Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 57: negotiation

One thing Hua Tianrui guessed wrong. M

The sinking of the space station is not because of fear of the three districts to find him trouble - if he really blows up the space station, the three-zone adventurer is basically dead, no one will worry about how much trouble the dead can bring to himself.

He did not bomb the space station simply because the Supreme Council could not allow him to do so.

In the name of self-protection, he can kill some of the adventurers who try to be against him, but he can't ruin all the adventurers in the three districts in Krusggen.

Or the adventurers in these three districts can die, but not because of his reasons, at least the main reason can not be him.

This misconception made Hua Tianrui still unable to recognize the situation he was facing in the first place - in fact, Shen Yu has never been afraid of the combination of the two regions in the southeast.

We can't blame Hua Tianrui. People's perception of things is always limited by various environments, including cognitive defects, logical defects, thinking defects, and also the most important information defects.

In most cases, when people make judgments, they decide whether they have insufficient information, or when they make decisions, they mistakenly believe that the conditions for reference are already in place.

Later generations sit on a global perspective and point to the mountains and rivers. The earth looks like a sigh of relief, but always ignores where they are.

For example, Hua Tianrui does not know that Shen Yu came to the mission world, and there is a special mission from the Supreme Council.

If he knows, then he will understand that when he is dealing with them, he has a lot of constraints, so he will make a more targeted arrangement for these constraints.

However, because he did not know, he still could not see through the next step of indulgence.

In the next moment, Shen Yu suddenly sighed: "The two regions in the southeast teamed up to secretly buy the handicap of the entire blade of the army, Lin Bo, isn't it too unreasonable to do so?"

As soon as this was said, Hua Tianrui and Lin Weisheng were at the same time.

In the city gambling, there is indeed a handicap about the Broken Blade team.

However, this handicap is not the responsibility of the city, but a gambling agreement.

Since the undead battle is the fuse of the four organizations, some adventurers think that the Broken Blade team is likely to participate, so set up this handicap, start the bet, but the bet is not very big, just bet one Will the Broken Blades participate in the death match, and whether the second-breaking team will be wiped out.

However, due to the uncertainty of this matter, and the gambling agreement created by the adventurers themselves, there is a lot of shady operation space, so most adventurers are not interested in this, just one existence.

Anyway, the four major organizations are not planning to bet on things that they can't grasp.

I didn't expect that this moment of indulgence would suddenly raise this matter. It was simply pulling Lin Weisheng in the abyss of death—the two concepts of the pit-breaking team and the adventurer in Kengben are completely different.

For the adventurer, if Lin Weisheng is planning a pit-breaking team, then it is not a pit person. After all, no one wants the broken blade team to run in.

As for the joint efforts with the Eastern District, there is no problem. Everyone has agreed to join together at the beginning of the journey. Only those who are not worried about it, the joint statement is in the form, but can not blame the people who are truly united.

Shen Wei had already pushed Lin Weisheng to the bottom of the valley. Now he is also a word, but it makes the situation turn.

"Is this the case? No wonder you are so anxious to hand over Shen Shen." Wu Jing said with a grunt, and had already pointed to Lin Weisheng's knife tip and regained it.

Others’ eyes on Lin Weisheng and the Master of Goodness have gradually disappeared from their original fierceness.

Lin Weisheng is a sweat of the brain.

When this is the case, he naturally knows that it is impossible to be foolish enough to make such a ridiculous mistake. It is impossible for the Southern District to bet against the Broken Blade.

Sinking is just giving him a step.

The only purpose of his doing this should be to reunite the southern district and avoid internal divisions. That is to say, Shen Yu still has the advantage of borrowing from the southern region.

Of course, I am afraid that there is also a warning component for Lin Weisheng. After all, after the gambling has been exposed, there are always some risk-takers who will not be aware of it. Once Lin Weisheng has anything to do with the Southern District’s action plan, he will say that everyone is not responding. It is.

In this respect, the plan of the Southern District has been in bankruptcy, but now it is immediately thinking of saving countermeasures.

Therefore, Lin Weisheng gave a quick cough and replied: "I didn't expect Shen Laoda to have a unique eye. Even I can see it. I am sorry, this is the meaning of the above. I just ordered it. But since Shen Laoda has discovered..."

He coughed twice and looked at Hua Tianrui.

Hua Tianrui’s face sinks: “What about the discovery? Some things to do or do, can’t let the heavy pressure of the organization, so pay for it? Of course, if Shen’s boss can give some extra compensation, We don't think we can't consider it."

Unlike Lin Weisheng, Hua Tianrui has no worries about the shackles in the southern region.

The Eastern District has placed a heavy bet on the fourth in the Southern District. It is the duty of Hua Tianrui to carry out this task and make the Eastern District invincible. Even if the Southern District is really guilty because of Shen Yu, it is not a bad thing for the Eastern District - the South District, the Eastern District, the opportunity to profit, can still achieve their initial strategic goals. Although the middle process is a tortuous point, the result will not change.

The reason why he didn't do it now is because there is still the North District here – they may also be the beneficiaries of the Southern District, and Hua Tianrui can't accept the fat of the Southern District with the North District anyway.

Therefore, what he said later is actually suggesting that Shen Yu, if we want to give up the Southern District, at least to provide additional compensation in other gambling, such as ensuring the second in the Eastern District.

But in this matter, he looked up again.

Because Shen Yu did not know that the Eastern District’s note for himself was second.

In the thought of Shen Yu, since the Eastern District and the Southern District are united, and the Southern District has taken the initiative to offer its head, then the Eastern District can only buy its own first.

At least it is his indulgence. On the basis of such a good advantage, he will definitely find a way to make a big difference, to win both inside and outside.

However, he did not expect that the organization of Longmeng's pursuit of risk dispersion far outweighed the pursuit of interests. Of course, this is also the biggest difference between individuals and organizations.

Losing one person is just a matter of his own.

An organization has lost, and it may involve countless people.

For a large organization like Longmeng, the maximum risk of dispersion is always more important than the maximum benefit. After all, as long as the organization exists, the benefits will continue to come.

It is this misunderstanding that made Shen Yu also have a misconception that he thought that if he wanted to let the Eastern District bow, he must guarantee the Eastern District first. For him, this chip is too high.

There is a purgatory sect, and there is no bottom in the southern area. He really can't guarantee it.

It is not a good thing to underestimate your opponent or overestimate your opponent.

Hua Tianrui first underestimated the confidence of the Broken Blade team in the various districts, and then overestimated the degree of grasp of the Broken Blade team on the gambling. Shen Yu overestimated the conditions of Hua Tianrui, and the results were self-evident.

The sullen face has sunk, he said: "Hua Yingwang does not think this condition is excessive? I don't have the ability to manipulate the gambling, so that whoever wins will win. Can abandon the old grievances, already It is the upper limit of my volume. If I want more, Huaying Wang still strives for it by his own efforts."

"You mean, do I need to concentrate on dealing with you?" Hua Tianrui smiled.

His hand was lifted gently, and the surrounding scene changed again. The entire hospital hall was covered with clouds, as if the world had become a dark hell.

The indulgent gaze contracted and whispered: "The celestial map, the Senro Vientiane..."

For the legendary map of Longmeng, Shen Yu has also heard of it.

It is said that this is a very special artifact. Its status is similar to that of the Inferno sect's flame chariot, the Twilight Legion's twelfth movement, and the Southern District's Brahma Umbrella is a strategic artifact.

The main function of the celestial map is to strengthen the power of all arrays, and it has the effect of directing the formation method.

In addition, the sky map itself can set up a main array, and the array method set up as the main map can get the maximum increase. As for the choice of the main array, it depends on the capabilities and characteristics of the holder. .

What Hua Tianrui chose is the Senro Vientiane.

The Senro Vientiane is not a separate array, but a combination of twelve arrays, including the Nether and the Hell, and the different space is a branch change.

The reason why Hua Tianrui chose this array is because his twelve kinds of arrays are matched with his twelve exquisite magical days, which can greatly enhance the power, and then match the sky map, which can be realized by the virtual reality, so that the magic array is also Has the ability to kill.

To a certain extent, this is also a kind of dream come true - first, Hua Tianrui creates a fantasy, and then through the sky map to become virtual.

However, compared with Edmund’s big prophecy, Hua Tianrui’s “dream come true” belongs to the power within the rules, subject to the rules and restrictions; Edmund’s great prophecy is a rule outside the power, and is not subject to the rules. Licensing, even being countered by the rules.

The essence is very different.

Because of this, Edmund can easily break Hua Tianrui's Senro Vientiane array, but the same reason also makes him pay the price that ordinary people can't afford when using the big prophecy.

But now, Edmund has been deceived by the insane "illusion". A few minutes ago, the Rover entered the transition after the super-light engine was started. It instantly flew without a trace. The battleship of the Galaxy Empire has locked the opponent. The transition point, murderously chased the past, and Hua Tianrui's heavenly map, which has lost its constraints.

Of course, there are no restrictions at all.

Just then, a Buddha sound suddenly sounded.

"Amitabha!" The master of the perfection suddenly made a slogan and said: "Hua Shizhu, broken-edge gambling is no longer possible. For those who do not belong to us, sometimes they must learn to give up."

"If I disagree?" Hua Tianrui looked at the best, he smiled: "Does the best masters bring the Buddha light relics and the good and evil yin and yang mirrors, but also bring the Brahma umbrella?"

Wei Chibai suddenly laughed and said: "Tero's guy is very stingy. Most of the time, he won't hand over the Brahma umbrella to the master. But our **** army team brought the twilight twelve movements, and the Huaying Wang really wants to see it. If you don't, we can't come up with a Just don't say that we can bully less."

“Oh?” Hua Tianrui was surprised: “When did the Blood Legion also become the running dog of the Broken Blade?”

Hua Tianrui can not care about the views of the Southern District, but can not care about the views of the North District.

The boy had been low-browed before, and seemed to be indifferent to everything that happened around him. At this moment, he finally looked up and looked at Hua Tianrui.

He said: "Without him, we can't get on the boat."

"What?" The crowd was at the same time.

In the sky picture, Shen Yan reveals a helpless smile.

Sure enough, nothing beats this guy?

He was somewhat dissatisfied, but he finally sighed: "Don't be a fool of the Galaxy Empire. We are fighting here to fight the ship. You really can't see what it is for? I didn't bomb the spaceport, but this does not mean The two spaceships in the back, you can easily get it. In fact, the news I just got is that the Sith Emperor personally ordered the two ships... to stop flying."

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