Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 68: Sith monitoring

Walking forward from the track mouth, as the road went deeper, huge machines that could not be said to be playing were roaring everywhere. m a series of suspended light rails ran fast in the workshop, the robot is busy work.

Only in-depth will find out that the so-called Hellfire engine production workshop is not a single existence. It is composed of dozens of large workshops and is responsible for the production of various components of the engine.

For the Broken Blade team, these engine parts are not working, but the finished products that have been assembled are their pursuit. After all, the Hellfire engine is not a real technology product but a dream technology. That is to say, even if Shen Shen now removes all the production lines of the entire Hell train, and then produces it, the engine that can be produced is only It is estimated that the level of the existing engine of the Pioneer is not bad.

Only the system-certified Hellfire engine is truly valuable. This is like the quality management system certification such as s9000. There is no difference between the two. In urban areas, the meaning of this certification is even more magnified.

And if you want to find out the Hellfire engine you need in a short time, it is not something that one or two people can easily do. At this time, the quantity is greater than the quality. This can be said to be another layer imposed by the city. .

Fortunately, Shen Hao is already prepared for this - his summoning unit is based on quantity.

At this moment they came to a factory as large as a mall, and a group of assailants rushed over.

Shen Gan turned back: "The assaulter gave us, Frost, the person who brought you to find out what we need!"

"Yes, sir. Three people, scattered in small groups, not too far apart from each other, and maintain the ability to support!"

Frost responded loudly to the order.

Summoned soldiers and Terminators began to patrol along the roads of the plant and continued to extend all around to expand their search targets.

A young soldier opened a box and looked inside. He seemed to be looking for the engine he needed to sink from the box.

Frost didn't say with a good spirit: "Don't go to the box, man, don't you think that the hellfire engine is your *cookie, can you put a bunch in a box?"

This made a laugh.

“Is it big?” the soldier asked. This soldier is obviously a supplementary recruit and has not been trained, so he is not familiar with the specific situation.

"I don't know how big the Hellfire engine is, but the engine on the Pioneer is as long as two cars, two stories high. Now, you still feel that the Hellfire Engine will be placed in a box waiting for you. Open?" Frost replied.

"The problem is that there are so many equipment and machines everywhere. How can we be sure?" The soldiers looked around, perhaps because of the production of the spacecraft. The huge equipment was almost a sign of the shipyard production line, so that the soldiers were called to walk. In the giant workshop with steel, it seems to have come to the country of adults.

"Kick its ass, if it hurts, then it is not. If it sets you on fire and sends you to hell, that is what we need to find." Frost did not respond with a good anger, and this answer caused another laugh. .

At this moment, Ralph suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

He slammed a soldier nearby, and the soldier rolled a few laps on the ground, and a laser had passed by him.

Several robotic soldiers have appeared in the distance, facing the side and shooting.

Frost pushed forward with both hands, and the special skill storm started. The tornado whizzed around the robots and rolled up all the robots.

The next moment, the guns were loud, and all the Terminators and summoned soldiers had fired together at the robots in the air.

A large number of bullets filled the space above and were laid into countless fire lines. The robot soldiers were instantly smashed into scrap iron.

"Don't be in love, our mission is not to kill the enemy, but to find the engine!" Frost screamed after killing the machine soldiers.

At this moment, another laser hit, Frost responded quickly, avoiding in time, and shouted: "There is a sniper, Arias to kill it!"

Arias moved and several landings had fallen to the upper boom.

He just jumped to the top, a few lasers had hit him at the foot, Arias quickly slid over the top and shouted, and shouted: "It is a cloned soldier!"

As Wei Qibai led the team to block the reinforcements, the engine workshop only had the guards, and the number was small. After the most elite assault troops were indulged and they were blocked, the only remaining ones were cloned soldiers and robot soldiers.

Compared with those savvy robot soldiers, the cloned soldiers are smarter and do not attack the enemy with a positive attack. Instead, they use terrain to hide and take guerrilla and delay tactics.

At this moment, Arias said that the sniper rifle in his hand had been shot at a distance. Hey, bloody, a cloned soldier had slowly slammed out from the hidden point and rolled a few rolls on the ground before moving.


"Good job, Arias, is there anything else to discover?"

Arias looked up at the top and turned back and said: "There is a passage in front of the left side that looks hidden. Maybe there is something we are looking for."

"Let's look at it and let the Terminator go ahead!" Frost was very cautious, not the first time to send airborne troops.

The ten Terminators rushed to the channel pointed out by Arias under the command. Just as they approached the passage, the gunshots were loud and dozens of beams hit the Terminator. One of the Terminators was the worst, and was melted on the spot. Into a pile of molten iron, even the value of recycling is gone.

"There was an ambush, I saw at least twelve cloned soldiers and a small team of machine soldiers!" Arias above has shouted.

Frost turned and shouted: "Lair, kill them!"

The elite soldier Lyle rushed over and pointed a finger at the front channel. A red mark appeared in the center of the passage. From his perspective, you can't see the hidden enemies in the channel, but for a blasting soldier, you don't need precise positioning anymore, as long as you know the approximate position.

The next moment, a pile of high-explosives appeared in the passage. With the loud bang, several cloned soldiers and machine soldiers had been blown out.

Several Terminators had rushed into the channel at the same time, but as they rushed into the channel, all the Terminators suddenly flew together, as if they had been pushed by an invisible big hand and fell out of the air.

Then a light and shadow flashed, and a Terminator has been broken into two pieces.

"It's a Sith Warrior!" Ralph called.

Like the military heavy land like the St. Antuka Imperial Shipyard, it is natural to have a Sith Warrior sitting in town.

With Ralph's cry, a figure has come out of the passage, he is wearing a long black cloak, his face is still painted with strange oil, looks like a barbarian, and his head is still short. The horn is quite similar to the Sith Warrior who died in the first part of the Star Wars.

Behind him was followed by two white cloak warriors armed with lightsabers.

"Oh, hell, it’s monitoring!" Ralph snorted.

The Sith Warrior is just a general term. The city actually divides it into five ranks, namely sentinels, guards, guards, masters, and masters. They are super-existing black warriors Anakin, Yoda, and Sith the Great. .

Among them, the Sith monitoring is an obvious dividing line, and it is extremely strong. It has already pursued the adventurers of the same difficulty. Therefore, the killing of the Sith monitoring will have important points rewards.

Although killing a Sith monitor has only a few points, it does not represent the top ten Sith monitors of the top of an adventurer's strength. In fact, the two Sith monitoring may be able to compete against a weaker four-level adventurer.

What appeared here at the moment was a Sith watch, and behind him he followed two Sith guards.

Three Sith warriors appeared here, immediately putting tremendous pressure on Frost.

He did not squat, but took a few steps back to the talker: "Sir, there are three Sith Warriors, I think we need reinforcements."

"I let Zeus come over to help you!"

Sinking didn't want to come over. As the alarm sounded, the shipyard's security forces were fully mobilized. After learning that the engine workshop was attacked, the entire shipyard’s troops had already rushed in, letting Shen’s unintentional things happen. There were even heavy tanks, three-legged robots, and hundreds of players in the shipyard’s guards. The assaulters are rushing over to the former servants, and they are as strong as a broken blade.

If they let them through the internal blockade, Frost will encounter front and rear pinch, so sending Zeus is already his limit.

Frost had not spoken yet, and the Sith monitor had already seen it toward Frost.

His **** red eyes were magical, and Frost's spirit was trembled. The Sith guard had rushed to Frost, and a sword smashed his head.

"Be careful!" Ralph rushed from the side and punched the Nassian monitor: "Iron Shock!"

The whistling fists rushed to the monitor, and the monitoring was only a left-handed raise. The iron fist shock wave was easily beaten by him.

The Force is in control!

The control of the Force is the most basic use of the Force, but it is also the most important application. It can be said that it runs through the entire Force system from beginning to end. The only difference is that the degree of use of the Force is different, and the effect is different. , including capabilities such as the original barrier, are actually formed on the basis of the original force control.

For example, the colonel's force control can only be used to create a wide range of attacks such as energy annihilation, and the original control of the Sith monitor is obviously deeper, not only can be used to attack the enemy, but also can be used To defend, even to resist skill attacks, has entered an unreasonable state of use.

At this moment, the monitoring of the iron fist shock wave blocking Ralph, with a wave of hand, Ralph's body immediately caught by something, has been thrown out by the Nass surveillance.

The monitor continued to slash to Froth, but was swayed by Ralph. Frost finally woke up from the confusion and retreated in time. At the same time, the rear elite soldier Feixi rushed against the rocket launcher, facing Nassis. Surveillance is a blast.

Nasisi monitored the cloak behind him and pulled it in front of him. The rocket bombed on the cloak, and it was like a bomb on an invisible energy barrier.

This is another way of using the Force. By guiding the Force into an object, you can exert a powerful attack or defense effect.

The senior Sith Warrior is mostly wearing a cloak, because even a normal cloak can be turned into a shield in the hands of the Sith Warrior.

However, the gun caused the shock wave to retreat a few steps back to the Nassian earthquake. At the next moment, all the Terminators and Airborne soldiers fired at the same time.

The two white cloaked Sith guards also pulled out at the same time, and the three lightsabers waved, and they actually blocked these attacks. Different from the slow swing of the Sith Warrior in the movie to block the attack, the Sith Warrior in front of the scene is really using the ultra-fast speed to block, the three lightsabers instantly dance a huge light net, all the attacks are as Fly flies into the cobwebs to escape.

The pace of the three Sith Warriors is stable.

They took a step at the same time. The Sith monitors the lightsaber and has been cut on a Terminator. Only one sword will be cut off by the Terminator, then pulled back, continue to wave, and block all attacks. Outside the barrier.

"They are forming a defensive combination, they have to separate them!" Frost had called out: "Habi, Knight, John, you go around the two guards!"

Three fighters rushed out at the same time, but the Nass watch was just a wave, and the three fighters flew at the same time.

"We can't get close to him!" Habi cried, and as he looked up at the Nessis, the eye of death started.

The Nassian monitor once again pulled the cloak to the front, and while blocking the blow, John suddenly rushed up and threw an iron hook against a white cloak.

This iron hook is a harvest in the wilderness, the level is not high, just a c-class product, but it is enough for John to use his own agency skills, and most importantly, it has the same pulling effect as the moon hook.

The white cloak was immediately pulled out, and the three fighting soldiers had rushed forward to entangle the white cloak guard.

Nassis was furious and was about to shake the three more, and suddenly the guns sounded in the ear.


A little blood in the Nass monitors the rise of the arm.

He squinted his head and looked into the air, only to see Arias on the jib pointing at himself with his muzzle.

"Hey!" The wounded Sith monitor was obviously angry. His injured arm suddenly pointed at Arias. Arias knew it was not good. A side roll rolled a few times from the top of the boom and then jumped up. The top of the boom ran quickly, as if running over the balance beam, and then jumped up, only to hear a loud bang, a wave of blasts had exploded under his feet, shaking Arias into the air.

Force blasting!

This is a miniature version of energy annihilation, but it can attack specific targets more accurately.

Just as Arias was flying, the arms of the Nassian monitor were already slamming, and a blood-stained bullet had flew out of his arm and beat into the chest of Arias.

Arias snorted from the air, and Kafka rushed over and shot a therapeutic bomb against Arias.

The Nassian surveillance was a shivering, the left arm re-vibrated, and a force burst out. It was on a summoning soldier. The soldier was on the spot, and the Sith guarded the light sword and waved a sword. Has been flying to Frost. He actually recognized Frost as the main brain of this group and attacked him with all his might.

"Get out of the way!" Feixi pushed Frost, and the sword was fierce and fierce on Faith, almost half his body.

At the same time, Nassis monitored himself and snorted, slammed down half a step, looked down, and a blood line loomed on his body, the wounded part was exactly the same as Feixi.


This is the biggest damage that Nassian has suffered so far. He did not expect that the other side of the sword would be equal to fancy himself. He once again screamed and screamed, and the figure jumped in an instant. A sword swept, the heads of two airborne soldiers flew up, and the blood springs were arrogant.

The Nassian surveillance was already rushing toward Faxi. He finally changed his goal. This time he must first kill the big man.

Fei Xi was cut by a sword, and he couldn’t stand up even in the station. He could only crawl on the ground and crawl.

Seeing that the Sith monitoring was like a mad tiger, the four Terminators greeted at the same time. However, the Sissy surveillance only shocked the arm and shocked it. No one could approach him. The lightsaber was fierce.

At this moment, another whistling sound, the Sith monitoring did not know, the lightsaber was recycled to the front, and only a large beam of light had crashed into the lightsaber.

Plasma accelerator gun!

This hit on the lightsaber, Yu Wei did not diminish, shocked that the whole person to fly into the air.

At the rear, Zeus’s tx Terminator’s left-hand heavy machine gun has been lifted, and the Nass monitors the crazy shooting.

However, the Nassian surveillance was also very powerful. He took a trick, and a huge iron plate had been squatting in front of him. He blocked the wild attack for him, and he attacked Zeus in the opposite direction and was hitting the front of tx. The iron plate is like a knife, which is to divide the body of the Terminator into two halves.

Just as tx was split into two breaks, Zeus suddenly threw a bullet box to Arias: "Next."

Arias was about to grab the bullet box. The white cloak guard pointed at the bullet box and the bullet box had flown to the white cloak.

He didn't know what the bullet box was, but as an experienced Sith warrior, he naturally knew that the more the enemy valued, the less they could get.

"No!" Arias cried.

He naturally knows what the bullet box is. It is an armor-piercing projectile and the most practical weapon used to break through the defense of the Sith Warrior.

Just in the moment when the white cloak had to grab the bullet box, next to Gambell had rushed over, raising his hand to play a white ball of light, the ball of frost.

The white cloak returned a finger, the ball of frost has been isolated from the original force barrier, but the next moment, the ice hockey burst, a large amount of frozen gas still spread to the surrounding, the white cloak immediately stagnated.

The two soldiers had flew low and hugged the white cloak and flew forward. It was Evans and Dabinit, two soldiers with flying backpacks, and Frost, the closest to the bullet box, had jumped to the bullet box. Grab it.

Just as he was about to grab the bullet box, the Nassian surveillance was again shaken, and Frost was hit back, while the backhand grabbed the bullet box.

A figure rushed out at this moment, stepping in the air for a few steps, and instantly came to the bullet box, slammed and kicked on the bullet box, and the bullet box turned again and flew to Arias.

It was Ford, another elite summoner with a shadow.

"Bastard!" Nass was overcrowded, and the right-handed lightsaber had been slashed on Ford, and Ford spurted blood from the air.

However, just as he fell, he also took a handful of Nassian surveillance. This arrest was fatal. The Sis’s monitoring of the high-speed moving body immediately stopped a moment. The next moment, Feixi, Lal A group of soldiers, such as Frost and Frost, have already rushed up and pressed the Nassian monitor underneath.

"Get out of the way!" Nass watched the scream, the original force blasted and slammed, and seven or eight soldiers were blown up by him at the same time. One of Frost's arms was blown off, one of Fesci's The eyes were blown up, and Lyle’s legs were blown up, and the Sith monitoring itself was also inflicted.

However, there is still one person who has not flown.

It is Ralph.

He held the Nass watch and slammed it down, and the four canine teeth suddenly slammed into the neck of the sith.

"Hey!" Nassian surveillance once again issued a painful call, the lightsaber reversed, piercing Ralph's belly flutter!

Ralph spit in the mouth, but did not let go, continue to bite, and constantly draw the other party's blood.

"You are dead!" The lightsaber of the Nessi surveillance once again stabbed Ralph's head.

"The **** one is you!" The cold voice rang in the back.

Nassi watched it and looked back. Arias’s muzzle was on his head.

"The original power barrier!"

"It's useless!"



The Nass Warrior's eyebrows exploded a blood hole.

It seems that some people can't believe that the original barrier can't protect themselves. He opened his eyes with amazement and swayed.

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