Infinity Armament

Vol 16 Chapter 128: Zhenwu 10

As soon as this middle-aged man with a dark complexion appeared, he fell on Zhao Linger’s body and nodded slightly: “You really came, and the princess was also sent back, very good, very good!”

He even said that two sounds are very good, apparently for the angel jihad to accurately predict that Shen Yu and others will come and feel satisfied. m (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.) Color @虹*文¥学%网

I still want to say something more, the devil can not let him play the prestige there, it is screaming and rushing, and the ghosts and claws are once again fiercely grabbing the topping stone.

The topping stone is a boxing out, and at the same time it is violent: "How is the god!"

With his bombing, the iron fist has slammed into a thriving atmosphere, and the ghosts of the ghosts are caught on the iron fist of the topping stone. Only five shallow marks are captured, but this is the fist of the topping stone. Come, hit the demon, and shake it so badly.

"King Kong does not destroy the body, Zhenwu ten fists!" Shen Yan eyes shrink, it has been seen that the use of these two exercises.

This kind of goods is worthy of being the strongest person who worships the moon in the month and is second only to the worship of the moon. Whenever he shoots, he will fly the demon-level demon twice. His King Kong indestructive use is obviously much stronger than Gan Tian Ming, and can be added to the attacking fist, which not only produces effective protection, but also deepens the damage.

At this moment, the strike was successful, and the top of the stone was waved: "kill!"

I saw that there were more than ten people brushed behind him, including Liang Yi and the worship of the moon.

Destiny is sometimes so strange.

The mission requires the adventurer to kill the five beasts first, complete the change of the plot and then worship the moon.

However, the enemy will not follow the steps of the adventurer. The four great beasts have not yet appeared. The main force of the worship of the moon has been dispatched. At this moment, except for the worship of the Lord and the mysterious right-hander, the other moon worship has not yet appeared. Teach all the senior members have appeared, and a large number of sergeants are rushing.

They pointed at each other and sighed at the same time: "town!"

When he was standing up, he felt that his hands were so fragrant that he couldn’t make it out.

Without the suppression of the soul of the town, countless locusts flew out again, and the Ukrainian pressure covered the clouds and covered them.

"Go!" Seeing this scene, he cried.

Hearing the command of Shen Yu, he screamed softly, and all the slaves of the darkness appeared at the same time. This time they no longer used their own high-speed hidden techniques to attack, but they fought hard against each other.

At the same time, everyone collects their hands and retreats to the rear.

This underground labyrinth has many roads and roads extending in all directions. Although there are also worshippers from the moon, it is the impact of a group of tigers. It is actually a breath to open the rear line.

“Want to run?” The top of the stone has been thrown out of the tide.

He suddenly jumped up, and the man glided quickly in the air. While leaping a dozen meters away, he just tapped the head of a dark slave. The head of the dark slave had exploded and the tortoise continued. Gliding in the air, just a few ups and downs have quickly brought the distance between the two sides. */.//*

Indulging in the back of the gun against the top of the stone, the top of the stone claws as a hook in the air continuously waving, actually the bullets that have been fired. He has a good understanding of the intensive bullet effects, but he does not give the bullets a chance to hit himself. The figure is constantly approaching at high speed.

"Dry!" He snorted, and he threw a thousand fragrant trips into the hands of King Kong: "You go first, I will block him!"

Said that he had received the gun, at this time just to expand the stone fly to the volley, under a boxing, sinking the left hand vampire touch, the right hand against the Tuoba is a boxing.

The two men collided with each other, and Shen Shen only felt that a huge force had poured in from the top of the stone. He even rushed into his body and blasted inside his body.

It turns out that this Zhenwu Shiquan boxing has a special effect like an internal burst. While attacking the target, the darkness directly invades the body and causes double killing. It is no wonder that he dared to release such a rhetoric after a heavy injury to Kyushu. The power of this Zhenwu Shiquan fist is really huge.

Just a punch, he has already beaten the squabble, which is still the case when he is prepared.

The Tuoba stone has been slammed, and a wave of gold shines on the arm to block the touch of the vampire, and it is a punch to the sinking.

Sinking this time, he did not dare to borrow hard, and his right hand turned his hand. At the same time as the Tuoqiang force spit out, it collapsed and launched. This attack was actually directly resolved by sinking, while the left-handed vampire touched and smashed. Stone face door, the extension of the stone face golden light, this shot failed to cause any harm to him, but a strange power influx at this moment, even let the top of the stone.

It is the special effect of Longquan.

Taking advantage of the dragon's special effects in the topography, the vampire's touch of the sinking spurs into a squat, is inserted into the top of the stone shoulder, the blood waterfall is launched, and a blood spring is pouring from the top of the stone. .

The topping stone snorted, and the backhand hit a chest in the sinking chest. The silver flash in front of Shen Qiang, but the t10 blocked the attack of the topping stone, but the attack of the topping stone was also fierce. It was actually a hole in the hole. Still playing on Shen Shen, but the power has been greatly reduced, and then it is not as serious as the previous damage to Shen Shen, while Shen Yan also quickly hit three palms, both sides in the middle of the move, and fly back together.

But the next moment, at the same time, rushed, the top of the stone, a spinning leg, kicked toward the sinking neck, sinking the left arm, blocking the leg, while the topping stone has been put forward, the right paw Grasping the door of Shen Shen, Shen Yan quickly turned around to avoid, turning at the same time, the elbow slammed into the side of the top of the stone rib, I did not expect that the topping stone was an elbow hit, the two elbows collided at the same time, while the body Shake a bit, then snorted together, apparently shocked by the other's ability to respond.

But the next moment, the topping stone has already rushed.

A stroke in the left hand.

"Cut the pulse!"

The top of the stone finger has passed over the indulgent wrist, and Shen Shen only feels that his arm seems to be broken, and he has temporarily lost control.

This is another trick of the Tuoba Stone, a special technique similar to control skills that attacks the target area and temporarily disables its ability to move. The exact time depends on the target physique, the will and the level of the hand.

The physique and will of the sinking are not weak, but the cut-off hand of the topping stone is higher. Seeing that one right arm could not move, the topping stone had already slammed on it, and Shen Shen suddenly snorted, and a black line in the body rushed out, directly hitting the topping stone, it was the demon.

This sudden sudden, the ghosts of the ghost claws are caught in the top of the stone, even if the King Kong does not destroy the body can not block this catch, tearing five **** paw prints on the face of the topping stone.

Although the injury is not heavy, the Tuoba is still furious: "The obstacles! The devils surrender!"

"Hey!" With a majestic momentum swept away, the demon scorpion was actually a slight glimpse, temporarily unable to move, the top of the stone left hand Zhenwu ten fist, the right hand cut pulse has been hit on the devil, and will again The devil sniper flies out.

At this time, his momentum has skyrocketed, and Shen Yu has noticed that the power of the topography of the Tuoba is actually greatly improved. It is the practice of improving the strength of the Tianmo Sutra.

At this point, both sides have known that the two men are not much different in strength and other aspects, but they have different performances.

There are not many capabilities of Tuoba, but there are only four kinds of them. They are the Tianmeng Sutra, which can temporarily improve the attributes. They have the strong defense against the King Kong, and they attack the wild Zhenwu Shiquan and the control effect. Pulse hand.

His ability is small, but each one is at the top.

Sinking is just the opposite. He has a lot of abilities, but he really develops to the top.

Although the Dragon of the Dragon is a powerful method, he has only cultivated to the second level. At present, the effect of the special law is only 10%. It is not like the topping stone. Every stroke and every type has Zhenwu Shi. Strong internal blasting effect.

But the same, with the devil as a helper, relying on the nine special effects of the dragon, the collapse of the attack, and the help of the demon, can also block the attack of the top stone.

The two men scored together, but at the same time they became more and more shocked.

Sinking is shocked by the fact that the other party can even pick up the attack that he and the devil can join together. This has greatly surpassed the strength of an ordinary four-difficult player, and the top-notch is equally shocking.

In his early years, he relied on the martial arts and martial arts, and he did not know how many strong men would have passed, but he rarely lost.

There are only two failures in life. One is to fight against Kyushu, and the other is to worship the Lord.

The former allowed him to sneak into the world, and eventually settled in Miaojiang. The latter allowed him to join the worship of the moon and earn the power of King Kong. After Kyushu, it was dispatched again.

However, when he arrived in the capital, he found that the fighting in Kyushu was also a rapid increase in strength, and he still had no hope of victory. He decided to sneak a sneak attack.

Sneak attack is a success, but unfortunately, Kyushu is not dead. Because he is arrogant, this has become the second defeat of Kyushu in his life. It is also a shame. Fortunately, he respected the status of worshipping the moon, and no one dared to laugh at him with this matter. He was thick-faced and only pretended to be ignorant, and no one dared to mention it in front of him.

After that, Tuobao still proudly believes that in this world, except for the worship of the Lord and the Kyushu, the world's warriors, even Lin Tiannan, Shen Qingfeng's flow is not likely to be his opponent.

He gave himself a third title in the world.

As for the solitary sword saint, the stream of wine swords and celestials, please, people are not warriors, they are immortals, and nature is not within his consideration.

I did not expect this pride to be broken by the sinking.

A young man is hard to be tied with him by the power of one person.

Despite the fact that there is a scorpio to help, but in the worship of the moon, 蛊 is itself part of the strength of the military, so on this issue, the top-notch is shameless and does not separate the two.

At this moment, the two players are playing against each other, and the ping-pong is called a lively game.

Both of them are experienced in the actual combat, and they are very popular. One is fame for many years, and the enemy has not been seen for a long time. One is that since the third difficulty, he has never encountered an opponent whose skill is similar to him. It has not been a fight for a long time like today.

Although Shen Yu did not use the avatars, fits, and the sacred dragons and other abilities, and the scorpio scorpion did not use the blood abilities under the strong suppression of Shen Hao, but Shen Zhi still felt the strength of this guy.

He used the power of one person to fight against the demon and the indulgence at the same time. Not only did he not fall into the wind, he recruited and attacked, but he also had a more and more brave posture.

Worse, the slaves in charge of the interception gradually suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the worshippers. As the number of casualties increased, the combat power dropped sharply and it has already entered a collapse.

Seeing that the blockade line was broken, the stone elders took the lead to break through the blockade and rushed out. Shen Yan smiled and retreated, recalling Tianmo Dao: "Don't accompany you to play."

Tuoba was shocked, knowing that it was not good, and angered: "The kid doesn't want to run!"

He is playing very addicted, and he can escape if he wants to sink.

Sinking is a back leaping toward the rear, and the figure disappears in the air. It is the blast.

Although the strength of the topography is strong, the ability to detect invisibility is useless. I watched it as if I wanted to leave, and disappeared. I was furious, just at this time a dark slave was Flying to his feet, he raised his hand and punched the head of the dark slave, and violently said: "Catch! Never let them run away!"

At the same time, Shen Hao quickly ran wildly in the underground labyrinth, and shouted: "How are you?"

"Fortunately, it has broken through!" King Kong replied loudly: "What do we do now?"

“What should I do?” Shen Yan stopped and looked around and replied in an icy tone: “The terrain here is complex and there are many martyrdoms. It is suitable for street fighting, small-scale tactical combination, and unfavorable cluster impact. We are here, and They kill one!"

"Understood, but the task is not to let us solve the five-beast first?"

"It doesn't matter." Shen Yu replied succinctly: "It is to solve all opponents within 24 hours anyway. It doesn't matter who kills them first, as long as they kill them."

As a result, Shen Yu has pulled out a group of electronic reconnaissance bees. As soon as these small things appeared, they flew in all directions, and all the surrounding road conditions have been indulged.


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