Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 15: Hunter

Four escorted swallowtail fighters spotted the figure at the top of the empty mother.

Two of the fighters whistled and flew to the top of the airship carrier, and a crazy bullet shot from the belly of the aircraft attacked the people on the mothership. The one-foot-thick metal shell of the airship is not afraid of ordinary bullet attacks, but for those refugees, the bullets that roar in the air are a terrible disaster.

Several refugees wanted to hide behind the indulgent. They did not expect to sink into a shape. They had already stood behind a refugee. The guns in the hands had fired on two fighters.

The swallowtail fighter had just shot through the chest of one of the refugees, and Shen Shen had slipped to the other person and continued to fire.

His real purpose is not to attack, but to lure the swallowtail fighter to approach him so that he can observe it.

"L-500 hunter, swallowtail fighter, defense 30, armor value 450, equipped with weapons: T99 aircraft gun, bullet damage 12. Rattlesnake missile, damage power 350, quantity 4. Technology evaluation: C grade, use Evaluation: Conventional level. Key points: 1 Engine 2 energy crystallization."

This hunter actually has energy crystallization.

However, Shen Wei did not have the time to look at this, because in the next moment, the two swallowtail fighters began to swoop toward Shen Shen.

These unmanned fighters are smaller and more flexible than traditional fighters. The characteristics of the machine make them not afraid of death, and the pilot's unique maneuver is meaningless to them. They are not afraid of attack, the only mission is to attack the enemy, so the action is simpler, more direct and more efficient.

The two fighters spit out four chains and squirmed to the sinking wall after they tore open the wall. They sneaked and ran away, madly squatting on the empty mother, and the fighters behind them chased them over. . The bullet jumped wildly on the empty mother deck, approaching the sinking foot at high speed, just catching up with the moment of indulging, sinking a fierce side, and a large number of bullets rubbing his side and whizzing past.

The two fighters have not turned around, and Shen has already pointed at one of them.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he spit out three words: "piercings!"

Three consecutive armor-piercing rifles flew to two fighter planes, two shots hit the head and tail of a fighter plane. The fighter plane just shook a little, but it was not affected. The other armor-piercing projectile flew into the belly of the other. The sniper blasted into a large fireball, and the former fighter plane was shrouded in.

The aftermath of the flames swept over the empty mother, and it was full of more than ten meters away. He wowed a large amount of blood and looked up and saw the other two dovetail fighters flew toward the side.

The missile launch port on one of the fighters has been opened.

Sinking and sprinting toward the gap when he came out, he found that the idiot teenager Xi Xiaofan was swaying and walking on the deck.

"Go back! Go back to the empty mother!" Screaming.

If you are young, you will not be aware of it.

Indulging in a stagger, grabbed the boy, and the young man struggled to scream and scream, but he couldn't accept it, and took his collar into the gap, and he jumped into the gap.

With a bang, a miniature missile from a dovetail fighter was being blown over the gap, and the airship was hit by a shock. The sinking of the gap just jumped into the gap was soared by huge waves.

Only those refugees who had previously thought that he had escaped from the sky were killed by this missile.

Shen Hao was not in the mood to mourn for these people. He shouted at Xi Xiaofan: "Don't run around again, do you know? I don't have so much energy and I don't have so much heart to take care of you!"

Xi Xiaofan stunned his head and shrank into a ball, and made a scream of "Ah! Ah!"

It seems that he was frightened by the indulgence.

Shen Hao reluctantly sighed: "Okay, okay, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, keep up with me!" Shen Yan also knows that it is too much to reprimand for an idiot.

He took the boy and walked to the other side.

"Sink, what's going on there? I heard that there was a lot of movement on your side. Are you okay?" The team channel sent a gentle call.

Shen Yan replied casually: "I just got back when I started. These machines are crazy. They even bombed their mother ships with missiles."

"It’s really no one." The fat man muttered.

Gentle smile: "They are not people, people's strengths, no people's weaknesses, it seems that you have lost money?"

Sinking while walking quickly and using his hand on the chest to use despicable medical techniques, he replied: "From a numerical point of view, I lost two spirits, and the other lost two fighters. Right, the attributes of the hunters This is passed on to you, remember, don't be hit by the front of the missile! The organic belly is the key, but I don't know if it is the key to the engine or the engine."

"Whatever is going to kill him? It’s good to die."

“Is there any way to leave?” King Kong yelled: “I am going to the edge.”

Shen Wei was about to answer, but found a T6 Terminator in front of him.

He flew up and kicked the Terminator's head, then yelled at the Terminator and said: "This is an empty mother. There must be a lot of fighters and flight tracks in the ship. I am looking for a hangar. I don't know the internal structure of this empty mother! We prepared the Terminator World Map but did not prepare the aircraft carrier structure map! In addition, even if we find the fighter, it does not mean that we can fly."

"We still have thirty minutes. I don't want to lose five hundred **** points. The most important thing is that I don't want to lose to a task with only five hundred points of difficulty." Gentle.

"I will find a way, there must be a way out!" Shen Yu punched the Terminator's brain and shattered it, and pulled the Terminator's wires all at once, and the Terminator stopped working. With the retirement of this Terminator, its chest suddenly made a bang.

Indulge in the heart, open the terminal of the Terminator, and take out the core energy crystal from the heart of the Terminator.

The **** coat of arms reminds you: "You get the T600 Terminator's energy crystallization, and you can get a T600 Terminator Assistant after paying three thousand blood points."

"I got a crystallization of energy. It turned out that this thing does not leave the box and needs to be exploited by the wreckage itself," Shen said.

"Wow!" The channel made a sharp whistle and laughter.

"Do more, let's set up a mechanical army to play, although this stuff is not very powerful, but you can repair it anyway." Hong Lang laughed.

"If you have 100, you have to have 300,000 **** points. If you pay, I can contribute."

Sinking this, everyone is together in the team channel.

In the crisis of the Tianwang empty mother, strolling, chatting with teammates, and killing with the Terminator, while also looking for escape channels, Shen Yan quite enjoy this thrill.

The interior space of the aircraft carrier is extremely wide and looks like a spaceship from the outside. The entire hull is connected by multiple parts, divided into multiple compartments such as pressure chamber and space compartment. Almost every cabin has a T-series terminator. Along the way, Shen has already killed many Terminators.

In front of it is a closed cabin with a "data room".

Shen Hao was about to open it and suddenly heard the rush of the motoring roar at the corner of the front, and an unmanned motorized terminator appeared.

The stunned gun shot, what surprised him was that the motorcycle terminator actually made a very dexterous flash, flying away from the sinking shot, flying on the side wall, by the power of the collision, actually in the air Hovering and sinking.

Shen Qian quickly pushed Xi Xiaofan away, and he leaned back. The motorist's terminator swam from his chest, and the left-handed vampire touched the air in the air, and was on the tire of the motorcycle terminator. With a sigh of relief, a shout of horror came: "Don't do it! Your own!"

When I looked back, I saw the fall of the motorcycle terminator. A man wearing a black leather suit suddenly appeared in the car. I don’t know how he had hidden it. He didn’t even see it.

The man turned a sudden stop, steady the car, and turned back and yelled: "Damn, you tied my tires!"

Then the two at the same time.

Sinking out loud: "Is it you?"

It was the Zhou Yiyu he had seen in the city.


Zhou Yiyu looked at her own Harley Prince with a distressed look.

The rear tires are paralyzed.

Sinking is very sorry: "Sorry, I didn't see you in the car, I thought it was the motorcycle terminator."

"Have you seen the ancient Xiongnu how to ride a horse?" Zhou Yiyu did not ask for a good breath: "They hang themselves under the horse's belly pull the bow from the side, so as to avoid the attack from the front. ”

"I understand what you mean." Shen Xiao smiled: "I am sorry that I didn't recognize your car for the first time. How did it become black?"

Zhou Yiyu pressed a button, and the body of the Harley Prince immediately changed back to sky blue, and then changed back to black again. He said very helplessly: "The city produces, there is automatic color change function, I don't blame you, I did use it to pretend to be the motorized terminator. As a result, I couldn't fool T6, I lied to you. Now it's alright. Can't open it."

Shen Yan smiled and walked over, put his hand on the Harley Prince and got a reminder: "Heavy motorcycles, one percent damage, no armor loss, no technology grade, comprehensive repair needs to consume energy value. ”

The abilities activated and started, and Zhou Yiyu looked at the smashed tires and slammed them again.

He stared at him with a big eyes: "This is..."

"My abilities, I hope you won't talk loudly."

"Your abilities are repairing the machine?"


"Hell, our responsibility is to kill the machine."

"This is exactly what makes me feel helpless." Shen Yan shrugged.

The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed at the same time. The previous misunderstanding also disappeared completely.

Zhou Yiyu smiled and said: "I thought that there was only one adventurer in this empty mother. I didn't expect to run into you."

"I thought you were an adventurer in the ordinary district. I didn't expect you to be difficult at first."

"I am going there to sell things."

Shen Yuxin handed a spiritual exploration to Zhou Yiyu.

"No. E4292, Zhou Yiyu, first class, strength 10 (14), physique 25, agility 18 (22), spirit 18, will 12, expert vehicle specialization."

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