Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 71: get away

The Pioneer's cockpit, watching the battleships and fighters that were turned into ashes in the explosion, all the adventurers cheered at the same time and congratulated each other. M

"Five thousand points to get there." Shen Xiao chuckled.

The destruction of the warship and dozens of fighters just made the Broken Blades easily harvest 5,000 points.

Wei Chibai shook his head in amazement: "This is a war, it is simply stealing money."

"It is still too early to say this, we have to leave here quickly." Shen Wei patted Wei Chibai and laughed.

Although the Pioneer is strong, it can't resist the entire Galaxy Empire. The original advantage of the adventurers is that they can disappear into the crowd at any time. However, after using the Pioneer, they have gained a strong frontal offensive ability and lost the original advantage of flexibility.

In this respect, the use of the Pioneer to fight the Galactic Empire is actually a tactical victory and a strategic failure.

Fortunately, Shen Yiyu, they are very clear about this, so they did not intend to compete with the Imperial Fleet. After using an engine to blow up the chasing troops, they immediately evacuated.

Zhou Yiyu first took a cup of coffee and then slowly said: "Uplift the height to 6,000 feet."

"Height is 6,000 feet!" An airborne soldier repeated Zhou Yiyu's words and manipulated the spacecraft into the scheduled route.

Wei Chibai is somewhat curious: "Why can't you rise higher?"

Shen Yu replied: "There are a lot of high cumulus clouds at 6,000 feet from the ground. This kind of cloud layer is very thick. Due to the serious pollution of Cruise, there are still a lot of suspended particles in the atmosphere, forming a natural barrier that can cover up. The huge shape of the spaceship. The Imperial Fleet has not given up on us, and we have no chance of winning the enemy. It is the best choice to enter the high cumulus cloud to avoid pursuit."

Since the Pioneer is now only equipped with the Hellfire engine, it has not been installed yet. In other words, they are not able to fly into the super-light speed now, and Hua Tianrui Lin Weisheng, who is responsible for the bait, has not yet been on the ship.

Considering the threat of the Inferno sect, this time the sinking will not give up theirs anyway, so they can only evade chasing in Cruise, but they dare not enter space.

This requires them to leave the chasing force before this.

But it is not an easy task to rely on the cover of the clouds to escape. In fact, the Imperial Fleet quickly caught up.

"Reporting Chief, the Imperial Fleet is accelerating, they seem to have found us!"

"Close the energy defense cover." Zhou Yiyu ordered.

Unequal to Wei Kebo's question, gentleness has already explained to everyone: "The energy defensive hood can provide a powerful guard for the spacecraft, but it also produces an energy response that is sufficient for the other ship to receive and determine our position. When concealing a flight, it is best to turn off the hood."

"The defensive hood is closed... the enemy is still chasing..."


The spacecraft suddenly shook a bit.

"They are firing at us!" the soldier shouted.

Just as the Pioneer's defensive hood was just closed, the chasing Imperial Fleet has begun to use the ultra-long-range energy cannon to attack the Pioneer.

"Hell!" Zhou Yiyu jumped up: "Be fooled!"

As soon as he took a shot of the cab, his mind and body merged again with the entire spacecraft, and he made a rapid change in the clouds as a flexible fish.

Just as the pioneers had a large hull that was swaying sideways, more energy cannons had been wiped over the hull. One of the cannons was swept in front of the porthole, wiping a flight deck and putting the deck The whole pick up.

This also caused all the adventurers to stun a cold sweat, but after this round of attacks, the attack disappeared, and the Pioneer returned to a stable flight after a great thrill.

Zhou Yiyu sitting on the main console is already pale.

Of course, he knew that just now, they actually passed the death.

The commanders of the Imperial Fleet are quite embarrassed. They deliberately chase and not fight. They want Zhou Yiyu to think that closing the defensive hood can avoid chasing, and then at the moment the defensive hood closes, the target is attacked and directed at the other side.

If Zhou Yiyu’s ability to control the spacecraft is far more than normal, the Pioneer may be destroyed by a wave.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to his command of space warfare.

Shen Yu saw the confidence of Zhou Yiyu being hit, and quickly came over to comfort him: "Don't be discouraged, we are just beginning, it is normal to study this aspect is not thorough enough. No matter you or me, we need to learn."

"But I almost sent all the lives of my people just now." Zhou Yiyu looked at Shen Yu.

Shen Xiao smiled: "First: Even if the spaceship blows up, we may not die, so we are exaggerated when you kill us. Second: you also saved the spacecraft."

"But I just rely on special strength..."

"Why do you think that it is a shameful thing to rely on special strength?" Shen Yan asked.

He pointed to the rear: "Following our enemies is a veteran commander with decades of spaceship combat experience. We are fighting against the enemy in the strong field of each other. It is normal to compare them. But we have our advantage. If we can't compete with each other by understanding the battleship and tactics, at least we still have our super powers. On the contrary, we can learn the enemy's tactics, but we can't learn our abilities. What is the meaning of the mission world? Isn't it to learn from the enemy? It is better to suffer here than to suffer in the Zerg battlefield in the future."

Zhou Yiyu suddenly looked at Shen Yu, Shen Yan smiled and patted Zhou Yi Yu: "Of course, we must be careful when we are careful, we only have this spaceship, can not afford to toss. But I believe you."

I believe you in a simple sentence and let Zhou Yiyu reinvigorate the spirit.

At this moment, a soldier once again reported back: "Six thermal shock bombs are coming to me!"

"No target, who are they playing?" Zhou Yiyu was taken aback and looked back at the screen. The six flashing red dots on the screen were flying at high speed.

The voice of the core brain Zeus starts: "System analysis, the thermal shock bomb does not lock the target, the threat is extremely weak."

Zhou Yiyu and Shen Yu looked at each other. Since the thermal shock bombs did not lock the Pioneer, what did the Imperial Fleet launch to launch these impact bombs?

At this moment, Asoka suddenly said: "The main brain, report the way the impact bombs fly."

"Fan-shaped flight."

This is the flight mode of the spread attack surface.

Zhou Yiyu finally woke up and cried: "They are not coming to the Pioneer. They want to dispel the clouds. Launch a laser cannon and hit the heat shock bombs."

The soldiers quickly executed the order and the Pioneer's laser cannon fired again.

Asoka cold and cold road: "It's useless, even if the thermal shock bombs are destroyed, they also have a good chance to reposition us with the position of the laser launch."

"But such positioning is not accurate." Shen Weidao.

"Then continue to launch, through the calculation of multiple ballistic changes, we can always find our current flight position and mode." Asoka replied coldly.

It is like a prophecy. At the same time that six thermal shock bombs are in the distance and exploded, there are six impact bombs flying.

"Mom, I really don't care!" Zhou Yiyu was helpless, but he couldn't let the impact bombs dispel the clouds, and he could only order laser interception again.

Instead, I was a little curious to see Asoka: "I didn't expect you to know so much about air combat."

Asoka replied proudly: "Every Jedi warrior is destined to be a general. The Jedi Knight who does not know how to command the war is not a qualified Jedi Knight!"

"So what do you think we should do now?"

"That's your problem. I haven't planned to cooperate with the separatists." Asoka's answer made Shen Yan somewhat helpless.

Obviously, even if it is isolated by the Rebels, it does not mean that Asoka can easily accept them.

"Of course..." Asoka continued: "I can help you once, considering that you have helped me at the shipyard, but I will not owe you any more."

Is this the meaning of the good sense of clearing?

Shen Xiao smiled: "Thank you for your kindness, but we can solve it."

I thought about him and said: "If the clouds are dispelled, the best way to locate us is to use satellites. Megatron, to get rid of those satellites!"

"Megatron understands!" Megatron did not add the word "Dawang" to his name. Perhaps after seeing the horrible power of the Imperial Fleet, Megatron knew that it was not by himself. It may be based in this world, so it becomes more and more clever.

At this moment, with the order of Shen Yu, Megatron turned into a fighter jet, and two Sidewinder missiles flew out from the belly of the plane and flew toward the two satellites that were flying in orbit.

The Emperor apparently did not expect to encounter this situation, and two huge fireballs were issued on the ground in the orbit.

In the next moment, the military space station has flew out of the densely-packed fighters to chase Megatron, and numerous lasers and energy cannons have been rushing toward Megatron.

"Cosmic Emperor!" Megatron screamed, desperately avoiding, but there were still more than a dozen gunfire hitting Megatron, and Megatron had a spark of fire and fell straight down from the air.

Fortunately, he was very embarrassed, just when he was about to fall into the ground, he had become a flying car, mixed into the sea of ​​the car, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Thousands of space fighters patted the air at low altitudes. As the crows swept past, they finally chose to give up and return to the satellite track defense.

This time is not long, but short and short, but equally shocking.

Asoka sneered: "It seems that your attack satellite program has failed."

There are thousands of satellites in Cruzen, and destroying only two is not a big deal.

At this time, Zhou Yiyu calmed down.

He once again slowly sent the coffee cup to his mouth, and after a light touch, he said, "Prepare to use electromagnetic pulses, emit interference waves, and shield their signals."

"But sir, that will make us lose reconnaissance to each other," Frost replied.

Interference wave is a strong means of interference detection. By displacing the air signal, the other party can't detect his whereabouts. However, strong electromagnetic interference will also make him lose reconnaissance ability. This method is a bit like full channel blocking interference. It is to make everyone become a blind man.

After using the interference wave, how many satellites in the sky are useless.

However, this kind of shielding is not absolute. The Galaxy Empire of the future technology world has developed quantum technology. But the biggest role of quantum technology is ultra-long-range communication. In the current situation, the effect is limited, because not every battleship is equipped with such equipment.

"Do as I said." Zhou Yiyu replied: "Everyone has changed their voice and will only benefit us more."

"Understand, sir! Electromagnetic interference waves are starting!"


The electromagnetic pulse generator on the Pioneer has emitted a strong electromagnetic pulse against the sky and quickly spread over half of the planet.

Some people in the city who are on the phone found that their phone couldn't get through, a lot of signals were interrupted, and even some special instruments blew out the light smoke at this moment, self-destruction in an unreasonable way. . The flying car that is driving automatically will suddenly fall from the air and crash. The pictures on the big screens of various advertisements will disappear, and it will be replaced by large snowflakes and murky and blurred images.

If you look at the world from a microscopic point of view, then at this moment, the sky in Kruthgen has been surrounded by countless electromagnetic particles, which are jumping rapidly in space, crowded, and occupying the entire sky, as if the most crowded highway, making All signals cannot be communicated on time and accurately, forming a noisy and noisy microcosm.

The Pioneer is also subject to interference waves, and they are no longer able to receive any information from the outside world through the instrument.

But for adventurers with special abilities, they have alternatives.

An adventurer closes his eyes, and the invisible spiritual energy rushes out of the spaceship, as if it existed in parallel space, without any interference, and freely overlooking the whole world.

Then he pointed to one of the instruments, and the instrument showed the picture he saw.

There are a lot of fighters on the screen that are flying towards this side.

"They started pulling the net search, sir." Michelle said as assistant to the captain.

The enemy's reaction and response exceeded their expectations. When electromagnetic search, satellite reconnaissance and energy exploration failed, a large number of fighters followed. Although the fighters can't see the pioneers hiding in the clouds, they can be searched by thermal tracking and sound waves.

Thermal tracking and sonic search have become a backward technology that has been eliminated in the search system of Star Wars. I did not expect it to play a role again here.

I have to admit that the enemy commander is indeed very good.

"What should I do now?" King Kong is also worried.

After thinking about it, Shen Wei asked Wei Chi: "Can your ice seal cover the entire spaceship?"

Wei Chibai shook his head: "The size of the Pioneer is too big, and even if it can be done, it will not last long."

"That can only destroy them."

"Excessively fierce offensive firepower will only completely expose our position." Gentle reminded him.

"Not necessarily, if it is a time-based bomb?" Shen asked.

"That will definitely mislead them. We can just take the opportunity to leave, but do we have such a strong time bomb?" Everyone looked at each other, the bladed team in the firepower configuration, really did not work **** the time blasting weapons.

"I think we have." Zhou Yiyu laughed: "Hellfire engine."

Everyone suddenly realized this.

Shen Yu has quickly ordered the soldiers staying in the ammunition cabin to order: "Energy fill the Hellfire engine, inject 10% energy, complete in three minutes!"

"Affected by electromagnetic interference, the energy supply system is in an unstable state, and we are afraid that we need more time, sir."

"Then use energy stone to fill directly!"

Using the energy stone to directly charge the Hellfire engine, the cost is quite high, but in order to escape in time, everyone can not care so much.

The adventurer in charge of the reconnaissance suddenly cried: "The fighter is already close to us, and it will take us a minute to discover us!"

"It's too late!"

Zhou Yiyu has quickly ordered: "Close the 3rd No. 4 propeller and enter the silent flight!"

"No. 3 No. 4 propeller is off!"

On the screen, four fighters are circling and approaching.

They seem to have found something, and they seem to have found nothing. They are circling around the shuttle, but the distance is getting closer.

Everyone is starting to get nervous.

"Mom!" Zhou Yiyu bit his teeth: "Close the No. 1 No. 2 propeller!"

"Sir!" Michelle was shocked: "That would make the ship crash."

"With me, it can't be destroyed! Fast!" Zhou Yiyu raised his hand on the main console, and a flame had spread along his arm to the entire hull.

As the No. 1 propeller stopped operating, the roar of the Pioneer engine stopped completely, and the spacecraft stopped flying and suspended in the air.

"Kaibai, ice shell, all have the ability to help with the frozen system." Shen Yu has called.

Although Zhou Yiyu used his ability to control the spacecraft, the flame attached to the machine may still expose the target.

Wei Chibai pressed his hand on the hull of the spacecraft. A thin layer of frost began to spread around the hull. He carefully controlled his power, as far as possible on the outermost edge of the hull, while others had similar Ice adventurers are also taking action, and ice and fire are at this moment, creating a fascinating color.

If you are in the ordinary, everyone will certainly appreciate this amazing magical power, but at this moment, it has become another fatal flaw that may expose everyone.

It’s terrible that the fighters are still flying towards this side, and they are getting closer and closer, and the Pioneer can be seen only by the naked eye.

Everyone's heart has been stretched in the eyes of the blind. At this moment, the fighters suddenly turned around and flew in the direction of coming.

They actually flew away.

Didn't they see the ice flame here?

Everyone is at the same time.

There was a hearty laughter in the sinking talker: "Look at the fact that you didn't leave us flying away, don't thank me this time."

It is Hua Tianrui!


Everyone was relieved at the same time.

Zhou Yiyu has called: "Throw the engine, start the propeller, we have to leave this!"

"Go to Tatooin!"

"Tatuan, we are here!" Everyone shouted at the same time!

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