Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 66: Assaulter

The levitation train ran on the track, passing through one huge workshop, searching for the shape of Asoka. m

"So, let's steal the engine, but let you pick up a hidden mission." In the talker, Wei Chibai's voice is full of envy and hate.

The same adventurer, what good things always fall on the broken blade team?

"Tell you this is to let you pay attention to Asoka, don't accidentally kill her, instead of letting you jealous of me." Sitting in the carriage and observing, he calmly answered.

"Maybe I should really consider killing her, so you can concentrate on what you should do, man, don't blame me for not reminding you, I don't mind if you do your hidden task, but if you therefore affect the stealing of **** Engine, that is to delay everyone's business, I suggest you still go to the engine and then go."

"This is why I have to find Asoka first. I always feel that this mission is related to the Hellfire engine."

"Do you mean that it is not coincidental?"

"As you said, there are so many adventurers here, why are they falling on us?"

Wei Chibai understands a bit: "Because you are on the way to the engine shop? Can you say..."

"Yes." Shen Yanbian thought and said: "The shipyard is very big, even if it is a space rail gun, the weapon such as the particle acceleration gun should be put on a few hundred guns to completely smooth it. If it is ordinary, even Can't destroy its defensive hood. To solve such a big shipyard, you should not only consider the problem of intrusion, but also consider how to blow it up. There are many kinds of super-light engines, but no matter which one Once exploded at startup, it will have terrible consequences. The tidal wave caused by the speed of light is the biggest killer..."

The idea was not that he thought about it beforehand, but at the moment he communicated with Wei Chibai and said that while he was sorting out his thoughts, he gradually realized it.

Wei Chibai understood what he meant: "But the super-light engine needs to inject energy before starting, no one can drag the energy injection time of half an hour, even we can't do it, let alone her."

"The problem is that she doesn't need to erase the life on the whole planet. Her purpose is to destroy the shipyard. It may take only a minute or two of energy to inject... Oh, hell!" Speaking of this, the face of Shen Yan is also Minor changes: "She must have gone to the Hellfire Engine Workshop."

"Stop her, or I'm afraid we have to explain it here!"

Shen Qiang has quickly got up and called: "Go to the engine workshop, where Asoka is there!"

"I am going to the engine shop, but r2 detects a patrol robot in front of us. We have to bypass this road and go over the other side, or we will hit them." Shaking their heads and answering, they can open in this defensive shipyard. It is obviously not all the problem of air transport, and the combat capability of r2 may be very low, but the use is quite extensive.

Shen Hao has no time to entangle with this robot, he has quickly stepped over: "That will crash!"

"What?" The robot was a little scared.

Shen Hao has pressed his hand on the joystick, pushing forward forward, and the train is moving at full speed.

A team of patrol robots on the front track is coming, seeing that the suspended light rail has not yet reacted, the train has crashed into it.

Just like a bowling ball hitting a wooden bottle, all the patrol robots were hit at the same time, the energy cover flashed, the alarm sounded in an instant, and the entire shipyard was filled in an instant.

"Oh, my God!" said a desperate cry: "You have raised an alarm, and this will alarm everyone!"

"That's exactly what I want."

Forcing the prevention of Asoka's actions will only reduce her goodwill. The best way is to let her own actions fail, and then we will not be able to blame the adventurers.

What's more, the urban urine, maybe this time Asoka is already in the Hell train, and if the adventurer rushes late, I don't know what will happen.

Now that the alarm bell is in full swing, Asoka will want to secretly sneak into it, and it is not so easy to detonate the engine.

However, the consequence of this is that the adventurer's own sneak is also exposed.

As the police bells screamed sharply, a large number of machine soldiers had ran from all directions, and some of the gray-black machine soldiers jumped directly across the buildings, like a group of flexible monkeys rushing toward them. .

"It's the assaulter, all careful!" Zhou Yiyu has called out with a scorpion.

Shen Yu is Shen Shen: "i800 assaulter, defensive power 42, armor value 2000, equipped with weapon laser knife, weapon damage 88, technology evaluation a. Be careful, don't let their light knife cut, it is difficult to heal! ”

"It doesn't sound very good." Hong Lang grinned.

As a level a robot, even if there is no plot bonus, this property is still not strong.

Sinking again said: "Speed ​​280 meters ... every second."

"What?" Honglang stayed, and saw a robot in the distance suddenly stepping on the wall, rushing like a fly, and a laser knife in his hand slammed against Honglang.

Honglang’s strange screams and axe to resist. I didn’t expect the axe to pick up an empty space. The assault robot was actually a little car wall, turning in the air, turning from under the Honglang, laser cutting However, it was actually a scar on the Honglang leg.

Honglang flew up and kicked. This time the assaulter finally did not escape. He was kicked by him. When the Honglang was going to chase, the robot was a tumbling and jumped again. The attack of Honglang, two times lost, Honglang screamed: "It is a high-sensitivity robot!"

"I found it?" Gentle and unsatisfied a mouth, the reincarnation whip, just three assaulters rushed at the same time, one of them was whipped in the reincarnation, the remaining two were actually rolling over at the same time to avoid the gentle whip hit.

The types of robots in Star Wars, in addition to the conventional combat arms, are also divided into three special types, the s series of destroyers, the i-series assaulters, and the z-series guardians.

Among them, the destructors are mainly universal, can adapt to various levels of combat, both offensive and defensive, but they are relatively lacking in characteristics. In the absence of quantitative advantages, the threat to adventurers is generally normal.

The assaulters are three types of melee-type machine arms. They are ultra-fast, quick-moving, strong in melee combat, powerful in attack, and sacrifice defensive abilities. They are typical high-attack and low-defense robots. It is also the type of opponent that the adventurer hates most.

The model determines the characteristics, and the number determines the level of technology and specific attributes.

Like the t-series Terminator, the Assaulter Destroyer is also the higher the number, the stronger the strength, with 1000 as the terminal, and then the ix, sx and zx levels.

Robots that are future technologies are far more powerful than the Terminator at the same level.

An s800 assaulter can use his own high-speed force to deal with seven or eight t800 terminators without any pressure.

They had not been exposed to the type of robots of the assaulters before, but the alarms just sounded and the assaulters appeared. The Galaxy Empire finally began to reveal their strength.

The suspended light rail is still running forward, but there are more and more assaulters in all directions, and they are faster than the train, quickly catching up from the rear, and then jumping one by one to the train, the laser knife in the hands, slashing A sharp knife shines.

"It's useless." Zhou Yi Yu smiled, he waved his arm, the metal control started, and the four assaulters had not fixed at the same time. The next moment, Whip Shadow, Jianguang, Axe Shadow has cut four assaulted assaulters into pieces.

No matter how advanced the robot model is, how powerful the technology is, as long as they are made of metal, then it is **** in front of Zhou Yiyu. From this aspect, the technology world is indeed a place suitable for Zhou Yiyu.

Of course, in addition to him, King Kong's control also has the role of controlling the robot, but the consumption will be much larger, but King Kong does not need it.

He suddenly punched and hit the empty space in front of him.

Before the boxing, there was no target in front of him, but when it was shot, an assaulter appeared, and then he was kicked by a fist and was falling under the suspended light rail. The next train had been on its body. The rumble runs over.

Another assaulter attacked from the rear, and King Kong suddenly turned back to the assaulter, and the control was launched. The assaulter shuddered and all the parts of the body had flew at the same time.

It was actually dismantled directly by King Kong!

From the beginning of the Jedi counterattack, King Kong has been helping the work of dismantling and disassembling robots. Therefore, in terms of dismantling, he is better than Zhou Yiyu if he does not consider energy consumption.

The assaulter had just been dismantled, and a red energy block had emerged from the body and fell below.

King Kong’s eyes were fast, grabbed, and looked back and shouted: “It’s the energy crystallization!”

"Let me see!" cried.

King Kong has already thrown the energy crystallization in his hands to sink.

Honglang didn't have a good airway: "There is nothing to look at, it's useful to match the body, we can't produce assaulters!"

The assaulters belong to the future of technology, so there is no real technological production line at all, and no one can produce such a robot by himself.

"I have to study it before I know it." Shen Yu answered.

Not giving up any opportunity is a habit of indulging. Even if dream technology cannot be built on a large scale like real technology, it does not mean that there is no place to use. The only difference is whether you can find it.

He said that he had released a terminal person, opened the thirteenth of the Terminator, took out the energy crystals in his body, and put the energy crystal in his hand into it.

In the next moment, the Terminator suddenly burst into red light: "Energy overload, energy overload! Unable to bear the load!"

"Hell!" Shen Yu knew it was not good. He flew up and kicked the Terminator out. The body of the Terminator had exploded in the next moment. The shock wave swept the square like a tsunami. Taiwan assault battle.

"What do you do with the boss? Take the energy crystal of the assaulter for the Terminator? That is not a supporting thing." Zhou Yiyu was speechless.

"The Hellfire Engine is not compatible with the Pioneer." Shen Shen replied faintly.

Zhou Yiyu said: "You mean..."

"If you find the problem, you can solve the problem. If it's just an energy overload problem, then at least it shows that dream technology and real technology are indeed compatible, but you need to make some changes before compatibility. If this is the case... the assaulter's energy crystallization may not be loaded. On the Terminator." Shen Wei replied slightly: "The key to the problem is that we must find out what the degree is."

Sinking has always felt that simply putting the Hellfire engine on the Pioneer is not necessarily so simple. It seems that the situation is both good and bad.

The bad thing is that there are other problems. The good thing is that the problem is at least solved.

At this moment, Shen is thinking, and suddenly there is a dark-colored assaulter in front of him. This robot has red light in his eyes. It is a shot from the back of a laser gun.

Sinking and pulling down to the next button, avoiding the gun, the laser has been hit on the console, and there is a spark on the console.

It turns out that the real purpose of that shot is not the console.

The head-collar assaulter is no better than the assaulter of the same sequence. It only has a laser gun. Its main role is not to attack but to guide the attack direction, but the IQ of the head-level robot is greatly improved. No one else is worse.

Shen Hao did not expect that the other party actually had such a stone and two birds, obviously stunned, but the next moment he had activated and repaired the console.

The leader of the assaulter took the laser gun and ran wildly. He suddenly climbed on the side wall, and his body flew like a sharp arrow to the sinking. The laser knife flashed in his hand and slammed his head.

Just as the laser knife looked at the sinking of the shackles, Shen Yan suddenly reversed his hand, and a **** light had blocked the spurt of the spurt. The scarlet blade spurred, and a figure had already rushed out. It was a mountain. Disciple, just as soon as he appeared, opened his arms and hugged the head of the assaulter.

The existence of high speed is most afraid of entanglement, and Bolt can't jump on his own.

The head of the assaulter instantly rolled with the disciples of Lushan, and the big axe of Honglang was about to be cut down. Shen Shen had already said: "Don't kill it, Yi Yu controls it!"

Zhou Yiyu turned around and fixed the head of the assaulter.

Sinking has rushed to grab the arm of the assaulter, and at the same time on King Kong Road: "King Kong, tear it down!"

King Kong launched the control, and the assaulter was immediately divided.

Sinking has rushed to remove all parts of the assault and throw it directly into the coat of arms.

"What do you want that thing?" Hong Lang was puzzled.

"After the end of the mission, the old man will be identified!" Shen Yu answered.

The assaulter could not be identified as a machine target, but after being dismantled, the individual parts become meaningless metal dead objects. At best, the high technology content and the high material level are far from a. Level of level.

In this regard, if the Broken Blade team has sufficient time and energy to disassemble, it is possible to grab back a batch of future state-of-the-art robots. However, for a huge ambition, fishing for a ticket is never his pursuit, and the ability to develop and upgrade forever is more important.

It’s just that there are knives and swords everywhere, and the lasers are shot indiscriminately. Shen Shen is reluctant to take the old man out for adventure, and even if it is a pile of parts, it will take some time for the old man to identify it all, so he can only bring it back and say it.

At this time, the suspended light rail has already rushed through another factory is about to rush to the Hellfire engine workshop, at this moment, suddenly there is a lot of gunshots in front.

"Someone is fighting in front!" The gentle ears are the most spiritual, and the sound of fighting has already been heard.

Excitement shouted: "Master, the master is fighting!"

It is Asoka!

Sinking in my heart, I took a long shot.

She was in the Hellfire engine workshop. It seems that the alarm she had just triggered has completely destroyed the actions of Asoka. If it is later, I am afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable.

In the distance, a sword shadow skyrocketed, and a woman’s figure was faintly online.

Zhou Yiyu's eyes are shining, muttering in his mouth: "Hope is a beautiful person, hope is a beautiful person..."

When the train approached, the figure of fighting in a large group of robots finally appeared. When Zhou Yiyu saw the other person’s face, the whole person suddenly trembled. If he was stagnant like a thunder, he could not say a word. .

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