie started to fan her hands! Then the regular version of Ninja Bee picks up!

Shiranui Hanzo at this moment! It’s clear that he wants to kill Wangyue Shuangjiao! He didn't even follow the rules of a fighter in this world!

However, his two combos failed to hit Mochizuki's double-horned body as expected, because a Mochizuki disciple next to him finally arrived at this moment and blocked his head brother without hesitation.

With a loud noise, the two collided together, and the famous Wangyue Sect disciple was almost ignited by the fire on the spot! The whole person was blown away!

When he landed on the ground, the tin stick fell out of his hand and he was completely dead!

"Protect senior brother!"

Looking at the junior brother who was beaten to death on the spot, and then at the leader who was so injured that he couldn't get up, the other Wangyue Sect disciples' eyes were filled with tears and they all rushed towards this side.

Although there are not many people in Moon Moon Sect, they are very united. At this moment, facing a desperate situation, no one chooses to back down.

But as they watched them rush forward, people from the Shiranui Gym began to follow suit.

Qin Ming took the lead, and with a flick of his hand, he used the sonic hand knife! Hit the body of a Wangyue Sect disciple!

Mai Shiranui jumped up! A water bird technique kicked another Mochizuki disciple!

As for the others... there are no others.

The disciples who usually come to practice martial arts don't come forward at all. After all, they spend money to practice martial arts and strengthen their bodies, not to risk their lives.

Mary was not from the Shiranui Gym, and she had no reason to take action. Her dog wanted to come up, but she hugged it.

As for Andy on the side...

Seeing that his master actually carried out a sneak attack, the boy's face became straight and he crossed his arms and did not choose to step forward to join the battle.

The only ones who really took action were Qin Ming and Mai Shiranui. One did it because he wanted to take advantage of the boss, and the other did it because his grandfather had already done it. Don't worry about whether what his grandfather did was right or wrong, and whether he followed the rules of the world.

Now that the two sides are completely fighting, there is no way she will not help! Just watch your grandpa being beaten by a group of people!

As the two masters entered the scene, the Mochizuki Sect disciples who had been unable to defeat Shiranui Hanzo suddenly became even more unable to defeat them.

The screams continued one after another, and one disciple fell down one after another.

Luckily for Mai Shiranui, this woman didn't kill her, at most she just made her lose her fighting ability.

But Shiranui Hanzo and Qin Ming are different! These two things are ruthless! That is simply fearing that people will not die! Get straight to the point with all your moves!

Just when the scene fell into chaos, the seriously injured Wangyue Shuangjiao finally struggled to get up.

As soon as he raised his head, what he saw was the scene of his junior brothers being slaughtered, which made him dizzy for a moment.

I want to help, but my body doesn't obey me at all.

When the junior brothers saw him finally getting up, they desperately dragged Shiranui Hanzo and Qin Ming away, shouting while blocking him.

"Brother! Let's go! Let's go quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Ming pinched the neck of the Wangyue Sect disciple who shouted.

With the big bite, his body began to shrink rapidly, and he, who was already severely injured, was sucked to death directly!

Skill! Absorb the essence!

Looking at the tragic death of his junior brother and the other people around him who could no longer bear it, Wang Yue couldn't help but scream with his horns, and directly exploded all the telekinesis power in his body.

A huge ghost figure appeared and grabbed him. While protecting him with ghost energy, it shook him and threw him into the sky with all his strength.

The secret of Mochizuki-ryu! No bombs!

"Want to run? Where to go!"

Shiranui Hanzo, who noticed this scene, roared angrily, raised his hand and threw a butterfly fan.

However, this move of Flower Butterfly Fan was forcibly blocked by a Wangyue disciple who jumped up with his body.

However, although this move was blocked, the sonic hand knife on the other side rose into the air very quickly and accurately struck Mochizuki's double horns in mid-air.

With a scream, blood splashed down from the air, followed by a severed arm.

But that was all. The two horns that were hit did not stop their skills and disappeared into the sky under a burst of black mist.

Seeing this, Qin Ming, who threw out a sound-speed hand knife but failed to kill the opponent, gritted his teeth and glared at the Moon-Watching Sect disciples around him who did not allow him to accumulate power. Suddenly, flames wrapped around his arms, and he rushed towards them with a roar.

"You are looking for death!"

The sound of fighting continued, and it finally stopped after a few minutes.

Except for the leader Moon-Watching Shuangjiao who barely escaped, all the other Moon-Watching Sect disciples who came to ask for an explanation fell in the Shiranui dojo.

The corpses spread all over the ground, and the Shiranui disciples around them widened their eyes in horror, and covered their mouths with their hands.

They never expected that this would actually cause a death...

Half an hour later, inside the dojo, Shiranui Hanzo, who had changed his clothes, knelt on the tatami with an expressionless face, and his expression was very serious.

At this moment, the door of the room next to him suddenly opened, and Shiranui Mai walked in from outside with a helpless look on her face.

After seeing her grandfather, her face instantly became angry. She stepped heavily and stomped on the ground, approaching quickly.

"Grandpa! What do you think we should do now?"

Hearing this question, Shiranui Hanzo still had no expression on his face.

"Haven't I already informed the nearby police station? Don't worry, they won't care about the internal fighting among fighters, even if someone is killed."

"I'm not talking about this! I'm talking about our gym! Now many disciples are dropping out! We can't stop them! What do you think we should do!"

"Huh? Drop out?"

"Yes! You sneak attacked without following the rules! And you killed people directly! Your reputation has been completely ruined! How could they still be willing to learn martial arts here!"

With a flushed face, Shiranui Mai was very emotional at the moment.

"Disciples now say that our Shiranui school has no martial ethics and is not a fighter at all!"

"We are not fighters, ninjas have always fought like this."

"But the times have changed! Where are the regular ninjas? They attack by surprise and kill each other, how can I open a gym like this!"

She sat down beside him, no longer caring about her ladylike demeanor.

Shiranui Mai, who sat cross-legged on the ground, folded her arms across her chest, puffed up her face and almost became angry like a pufferfish.

Seeing her, Shiranui Hanzo smiled, and it was obvious that he was in a very good mood.

"What do you mean by how can I let you open a gym? Didn't you just attack me?"

"That's because you were being... Oh, that's different. I was very measured! Not like you! And that biting guy! That guy is simply an executioner! Not only does he kill people! He also finishes off the others! Those I didn't kill had already lost their fighting ability! He still killed them! And he shot them with a gun! What kind of fighter is he!"

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