Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 9: 7 sins

This is a primitive jungle with towering giant trees everywhere. M(){Rainbow Literature Network}

The ground is full of thick leaves, as if there have been no ones for hundreds of years. Only the half-buried and dilapidated buildings that occasionally appear on the road may prove that this place was once the most prosperous activity area for adventurers.

In the middle of the original jungle, there is a broken temple, which looks like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, built with huge white jade blocks, huge columns, and wide temples. Classical, dilapidated, but with some brilliant atmosphere, after hundreds of years of wind and frost, now only a residual shell.

In front of the temple, there was a rare open space, and there was no grass on the ground, reminding Shen Shen of the scene when they were transferred to the underground palace.

This should also be a special role of a certain squad, perhaps to worship the gods? he thinks. From the direction of view, it is suitable to concentrate a large number of people worshiping the temple, and the slightly higher steps of the temple can just let a god-like **** stick raise his hands and enjoy the piety and sacrifice from those who are ignorant.

Unfortunately, due to the scouring of the years and the washing of the war, there are not many clues to let Shen Yu trace the stories that have happened here. He can only reproduce the past in the past, just like the archaeologists’ research on paleontology. .

Thinking far away, Shen Yan shook his head and smiled, waving the uncontrolled divergent thinking.

Next to Honglang has asked: "Is the blood angel living in this broken nest?"

With his thick lines of nerves, it is impossible to imagine and understand what is good in this place, just as if he went to see the Colosseum in ancient Rome, he would only see a pile of broken bricks.

"Maybe it is more than a blood angel." King Kong said with a smile: "This is one of the most famous fierce places in the five difficulty. The blood angel is just a new beast that has been added afterwards. Before that, there must be other beasts here." ""

"If they can fight, it will be fine." Hong Lang muttered.

Shen Yan also smiled at the interface: "Then we walked over and saw a bunch of demon gods. There are all kinds of rare equipment and props next to the cheekbones. It seems that we have discovered a certain treasure. Is that true? ?"

Hong Lang is a shameless nod: "Who wouldn't want to enjoy the treatment of a protagonist?"

"I am afraid that the time is the same as the blood knight." Zhou Yiyu fiddled with the four blood soul beads in his hand is not good air.

Blood Soul Beads, the essence of the Blood Knight, gathers, consumes props. The use of the living body can stimulate the whole body strength, the property doubles, the effect of various abilities is increased by 1.5 times, and the duration is ten minutes, but the price is mortal after the event.

This thing is not for the adventurer, but for the summoning of life, but for the resistant life, the reinforcement effect will be weakened, and it can not be applied to the life that can be repeated and summoned. For example, the Laoshan disciple and the mirror avatar can not be used, the one-eyed troll can be used, but the effect will be weakened.

It should be said that this is still quite practical. Some of the powerful summoning lives have been used to make the adventurers difficult to confront after using the blood soul beads. In the most critical battles, they can be used, but unfortunately only Four.

Although the blood cavalry is strong in the five difficulty areas, it does not belong to the ss class life, and the probability of giving benefits to the ordinary arms is not high. These four are still double the rewards given by their four difficulty levels. In fact, only two blood cavalry give rewards.

"Let's go." At this moment, I heard Zhou Yiyu say this, Shen Xiao chuckled: "There is no blood angel in it. This should be wrong. I only hope that there will be no extra trouble except her."

Said that he had walked inside the temple.

"I hope that the storm will come even harder." Zhou Yiyu said: "Then we will use the fortress and sweep away it."

"The problem is that we don't have many energy stones." King Kong interface. They came over and bought the energy stone for all the points left except for the anti-killing props, which was enough to send the fortress.

"It can be transmitted."

"Then how do we send it back?" asked tenderly.

Zhou Yiyu opened his mouth and could not answer.

Still walking in front of Shen Xiaoxiao said: "If there is a group of devils who are killed by us, it is a big deal to go back and sell things. The only pity is that they are selling too fast and the price will not be very good."

The sorrowful guardianship of the gods allows him to freely shuttle between the wilderness and the city. This kind of thing to add resources to the strange side, only he can do it, this is the broken blade team dare to have the bottom. The core of the difficulty.

Honglang has interface: "By the way, bring me a chicken back."

Every time the Broken Blade team returns, it will allocate some basic living expenses to each team member. This is really no money, and it is so dark that even everyone's pocket money is corrupted. The **** spots of Honglang every month are not enough for him to visit the kiln, so he has been eating for a few days, and he points to the wilderness to make some flowers.

Sinked at him: "Do I want to bring you a woman back?"

Gentle has grinned and said: "With an inflatable doll, you can."

The fat man has whispered on the side: "As far as his strength is concerned, a few sticks will break down."

Zhou Yiyu has interfaced: "Can we have a female version of tx, give him one, and use him for it."

The bumblebee immediately said: "Hella can actually use it."

"You shut up!" Hera yelled at the bumblebee, and the bumblebee shrugged and did not speak.

Sure enough, what kind of subordinates there are, and the pure bumblebee has begun to learn to break.

Before the battle, I laughed and relieved the pressure. This is a common occurrence for the adventurers. After all, each battle is a battle with the **** of death. It can't bear the tremendous pressure and it has already collapsed.

They have entered the temple at this time, surrounded by empty and lonely, can not see a figure.

However, at this moment, the air suddenly echoed a laugh. This laughter is pleasing to the ear, but it is a female voice, but with a savage and violent killing taste.

The people who were still laughing at the same time suddenly raised their weapons at the same time, crossed the positions, made each other's corners, and held their respective sides, while watching the front with full concentration.

The unexpected attack did not come, but the sky above the temple, a cloud of smoke slowly rose, and then a figure gradually emerged.

This is a woman who seems to come out from the cg picture, wearing a modern flower armor, the armor covers very few parts, only blocking the chest, the lower body and other vital parts, revealing two pieces of jade-like arms, the lower abdomen It is a large piece of snow.

Her face is also very beautiful, is the standard face of melon seeds, the light flow between the eyes, is in line with the modern aesthetics, holding a long sword in the hand, a line of blood around the blade.

This should be a blood angel.

"Wow." Zhou Yiyu whistled: "The wave ball, it seems that you don't need the boss to bring you an inflatable doll."

Hong Lang squinted at the blood angel in the air and suddenly sneered: "You said, if I really put her on, what will happen?"


Rape a wilderness ss?

This whimsical idea is probably only the Honglang, the fullness of the **** filled with semen.

I thought this would make the other person angry. I didn't expect the blood angel in the air to laugh out loud: "Hard? No, no, no hard. Strong human, if you like, then you can go directly to me at any time. ... **** is the best existence in the world."

Said, she had extended her graceful tongue, licked her lips and made a tempting teasing action.

This answer lets everyone hold on at the same time.

Just then, another magnificent voice rang above the temple: "Avlo, are you showing off your style again? Don't forget that this is our enemy, kill them, this is you and me. What to do!"

This tall snoring swayed like a thunder, full of majesty, but the hearts of the adventurers relaxed at the same time.

Yes, it is relaxation.

This is like what a demon should say.

The temple that has already lost the lost temple is more than one of the devil's broken blade team. Naturally, it will not be afraid because it will come out again.

The blood angel on the high has burst into laughter: "Farian, this is my nature, have you forgotten? Just like your fury!"

"Ah! A group of young people full of youthful vitality, are they self-righteous to seek the thrill of adventure? Seeing them with infinite vitality can really make me jealous." Another voice in the sky Resounding, the voice was cold and chilly, as if it had frosted from the earth.

A whole body seems to be covered in black smoke, and the tall demon of the double-headed head has appeared from above the temple. He looked at the eyes of everyone as if they were vipers, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"No matter what they are, you will be jealous, Sloan. You are like this, the temperament of the eternal villain..."

It is also a slow-moving reverberation of the sky, but it does not show its figure, but it is a ray of energy shining above the temple.

"So young and energetic, it must be very chewy." Another voice emerged in the air. This time there was a strange creature, he had a snake head, but it was the body of a cow, and the belly was very big. When it talks, a mouth is so big that even your head can flip over and swallow it.

"Before you eat them, let me enjoy it!" blood angel Afflo cried.

"Then I will kill it." The former Farion also yelled in a violent gesture.

These guys appear one after another, a total of seven, and are covering the entire temple.

The Broken Blade team was stunned.

This is the first time they have seen seven devils appear in a noisy gesture.

They can talk, have their own names, have their own thoughts, and even have their own obvious personality, some greed, some tyrannical, some lascivious, some arrogant...

and many more.

Suddenly, the sudden flash of light in the eyes of Shen.

"Seven sins!"

He cried.

Isn't this the seven sins in the Bible?

Then the seven devils in front of you...

At that moment, the demon **** Afflo, who had already looked into the air, said: "You are not a blood angel, you are the seven devils!"

The Seven Devils of the World War II were the first seven demon gods who had dominated the manufacturing and disciplined the adventurers after the advent. They represented their identity in seven sins and were later called the Desolation Seven Devils.

Perhaps they are not the most powerful demon in this wilderness, but they are undoubtedly the oldest.

Therefore, in the changes of the years, they gradually have their own wisdom, thoughts and will.

One after another, the new powerful demon **** fell, but they are still alive and stand on this land.

"Ha ha ha ha!" At this moment, Afflo has smiled long, and she looks at the adventurer below: "The sad man, even wants to challenge the great blood angel, let us go through this." ""


Ps: Zhao Linger's God-level summoning in the income limit has been raised in the previous article, and the other is not killed by her call will not give a reward, but a certain degree of weakening according to the proportion of damage.


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