Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 13: Comprehension

The X112 unmanned aerial carrier flew slowly over the San Gabriel Mountains, escorting four hunters, the Dovetail Fighter.

The X-Series large air host is the most important component of Skynet's global system strategy. This mothership is 100 meters long and can accommodate thousands of T-Series Terminator robots, even super-large machine killer reapers, and has a powerful firepower system.

Although it is slower and slightly more cumbersome, it has an unparalleled power as an air carrier.

When the empty mother passed through a mountainous area, the eye-slicing reconnaissance robot sent a message: three humans were found in front.

The airborne mother's belly opened and a reaper fell from the air to the ground.

As soon as it landed, the reaper had released two motorized Terminators rushing towards the depths of the mountains.

With a fierce gunshot, three humans were killed by two people, and the remaining one was captured by the reaper and sent to the aircraft carrier.

The empty mother pipeline opened, and the refugees shouted along the pipeline all the way to the cell. Just as the passage at the top of the cell was fully opened, a flying claw flew out and grabbed the wall, and then a figure flashed out like a power. It is sinking.

Then Shen Yan took out the vampire's touch and slipped the wall, cut a large piece of iron, and quickly plugged it into the gap in the pipe.

Just as the door is sewed into the paper, the telescopic channel is suddenly stuck and cannot be closed.

Sinking clutching the upper wall and shouting to the bottom: "Xiao Fan, come up."

The teenager just stared at the ground and did not respond.

Seeing that the passage was opened, all the refugees were excited.

Sinking and snoring: "Damn!"

He took out the spirit gun and pointed at the refugees: "Stop!"

All the refugees were scared to stop.

Sinking coldly and coldly: "I will bring the child up. I can let you go this way. I don't care about your life and death. But if anyone dares to grab it, I guarantee that he will not have to leave this cell in his life."

A group of refugees rushed to the scene and lifted Xi Xiaofan up to the top. Shen Yi grabbed Xiaofan’s hand and picked him up. Then he said, “You better follow me, understand? ”

The juvenile nodded.

Shen Yan sighed.

Even if he is as timid as a fat man, he can patiently enlighten and encourage the positive emotions of the fat man, making him gradually less timid, but for an idiot, you really have no way.

He can only pat the head of the boy and say, "Remember to keep up with me. It was the first time I waited for you. It was the last time I waited for you. I will not stop because of you!"

Then he said to the refugees: "You have to go, but it is best not to follow me. Don't blame me for not warning you: don't follow me, you may live longer. Follow me, you will only die Soon. Don't expect me to save you, because when necessary, I will only use you to block bullets."

Speaking, Shen Yan cut the pipe with a dagger and dug a hole in the side. There was a darkness in front of him, and there were dense wires everywhere.

It is well-connected here, and I don't know where to go. Shen Shen has chosen one of the directions to go inside.

After a long walk, he looked back and saw that the boy was still firmly behind him. In addition, several refugees ignored his warning and followed him.

This made the brows wrinkled. He wanted to kill the few refugees who did not know how to be good, but think about it.

The sound of the water ticking came from the front, and he snorted and snorted. Everyone stopped and noticed, and did not dare to speak. Even the boy stood still.

Shen Qian slowly stepped forward and saw that it was originally a cooling tower.

Next to the cooling tower, there is also a Terminator.

The shape of this Terminator looks primitive and simple. There is no feeling on the metal face of the dead man. A pair of eyes made with a heat sensor emits red light. The exaggerated squats are squeaking from time to time. The body is made of steel frame bones, which are precision electronic instruments with cold metal skin on the outside.

Shen Shen used spiritual exploration against the Terminator:

"T-600 Terminator robot, defensive power 20, armor value 220, equipped with weapon M449 heavy machine gun, bullet damage force 12, the number of 500. Small rocket launcher, rocket damage 200, with rocket launch 3. Technology evaluation Grade D, use evaluation: cannon ash grade. Key points: 1 post-brain core control point 2 heart energy crystallization. Features: repairable after damage."

Since the Terminator robot is a non-living body, there is no will only level, so this spiritual exploration of Shen Yu almost saw the situation of this Terminator transparent.

This terminator, whether it is armor, defense or firepower, is actually worse than the Tiger tanks of World War II. But as a humanoid robot, it also has no bulky weaknesses in the tank.

In a **** city, robots are also a way of fortune-raising, but robotic reinforcement, like gun reinforcement, is not much valued by adventurers.

Driven by human nature, people are more willing to strengthen themselves, and only when they strengthen their own fruitlessness will they turn to external forces.

This is a manifestation of personal value, just like letting you choose between a desert eagle and a discharge abilities. Ninety-nine percent of people choose abilities instead of desert hawks. But it really has to be hard to fight, and most of them are still winning with guns, because the speed of shooting is definitely faster than using the power, and the distance is farther.

Therefore, the gun category is not optimistic in the **** city. One of the important reasons is that it cannot be added to the adventurer attribute during the attack, but it belongs to the foreign object and does not belong to its own reinforcement, which makes most adventurers Not willing to focus on technology-based reinforcement.

The same is true for robots. People are willing to redeem D-level skills and are not willing to redeem a D-class robot. Even a T600 Terminator is actually much more practical than a D-level skill.

What's more, if you want to redeem a robot bodyguard, you need to have a corresponding energy crystal and add blood.

Therefore, when Shen Wei saw the T600 Terminator, he suddenly realized that one thing - the Terminator's mission world, the main return must be used to purchase the energy crystallization of the corresponding robot bodyguard.

Just like Van Helsing's pedigree and skill rewards, World War II gives mercenary rewards, X-Men world gives power and energy rewards, and the machine world has its own main rewards.

Through this understanding, Shen Yu thought that he has already gone to the theme worlds such as magic, war, power and machine, and can predict in the future, there may be worlds such as Xian Xia, martial arts, ghosts, science fiction, monsters, etc. . The rewards of each world must be related to the characteristics of the world. The Yuhua Dragon Snake is probably the reward of the Xianxia class. It is extremely rare and valuable to cultivate and enhance the attributes through the cultivation of the mind. Like the skeletal skeletal hand is the martial arts class reward, through the skill cultivation to improve the fighting ability.

Looking further down, these characteristics actually determine the future of the adventurers.

Some people are good at melee, some are good at sneak attacks, some people are technologically reinforced, some are physically strengthened, and later, they form a variety of outstanding powers, each fighting under the same sky.

Considering one more deeper, the first difficulty adventurer must first do is not to make himself strong, but to determine his own development direction. After all, no one can take all the reinforcements.

The so-called strengthening direction here is not to say that buying a few melee skills in the city even establishes the direction of your melee specialties, but includes that the tasks involved should be a world suitable for your own reinforcement.

Strengthening in the city is like family education. On the one hand, it is to give you a foundation, such as strengthening attributes, such as buying a skill. On the one hand, let you come back to do homework and extracurricular review, such as skill level training, such as the formal strengthening of the blood obtained into your own lineage, so that the obtained items formally function.

The harvest in the mission world is a real school that not only allows you to develop your strengths, but also allows you to achieve targeted gains. For example, in the battle to play the way they are good at, this is the course of learning; after the battle, there is little gain, which belongs to the accumulation of knowledge; after the completion of the task, there is the highest reward, which is the first prize of the school's first award; occasionally can also find a Hidden task plot task, which is equivalent to participating in an interest class; rewarding the home world, which belongs to the class teacher to ask for additional counseling, belonging to the privilege of the top student.

The principle of the wilderness belongs to the society. It is too young to go out and work carefully to be bullied, but at the same time taking risks, the return is more obvious - the same hundred dollars are obviously different in the eyes of adults and in the eyes of middle school students.

Therefore, the task world of the first difficulty is like a primary school curriculum. The five skill bars are like homework. You have to learn everything, and nothing is fine. The main purpose is to let you know everything. Improve the quality. Because at this time you still don't know what you want to be in the future, and you are not qualified to set foot in society.

However, when it comes to the second difficulty, it is equivalent to entering the junior high school. At this time, the courage can run in the society occasionally, but the time cannot be too long, otherwise there will be problems.

Waiting for the three difficulties, it is almost equivalent to entering the university. At this time, you need to choose professional topics, on the one hand, you must participate in social practice, and both learning and practice begin.

After graduating from a difficult university, you have to find a job and accumulate social practice and strength. At this time, you are not learning what to do, but whether you can make a difference. In other words, the meaning of the mission world is no longer a school, but a company.

When it comes to five difficulties, it is a social achievement. This time is no longer what you have learned, but what you have. In other words, what kind of status will you have in the **** what achievements you have made and whether you can finally enter the Tongtian Tower.

Shen Hao did not expect that when he saw this T600 Terminator, he suddenly thought of this many things, but the more he thought, the more he felt that it was reasonable, and he could not help but continue to think about it.

The reason why **** cities don't give you any information is that you need to discover and explore from them. This is like most students don't worry about their work, but a few students who have ideals and are willing to fight for it are clear early. After the goal, there is a direction when struggling, which will lay a good foundation very early.

The school has a feeling of being more than the city. The teachers will follow the students and think about the future. The **** city will lay the road, then hide it, wait for you to discover it, and use the most primitive method of survival and the fittest to select qualified people.

Because there is no clear text, the first-time adventurers never imagined that there was such a meaning in the urban setting, but at this moment, they realized it.

Of course, setting the direction is one thing, and how to achieve the goal is one thing.

In life, students can choose schools, **** cities, adventurers can not choose the world of the mission.

But at that moment, Shen Yan’s mind suddenly remembered what Hong Lang had said: “Thirty days is the deadline for death. If you want, you can enter the mission world in advance.”

This sentence is in the mission of World War II. When he first saw Honglang, he asked how Honglang would enter this mission. Honglang gave him an answer.

At that time, he did not care about this answer, after all, no one would be willing to enter the mission world in advance.

But this moment he suddenly realized the intention of the arrangement of the **** city.

"I am so stupid!" Shen Xiao smiled.

This is clearly an opportunity for the city to prepare for people who want to clear their direction!

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