Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 25: Transfer

M Tiantai, Southern District Temporary Command Center

The adventurer responsible for the light brain docking is still busy. He is called Imida, an Indian, and the most outstanding hacker in the Vientiane Palace.

As his fingers waved on the light curtain, a map of the planet of Krusgen was gradually revealed.

Imida said: "The primary database is open, the basic information of the planet has been obtained, but the invasion failed, I can not take over any of the systems here."

Lin Weisheng said: "I need instant information, not where a restaurant on the planet is. Isn't the best hacker in the Vientiane can't even control a road traffic command system?"

Imida was in a hurry and hurriedly replied: "The network system of Star Wars is an illusory system. It is not a real technology. It can only be voyeurized and cannot be occupied by traditional technology."

Sinking interface said: "I will solve this problem, just as we came over this time, but also brought something small"

Speaking that Shen Yu has taken the satellite they brought, and seeing this thing, Lin Weisheng, Wu Jingshi and others are also very surprised.

The price of satellites is not cheap, and the mission world is not a wilderness. Basically, it can’t be recovered once. I didn’t expect Shenyu to bring a satellite.

If they know that Shen Yu also brought a warship to enter, I don’t know what expression to make.

However, before confirming the use of the force environment and the conditions of use of the warship, Shen Yu will never take it out.

Just like the bridge to the Inferno sect, the Pioneer is their last card.

Although a satellite does not allow a global search for Krussenberg, even some areas are sufficient.

Lin Weisheng is very satisfied with this.

The Broken Blades are showing their positions with practical actions. For Vientiane, it is undoubtedly to add a heavy weight to the balance that has won.

Galileo is in the opposite direction with his hands: "In any case, I am very happy to be able to fight side by side with you."

Shen Yu faintly said: "Tu Qianqian is coming, you have no plans?"

Galileo was obviously stunned. After a while, he said: "I won’t shoot her, but this is the only thing I can do."

Sinking can see the sadness that appears on his face.

Pat on Galileo’s shoulder, he still said nothing after all.

Some things, only he can face himself

Then he came to Lin Weisheng: "I still have questions to ask Lin Tianwang"

Lin Weisheng laughed and said: "Is it about the infernal sect?"

Shen Hao nodded: "Yes, this death race is launched by the Inferno sect. After all, they have prepared the longest time and the biggest win, so whether or not the three districts join hands, we still need to know more about them."

Lin Weisheng sighed: "You are cautious, I appreciate it, but unfortunately, I don't know who will be hosted in the Western District."

How can this be possible?

Lin Weisheng has already said to Shen Wei: "It is not that we don't know who the Inferno sect entered this time, but it is useless to know it."

Shen Yu first stayed in bed, then suddenly realized: "Tong Tianqiao?"

That's right

The Inferno sect has a flyover and will use the flyover in this competition. These are almost doomed things.

But who said that they can only use the flyover to send reinforcements?

They can let the host also enter the mission world through the bridge, so that in the innate information, the three districts are in a backward situation.

For the infernal sect, what they have to do is very simple, that is, send a team into the mission world, then open the bridge, and then wait for the real host to enter

In this process, the other three district monitors can only see the 20 purgatory members and ten free men who are about to enter the mission world. They know nothing about the real host.

Lin Weisheng nodded: "We sent the adventurers in the Western District to return that the members of the Inferno sect who participated in the mission were mainly Affleck and Parma. The ashes were led by them, but we can be sure that these two people Just a bitch"

"Who is Affleck and Parma?" Shen Fu frowned, he was a bit strange, because when Cliff introduced him, he did not mention these two names.

"You don't know, it's not surprising, because they are members of the Inferno sect, but they are not the Dane family."

I just understand this.

Although the Dane family is the middle power of the Inferno sect, the Purgatory sect is not the only Dane family.

In addition to the Dane family, the Inferno sect also has a small organization, centered on the Dane family, intertwined and intertwined, forming a large organization of purgatory sects.

In the past, the grievances of the Broken Blade team and the purgatory were mainly related to the Dane family, so it was mainly solved by the people of the Dane family.

But this time it is related to the struggle of the four major organizations, that is, the survival of the entire infernal sect, even those small organizations can not stay out of it.

Lin Weisheng said that Affleck and Parma are the best two infernal sect members outside the Dane family. They are also the Purgatory doubles after Averys and Cosgrove’s death. It is said that this is also the Dane family. In exchange for concessions from the continued support of other internal organizations, it is undeniable that these two individuals are now indeed the best adventurers in the four difficulty zones of the Purgatory Church.

However, just because they are not the people of the Dane family, Lin Weisheng knows that the Dane family can never give them such a crucial game.

So their existence only means one thing - the real host is still behind

Therefore, Lin Weisheng did not introduce the West District, because those people are only clear, all the dark cards are hidden in the bridge.

Lin Weisheng said: "Affleck and Parma are already the most powerful adventurers in the four difficulty zones of the Inferno sect. They have identity and charisma than they do. Then the people who come over the bridge can only... ”

"General" sinks cold and cold

Only the generals from the five difficulty can be condescending, the commanding Purgatory, and the entire Inferno sect

The biggest problem with them is that they don’t know how many people can pass the bridge once, and they don’t know how many times they can use it. They don’t know how to break the regional boundaries and send high-level characters into

It seems that at least one problem has been solved.

Probably to make Shen Yan feel at ease, Lin Weisheng smiled and said: "But you don't have to worry too much. If I don't expect it, this infernal sect will let the generals of the five difficulty come over, and will not go through three. The power of unity, when it can be dealt with"

“Why is this so sure?” Shen Weiwen

"Because the Vientiane Palace, Longmeng and the Bloody Legion have already considered this possibility before the start of the mission, so when we entered the mission world, the three organizations have begun to organize a confrontation in the interstellar world. Of course, the offensive is fake. The key is to provoke the war and make the infernal sect unable to withdraw."

Sinking and chuckling: "Sure enough, it is a big organization of old age, taking into account all aspects"

Lin Weisheng’s emphasis on the long-term: “A gambling game, not only the strength of the court, but also the strength of the court. Sometimes, the strength of the court and even the important strength of the game. If this is not the case, the three organizations will not be like this. One

"So, such a big man like the Dion family patriarch, the Inferno cult leader Edmund Dyne, is absolutely impossible to play in this mission?"

“It’s impossible” Lin Weisheng answered with a slap in the face


Western Rooftop

The purgatory sect adventurer is building a temporary command center

Of course, they have to do more than just the construction of the command center, but also include a uniquely shaped jade platform.

This jade tower is somewhat similar to the Fengxiantai built by the worshippers of the month, but it is relatively simple and a lot of energy stones piled up under the stage.

An adventurer who apparently is good at alchemy is busy at the stage, engraving a large alchemy figure on the stage. In front of that stage, a jade ring is hanging over the sky, slowly turning, it is the lock ring.

There are still three people standing in front of the stage. The head is a blond man who looks like he is in his thirties. His hands are looking at the lock ring on the table. His expression is as if he is enjoying something beautiful.

This person, Affleck, is the left-hander of Purgatory, and is also the temporary commander of this operation.

He looked at the lock ring and suddenly gave a low laugh.

In his twenties standing next to him, the handsome young man Parma is puzzled: "What are you laughing at?"

"Oh," Affleck converges with laughter: "I was just thinking, one day, I can lead the ashes, but only when the five-minute leader may be expecting the transfer of the construction failure, then I will be the leader. Time may be longer"

"You don't hide your ambitions." Parma said that this is the best rising star after Cliff, after Cliff, but not as ostentatious as Affleck. I was scared by Affleck’s bold words, and even patted her chest with her hand.

A bald man standing on the left side of Affleck was dissatisfied and snorted: "Affleck, pay attention to your words and deeds, the bridge is the key to our victory, you should not be arrogant to think that you can Beat our opponents"

Affleck shrugged: "I just talked about it. Anyway, if the altar is built, it will fail. It is not impossible to use the bridge. At best, it is to transfer a few people less, and once less."

"Shut up, you guys are unobstructed." The bald man is already angry: "You don't even have a five-minute leader."

"Here are all people." Affleck shrugged: "Asttin, what are you doing so nervously?"

"Not all is not far", a melodious voice passed over

Affleck looked back and saw a man wearing a batter sitting in the corner of the rooftop, looking into the distance

Affleck glanced: "Who are you?"

The fight is obviously a shadowing prop with a special function, and Affleck finds himself unable to gain insight into the aspect.

The martial artist has already laughed: "Affleck, the head of five minutes, that is also the head. You don't even know anyone in your team. You are also trained by your men. You said that you are not shameful. I want to be like you, when I jumped to the river early in the morning,"

Affleck snorted: "These are the above arrangements. I just obey the order, but what kind of guy are you, why should you talk to me like this?"

When he said this, he was also angry and burning.

Indeed, what is the head of five minutes, it is awkward to say nothing, in addition to the approval of Parma, the "timid as a mouse" guy, who will listen to him?

All the entering personnel are arranged in advance. After entering, everyone starts to work according to the plan. If there is no such leader, it is not important that Astin does not even give him a good face. To put it bluntly, he can be a member. The temporary leader, or because of the internal coordination of the sect, the Dane family gives other forces a face.

Only those who have experienced it will understand that this is for the face, which is clearly a face.

At this moment, he sternly questioned, but the fight man ignored him, but the next Astin replied: "I don't tell you, just to keep this person secret, we are especially looking for a broken blade." Secret weapons are not suitable for exposure because of their special status."

The Brawler laughed aloud: "What secret weapon is nothing but a funeral dog that has been defeated by a broken blade team. At best, there is a bit of understanding of them."

Said that the man has taken off the steep, revealing a wild face

"Xie Rongjun?" Seeing this face, Parma was screaming.

Xie Rongjun

Xie Rongjun smiled at Parma: "I haven't seen you for a long time, the mouse is a coward, are you still as afraid as before?"

Palma bit his lower lip and replied softly: "I... I am not afraid of you"

Xie Rongjun sneaked up and laughed: "It seems that you have absorbed the ten stone, and you are getting rid of the panic nightmare. Congratulations, but you must be careful, his Diapolo's will is just right. Is your nemesis"

Parma bit his teeth and replied: "That doesn't require you to care."

"Yes, because you don't run into sinking at all." Another voice screams coldly.

It was a man sitting not far from Xie Rongjun. At this moment, he was wiping his hands in a cold knife.

The same Chinese face

Affleck looked at the man and looked back at Astin: "A secret weapon?"

Astin has not answered The man has said coldly: "No, I am not a secret weapon, I am just a ... consumable weapon"

Affleck is stunned and wants to ask again. The adventurer behind the engraved transmission array has already called out: "The transmission of the array is completed, you can start the bridge."

The three turned at the same time and looked at the altar behind them.

All the adventurers put the energy stone together on the altar at the same time. As a lot of energy stones are consumed in an instant, the lock ring on the stage suddenly emits a ray of light, rushing to the sky, shooting to the endless void, and opening an endless space and time. Channel already appears

There are several figures in the distance from the far end of the passage. From far to near, it seems like a thousand miles. In the blink of an eye, it has appeared on the altar.

The first thing that appeared was a ruddy, tall, mighty middle-aged man who followed six people behind him, four men and two women, one of whom was Cliff, and the other was Meryl.

As soon as the seven people appeared, Affleck and Parma were shocked at the same time, and they shouted: "Teacher"

Astin and all other adventurers have called at the same time: "patriarch"

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