Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 22: enter

m the next morning, the broken blade team completed the assembly, ready to enter the mission world

When passing through the transfer point in the Eastern District, Shen Yu saw that the people of Longmeng had already waited there for entry.

Headed by a white-haired man, he looks young, carrying his hands and looking calm, and his arrogance is separate from another strong man.

The identity of the son of a lonely paradise can only stand on the side of the white-haired man. It is obvious that this person is the dragon's highest position and the strongest existence in the four difficulty levels, but unfortunately, he has never heard of it.

On the far side, still standing Sun Ying and Tu Qianqian

Both of them are good players in Longmeng. This time they also participated in the death match, but in terms of position, they are at the bottom.

Seeing Shen Yan coming over, Sun Ying’s face showed a slight smile, it seems to be saying that you have chosen us after all.

In this deathmatch, the Supreme Council has limited the entry of candidates and required ten free agents. For every organization, it is a chance to help.

Shen Yu said that he would enter as a free agent, and now the number of free personnel has already appeared. Therefore, all districts hope that the Broken Blade team can enter the area freely.

Of course, they don’t know that the special mission of the Broken Blade team is the past. It’s destined to pull out the teeth. They don’t want to go to any area, but they want to save as many adventurers as possible, even including The hostile area means that from which area the broken blade team enters, the strength of the area will be relatively weakened.

So if you can, I’m so eager to enter the West End.

However, if you want to come to the Inferno sect, you will never be naive. Because they are from the Western District, they think they are natural comrades. It is estimated that they will be killed before they enter the world.

It is for this reason that the Broken Blade team finally decided to enter from the Southern District - they have the fewest friends here and the least psychological burden.

It’s a pity that they can’t explain it to anyone.

At this moment, I saw Sun Ying’s expectation of smiling, and Shen Yan could only shake his head and made a sorry statement.

They didn’t stop, but they went on.

Sun Ying's face changed slightly: "Sink, you really choose to be against us?"

Sinking back and looking at the arrogance, just laughing and leaving

Sun Ying looked at him and ignored him. He was furious and was about to say something. The white-haired man’s hand suddenly pressed on her shoulder: “Don’t be excited, he may not be an enemy”

Sun Ying looked back and saw that the white-haired man looked at the back of Shen Yan, and his face showed a smile: "Sometimes it is not necessary to stand on our side, it is our own person."

The loneliness on the side also said leisurely: "I have dealt with Shen Hao, I believe him, and he is still clear about the big things and the festival. Since he chose to enter from other areas, then there must always be his truth... In his official Before I shot it, it was not an enemy."

Sun Ying took a deep breath and finally stopped talking.

When I came to the Southern District, Shen Yu’s people who saw the Vientiane Palace were already there, and there was Galileo, but like Sun Ying, they were also standing behind.

On the side of the Vientiane Palace, the head of the old man is standing next to him with three people, two men and one woman. From the position arrangement, it should be one of the strongest main forces of the Vientiane Palace.

At this moment, seeing them sinking, Galileo clearly shines.

He came to the old man, and he said a few words. The old man’s gaze looked at the indulgent side, his eyes closed slightly, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

At this moment, a man with a fierce expression on his face, a thin and lean body, and a Asian man with a mustache, looked up and looked at the sinking, looking at the fine, and looked up and down a lot.

Then he suddenly shook his head: "They are not good enough to let them leave"

His voice was full of exotic accents, and it was obvious that it was not strengthened with points. Galileo did not expect that person would say so, and his expression was obviously stagnation: "When you are an adult"

Shen Yu has made a big stride: "The action of the Broken Blade team, the Broken Blade team is the owner. Although the Vientiane Palace is big, it still can't handle our heads. Are you right? Wujing is an adult?"

Wujing Shiyi, one of the four difficult strongmen in the Southern District, is said to be a famous kendo before entering the **** city. After entering the city, he became the strongman of Weinan District with fierce swordsmanship.

Compared with the white-haired man in the Eastern District, Shen Yu knows more about Wu Jingshi, because this person, like Hercules, is a typical Wu Chi, and is also famous for his heart.

At this moment, Wu Jing has been stunned and stunned: "I can usually ignore it. Today, our free agent quota has been fixed, and no extra-budgets are needed."

Although the mandate stipulates, in addition to the four major organizations, there are ten free places in each district.

But with the influence of the four organizations, how difficult is it to draw ten free people?

Just like Shen Yan, if you want to, you can easily pull the Dragon Tooth team, M7, and the Vientiane Palace has already chosen ten free people as their extraordinates.

The Broken Blade team will join at this time, which is undoubtedly a disruption plan.

But the most important thing is that Takei has a very strong fighting intuition. He has already felt that the arrival of the Broken Blade team will only bring danger to himself.

At this moment, when I was in Wujing, I waved a hand, and the Southern District had already had a group of adventurers, blocking the entire portal. It seems that they are never allowed to enter from here.

The way the task world enters has always been the priority of the adventurer who has reached the deadline, and then the advanced first-come-first-served

The Vientiane Palace’s trick of playing the door is obviously not wanting to give the Broken Blade opportunity.

Shen Yu has made a big step forward: "The Broken Blade team used the Southern District Portal to use it. Please leave the unrelated person outside the Vientiane Palace. We only need free places."

A group of people looked cold and cold and said nothing.

Shen Qiang helplessly shook his head: "I don't know how to lift..."

There is more than one thing in his palm, reshaping the stone.

"Conversion, the will will drop by one hundred, the power will increase by one hundred points... open the battle"

The light flashed on him, and the man had rushed to one of the free adventurers who were not in Vientiane.

The adventurer can be selected into one of the ten free men in the Vientiane Palace, and the strength is naturally not low.

However, under the grasp of Shen Yu, the adventurer only felt a strong attack, completely suppressed his power, and was indulged in the underground without rebellion.

Shen Yu has already kicked a kick on the adventurer and kicked him like a ball. He shouted: "With this strength, you can also participate in the death race and send it to death."

In fact, the adventurer is not so weak, but here is the city, he is used to the city can not fight, completely did not expect to be attacked at this time

There is a gap in its own strength, coupled with the infiltration of the property, the strength is soaring, and it is a surprise attack, the result is that it is hit to fly without a shadow.

The people of the Vientiane Palace did not expect Shen Yu to say that they had shot, but they were shocked and angry. However, it was not only the adventurers who were ready to enter, but also many adventurers who came to see the line.

At this moment, a group of people are holding at the same time, and various weapons have been squatting.

In the eyes of Shen Yan, a murderous flash, slamming the ground: "The Devil fits"

Anyway, after entering the mission world, all the ability to cool down, he does not need to use it now, if it is not bloodline transformation, it will lead to blood damage, he will dare to use it even if he transforms into a fit.

At this moment, as he fits with the demon, his body has suddenly expanded and expanded. The whole attribute is twice as powerful as the moment. The right fist hits the air and is on the shield of an adventurer. It is a punch. Under the shield, a huge hole

Then Shen Shen has shot several punches in succession.

After transforming his power into power, he has reached three hundred points in strength. Together with the doubling of the attributes of the demon, his power attribute reaches a horror of six hundred points. Even the original Hercules is far behind.

Almost every adventurer with his fists was shocked by his punches, only to hear the screams of screaming, and there was a **** rain near the southern portal.

A sharp knife rushed to the horizon, slamming into the sinking, sinking his left hand and waving, the scarlet blade crossed the air, hitting the knife in the face, it was the time of Wujing.

This knife broke out, but it was shocked. The original violent body was slightly stagnate.

At the same time, two men, one woman and two adventurers, standing in the Vientiane Palace with Wujing Shiyan, took a glance and looked at the sinking hand.

Sinking only feels that his body is stiff, but he is in a state of being unable to move.

When the knife is back, Wu Chang’s long knife has swept the chest, and the situation is fast and urgent.

Seeing Shen Yu can no longer hide, Shen suddenly snorted, his arm suddenly stretched, has seized an adventurer nearby, and violently pulled him in front of him, actually used his opponent to make his own shield

The sharp blade suddenly braked in the most unlikely state of stopping. When Wujing smashed his wrist, the long knife had been cut into a straight thorn, and the eyes were straight.

Silver light shield lights up

"Stop" an old voice has sounded loudly

It is the first old man who has never spoken.


With a burst of silver blast, the samurai sword has smashed the T1000 and stopped on the sinking eyelids, but did not stab it.

The indulgent hand has been placed on the top of the adventurer who gave him the shield. The hand is tiger-claw-shaped, which is the situation that the cracked claw is about to start.

If Wujing is smashing this knife, Shen Yu will inevitably launch cracked claws.

Change one person's life with one eye, and you can't afford it.

When I was in Wujing, I looked at Shen Yu: "You... don't dare, you don't want to be a sinner."

Shen Xiao smiled slightly: "Don't dare, I have to try to know that I promise you that even if I kill all the people here, I will never become a contender."

The old man’s gaze suddenly shrank

He obviously heard the warning in the sinking words.

He looked at Shen Yan: "Let people go, you can join us."

"Adult" Wu Jing suddenly looked back to the old man

The old man sighed: "Put your knife, when he is, he doesn't lie. If you force him, he will do it."


The old man waved his hand and stopped at Wujing. "I know what you want to say. They come over, maybe not to help us, but it doesn't matter. What matters is that they enter from the Southern District, and they are with us." Sitting on a boat"

"They may not be helping us wholeheartedly, but as long as they are sitting on this boat, they will not want this boat to turn over like this."

"When you are, you have a keen instinct, but sometimes we do things, not just about the mind, we must look at the action."

"So if you can't stop the other party from going to the then at least... don't push them in the opposite direction because of your actions"

The knife of Takei’s time was gradually collected.

Shen Yan looked at the old man’s gaze and gradually gained respect.

The old man is right, no matter what the purpose of the Broken Blade team is, at least they entered the South District and sat on a boat with the Southern District.

Maybe they will have a lot of mismatches with the Southern District, but they will not hope that the Southern District will be completely finished.

In any case, the Broken Blades are still a neutral, and all hostile acts will only push them far.

The old man saw this, so he agreed to the entry of the broken blade team.

Sinking pushes the adventurer and says, "So... ready to enter"

"Happy cooperation" old man said

"Happy cooperation"

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