Infinity Armament

Vol 16 Chapter 149: distribution


(Please keep in mind) (please remember) the teacher died on the moon. M.\\\\网

Looking at the body of the worshipper, I was a bit stunned.

This person, strictly speaking, was never a good person, but at the last moment he made a move to save his life. Although in the eyes of the adventurer, this may be very unnecessary. After all, in their view, these lives are nothing but false.

However, Shen Yu realized that even if he was a plott, his soul would have survived after he had his own thoughts.

At this time, they may be living people, but the way they are born is different.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu bowed to the worship teacher: "I will do it if I promise you."

Saying, Shen Hao himself has been unable to lie down.

"Sinking!" Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru rushed to help hold Shen.

"I'm fine." Shen Yan answered with anger. The adventurers' physical qualities make them recover as long as they don't die, regardless of multiple injuries. However, the amount of physical strength he used to fight before will not recover so quickly, but he needs to rest well.

Shen Yu only felt sleepy and wanted to sleep well for a while.

The gentle side has said: "You rest, the rest, let us deal with it."

Sinking nodded and fell asleep. In the dream, he saw himself sinking into the boundless sea of ​​blood, and there were tears and screams coming everywhere, and more mournful sorrows were heard in the ears...

This feeling has been sleeping for a long time.

When I woke up, I found myself in a quiet wilderness, sitting next to a large group of men and women, who are members of the two adventurers.

He rolled over: "How long have I slept?"

King Kong has helped him: "Don't be nervous, only four hours."

Already four hours have passed?

With the temperament of the adventurer, sleeping for four hours, being moved and not conscious, this is extremely rare. Can only say that the sinking of the time, not only physical exhaustion, but also the spirit is also seriously lacking. The spirit here is no longer the spirit of skill consumption, but his own strength.

Subconsciously, Shen Yan touched his face.

In the battle with the worshippers of the moon, his half of his skin was smashed, and his nose was gone, but all of them have now returned to normal, and it should be Sun Ying’s credit.

At this time, I saw that Shen Wei woke up and everyone was surrounded. Seeing that there is no reduction in the team, Shen Wei is slightly gratified.

He said: "Talk to me about the battle."

Wei Chibai has smiled: "The five great beasts have all been solved, the crests have prompted the task to be completed, and the rewards have been given. You can see the coat of arms yourself, but there is still a problem that has not been solved, you will not wake up again. I will kick your ass."

Sinking looked at the coat of arms on hand, and surely prompted the completion of the plot modification task.

But the final plot change was completed, and the final task itself was not completed.

Because the right makes Yuwen dying.

According to the requirements of the system, the adventurer must kill Yuwen Chui to complete the final task. This step is worse. Although it does not obliterate the fate like the failure of the plot modification, it has to pay a huge price - after deducting the total of 100,000 points. reward.

It is Zhao Linger's father. Although the father and the girl are separated, it is still impossible for Zhao Linger to accept that his father was killed. This may be another invisible threshold when designing Zhao Linger.

Fortunately, this battle was completed ahead of time, and everyone still has a lot of time left, so everyone will bring Shen Shen here and wait for him to wake up and make a decision.

"That said, to take away Linger, you have to spend 100,000 to buy a toll." Shen Hao muttered.

Sure enough, to take away a character who is comparable to the four-level adventurer level, the cost is far more than imagined.

"Fortunately, you paid the money." Wei Chibai said without hesitation.

The worshipper of the moon can be said to have been killed by a person, killing him with a reward of 18,000 points, and almost all of it fell on Shen.

So the next thing, even with your toes, can come up with results.

Sure enough, Shen has looked at Zhao Linger: "Linger, you know our identity now, are you willing to go with us?"

During this time, things that Zhao Linger and others did not understand were somewhat clear. They knew that they were not from this world, and they were going to return.

Zhao Linger has firmly nodded: "Where are you going, where do I go."

She is disappointed with her father, and now Shen Shen is the only pillar in her heart, naturally it is to follow the end.

Shen Yan and look at Lin Yueru.

Lin Yueru's strength is limited, so the city has not set too many conditions for her, but on the other hand, Lin Yueru has his own troubles.

Sure enough, Lin Yueru looked at Shen Hao at this moment and looked back at his father.

Unlike Zhao Linger, she is in this world, at least one home, and her parents and family. To say that just abandon everything and leave, after all, it can't be done.

At this moment, she gently shook her head, and there was a faint flash of light in her eyes: "Sorry, Big Brother... I... I can't do it!"

She said that she had already plunged into her father's arms and cried aloud.

Lin Tiannan sighed, just caressing her daughter, but after all, she said nothing. Of course, he is not willing to let his daughter disappear from the world with Shen Yu and others, but what really makes him uneasy is the cruelty of the heavens he knows.

If the fairy world is really beautiful, for the future of her daughter, maybe he really wants his daughter to go, but now he is not at ease.

Sinking is just a smile: "This is also good, even if you don't leave with us, it doesn't mean you can't see each other."

Lin Tiannan's eyebrows pick one: "Can you really ensure that this world is not lost?"

"Even if it is for the moon, happy, and Anu girl, I will work hard." Knowing this will only push Lin Yueru farther, and more determined that Lin Tiannan will not let his daughter follow his heart. said.

He doesn't know why he is doing this, perhaps because he has more motivation to complete the promise. When he worships the Lord, he feels that he has to fulfill this promise, even though he knows, hopes. Hey.

"So very good." Lin Tiannan nodded with satisfaction.

"Since this way..." Shen Yan opened the **** coat of arms: "Pay the number of points, ask to take away Zhao Linger, and the points are deducted from me."

"Request to pass. The plot character Zhao Linger, who became a follower of number e5371, can follow and leave after the end of this mission world."

With the system's reply, the Broken Blade team's coat of arms preserved the Qinglongbi blood jade, the female stone and other things disappeared, and even the one hundred thousand eight points that were earned by Shen Yu were also deducted by 100,000.

Fortunately, the points deducted are treated as compensation, which means that it does not affect the judgment of the overall profit standard of the Broken Blade.

Although the stone elders and Yuwen are not dead, the five gods do not give points, but the left to make the stone, the elders Liang Yi, the worship of the moon and the death of a large number of elite believers still bring you a lot of points, finally everyone escapes To erase the crisis, the overall amount is not high. It can be said that it is the least **** point in the mission. Some of them even failed to reach the 54,000 standard and faced penalties of halving income, including Zhou Yiyu, Sun Ying and others.

Fortunately, the world itself is not a high-point world, but mainly various rewards.

This final mission, the final death of the lord of the Lord, left to one person, the elders, six people to protect the law, a large number of elite believers countless, a total of no less than hundreds, in addition to five beasts and three adventurers. Except for the fire unicorn rewards have been allocated and consumed, other rewards are still there.

Each of the four beasts gives a bloodline, a spiritual bead, a sacrifice, and four souls. The sacrifices were given to the Warriors of the Wasteland, and the spirits and bloodlines were returned to the Bladeblade. The Spirit of the Spirit gave the Warriors three, and the Bladeblade only left one.

After using the combination of Tianmo and Deming, the pedigree is damaged, resulting in a decline of the upper limit of the whole bloodline of 100 points. Fortunately, there are four bottles of blood to make up for it, and it should be doubled back.

The left to the top of the stone gives two books of the law, a magical heart, a King Kong does not destroy the body. The elders of the elders received a large open-handed handbook, and the six guards also gave some relatively ordinary rewards. Except for the King Kong, the other gave the Wasteland Warriors.

As for the worship of the moon, because he is not a god, there is no sacrifice, but still gives five rewards.

A piece of King Kong does not destroy the body, a holy spirit bead, a dust-free sword, these three are like blood, almost must be.

The sacred book is a resurrection/prop, a one-time use, paying 54,000 points, which can be used to resurrect a four-level adventurer with a death period of no more than one day. Paying 72,000 points can be used to resurrect a five-level adventurer with a death period of no more than one day.

For Zhao Linger to use, you can use the Resurrection twice to resurrect the dead. The death time is no more than 12 hours, and you need to have wreckage.

"No dust sword (artifact): attack power 172175."

"Bringing special effects to resolve attacks: At the same time as attacking the target, it produces 40% of the normal attack, so that the attack can not cause effective damage to itself."

"Bring your own skills to summon the disciples of Lushan. Consume ten points of spirit, you can summon a disciple of Shaoshan to fight. The attribute of Lushan disciple is half of the basic attribute of the summoner. The extra bonus has no effect on it. You have the sword, the sword, the sword of the mountain. Array and Laoshan bodyguards, with sword weapons of corresponding difficulty level. Cooling time is ten minutes, there are two hours of existence, sustainable summoning."

The biggest characteristic of this dust-free sword is the summoning and defensive attack. Although it has few abilities, it is extremely practical.

In particular, summoning the disciples of Lushan, the two-hour existence time and ten minutes of cooling means that there are at most twelve disciples of Laoshan.

These strengths of Lushan disciple grow with adventurers, and they possess the powerful skills of Yu Jianshu, Tianjian, and the Lushan Swordsman who are good at fighting together. The strength is quite powerful. It can be said that it is the most suitable powerful cannon fodder. Distressed.

However, this sword is in the hands of the Lord, but there is no ability to summon, so it has not really played its role.

Considering its powerful defensive attack characteristics, this sword can be said to be a violent warrior's nemesis. Whoever uses it to deal with violent warriors, first call a group of Lushan disciples, and then resolve opponent attacks in the offensive, violent warriors can be killed by life. .

In addition to these three things, there is another one that is the same.

The Devil's Heart is the ability of the Lord of the Moon to create on the basis of the Three Devils. However, after his death, he is given the authentic Demonstration of the Lushan Mountain. It is estimated that the extra six are related to the rules. Will not give it.

In fact, all the rules-related abilities, including Ling Xiaobu, Void and thousands of magical hands, will not be given. Although King Kong does not destroy the body, it is also based on the rule of the moon, but it is not based on the rules of destruction, so it can be retained. Even so, it is given in the form of a piece.

This is also the place where they are depressed.

King Kong did not destroy the original four, but after leaving Yuwen, only three left.

Although the worshipper of the moon is the founder of King Kong, the remains of his death are still only fragments. For this reason, they only got three-quarters of King Kong’s inexhaustible body.

"King Kong does not destroy the body and mind (3/4), and can be used for local defense after learning. Only when the attack falls on the defensive position can the weakening effect be exerted."

"This power method is the real gas class method. The larger the defense area, the more gas is consumed, the higher the level, the less the consumption, the continuous consumption type. It can maintain the body strength and vitality, but when life drops to half of its own Overdraft. When physical exertion is exhausted, the user loses mobility."

“The highest level of practice is five, and the current level can be increased by three.”

Due to the lack of Yu Wenshang’s copy of the King Kong, the practice can only be promoted to the third level.

Shen Wei took the Gongfa book and smiled at Honglang: "There are some shortcomings, but it is better than nothing."

Honglang laughed and took it: "There is no perfect thing in the world. Life is always full of choices. Have you forgotten that this is a maze story mode? The current road is our own choice."

Shen Yan was a little surprised: "Hey? When did you become so philosophical? This is not like what you said."

King Kong sneered: "It wasn't what he said. It was what Lao Tzu said when he comforted him. You were in a coma. I didn't see him knowing that the face of King Kong was incomplete when he was incomplete."

"..." is silent.

Honglang said with anger: "I just think that it is more worthwhile to bring back a beautiful and powerful woman than a piece of paper. You are not terrible when you don't see this hair."

King Kong sighed: "I still said what I said... I said that your pirated piracy is used to it?"

By the end of the month, I’m going to fight with the worship of the moon, and the people on the holy mountain are playing hard. After all, the three beasts and the beasts are not well dealt with. Zhao Linger’s timely awakening, the God of War knife appears in the sky, and the knife and the thunder of Warcraft is the foundation for the victory.

At that time, everyone was shocked by Zhao Linger's peerless style, but it was a scene of indifference, no face and relatives, only a distant glimpse.

Therefore, King Kong advised him that the value of a Zhao Linger is far greater than that of a martial art. There are always trade-offs in life, and occasionally leaving some shortcomings, it may not be beautiful.

At that time, Hong Lang’s answer was: “I am, I think it’s still more beautiful with the bear and the paw!”

This will make him go free and easy.

The final reward for the worship of the moon is quite speechless.

That is a royal sword.

In addition to the self-defense ability of King Kong, the teacher of the moon worships the mountain because of the teacher, and turns to many places. After many hardships, he is also proficient in a variety of exercises, and he is better at killing the beast. King Kong does not destroy the body, there are small Zhutian printing method, five Lei Shendao, Yu Jianshu and the beast heart and so on.

Among them, the beasts of the beasts, the old maps have cultivation.

I want to come now, and most of it is also obtained from here.

It is a pity that they do not have the good fortune of the Inferno sect. This last sect will be a sword.

I can only help but laugh at this.

He said to Wei Chibai: "We are going to destroy the Holy Spirit and King Kong. As for the other three..."

Wei Chibai has already raised a hand: "I am not so shameless to be a man. This is to fight with you. The benefits are already very rich. The worship of the moon is your own killing. If we don't do anything, we will not participate in the distribution. It is."

The distribution of adventurers has always been distributed according to labor, and the big pot rice system is not suitable for this world. Wei Chibai is sober-minded and will not take advantage of this.

"Thank you."

"But there is something I still want to ask you for help." Wei Chibai said.


"You have Megatron. It will not be too difficult to get the soul in the future. It happens that I have six souls in my hand. We have seven people here..."

Shen Yu understood the meaning of Wei Chibai.

This time the wild warriors came over, the most harvested is the soul, the lock demon tower received three souls, this time received three, only one is one per person.

The soul of this kind of life-saving thing, no one is too much. Wei Chibai did not have Megatron to help catch the soul, just in the hands of Shen Yu, there are still two souls, a golden dragon, a soil Warcraft.

Wei Chibai should be hoping to buy the soul of the earth warcraft.

Sinking is not much to say, directly take out the soul of the soul together with the magic of the three souls and the swordsmanship method thrown to Wei Chibai: "The two exercises are also returned to you, in the end how much money, you look at it. ”

"Thank you, add three together, count 60,000, I take advantage of your point, go back and pay you back." Wei Chibai Yang Tian ha ha smile, accept you.

Sixty thousand to buy the soul of the soul plus two exercises, it is indeed a cheap price, but whether it is Shen Wei or Wei Chi Bai will not care about this number.

This battle for both sides, is the improvement of friendship and trust, I believe that after meeting, you do not have to calculate each other like this opening.

After the end of the split, Wei Chibai asked Shen Yu: "The Inferno sect took the Tongtian Bridge. This is a big hidden danger. Do you have any thoughts?"

After thinking about it, Shen Yu replied: "This trouble, it should not be a headache for me now."

Wei Chibai said: "You mean..."

Shen Qianzheng replied: "For the Inferno sect, the biggest threat now is not me, but the Dragon League, the Vientiane Palace and the Blood Legion. So this thing, let your people have a headache, as for me... I still Waiting to go back and have a good bargain."

Upon hearing this, Wei Chibai changed slightly: "You don't really want to buy this world?"

Shen Yan sighed: "Do your best, listen to your destiny."

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