Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 1: Safe return

In the small bar under the mountain, everyone gathered again.

Every time the mission returns, it will be the place of choice for the adventurers.

Indulge in the corner of the bar, leaning against the wall, sipping wine in one bite, the eyes in the eyes are gentle on the opposite side, and the face has a faint smile.

Gentle as if he didn't see him, he played with his whip.

Honglang was a little impatient: "I said that you are talking, gentle, what did you give him, so that this kid can laugh so embarrassed."

Gentlely whip the head of Honglang with a whiplash: "Is there too much fighting reel? Then you still have me."

When Hong Lang took the box, he refused to let go.

Just kidding? A fighting scroll can sell seven or eight thousand **** points on the market. This gentle scroll of nearly 10,000 **** points has been made into two, and he is almost dying.

In fact, in terms of actual value, there is only two thousand refinements for a single ability, and the corresponding refinement ability is only 1,500 points. It’s just that some accounts are not counted like this, and they have to be valued according to the market. The ability specialization scroll is not worth the money because it is bought, but the fighting specialization lifting reel is difficult to get because of everyone's needs, so the price is extremely high. In contrast, a lifting reel with a specialization of guns can only be replaced by a new one.

At this moment, I couldn’t help but ask: "How did you get these things?"

Gentle and sullen, he gave him a look: "When you last took the highest reward, you have never asked if you can split the reward?"

Everyone is a stay.

Until now, no one has ever thought about the issue of reward splitting.

Gentle, this is said: "Special rewards can be split. I am the first in the region, so in addition to getting double D-level bonuses, I also get a special extra bonus, which is C-level. I split all the rewards, Then it became three things in your hands..."

With the gentle statement, everyone gradually understood.

The double D-class charger in King Kong’s hands is the first extra bonus in the region. Additional rewards were originally given at random, C-level standard. But gentle but proposed to split all the rewards, and she chose.

The price of self-selection is that the highest award in the region is reduced to double D level. All rewards can only be selected in limited products, and no unlimited choice is available.

On the surface, gentleness is a disadvantage, but in fact she earns a lot.

She split the Eastern D-level bonus into two D-level rewards, and then converted a D-level reward into two fighting specialization scrolls, which together are exactly 3,000 blood points, but the market value far exceeds this number. Another D-level reward is the box for Shen Shen. Then the highest award in the area selects the dual D-class charger.

The so-called recharger is to recharge all the equipment and props that need to be recharged, including bulletproof props and sinking flying claws. This charger is an upgradeable item. The upgrade can increase its recharge frequency, and the promotion can increase its charge level, so it is quite practical. At present, they are not quite powerful rechargeable equipment or props, but in the future, this recharger will be of great value.

Gentleness is a very careful girl.

She is very clear that she is the most earned one in this mission. If you really want to swallow all the benefits, I am afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction for everyone.

Indulging in self-declining ranks is for the overall benefit of the team, not for personal gain. Although the advantage is that it falls on a gentleman's head, it is just a choice that cannot be further shared. It does not mean that I want to give her only one benefit.

In addition, in this mission, although everyone has gained, the harvest of each person is completely different.

The tenderness of this is the biggest gain.

In addition to the two urban high-level awards after completing the task, 12,000 points of blood, 2 points of skill points, in the course of the task also got a lot of equipment such as lover bracelets, samurai swords.

Even if she does not consider the reward after the completion of the task, she is the most rewarded in the task completion.

Shen Yu got the flying claws, black chasing orders, and smashing the bones.

King Kong only got the energy beads, but the Honglang did nothing. He didn't even learn the abilities because he was ranked 5th, and he was rated as ordinary, and the **** point rewarded 8,000 points. King Kong is ranked sixth, and **** points reward 7,000 points. The fat man is tenth, and the **** point rewards three thousand points.

The team fights, the most taboos are everyone's efforts, and the points are uneven.

Gentle in the police for many years, too aware that people need to respect each other's interests when they get along with each other.

Breaking people's money is like killing parents. If the tiller is uneven, it will be easy to guilty.

The distribution of harvests previously carried out in the mission is based on the needs of each individual. Whoever can play its most value, whoever uses it first, is intended for the task, but does not represent permanent ownership.

After all, a new interest distribution will be carried out afterwards.

This kind of friendship is very strange. If you can share the difficulties, you may not be able to share wealth and be rich, and you may not be able to share difficulties.

The city is rich and suffering. The four-person team has experienced two missions in adversity. Basically, they can be sure of each other, but they still need to undergo a test of wealth. After the World War II mission, everyone still carries out their own benefits. This time When teamed up, the benefits become blurred.

Unless it is the benefit of single-player combat, the benefits of the team's joint combat to kill the target, who can say it must be personal? For example, this gentleness has received such huge gains, but who can say that her contribution is greater than that of King Kong?

In fact, relative to King Kong, the gentle contribution is even smaller. If many of these benefits make her alone, who will be convinced by King Kong and Hong Lang?

Even if you are a beautiful woman, not a woman of mine, why should I make the benefits of giving up high to me?

The benefits of the first task are for you. The benefit of the mission is whether it should be given to us?

To be with others, only everyone will benefit each other. Otherwise, every time you die and die, the benefits are not. What is the significance of such a team?

Friendship can blur a small part of the benefits, but can not ignore everything. There are also clear accounts for the brothers, and there are private money between the husband and wife.

After the cooperation, the cooperation time is longer, the relationship is deeper, and the benefits that can be vague will naturally become larger. Gradually, it will develop to the unconditional trust of the comrades, and even die for the comrades.

So how to distribute benefits becomes a major test, especially if the team contract is already in place.

Therefore, she will make such a choice - it is much better than the dissatisfaction of Honglang King Kong and others.

Obviously, her performance has been appreciated by everyone.

After listening to the gentle process of how to split the reward, Shen Shen nodded: "You did a very beautiful job, I really didn't think the reward could be split."

Wisdom exists because of demand.

At the time of the last mission, Shen Wei had not formally formed a team with everyone, so there is no need to consider the boring problem of split rewards.

But this time, after taking into account the reward distribution, she took the initiative to ask whether she could split the reward. She got an exciting positive answer.

At this moment, I heard Shen Shen say so, a gentle and proud mouth: "Well, don't sell it, just take the one that was given to you and show it to everyone. You didn't see Honglang dying."

"I just want to rush him." Shen Xiao smiled.

He opened the box on his hand.


Presented in front of everyone are eight peculiar bullet boxes and a bullet belt.

2 boxes of D-class armor-piercing projectiles. The bullet has a damage of 35 points, ignoring the defense effect. Bloody point value is 3 points / hair. The magazine has a capacity of 100 rounds.

D-class fire bomb 2 boxes. The bullet has a damage of 12 points and a damage of 5 points per second. The duration is 5 seconds. The effect can be superimposed 3 times. After fire with a fire attribute gun, the damage of the flame is 10 points, the duration is +3, and the effect priority is +5.

2 boxes of D-class medical bombs. After hitting the target, the target vitality is restored at 7 o'clock per second for 10 seconds. It is effective for any damage, and is not affected by the interrupt effect. The bullet effect can be superimposed once. It can be superimposed with the skill type medical technique. Single. The priority is 15, and the magazine capacity is 100 rounds.

D-class bullet 2 boxes. The bullet has 12 damage. After hitting the target, draw 2 mental powers to the user. Premise: The goal must have mental strength. Each target can only be used once for five minutes. The magazine has a capacity of 100 rounds.

Finally, the bullet belt lying across the box.

Fast switch bullet belt, can be used to accommodate up to 5 kinds of magazines, 10 boxes of magazine capacity, with the ability to quickly switch magazines, suitable for any gun, no level limit, control mode 1 voice control 2 manual control.

Everyone is stunned.

There are no special bullets, each worth 1.5, but this is only 1.5 medical bullets and smoke bombs, which is almost an important pillar for their mission.

The eight bullet boxes in front of us, a total of eight hundred special bullets, all of which are D-class, mean what everyone knows.

Armor-piercing bullets ignore defense and deal 35 damage every time. Honglang counted a bit and beat himself with the current expert-level gunmanship expertise. His 20-point physique can kill himself with just six shots. Even if the damage between the adventurers is weakened, it is only a matter of two or three shots. Thinking of this, he could not help but stunned.

Needless to say, the fire bombs, although Jardine Bonnet is gentle killing, but the real fatal damage is the fire bomb effect of the indulging spirit gun. It is a pity that in the final battle, there were more than 30 bullets left in the infested fire, but they did not have time to use them, and they disappeared in the return.

This gentleness made him a full two boxes.

The D-class medical bullets have been upgraded from the original 3-point recovery ability to 7 points per second, and the priority has also been improved. Unfortunately, the priority of the indulgent after being marked by the lover is invalid, and it is invalid for the bullet type.

But the most surprising thing is the bullet, which can absorb the mental power of the target. Although each target can only be absorbed by 2 points in five minutes, for those who use the bullet, this means that the release skills are much looser.

No spirit? That's easy to do, aiming at the target is a shot at 2 o'clock.

Finally, the special-purpose bullet belt can quickly switch all the cartridges. When I used to use the new pistol, I had to sway between the smoke bomb and the medical bomb, in exchange for his great hatred, this time it would not be so troublesome.

A shotgun is enough to solve all problems.

At this moment, gentle said: "This bullet belt is a small capacity I originally wanted a large capacity, but to get eight boxes of special bullets is equivalent to 2400 points of reward value. I only have 600 left. Point D bonus, I can only choose this value of 500 points. I would like to have another 100 points, but it does not have the price of the choice, the city does not allow me to buy zero bullets. ...the result is only changed to 2900 points of rewards, black heart city, eat my 100 points reward..."

"..." Everyone is speechless.

Shen Xiao smiled and said: "Which thing is here, sell it in the market, and you have to grab it after you add a zero. If you complain about the city again, maybe it is angry, it is not appropriate to take things back."

Gentle one tongue, smile no longer speak.


Starting from today, I will be a 3K party. Basically, it is about 3,000 to 4,000 words per chapter. It is mainly related to mobile phone reading. I can’t tell you the specifics. Honestly, I don't like this at all. I don't count the number of words in my writing, just look at the content. This time, a lot of broken chapters, there are many coherent places forced to disconnect, my heart is very uncomfortable, even when I write, I don’t adapt. When I write, I write a concept: this story is not written again. Run out four thousand words? But if you don't write it, what should I do if the existing content is less than 3,000 words?

Then I feel that I can't write, and the state is gone.

Very depressed, very annoying, and later evolved into the whole content that I could not write four thousand to five thousand words.

After thinking about it, I still have to write how to write it. If I can't write it, I will divide it. I will try my best to adapt to the new creative needs. Let everyone adapt.

However, because of the relationship of the 3K Party, there will certainly be many opportunities for doubles in the future. From the update scene, it is a lot better.

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