Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 54: Great prophecy

In the space port hospitality hall, a big battle finally broke out. M

Edmund’s gun tip screamed and screamed: “Get rid of it!”

At least twelve adventurers are simultaneously rushing to sink.

Then I looked at Lin Weisheng in the distance and said: "The southern district is now withdrawing, but it is too late!"

Until now, this old guy has not forgotten to divide opponents.

However, Lin Weisheng has not yet made a decision, but the Eastern District has already begun to retreat.

Hua Tianrui waved his hand to the rear, and the East Zone adventurers had to withdraw to the rear at the same time. For them, it was the best way to sit on the mountain.

Unfortunately, they want to retire, but some people do not let them back.

Just as the twelve West End adventurers rushed over, Shen Yu suddenly smiled and rushed to the Eastern District, and at the same time launched the Shenglong transform.

Hua Tianrui’s face changed slightly, and he yelled at Shen Yu’s finger: “Block him!”

More than 20 adventurers raised their hands at the same time, and their hands burst into a variety of skills.

"The body of the diamond!" Shen Yan has already rushed over without flashing, and the silver brilliance flashed on his body. The t1000 has covered him.


The skills of the blockbuster have been simmering at the same time.

The sky was filled with silver, and at the same time, the sinking had volleyed and swayed in the air like a gyro. The countless attacks fell on him, and many of them disappeared into invisible.

It is the indifferent self-killing skills that collapsed.

Only this time, his skills are used against himself, which can greatly weaken the damage of the skill attack. The remaining attacks are weakened by the diamond body after hitting the sinking, and the remaining attacks are in the sinking. In the face of strong defense, it is almost impossible to effectively kill him. If the damage is less than 30 points, it is directly immunized by the body of the ghost.

Nearly 30 adventurers' joint attack, under normal circumstances, even a five-difficult general can be spiked, but in the joint use of the sinking and the diamond body, it is not invisible, this is It is a way of using it to find a combination of skills.

Through the collapse, the skill combination of the body of the diamond and the body of the ghost makes it possible to form an invincible effect in a short time.

In contrast, the existence of t1000 is superfluous, purely an insurance that is added to the safety for the sake of safety.

However, he can only be invincible.

With the rapid rotation of the body, the new round of adventures of the adventurers has re-expanded, and the Western adventurers who are chasing are ready to kill.

For the Eastern District, the indulgence that has been rushed like this is simply a dead end.

However, the next moment, Shen Hao has been laughing and laughing, shooting the moon prominently, facing the ground is a shot.

smoke bomb!

The smoke of the canopy rises.

Hua Tianrui was shocked and knew that it was not good. He hurriedly said: "Rewind!"

"You can't retreat!" Shen Yu has rushed straight into the smoke, and rushed in through the smog. The adventurer behind him chased the car and rushed into the Eastern District camp.

When the smoke is in the air, it rises and screams.

Hua Tianrui was shocked and angry. He already knew why Shen Yu had to fight against the battle. Obviously he would use the opportunity of the smoke bomb to fill the line of sight, forcing the Eastern and Western Districts to forcefully use the Eastern District to block him from the powerful offensive in the Western District. .

Once the battle breaks out, no one can control its progress, but it can control its direction.

The instinct is simple and straightforward, that is, to create a melee.

Only a melee can make his fishermen profit.

For the West End, which bet the last in the Eastern District, although Shen Yu is their primary goal, when the Eastern District also enters their attack range, they will only take the opportunity to attack and not let go.

Therefore, the adventurers in the West have just rushed into the smoke at this moment, and they have also played their most powerful skills. Unlike the Eastern Division, they are almost all group-type skills.

Only group warfare skills can ignore the existence of the target.

Under the smog, a torrent of light flooded.

I don't know how many Eastern adventurers are screaming at the moment.

Hua Tianrui shouted: "Tang 12, use dispel!"

An adventurer has already responded, and a piece of Huaguang has washed away.

Skill Dispelling: Can remove most cursing effects below 120 (inactive for absolute type), use target single person, and have dispelling effect on smoke attack, the scope is 10*10.

With the use of this dispersal, the smoke created by the smoke bombs has disappeared without a trace.

However, Shen Shen’s figure did not appear. When everyone was in awe, Hua Tianrui had already called: “He used the wind to break the tide!”

At the same time, the twelve Western adventurers rushed to Hua Tianrui regardless of their care.

For them, if you can't find it, you will kill Hua Tianrui first.

Hua Tianrui is anxious to launch Shen Yu, but the West District does not care who kills first. From this point of view, Shen Yu began to choose the Eastern District to do the disaster prevention, which is a very correct determination, if he chooses to go to this Fleeing, then the adventurers in the West are mostly chasing after death, regardless of other people.

Seeing that the twelve adventurers rushed to themselves at the same time, Hua Tianrui suddenly looked up, his white hair fluttered, and his eyes had shot a fierce murderous thing: "I don't know what to do!"

He really didn't want to fight with the other side, but the other party did not want to let him go.

At this moment, the killing of the heart rose, and a right hand suddenly shot toward the ground.

"Start, Ghost Kill!"

With the press of his palm, a sharp whistling sound in the hospitality hall, the whole hall trembled, and everyone felt that there were countless images floating in front of them, just like the quick flashback of the movie lens. Time does not know where I am.

The twelve adventurers only felt that the prospect of the eye suddenly changed, as if they had suffered a big shift in time and space. They were no longer in the hospitality hall, but came to a battlefield. Soldiers wearing ancient armor are all around, and these soldiers are all of them with extraordinary strength. The swords and swords are filled with countless white awnings.

An adventurer first shocked, then cried: "Don't be afraid, this is a fantasy!"

However, the next moment, a soldier had rushed to the adventurer, the adventurer waved his arm and the blade slammed on his arm, and a blood spring was skyrocketing.

The adventurer suddenly lost: "Not a fantasy?"


The large soldiers have rushed to the twelve adventurers at the same time, drowning the twelve adventurers like a huge wave...


Hospitality hall.

Twelve adventurers disappeared at the same time, and instead they were filled with turmoil and endless changes.

The hall was full of wild madness, shouting and killing, and filled the whole battlefield, so that everyone also screamed at it, and for a time did not know what to do.

Edmund took a shot and shot the boy in the North District. He looked at the scene of the body and first stunned it. Then he laughed out loudly: "The Nether is killing the prison? It turned out to be the Solomon Vientiane! I didn't expect the old things to be true. I gave you the map of the sky, good, very good, very good! But..."

His voice suddenly dropped: "But you shouldn't put this Sen Luo in front of me!"

He suddenly laughed up in the sky: "The sword of Shura, the map of the sky, the gun of Longinus has already come out, so the mirror of good and evil yin and yang should come out? There are Xuanyuan sword, Kunlun mirror, Qibao glass tower, Buddha light relic Come out? Today, they will all belong to me!"

Said Edmund suddenly burst into arms: "Lord, create everything; Lord, control the world; the Lord said, that illusory, will eventually be shattered..."

The sound is like a huge wave of waves, cleansing the square, and resounding in the ears of everyone.

As he sounded, all members of the Inferno sect fell to his feet at the same time, muttering in the mouth, chanting sectarian verses.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to have lost its brilliance. Only the infernal lord himself stood on the top of the mountain and announced his will to the world.

The indulgent figure emerged from the invisible state.

The various skills that sparkle with ecstasy are bleak.

The chaotic scenes in the sky were fixed, as if they had been pressed by the pause button, and then broken, and a buzzing sound was heard, as if the bubble burst.

The chaos disappeared, and the bodies of the twelve adventurers re-emerged from nothingness. They looked at the square in horror, and the whole body was scarred. It seemed as if they had just experienced a long-lasting death war.

However, the fact is that they enter the space and come out again, but it is a few seconds apart.

After saving his own person, Edmund also had a bit of gray gas.

Hua Tianrui's complexion has changed dramatically. He murmured: "The big really a big prophecy."

Edmund’s hand has been slowly recovered.

He turned back and looked at Hua Tianrui.

He whispered: "The Lord said, the offender will eventually die!"

When he said that he was pointing to Hua Tianrui, Hua Tianrui was shocked. He slammed out from the coat of arms and reflected the sacred mountains and the quaint mirror of Qianling Zhongyue: "Life and death cycle!"

I saw the flash of light in the mirror, and I have already walked out of a figure, and it is another Hua Tianrui.

With Edmund's poke, the Hua Tianrui that came out of the mirror had been blocked in front of the white-haired eagle king, and then settled, as if the wind of time had blown through, the whole person became old and instantly painful. The cockroaches, and eventually turned into a bonnet to dissipate.

This scene shows everyone's heart stunned. Hua Tianrui is very clear. The eagle eagle created by Kunlun Mirror is 100% capable. This moment is actually killed by the other party. It is actually He died for one time.

The horror of the power of this purgatory leader has far exceeded his imagination.

Therefore, he did not notice that after this finger, Edmund's finger was covered with gray gas, and his fingers were cracked, as if he had experienced numerous weatherings.

Hua Tianrui raised his head and looked at Lin Weisheng and the Master of Goodness in the distance. He shouted: "What are you waiting for?"

At this moment, he finally refused to keep secret and asked for help from the Southern District.

"Amitabha!" The best monk first whispered a Buddha's name, and then the whole person's momentum suddenly changed, the robe danced wildly, and the golden light on the head was like a Buddha's light, shining on all directions.

At the same time, the monk also took out a mirror with black and white colors, flipped the black face up, and a black light column skyrocketed, shining on the beast that the adventurer summoned.

The fierce animal immediately made a painful cry, suddenly knees on the knees, the whole body has grown a dense piece of nails, the back brush brushed out the roots of the long bone spurs, the head is a pair of blood red double horns, the whole body They all became very incomparably, the whole body lingered with a flame, and there was a flame long whip in his hand, which turned into a powerful demon of the prestige.

"Jer!" The adventurer saw his summoned beast become like this, and his heart screamed.

"Hey!" The devil responded with a huge roar, and the raiser was a whip to his former master.

The adventurer did not expect that there would be such a change. He had been swayed by the demon, and the flame filled his body. It was like the inflammation of the bones. It was not extinguished when he repeatedly beat on the ground.

At the same time, the best monk himself also made a scream of screams, and the raging flames in the eyes have been spurred: "The evil of heaven and earth, kill them!"

This sound is like a demon **** speaking in the clouds, hoarse, low, rumble, resounding.

The demon that is called the evil of heaven and earth has already risen and the big hand is directed at Edmond.

Augusta roared and rushed over, and opened the sky with awesome force to smash the demon. I didn’t expect the demon to hide from this big axe to cut himself, with Augusta surpassing the strength of four hundred points, plus The addition of various skills, even failed to fly this demon, just felt like he was chopped in a flame lava, a large piece of flame magma has been sprayed out of the devil's wound, pounced on Augusta, it is an instant Put him in the inflammation of the cheekbones.

"The evil of heaven and earth..." Edmund snorted: "The Lord said, the evil will eventually turn gray!"

He pointed at the flame demon, and a light had appeared from his fingers, and he was on the flame demon. The flame demon screamed with pain and then burst into a flaming rain. Dissipated without a trace. At the same time, Augusta and the sacral inflammation of the previous adventurer disappeared together.


Another hit, killing a demon that can defeat the five difficulty generals.

Everyone looked at the heart, and the next moment, Edmund’s eyes turned to sink.

His fingers were lifted again: "The Lord said that those who offend the majesty of the Lord will surely..."

He has not finished talking about this, and Shen suddenly suddenly took out something from the coat of arms.

A remote control.

He pressed the remote control and only heard the sound of a flash of light.

There is a huge light curtain in the sky.

On the light curtain, a woman is talking to the camera:

"This is an independent journalist Sally Michelle is doing an exclusive report to you, the separatists from Mufa Star have occupied the Nalga Spaceport. Since the Rover's super-light engine has started, and will soon expand space Considering the tidal shock caused by the explosion of the super-light engine, the emperor will not attack it, so the escape plan of this group of cytosine separatists has been successful. However, according to reliable news, the cytosine separatists themselves are also In the state of infighting, a few of them will not be able to board the spaceship. In order to ensure that the infighting party cannot escape from the planet of Krusgen, one of them has decided to destroy the entire space station. Now we see that a fighter is working. Fly to the space station..."

On the screen, Megatron’s deformed fighters have rushed into the sky and attacked the space station located tens of thousands of meters above the ground. The entire space station has fallen into a sea of ​​fire, except for the rovers who have left the port. The spacecraft detonated of course also included the spacecraft that was scheduled to take off in the next few days.

"No!" Seeing this scene, Edmund made a heartbreaking roar.

The reason why he dared to stay here and give up the first spaceship is because there are two other spaceships that will fly away soon.

But now, Shen Yu has blown them all up.

Without a spaceship, the Inferno sect can only stay here and compete with the Galaxy Empire.

Even Edmund Dion, who has great prophecy, wouldn't think he could contend with the entire Galactic Empire. He didn't even think he could defeat the Sith Emperor.

Shen Yu has said leisurely: "I hope that your big prophecy can fix the space station. Oh, there is only one spaceship now. You should not be so polite, can you push me?"

"You **** it!" Edmund's fingers have been point to sinking: "offend the Lord's prestige, forever hell!"

However, at the moment when this finger was poked, the sinking figure had disappeared again.

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