Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 93 Countermeasure Plan

"Hey, Andy, why did you suddenly remember to call me? What? No money again?"

A cheerful voice came from the phone. Hearing this voice, Andy, who had been tense, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, do you have time? Please come over, the sooner the better!"

"Huh? What's wrong? What happened?"

"Some masters killed my master, injured Xiao Wu and me, and escaped. They are very strong. I'm afraid we are not opponents in our current state. I can only ask you to help."

"Killed Shiranui Hanzo?!"

Terry, the protagonist of the Fatal Fury world on the other end of the phone, and Andy's eldest brother, quickly showed a serious look on his face when he heard this.

After all, he had sparred with Shiranui Hanzo before and knew the strength of this old man very well.

This is not someone who can be easily provoked. The one who can kill him is indeed not someone Andy can fight against.

"Hide immediately! Wait for me!"

"Hide? I want to hide, but the problem is that Xiao Wu is determined to fight to the death with the other party and won't leave at all!"

"Then persuade her! Isn't this just asking for death!"

"I tried! Persuading doesn't work!"

"…………Wait! I'll rush back immediately! As fast as possible!"

"Got it, I'll pick you up, and I must be quick."

Putting down the phone, looking at the scenery on both sides of the car that was passing by at high speed, Andy sighed violently, and then a firm look appeared on his face.

Based on the current state of him and Mai Shiranui, they would definitely not be able to beat the enemy, so he could only gamble, betting that the enemy was seriously injured.

It takes time to recover from injuries, and since there is time, his brother can come immediately.

As long as Terry arrives! Then everything will be fine!

Looking out the window, Andy, who was riding in the car towards the station, muttered to himself.

"Wu, wait, don't do anything stupid..."

Just when Andy went out to ask for help, Mai Shiranui, who had adjusted her mentality, stood up in the Shiranui Dojo.

She tied up the killing stone, which symbolized the status of the clan leader, and hung it around her neck. She was obviously much more mature. Mai Shiranui, with sharp eyes, stepped out of the room and planned to make preparations for the war.

But she had just opened the door when she heard a quarrel.

A moment later, under her stunned gaze, the door on the side was also opened, and two figures walked out.

And these two guys were Qin Ming and Mary.

Now the two were arguing, and the quarrel was very intense, and their faces were red.

"Leave quickly! You have nothing to do here!"

"Nonsense! They were attracted by the enemies on the plane! How can you say it's none of my business! Besides, I owe you a life! I can't just watch you get beaten to death!"

"What do you mean I'll get beaten to death? Who will die is still unknown! I stayed because I'm Hanzo Shiranui's apprentice! Who are you? Why are you playing with your life for no reason? Get out of here!"

"I won't! You have no right to tell me what to do! I'll leave if I want to! No one can drive me away if I don't want to!"

"You've been beaten lame! What are you still showing off!"

"You're the one who's lame! I just sprained my foot! It'll heal right away!"

Amid the quarrel, the two guys quarreled more and more fiercely, and in the end, Mary, who was limping, even reached out and touched Qin Ming's chest, pressing forward while talking, and touching him to retreat again and again.

Seeing this scene, Mai Shiranui was stunned.

"You didn't leave?"

Hearing this question, Mary turned her head and looked over here, folded her hands on her chest and snorted coldly, and turned her head away suddenly.

"Do you think I don't want to leave? A fool who has just been someone else's apprentice for a day doesn't want to leave, and must avenge his master. What can I do?"


Hearing this, Mai Shiranui looked at Qin Ming with a look of surprise. Qin Ming also turned his head to look at her and raised his eyebrows.

"The old man taught me a trick. I can't just leave him like this, and I also led the enemy here. I have to take responsibility."


"No buts, whether I am willing to leave or not, you have no right to control."

After saying it unhappily, Qin Ming sat down on the ground next to him with a stern face.

He chose to stay and continue to fight with the three guys. Wanting to avenge Shiranui Hanzo was one reason, but the bigger reason was because he knew that the other party should have some reconnaissance means to lock him.

So he couldn't escape, and running away alone would only die faster.

In this case, it is better to wait and fight the enemy. At least here there are two plot characters from the Shiranui Gym to help.

Looking at Qin Ming's stern face, Shiranui Mai, wearing a white dress, sat down next to him silently, hugged her knees and remained silent for two seconds, and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Thank you."

"I didn't help you."

"Thank you too, you are the only disciple willing to stay and avenge my grandfather."

"Because I have a low IQ."

"Can you talk to me properly!"

"You looked down on me first! You never gave me a good face! And you are still blaming me... huh?!"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Ming was suddenly stunned.

Because he found that Shiranui Mai, whose favorability towards him had reached -190, had risen to +355 at this moment, directly advancing to the level of friends.

This made him a little difficult to adapt to for a while, and he couldn't help but look at Mai Shiranui with a strange look.

Then he seemed to suddenly react to something, and quickly turned his head to look around.

"Where is Andy?"

Hearing this, Mai Shiranui's expression froze and turned his head suddenly.

"He ran away."

"He ran away? Tsk! The pretty boy is unreliable!"

Hearing that one of the expected helpers was missing, Qin Ming gritted his teeth.

Hearing his words, Mai Shiranui nodded vigorously.

"Yes! The pretty boy is unreliable!"

"Well, since Andy is not here, let's discuss how to fight the enemy. I remind you that their recovery speed will definitely be very fast. Maybe they will come back with a complete victory in a while. Although I also have a trump card, I can't guarantee whether it will work, so I can only gamble on life and death."

After Qin Ming finished speaking, Mai Shiranui immediately turned her head to look at him with a serious look on her face.

"Okay, tell me, how should we deal with them?"

"Among the three people, the woman who appeared last doesn't seem to be good at fighting, so she shouldn't appear. That means there are actually only two enemies. The big guy is very slow, but has a very high burst, and is good at throwing. He can restrain me, but not you, so you have to restrain him! Remember! Just restrain! Not a fight to the death! You must not fight him in close combat!"

"Understood! Then what?"

"Then I will fight the fast-running guy. He doesn't know my situation. I have a chance to sneak up on him. As long as I can hit him! My winning rate can be at least 70%! After I get rid of him! I will come to help you!"

"Oh, this tactic is really good. It is indeed a good idea to defeat them one by one, but what about me? What should I be responsible for?"

"Ah? Oh, Mary, you are responsible... Hey, why haven't you left yet, woman!"

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