Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 87 Dark Cry

Just when Qin Ming was fusing his equipment, a figure was staggering forward in the woods far away from the Shiranui Gym.

And he was the escaped Moon-Moon Twin Horns.

Covering his broken arm with one hand, he tried desperately to stop the bleeding with his inner power. The extremely embarrassed Moon-Moon Twin Horns was already staggering when he walked.

After walking a distance, with his legs softening, he suddenly knelt on the ground and burst into tears.

No more! Nothing!

The master is gone! All the junior brothers are dead! Everything he has worked hard for over the years has been destroyed! He is the only one left in the Moon-Moon Gate again!

How should he explain to his master after his death! How should he face his master!

The scarred Moon-Moon Twin Horns cried bitterly, hammering the ground with his remaining arm, and screaming loudly while beating.

"Shiranui! Shiranui!!!"

Just as he was roaring, a subtle voice suddenly reached his ears.

Hearing the noise, Mochizuki Shuangjiao's pupils shrank, and he chose to use his skills without even thinking.

With the burst of telekinesis, a phantom of him emerged from behind and instantly rushed to the direction where the sound came from.

He almost died in the Shiranui Gym, and now he has become a frightened bird. At this time, he mistakenly thought that someone from the Shiranui Gym was chasing him.

But this person is not from Shiranui. Of course, Mochizuki Shuangjiao is not overreacting now.

Because! The strength of the person is also very strong!

Facing the phantom that is coming at a high speed, the person who came out of the woods suddenly snorted coldly.

The next second, with his legs kicking the ground, this guy disappeared strangely on the spot!

The phantom hit the tree hard! It directly smashed several cracks in the tree!

The person who disappeared in an instant appeared in the next second, and appeared in front of Mochizuki Shuangjiao face to face.

Before the wounded Wangyue Shuangjiao could open his eyes in surprise, he was grabbed by the neck and lifted up.

Wangyue Shuangjiao, who felt difficulty breathing, was about to fight back, but he never thought that a gust of wind had appeared out of thin air and began to rotate around him at high speed! The airflow instantly cut him and made him scream!

C-level skill! Dark Cry!

Wangyue Shuangjiao's body was instantly scraped and bleeding, and the next second he was thrown out by the comer with force, and his body rolled to the ground.

Before he struggled to stand up, the comer in front of him disappeared again strangely, leaving only a stream of air in the original place.

B-level skill! Ice River!

The handsome man in priest clothes came to Wangyue Shuangjiao at a speed that was almost like teleportation, and raised his hand with a fierce expression and was ready to grab him.

But before he could kill, a loud shout suddenly came from the side.

"Feng! Stop fooling around! He is still useful!"

Hearing this, the man named Feng frowned and silently retracted his arm.

Watching Wangyue Shuangjiao rolling out of his attack range, he couldn't help but snorted coldly with his hands on his chest.

At the same time, a man and a woman quickly walked out from behind him. The man was burly and the woman was graceful.

The three stood in a row, looking at Wangyue Shuangjiao expressionlessly. After looking at him, the woman with a black cloth on her eyes suddenly smiled and spoke.

"Sir, you should be Wangyue Shuangjiao, the one who has a feud with the Shiranui clan. Can I ask you a question?"

Witnessing this, Wangyue Shuangjiao slowly stood up while covering his wound. After looking at the man with strange moves next to him with fear, he suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

"I wonder who you are? Are you the helpers invited by the Shiranui lineage?"

"Sir, please make it clear. Now we are asking you questions. Please answer our questions first, and then we will answer yours."


"Excuse me, sir, have you seen this person?"

The woman took out a photo from her arms happily and shook it slightly towards Mochizuki Shuangjiao.

Looking at the short-haired beauty in the photo holding a Dalmatian with a faint smile on her face, Mochizuki Shuangjiao frowned and shook her head slightly.

"No impression."

The blindfolded woman frowned after receiving the response, and couldn't help but whispered, and then quickly took out another photo.

"There is no reason. According to the talent skills, she should be in the Shiranui gym... What about him? Have you seen this man?"

As the photo was shown, the pupils of Mochizuki Shuangjiao on the opposite side suddenly contracted, and a fierce expression appeared on his face.

"It's him! Of course I recognize him! Even if he turns to ash! I still recognize him! It's him who made me like this! He actually pretended to fight me! Let that old man Shiranui Hanzo take the opportunity to attack me! Bastard!"

The woman's mouth curled up after getting the answer, and she quickly put away the photo of Qin Ming in her hand, and turned her head to look at her two companions... Although she couldn't see anyone at all with her eyes covered with black cloth.

Putting away the photo, with her hands behind her back, the woman suddenly spoke happily.

"To be honest, Mr. Mochizuki Shuangjiao, we have a grudge against these two guys, and we are here to hunt them down."

"Hunting down? A grudge?"

"Yes, they killed our people, a full six companions! Although they are just a group of newcomers, they have good potential, but they are gone."

Shaking her head and sighing, the woman shrugged slightly.

"We can't just let this go, right? Our companions are dead, and we have to get revenge after all. Otherwise, how can we explain to the organization? So we came here to kill. It just so happens that Mr. Mochizuki has a grudge against the Shiranui sect, and our enemies happen to be there, so why don't we cooperate? Let's demolish the Shiranui gym together!"

The woman's words made Mochizuki Shuangjiao stunned. He looked down at his broken arm and suddenly smiled bitterly.

"I've been beaten like this, how can I have the ability to take revenge?"

"Oh? Don't you have a secret treasure in the Mochizuki sect? After using it, you can merge with ghosts and monsters to gain powerful strength. How can you not take revenge?"

"What? How do you know this!"

Hearing the woman's curious question, Mochizuki Shuangjiao's face suddenly showed a look of astonishment, and quickly raised his hand to get ready.

And seeing his defensive look, the woman shook her head slightly and spoke to comfort him.

"Don't worry, your secret treasure has too many side effects. If it's not our goal, we won't steal it."

"But you!"

"We have our own sources of intelligence. This has nothing to do with you, sir. We just want to ask, do you want to cooperate in revenge? If not, we will leave after killing the target. You won't have a chance to take revenge then!"

The woman's smiling words fell again. Hearing this, Wangyue Shuangjiao's expression was gloomy.

After a long time, he suddenly raised his head and spoke harshly.

"Although I don't know why you want to help me, it doesn't matter now! Cooperation is fine! But you have to protect me first! Let me merge with ghosts and gods!"

"No problem!"

"What are your names?"

"This young master is called Feng, the big man next to him is called Tu, and me, you can call me Eye."

The woman smiled brightly after gently tapping the black cloth on her face.

"No one can escape my eyes, no one."

Ahem, brothers, my book is also going to be on the shelves! Congratulations! Coca-Cola!

I wish you all a happy reading!

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