Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 31: Blockade (below)

Step out of the hidden point, walk a few steps, enter the crowd of people who flee, follow the flow of people moving forward. m

The front crowd is passing through the inspection port one by one. Before the inspection, there is a security door that looks like modern metal detection. When someone passes, the door will flash red light and read a series of information.

"Sink, you can't mix it!" The gentle and rushing voice rang in the ear: "Every resident of Cruise Star has an identification card that identifies himself. All without a badge, or Anyone who knows the wrong card content will be caught!"

The city does not prepare this kind of thing for the adventurers. The deathmatch mode does not need to be integrated into the plot. The pursuit and killing are the whole theme of this mission. Even if it is, it is only the identity of the Mupai star, and it will only attract more soldiers.

"Think about it." Shen Wei whispered: "Imida, can you find a way to get through the detection door?"

"No, I can't do it!" Imida replied loudly: "I can't control the system network here."

"So if I steal a tag? Can you modify me?"

"It's hard. The identification card is a tiny device that is implanted directly into the body. You don't even know where it is in the human body."

"There are a lot of dead people here." Shen Yu answered.

"That doesn't work either. The content of the identification card is connected to the database of the Galaxy Empire. I can't modify the contents of the database. Even if you have an identification card, it will be useless if the information is not correct."

"If you can't do it, just use the assembly order to come back." Gentle said.

"No, I think about it again." After experiencing the need to use the assembly order in the world of Xianjian but there is no assembly order available, Shen Yu will not easily use this escape prop. Although the current situation is somewhat complicated, it is still not difficult.

He stepped back a few steps and retreated back to the hidden point, releasing the mirrored avatar, and then he ran away again.

This time he is much faster.

Just as he was about to go to the detection port, the sinking avatar had suddenly rushed out from the darkness, and it was a shot at the detection door, then turned and ran.


Detecting door cracking!

The four Sith Warriors chased the avatar at the same time, and the whole scene was in turmoil. All the refugees rushed to the front at the same time. Shen Yu also rushed through the blockade line by the flow of people.

The gunshots of the sky rang, and the machine soldiers and the four Sith warriors were chasing the avatars. According to the strength of his avatar, he can at least resist the hard work for a while.

However, the avatar just fled a few steps, only to see the four Sith Warriors look at each other, while pointing at each other.

A piece of Force Network has been transformed from the hands of the four Sith Warriors. The detachment is shrouded. When you stand up, you feel that the connection between you and the avatar is cut off. It is difficult to act on the detachment.

At the same time, the ship's shipborne energy cannon in the sky has slowly mobilized the muzzle to the bottom.


The four large energy light columns descended from the sky, and they were hitting the body of Shen Shen, and instantly vaporized and evaporated.

This horrible scene saw the adventurers of the former Southern District of the satellite sweating at the same time.

The ship's shipborne energy cannon is so powerful that everyone knows it. However, due to the speed of convergence and the distance, the adventurer's skill can often avoid it in time.

However, under the control of the Sith Warrior's Force Network, it is equivalent to an auxiliary positioning function added to the ship-based gun. The combination of the two will immediately bring out the powerful features of high-tech weapons. It can be said that it is true technology and personal strength. Combine.

At that moment, the sinking was a bright spot.

Isn't this the combination that the city has been pursuing?

The universality of self-enhancement and the power of high-tech reinforcement are combined and insufficient complementarity.

However, this thought was just a flash. The problem at hand was that when the avatar was wiped out cleanly, the machine army began to reorganize the order and tried to get all the undetected people back.

A group of cloned soldiers in front of us rushed from a distance, it seems that they got the news and quickly rushed over to support, Shen Qiang turned away.

"Hey, you, stop, check!" A cloned soldier has called out to Shen.

If you don’t yell at yourself, turn around and enter the side lane.

Several cloned soldiers have rushed over to the sink with a laser gun, and several giant triangular tower robots have begun to turn the turret to sink.

"Mom!" Shen Yan whispered, seeing this is either using the assembly order to go back, or is ready to play with the other party. However, when he thought of the cooperation between the four Sith warriors and the air battleships, he was not numb by a scalp.

Perhaps he can resist the attack of the energy cannon with his bloodline transformation. The question is how much can he resist?

If it is not a last resort, don't try to make this route a good one.

As soon as I thought about the power of the world, I couldn’t help but feel a rush.

Just then, a female voice suddenly passed over:

"You can't do this to me? I am the reporter of the new express, Sally Michelle! I have the right to interview and report, let me in!"

is her?

Sinking and screaming, I saw Sally Michelle yelling in front of a cloner, and the clerk was just coldly replied: "The area has been blocked, no one can easily enter, sorry. You can't interview everything here."

Other people think of it, but she wants to go in.

The footsteps of the rear cloned soldiers have become clearer and clearer, and they have rushed over in the past: "Sally, I am looking for you everywhere, you are here!"

Sally Michelle turned back and saw that Shen Shen had strode over. He hugged Sally and kissed her mouth.

This kiss immediately made Sally into a state of brain loss.

Several cloned soldiers who were chased later saw this scene and stopped at the same time.

At the same time, let the gentleness and powerlessness that is watching all of this sigh and sigh: "Oh, hell, he is coming again... I would rather he was wasting a team assembly order, and he is not willing to take his escape to pick up the girl... That woman even Not the protagonist!"

Shen Qiang has loosened Sally Michelle and held her face. In fact, she is holding her and she is not allowed to speak. Shen Shen has a deep face: "I was worried about dying, I saw You are fine."

"I...hey..." Sally was unable to say a word.

Shen Hao has turned and said to the clone officer: "Oh, I am sorry to bother you. I am a colleague of Sally. Thank you very much for saving her. I hope she has not caused you trouble."

"No, it's not like this!" Sally screamed angrily.

The cloner shrugged his shoulders: "This is not the case. I didn't save her, but this woman wants to break into the restricted area. You know that this is not possible."

"I understand very well and I am willing to respect your duties. I will take her away."

Sally desperately squeezed her voice out of the blind: "No! I will never leave, the **** are killing inside...killing innocent civilians... I want to report this..."

"Hurry take her away!" The clone director was obviously angry: "Remember not let her talk nonsense. If we see any reports about this incident, then your colleague is finished, I have scanned her identity. It!"

"Please rest assured, I will never let her report this incident."

"Let's get along with you, take this woman away!" The cloner has been irritated by Sally, waving and letting them go.

Sinking and grabbing Sally and leaving.

Seeing that the two left, the director of the clones thought about it and typed in his arm information instrument: "Record, Sally Michel, New Express reporter, listed as the key monitoring object, monitoring time 72 hours. Within three days If there is any change, immediately arrest! Recorder: Abra's No. 3 clone, the ninth brigade of the Storm Corps is directly under the second squadron of the assault squadron."

Here, Shen Shen has left Sally with this piece of right and wrong. He walks very fast, Sally Michel is struggling with anger, but how can she break free from sinking, so she is being held all the way. open. Fortunately, her identity as a reporter is like a plague, so that all cloned soldiers automatically bypassed the road, no one is going to trace the identity of Shen Shen. Sure enough, the reporter is a professional god, no matter what age is not flattering. .

I have been out of the good distance and confirmed that I have left the center of the whirlpool. I will let go of Sally: "Okay, now you are free."

Said that he turned and left.

"You bastard, robber, rogue!" Sally yelled behind Shen Shen: "The car was robbed, and I ruined my news. I even kissed me..."

"I saved your life anyway, and it was twice!" Shen Yantou did not reply back: "If it wasn't me, maybe the cloned soldier had already shot a gun to break your head, you Really thought they didn't dare to kill?"

Sally crossed her waist: "What about that? I know if I don't come up with a manuscript that I am satisfied with in the two days, my internship will be completely over. I will be unemployed, I can't pay the rent, or even The law repairs my roof again... although I don’t have a roof that can be repaired now... all this is thanks to you!"

"The problem is that even if you take out the news, your editor-in-chief may not dare to publish."

"That depends on which angle to report. If it is from the perspective of the Holocaust, of course, don't dare, but if it is from the perspective of non-human fighting?" Sally said proudly: "The battles of those superhumans, Belong to the battle of the legendary Jedi Knight!"

"It's a Sith Warrior!" Shen Yan corrected her.

"Well, the Sith Warrior is a Sith Warrior. In any case, they are a group of people who have mastered the secrets of the cosmic force. They have only existed in legends. But this time I took a lot of photos." Sally swayed proudly. Shaking his camera, Shen Yan took her into the whirlpool of an adventurer's battle, but gave this woman a good chance to get first-hand battle information.

It’s strange how the cloned soldier did not check her camera together?

The woman is still talking incessantly: "I was going to enter the blockade area to find the warriors who fought, but unfortunately they were stirred up by you. If any warrior can accept my interview, I will get a copy in the new express. Column, maybe the front page... Well, the second edition is also ok. But all this has been stirred up by you!"

When the woman said this, she sighed and sighed.

"Well, I deeply regret this." Shen Yan shrugged and strode forward.

However, at this moment, a horrified scream suddenly appeared behind Shen.

It’s Sally.

Shen Yanran turned back, but found that this woman did not have anything, just looked at himself with a stunned look.

Sinking a little wonder: "What are you looking at?"

"You..." Sally pointed and said: "You are also a Sith warrior. I saw you flying in the air!"

"Oh... hell!" Shen Yan took a forehead.

The woman who is emotionally surprised, but in order to suddenly think of sinking is also one of those who are flying.

The woman has rushed over to grasp Shen Shendao: "Accept my interview! Tell me who you are, how did you become a Sith Warrior? What kind of training have you experienced, what kind of life have you ever had? Why are you fighting in the city? Are you guilty of the civilians who died because of your fighting? What makes a Sith warrior fall into a robbery..."

She threw out a series of questions in one breath and heard the stunned.

After half a sigh, he replied: "You are wrong."

Turn around and leave.

"Is it?" Sally was proud of shaking the camera in her hand: "So what do you explain above? Maybe I should let you see what you are inside. You said if I put it inside Put the content on, what will happen?"

"Damn!" Shen Yu has already caught the camera.

The Galactic Empire does not necessarily know much about the situation of these people. Otherwise, it can't be mixed so easily before sinking, but if this information is put on, it will have to be completely exposed.

Sally did not dodge, let Shen Shen take the camera away, just smiled and said: "Useless, this thing is directly connected to the new Express database, all the information will be stored in the database at the same time, even if you take it Destroy me and I can extract the content from the database."

Now Shen Shen knows why the cloned soldier did not go to the camera in the woman's hand.

Sinking helplessly look at Sally: "What do you want to do?"

"This is impossible. Our identity is confidential. If you dare to say it..." Shen Yan’s eyes suddenly became cold: "I will kill you."

Sally was shocked and took a few steps back: "I warn you, if I am still alive, that information is only available to me. This is to protect every reporter's rights. But if I am dead, the authority will be It will be automatically lifted, and the editor of the new express will be able to access all the information. Also, the database of the new express has a total of six, all local information sharing, even if you blow one of them It’s too late to process information from other places.”

Shen Yan looked at the woman with amazement: "What do you want?"

"Let me make a column for you, I will make you a big star!" The woman answered with enthusiasm.

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* Talented child fate 0 nights for Jun ink: offer the latest chapter: the 16th and dance with the death of the thirty-first chapter blockade (below)! *

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