Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 14: remains

After an hour, M Honglang finally came out with his pants.

Seeing everyone waiting for him, some embarrassed smiles: "I have been waiting for a long time... I... I didn't think that the girls were so hard-working, they almost didn't get over her. But I worked hard, didn't lose Let's break the face of the blade team, now she is kneeling down."

After he said this, his voice was high, as if he had earned the glory of the broken blade team.

The fat man and Zhou Yiyu asked him together: "How many guns did you do?"

Hong Lang grabbed the scalp: "Nothing, anyway, quite a few times, that woman is fierce... I guess it is sprayed with a soy sauce bottle."


Zhao Linger was so shy and full of face, although she already knew that these people had no taboos, but this time I heard this swearword, I couldn’t help but turn my head. I only felt that even if I saw this humanoid stallion, I would be pregnant.

Sinking and coughing, stopped talking about the momentum of continuing to develop towards the ridiculous direction, Shen Sheng: "Things are solved, go"

"Where?" Hong Lang asked: "Is there a good goal?"

Sinking swept Honglang with his gaze: "Do you think you are still in a good position to fight now?"

Hong Lang touched his head and laughed

He and Afro have been engaged for so long, and the fierce Tiehan has been squeezed out. Now it’s more tired than the day of the war. It really needs a good rest.

Shen Yu has taken the lead and walked forward: "Go, pass here, there is a pool in front, we are resting there"

A group of people walked toward the waterhole

On the road, I watched the harvest of the blood angel.

A bottle of blood angel's blood, this thing can not be used to upgrade the level, is not useful for gentle, can only choose to sell but even if others have obtained this lineage, can not use the blood system ability as gentle, after all, this is Even blood angels can't do it.

A bottle of pure blood medicine, this is the purpose of their trip, can be used to enhance the gentle bloodline level of the explosive rate of this thing is not high, but fortunately they are four difficulty adventurers, killing as four difficulty, or Improve the return, or increase the chance, so you can get a bottle, it is contentment

Two skill bar extension scrolls

Since the blood angel's bloodline is similar to the **** queen, the reward given by the blood angel is similar to that of the **** queen.

Finally, a sacrifice

As for the blood-sucking sword, it was directly plundered before, so it is impossible to appear in the box, otherwise the skill expansion reel may not appear.

Blood Angel's Blade double S level: Attack power 125128, bloodsucking special effects, attack target produces 5 percent bloodsucking effect

Bring your own skills to **** blood: 100% damage caused by contact with the target, and the same blood-sucking effect, can restore the wound, mental energy consumption of 8 points, cooling time of ten minutes

This weapon has obvious similarities with the indulgent vampire touch. The difference is that its blood-sucking skill is not time-based, but one-off. It only needs to touch the target instead of effective attack. The effect, at the same time, has the dual effect of attack and blood-sucking recovery, and the mental energy consumption is not great. Before the blood angel used this weapon with the gentle battle, it directly restored the damage caused by gentleness.

However, if you can choose, Shen Yu is willing to take the vampire skill of the vampire touch - unless it is an opponent with strong killing skills, the recovery skills should not be too aggressive to pursue the explosive effect, after all, it is still weighed by the total amount of recovery. Suitable

"It's a pity." Shen Yan said with this sword.

"It may not be a pity" gentle answer: "Why not consider using it to repair the vampire touch?"

"Use it?"

After the vampire's touch was broken, Shen Yu also went to the institute to ask if he could repair it.

The answer is that it can be fixed, but it is likely to cause a drop in quality.

The decline in quality and the decline in grades are completely different concepts. The vampire touches are not high in level, but after the vampire's fangs and giant pythons have been merged, the quality is extremely high, and the sinking is naturally unwilling to bear such losses. Plus, he now has a dust-free sword, and the repair of the vampire touch has dragged it down.

Now gentle and so-called, I am thinking of it, the adventurer of the institute also gave him several programs, one of which is to use the same type of weapon to repair

This blood angel's blade is similar to the type of vampire touch, and it is indeed possible to restore the vampire's touch to its original appearance.

"The problem is that I have a dust-free sword now..."

"Syntheizing it" is gentle and fast: "The characteristics of the dust-free sword, the purgatory sect must be very clear, we need a real artifact of our own"

"Synthesize it?" He smiled. He shook his head. "This is impossible. The Hradic box can only be synthesized to the S level. It has no qualification for synthesizing artifacts. The artifact itself is not a precedent for synthesis."

“But the city can you forget that the city has never stopped developing powerful artifacts? Without precedent, we have set a precedent. We have not done this many times?”


Gentle is right

The **** city has never given up the development of powerful capabilities to fight the Zerg

The design of the original artifact was developed on this guiding principle.

Therefore, from the perspective of the highest parliament, they will never mind the adventurers developing multi-capacity and multi-weapons. This fact also proves that whenever the adventurer has the ability to create, the system will incorporate it into the system.

What really restricts the synthesis of artifacts is the high-grade weapon use conditions and corresponding costs generated according to system rules.

However, the problem of using conditions has been solved by the dust-free sword. The most important characteristic of the dust-free sword being listed as the top ten artifacts is that the artifacts based on the extremely low condition are synthesized, and even if they are affected by their essence, even if there is The conditions of use, presumably not too high

As for the price, the vampire's touch has been broken, what else can't be paid?

Thinking of this, Shen Hao nodded: "After going back, look for the Jade Bird adult, he should be able to give a result."

Jade Bird is a typical anti-infernal faction. Anything that is unfavorable to the Inferno sect, I believe he will work hard to help.

The ending of the Blood Angel's Blade is set, and the two skill bar expansion scrolls are decided after the negotiation to give a Honglang, one to the fat man.

The skill bars of these two people are already full, but Honglang lacks defense and recovery skills, and fat people lack attack skills, so they can make up for the defects.

In fact, Zhou Yiyu’s skill bar is already full, but this kind of thing is pure waste for him.

It didn't take long before everyone came to a pool.

"This should be the water pool that the arrogant devil said." Shen Yan looked at the surrounding terrain. It was remote and ridiculous. There were no vicious beasts around, no other water pools, and the goal should be correct.

He said: "I will go down and see"

He took off his clothes and the water was waiting for everyone to wait by the water.

I didn’t expect this to be a long time. After about twenty minutes, everyone saw Shen’s head coming out of the water. It’s already frozen and his face is white and shivering.

The first thing to go ashore is to take out a bottle of Erguotou and scream.

When did everyone see the indulgent and sloppy Erguotou, they were a little sluggish for a while.

"What's the situation below?"

Sinking and drinking a whole bottle of Erguotou, throwing the bottle and saying: "This place is very different. The colder it is, the deeper it is, and it is very deep. I couldn't get it back in the end."

Everyone listens to each other

With the current physique of the adventurer, even if it is streaking in the ice and snow of minus seventy or eighty degrees, there will be no feeling. Shen Shen will be frozen back. How cold is it?

Shen Yu has already said: "I will go there again. This time I will dive all the way. If I don't have the physical strength, I will send a signal. You will bring me with the assembly order."

When you go to the water to salvage something, you need to use the team assembly order. Everyone is speechless again.

However, it can be seen that the things in this pool are really bad for salvage. I don’t know what the seven guys are hiding inside.

By the strength of the wine, sinking into the water again

Time passed by, everyone waited anxiously, but they never waited until any information was in the water, they could not do it.

The Honglang rushed like an ant on a hot pot and circulated around the pool.

If the coat of arms shows that Shen Yu is still in a safe state, he is afraid that he can’t help but bring the indulgence with the assembly order.

Finally, the signal came, and the gentle and rushing use of the assembly order was passed down. I saw that Shen Yu had almost frozen into an ice sculpture, and he still held a box in his arms.

The box is made of fine iron, but it has been rusted for many years at the bottom of the water. It seems that it is not systematically produced, as the adventurer himself did.

Zhao Linger has hurried forward and wrapped herself in her body. The body temperature of the girl finally made Shen Shen feel some warmth and gradually recovered from the frozen state.

He took a breath and said: "I understand now why this is called the lost temple...that is a temple below."


"Yes, it should be the one left by that sect of the year."

According to the arrogant devil, although the sects of that year have been destroyed, there has been a rumor circulating among adventurers that they have not found a true sect

The reason for this statement is that because the sects were rampant in the past, there were many rare equipment in their hands, but these equipments were not seen in the last battle.

People judge that the sect must have a secret base.

The lost temple is said to be spread.

It’s a pity that rumors are rumors. No one has ever found the lost temple, so this statement has gradually disappeared.

Until today, at the point of the arrogant devil, Shen Shen finally saw the temple hidden under the polar ice pool.

But unfortunately, the temple has long been abandoned, and there is only a group of dead bones.

Indulging in speculation, the reason for this is because this temple was not built under water.

This is imaginable from the fact that he can’t stay in the water pool for a long time.

The second-degree adventurer will not be stronger than him. There is no ability and necessity to build such a temple in such cold water.

Therefore, they probably built the temple in an underground cave near the waterhole. Through the waterway, because the water is cold, it is easy for no one to come down, so no one will easily discover the secret.

Because the water is colder and deeper, the chill of the water pool is still resistant to adventurers.

However, the temple, which was originally very secret, was destroyed by the Seven Devils.

At the beginning of the seven demon gods, the great slaying adventurer, the full force of the next, the big earthquake trembles, the sky shakes, even the landscape changes

This temple built on the cave next to the waterhole is affected by it, it is likely to collapse and fall into the pool, causing people in the temple to die on the spot.

Of course, there is no shortage of possibilities that may be discovered by the Seven Devils and intentionally hit the bottom of the water. This explains why the arrogant demon knows the secrets of the underwater.

Of course, all this is speculation. As for the truth, I am afraid that only the seven devils will know.

But the adventurers are concerned about the truth and they care about the harvest.

At this moment, I heard Shen Shen say so, Hong Lang has been excited: "So there must be a lot of good equipment in the temple?"

Shen Hao nodded: "Yes, there are a lot of weapons, but the props are only a few hundred years under the water, and now they are rotten."


"And even if you fish it out, you don't necessarily have much to harvest the best weapons of the Second Age. At present, at best, it is a double A-level. Even the S-class will not have the only possible exception... This is the box."

Sinking patted the box in his hand and said, "This is the treasure of the sect."

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