Infinity Armament

Vol 16 Chapter 107: miss

When Lin Bai woke up from a coma, everything became completely different. m (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.) He has accepted the human civilization for thousands of years, and now he has the richest knowledge heritage in the world. [In the room, silently search for the instilled in mind. Something, Lin Bai finally understood all sources. He would not feel degraded for his own bizarre life. On the contrary, Lin Bai now has a sense of pride that he can't tell his blood. The long and glory of the Chinese civilization, the greatness and depth of modern civilization and technology, let him deeply immersed in it.

Of course, as the genetic warrior Lin Bai, accepting more of the ability to fight, a peculiar and cultivating method for his body has made Lin Bai a great interest. It is known from the data that this special practice method is a combination of Professor Lin Zijian's "martial arts" in the traditional Chinese tradition and a sectarian cultivation called "Taojia", combined with the analysis of science and technology. The cultivation method is different from Lin Bai's other cultivation methods in the world. It is a kind of dynamic and static combination, which can explode powerful ability from inside to outside.

In the junior military school, Lin Bai also learned the use of vindictiveness. If the modern people's vindictiveness is strong, it is also powerful. Just like Qiu, his genius finally reached a high level under the guidance of this Heath. Unfortunately, Lin Bai could not go any further because of his physical structure. If it wasn’t for Alice’s meditation, he would not care. If the potential of the chip is stimulated, the current Lin Bai is simply weak.

Now, Lin Bai has this strange method of cultivation. From the data point of view, he is no less than any modern skill, and can even be said to be stronger than any other skill. More importantly, this method is still created for Lin Bai. From entry to cultivation to exhibition, it is completely capable to let Lin Bai exert his full potential.

Lin Bai, who got the cultivation method, was somewhat ecstatic. After sorting out all the information about it in my mind, I immediately tried to learn. Because he has long stimulated the potential of the body through meditation. So I quickly entered the realm, sitting in the middle of the room, carefully moving the small universe that had begun to take shape, following the route guided by the law.

It started to be very difficult, and then gradually accelerated the progress. At last, when Lin Bai broke through the barrier, the seven stars in the body were suddenly gathered together by Lin Bai. A dazzling white light instantly lit up. The seven stars collide with each other and condense into a huge star, slowly and calmly rotating in the center of their own small universe. */.//* The power of a stockpile is centered on it, flowing along the veins of Lin Bai. Every time it flows, it brings endless power to Lin Bai. It is like it will not dry up. Source c is changing the ability of Lin Bai.

Lin Bai felt the wonderful feeling that it brought to himself. He stood up and stretched his limbs as if he felt that he had inexhaustible power.

"This is Nedan? It's a strange thing..." Although he didn't close his eyes and didn't enter meditation, Lin Bai could still clearly feel that the small "star" slowly turned in his own Dantian area. .

From the practice, he knows its name. But he still has some strange people how to produce such incredible things? This mysterious and mysterious change, he can not explain it with any accepted knowledge, but he really exists after all, and was also cultivated by Lin Bai.

Neydan is also known as Jindan. In the Taoist legend, as long as the inner Dan is 10%, it is half a fairy. Professor Lin Zijian has other explanations. He wrote in the legacy information that after his analysis, Nei Dan is only a medium for human potential to stimulate. It is not the source of strength. But it is an indispensable thing. In order to fully excite the hidden ability of the human body, it is possible to control everything around the body. It is necessary to cultivate Nedan and use it as a medium to change the body. This is the most important step in cultivation.

Now Lin Baixiu became a Neidan, that is to say, he also reached the foundation of the real cultivation of the next step. Various types and different genres of moves flashed through his mind quickly, and a series of moves from his hands. Flying over, this kind of trick is not gorgeous, but it is practical and changeable. In the empty room, Lin Bai changes his moves as he likes. As time goes by, the more he runs, the more he becomes more skilled, the more excited he is, the more he gets excited. He also pulled out the silver sword with only the hilt, and shouted in his mouth, and a substantial sword light lit up from his hand.

In a completely different way, the sword method was used in the hands of Lin Bai. This is not the kind of rapid and elegant before, but it has a majestic atmosphere and majestic momentum. A trick came out, and when the swordsmanship was criss-crossing, Lin Bai stepped on a strange footsteps with a smile, as if the world had mastered his hands, and everything would be defeated under his sword.

"Good swordsmanship!" When Lin Bai took the sword and stood up, looking at the usual hilt in his hand, a voice of admiration sounded with applause.

"Thank you... Father." Lin Bai didn't have to look at it, he knew that the person who made this voice was a brain. Lin Bai, who has absorbed all the information, fully understands the identity of the brain. Although the other party is only a computer system with intelligence, but because it has been integrated with Professor Lin Zijian's thoughts, Lin Bai called it a father, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Children, Professor Lin left everything, now I have given you everything, the next route you go, go, stay, or how, you can choose your own future. Of course, if you If you want to live here well, how long it will take to stay, this is your home!" Zhinao smiled and looked at Lin Bai, whispered.

"I want to leave." This question has already been considered in Lin Bai's brain. When Zhinao asked this, Lin Bai replied without hesitation.

"Leave? Can you tell me the reason?" Zhinao asked curiously.

"Outside, my friend needs me!" Lin Bai looked up and smiled. His eyes ran down the roof and crossed the thick stone, as if he had returned to the outside world.

"Go! My child. You can find your own happiness and meaning of life. Don't forget, continue the Huaxia vein, if you feel tired, come back to accompany me. Long years! One person... also Very lonely."

"I will! I will be back!" The brain can be said to be immortal, as long as the base is still one day, it will last forever. But as a thoughtful system, the long days did have an indescribable loneliness. Lin Bai understood its mood and nodded.

Different from when I came in, Lin Bai has completely mastered everything in the base. When he bid farewell to the brain, he changed his suit to prepare the clothes for him, and followed the passage to the exit.

Now he knows that the thing he came in from outside is not a small house, but a direct high-speed elevator. The door of the elevator was opened with an identification chip, and the elevator automatically started up after Lin Bai walked in, and took him to the ground and quickly ascended. Not long after, after a slight shock, when the elevator door opened again, Lin Bai had returned to the original world.

Below the base, Lin Bai spent a total of nearly a month before and after. When he returned to the ground, it was early morning. The dewy grass exudes a fresh breath that floats in the air, gently swaying with the breeze in the valley.

Breathing in the fresh air deeply, Lin Bai distinguishes the direction in which he is in the place where Mullak gave him a map, and it was the place where his father and Mulak got to himself. The map was not lost, and it was still hidden. After taking a look, Lin Bai walked out along the road depicted on the map. One day later, he walked out of the mountains. When he came to the plains, he did not choose to return to the road of the emperor, but instead came to a road. A small road in a remote town.

Lin Bai knew that he had disappeared for so much time, and he had already left in the Imperial City. With his understanding of the Olympics, now he is not madly looking for his whereabouts, is to go first and join Alice, discuss the way to go.

These two possibilities, Lin Bai still think the latter is bigger. Qio is not a savage person. After analysis, he will definitely take the second possibility. Therefore, Lin Bai did not hesitate and set foot on the road to Alice’s hiding in a small town. As long as they can find them, Lin Bai does not care about Rhodes' life and death. He has already become Neydan, although he still has some concerns in the face of the terrible By the kind of alertness of the Imperial Palace, the current Lin Bai can not be stopped. As long as he thought, he rushed into the palace anytime and anywhere, bringing Rhodes's head back to Alice.

"Qiao, Alice! I will surprise you!" Thinking of good friends, Lin Bai's mouth could not help but reveal a smile, he was guessing what kind of expression they would have when they told everyone about everything. . Maybe it’s horror, maybe it’s confused, maybe it’s a dull, or even shaking his head? Lin Bai is very much looking forward to their expression, because he wants to share everything he has with them and tell them their biggest secret.

However, Lin Bai did not expect that when he rushed to Alice to hide in a small town, Qio and Alice had left. Because Lin Bai’s disappearance was too long, they were more and more anxious to wait for them to continue, and even began to doubt whether Lin Bai was still alive.

In addition, Rhodes’ status in the empire has become more and more stable with the increase of his military’s control. ← The emperor’s area has been completely controlled by him, and Rhodes has also received rumors spread by Basra and others. Targeted action. In this case, Qio and Alice could no longer stay, and they decided to rush to the Imperial City immediately after consultation. On the one hand, it was to find the answer for Lin Bai’s disappearance. On the other hand, it was to prevent Rhodes. However, all this happened without Lin Zhi. In this way, when Lin Bai arrived at the place, no one saw it. .

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