Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 11: Home world (below)

King Kong Honglang also shook his head and did not believe.

Sinking and smiling: "Tender you first go to the city to exchange a thousand blood points, and now go to the trading market to short all the exchanged dollars to this stock, believe me, you will earn."


"Don't ask!" Shen Yan looked at the gentleness very seriously: "Don't ask anything, okay?"

I thought about it gently and nodded. "Well, if you lose money, you promise me to give up the idea of ​​saving money right away, and stay with me here."

"no problem."

Seeing the gentle departure, Shen Yan’s face suddenly became positive, saying: “King Kong, Hong Lang, Luo Wei, you three will blow up the headquarters of this company tonight.”

"What are you talking about?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words of Shen.

Shen Yu said one word: "I said to blow up the headquarters of this company! Remember, you don't need to blow much more, the key is to make the momentum bigger!"

"Hell, I know that your kid must have a ghost idea." Hong Lang grinned.

This happened, the company’s stock did not fall, it was called a ghost.

King Kong looked at Shen Wei: "Does this not be a legal investment?"

"Of course we are not legal, but if it is gentle, she is legal. For her, she simply did a business. In this, there are still several people sitting in the air. This stock, then bombed the company for its own benefit. We are the culprit, she is just a beneficiary. You can't plant the crimes she has never done or planned. Legally speaking, she is innocent." Shen Yan said meaningfully.

"This company can't be without security. If you don't use it, you can't."

"Who doesn't let you use it?" Shen Yan asked.

"But the city regulations..."

"Look clearly... The city stipulates that it is not open to ability, not ability to use it!" Shen Xiao smiled: "As long as you don't let others see your ability to use... or kill someone who sees your ability to use it. Isn't it not public?"

it is as expected.

This awkward guy will come up with this way to solve the problem.

King Kong thought about it and still worried: "This trick is good, but our direct purpose is to help the gentle to make money, I don't think we can fool the city."

"We don't need to fool the city. The point is that when the law decides a person's crime, the first thing is to see if the person has criminal motives, attempts, whether to plan and participate in the execution of the crime. If not, then her behavior is legal. As for our motives, the problem that belongs to us has nothing to do with her. Since the **** city wants to play regular games with us, it must also abide by the rules of the game, otherwise the game can't play. You really think that the **** city let us Is it legal to allow us to use violence? No, in my opinion, this is a test of teamwork tacit understanding and mutual trust, and it also tests whether we have the ability to seize opportunities and exploit loopholes. Vulnerabilities... then we create loopholes!"

Shen Yu believes that everything that the **** city does has its own purpose.

The test is not only for combat ability, but also for personal IQ, team trust and so on.

Therefore, the home world is a multi-faceted, comprehensive task that looks harmless but quite complex. Its mission is actually more difficult, but it is not dangerous, and the operation is simple.

Also because there is no risk, the complexity rate increases and the yield is greatly reduced.

Also because there is no danger, Shen Shen does not mind using a thousand blood points to make an investment attempt. Even if it fails, it is only a loss of 1,000 points. And if he succeeds, then the flowerpots in this home world will soon bloom.

When others use a few natural months to cultivate, apply water, and fertilize, the small resource base that sinks their pots has begun to germinate, and as a result.

At this moment, when you say this, everyone understands what he means.

King Kong smiled bitterly: "You can't marry her for too long, she can't be stupid."

"That's not better? Then she knows what to do. The law won't make a conviction for a person who guesses what is going to happen in the world and profit from it." Shen Xiao laughed.

"What will happen after that? If we are in touch with gentleness, she will become an accomplice."

"The criminals and legal income are completely different concepts. From the rules set by the **** city, it only cares whether our income is legally obtained, and does not care what we are. Today we robbed 10 million. This money city will not recognize, use it to invest, the profits generated are still illegal. But tomorrow we went to work to earn twenty dollars, even if the title of the United States wanted to commit crimes, this income is still legal. Do you understand? The **** city only looks at the legitimacy of the income itself, and does not look at the legitimacy of the person, so we will not have any problems with the gentle relationship, and will not affect her income. We need to meet the standards of the **** city. , not the standard of American law."

Everyone suddenly realized. Hong Lang muttered: "I heard your head is big, it is too complicated."

Shen Yan smiled and said: "In fact, it is not so complicated. In the end, let us go to manage and develop the world. My approach is to speed up the start-up process slightly. After that... I still have to follow the normal procedure. go."

"I understand." King Kong stood up: "In this case, I will also exchange some **** points."

"To redeem a hundred points is enough." Shen Xiao laughed.


The next action becomes natural and simple.

In the evening, the headquarters of the arms company, which was gently vacant, was bombed. Although the losses were not large, the incident was rumored, and various rumors were mixed, resulting in a sharp fall in stock prices and a tender and earning.

As expected, the **** city really defaulted to the legality of the money, and the income of Shen Yu was rejected without mercy.

Lose a small win!

Gentle, the money earned, and immediately guessed what they were doing. But she did not ask anything smart, but she continued to shoot in the market. The two sides are very tacit, but the results are amazing.

On the tenth day, the gentle and successful accumulation of capital from 20,000 US dollars to 300,000 US dollars. It is a pity that these dollars cannot be exchanged for **** points, otherwise they will be cool.

At this time, they have used up their time in the home world, they must leave here and return to the **** city.

Under Shen's suggestion, gentle decision to gamble, all funds are dispersed in various investment areas.

This time, the 641 team no longer plays risky tricks. After all, they have invested two thousand **** points for this, and the rest of the blood is not much.

They have to bet that in the next 290 days, this home world will resume order because of negotiations between humans and mutants, and the US economy will slowly pick up. By then they will become rich and rich.

It's interesting to say that the information that influenced their most important investment decisions turned out to be given to them from the beginning of the city – because until now, not many people in New York know that humans and mutants are reopening negotiations.

It can be seen that the **** city has actually given everyone the opportunity to deliberately or inadvertently, only to see who can find it. In addition, Shen Yu not only discovered, but also quickly completed the accumulation of original capital, so that they can greatly advance the timing of receiving benefits.

Now that the seeds have been sown, the next step is to wait for the fall. Before that, they will continue to return to their original lives and go through the hard battles.

After returning to the **** city, everyone resumed their hard training career.

Compared with the previous training, in addition to exercising skills, everyone is more capable of training teams to cooperate with combat. Different tactics have been formulated for various terrains, various enemies, and various emergencies that may occur.

The effect of sinking is highlighted at this time.

He classifies the enemies that are currently known and may be encountered one by one, studies various countermeasures, finds the advantages and disadvantages, and formulates resource needs according to this.

During this time, gentlely raised her winding skills to 5, Honglang's fighting specialization was upgraded to the advanced class, the axe combo was upgraded to level 3, the target damage increased by 30 points, and the target weapon damage increased. Ten King Kong has a lower will, so the skill is improved slowly. It only raises his early eclipse attack to level 3, and causes 1.5 defense elimination effects when attacking the target. 15 o'clock.

As for Shen Yu, he used the skill points on the plunder, and upgraded this skill directly to level 2 and 600 points proficiency. Only 200 points can be promoted to level 3. The probability of a 2nd level of plunder success is 15%. This skill can only be used in actual combat, and it is not practical to practice. Therefore, Shen Yu spends most of his time on medical and spiritual exploration.

Despicable medical surgery has been successfully upgraded to level 4, effective treatment for traumatic and bleeding injuries, each time recovering 60 points of life, moderate treatment for puncture, tear, shock and skill damage, each time recovering 36 points. Weakly treat the toxins and toxins, and recover 6 points each time, which is not effective for special injuries.

Spiritual exploration is still a few dozen proficiency to advance.

Sinking originally wanted to buy two guns to raise the reel, and directly raised his own guns to the top, but this thing is not worthwhile, but it is not free to buy. After going to the ordinary district for a few times, I did not find a sale, but it was a waste of six hundred **** points.

The fat man's mental armor is gratifying and has risen to the next level. Now he has 5 skills and consumes 6 spirits. He can create a spiritual armor with a vitality of 250 and a defensive power of 5.

At this point, there are still 3,900 **** points on the 641 team's books.

With the arrival of the last day, the **** coat of arms sent a reminder:

Tip: Go to the transfer area immediately and get ready to enter the mission world.

Mission scenario: Terminator 2018.

Preparation time: one hour.

This mission is a Jedi survival mode, killing adventurers can not inherit the other's heritage, attack damage reduced by 50%.

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