Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 95 A life-and-death battle

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng kicked the wall with his legs and shot towards Qin Ming at high speed.

He used his skills to dodge two small sonic hand knives, roared and kicked Qin Ming in the face, kicking Qin Ming out, and quickly landed to chase him.

Although the space in this alley is narrow, the height is extremely high, so it also gives him a lot of room to maneuver.

Using the wall as a cover, he jumped around quickly and gave Qin Ming several more moves in a blink of an eye, but Qin Ming still failed to hit him once.

Seeing this situation, Qin Ming, who had no choice, finally revealed his trump card.

He took out a revolver and fired instantly into the air. With a roar, three figures, one fat and two thin, rushed from the entrance of the alley.

Equipment skills! The majesty of the boss!

Hearing the gunshots and seeing this scene, Feng couldn't help but be stunned, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Tehuen's pistol? What a good piece of equipment! No wonder you are so strong! It turns out you are lucky!"

As he spoke, he flipped his body up and dodged the fat man's charge. After landing, he grabbed a boxing thug's head and performed Dark Cry on the spot.

With the appearance of a tornado, the boxing thug who was caught was torn to pieces by the airflow!

Feng, who could kill one person with one move, suddenly turned his head and grinned at Qin Ming, his face splashed with blood, and he looked extremely fierce at the moment.

"It's a pity that it's useless to me! This kind of stuff! Even if you summon a hundred of them, you can't do anything to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, his figure rushed out again, directly in front of another boxing thug, and tore his throat with one claw.

The boxing thug who covered his throat fell on the spot and was killed instantly, without any room for struggle.

After all, even Qin Ming couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed and couldn't react to the opponent's attack. With just two small fish in the first act, how could they be the opponent of the enemy?

The only one who could struggle was the elite monster, the fat man, but he struggled in vain.

The fat man who took three moves was torn apart and died on the spot.

The three summoned brothers died on the spot in less than 20 seconds.

Feng, who killed the three people, also landed quickly and looked up at Qin Ming with a grin.

Seeing that he was standing there with nothing to do, Feng suddenly shook his head and spread his hands slightly.

"It seems that the game is over. Is this all you have? If that's all, then... go to hell!"

Roaring! Raising his arms high above his head!

With dazzling flashes of blood! A long blood-colored trail behind Feng's body! Rushing towards Qin Ming at high speed!

"Really! Eight Little Girls!"

A-level skill! Another terrifying A-level skill!

With flashes of blood! Feng rushed to him at a speed that Qin Ming couldn't react to at all! He started a bloody tear in an instant!

The familiar six-claw cut! Then he pierced his chest with both hands!

With a wild laugh, the extinct wind burst out again, suppressing Qin Ming again!

But this time...

"Wait for you!"

Just as Feng waved his hands and frantically cut the flesh and blood on Qin Ming's chest, Qin Ming, whose body was covered with blood, suddenly roared.

With a flash of red light in his eyes! This guy actually resisted the attack! He grabbed the enemy's face with one hand! Then!


The bloody mouth suddenly bit out, completely ignoring the enemy's series of attacks. Instead of retreating, Qin Ming chose to take the initiative to meet it and bit Feng's ear!

B-level skill! Essence absorption! Activate!

Qin Ming has two tricks, one is the sonic hand knife, and the other is this essence absorption.

The former had been seen by the enemy in the previous fight, so he was prepared.

But the latter was different. Facing the extremely fast wind before, Qin Ming had no chance to attack him, so naturally he had no time to launch this move.

And now! This move has become Qin Ming's last trump card!

Qin Ming bit on the ear! The teeth directly tore the flesh and blood! Begin to close with force!

Feng, who was bitten, only felt a sharp pain in his ear and couldn't help screaming. Then he was horrified to find that his attributes were being greatly weakened!

Strength is weakening! Physical fitness is weakening! Mentality is weakening! The most important thing is! Agility, which is the most important to him! Is also being weakened!

And all his attributes are weakening! Qin Ming's values ​​are increasing!

With the absorption of attributes, Qin Ming, whose strength and physical fitness almost reached the critical point of the first stage, that is, 40 points, made a click in his mouth as he exerted force in his mouth.

Then came Feng's crazy scream.

Because his right ear! Was bitten off by Qin Ming directly!

With blood flowing from his mouth and his body suddenly increasing in size, Qin Ming used his body to take a set of blows from the opponent's eight young girls. Even though his body was already covered in blood, he still held the opponent's neck tightly.

The thick arms were like iron pliers, and no matter how Feng attacked, they did not waver at all.

With blood flowing from his mouth and light flashing in his eyes, Qin Ming finally spoke as he looked at Feng, who was in pain on the opposite side.

"Who gave you the courage! You're fighting me in close combat!"

One-handed power accumulation! Sonic hand knife!

Relying on his terrifying brute force, Qin Ming forcibly lifted the enemy into the air. The other arm was wrapped in flames, and there was a swirling airflow above. He just held the airflow and hammered it directly on Feng's chest!

But no one stipulated that the sonic hand knife must be thrown out! When necessary! It's the same to swing it with your fist!

With a buzzing sound, the high-speed rotating fiery wheel directly cut through Feng's clothes, tore his flesh and blood, and caused his chest to become bloody.

Seeing this scene, Feng wanted to escape, but the problem was that his displacement skill was high-speed movement, and now he was already caught by Qin Ming.

He couldn't break free! How could he escape!

Escape is invalid! Sonic hand knife!

Struggle is useless! Sonic hand knife!

Counterattack is irrelevant! Sonic hand knife!

No matter what means the enemy used, Qin Ming just ignored it and blasted up with a sonic hand knife, completely picking up the enemy and hammering him.

In the end, even when the opponent took out a shotgun and fired continuously at his face, he did not choose to dodge or defend.

Qin Ming, whose face was beaten to blood and even one eye was blinded, causing blood to flow out of his eye sockets, looked more and more ferocious at this moment, and his actions became more and more fierce.

The fist wrapped in airflow and flames hit the enemy again and again.

Head! Chest! Even crotch!

In just a blink of an eye! The two guys were already bloody! Completely turned into bloody people!

And after fighting for more than ten moves! This life-and-death duel finally took a turn for the better!

That is, after a moment of crazy fighting, Qin Ming's arm that was tightly grasping the enemy was broken by the opponent's special life-and-death attack!

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