Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 94: Withdrawal (below)

The rising fireball of the battleship quickly extinguished after the air burned, leaving only a large wreckage drifting in the air, attracting the attention of countless people. m

Losing the command center of Jumley, the infernal sects have greatly reduced their grasp of the war situation, and they can no longer be as casual as before.

However, because the overall number of adventurers is small, self-connecting ability still exists, so the demand for command is not as big as imagined, at least not because of the loss of the command center.

Can not solve the problem of the dispersion of the battlefield and the unrestricted transmission of the other side, then the overall situation, the three districts are still at a disadvantage.

In contrast, the loss of the shackles of the Pioneer regained the strategic retreat in this situation is more important in this situation - although this does not allow them to win, at least not too ugly.

Therefore, after the bombardment of the battleship, Shen Yu immediately ordered everyone to return, and he himself and Zhou Yiyu quickly returned to the main control cabin.

While walking back, Zhou Yiyu did not forget to ask Shen Yan: "This is the power to break the rules? I thought this is a combination skill."

He didn't know anything about the mental journey before sinking, so he didn't think of the complicated process in the middle.

The process of sinking into the power of the rules does seem like a simple skill set, but it is very different from the skill set.

The skill set is not aimed at breaking the rules, but is aimed at breaking the skill limit. The level of breakthrough is completely different.

If the skill set is rich second generation, the young masters can rampage in their own factories, ignoring the company's charter, then the rule break is the official second generation, which can be rampant at the national level.

As a rich second generation, if you want to make your own arrogance bigger, the only thing you can do is to open more factories, but you can never let a company buy the whole country.

This is the difference between skill sets and rule breaks.

Therefore, although the skill of the combination is very strong, it is still under the management of system rules. The most direct performance is that it does not have cross-regionality.

For example, the combination of A skill and B skill forms a new AB skill and corresponding effect, which belongs to the skill combination. But it only exists between the combination of A and B and cannot be applied to other skills.

The breakthrough rules of indulging are quite different.

Today, he can pick up the main gun and shoot it.

Tomorrow, he can use all the heavy-duty guns as a gun!

Space has no theorem, rules define the world!

The so-called rule is the theorem, formula, rule, and axiom of the operation of things. It is in the form of written records, which is artificial, not natural.

Finding a rule loophole is like finding a loophole in the natural law between heaven and earth. If you find that some kind of energy is outside the law of conservation of energy and does not follow the law of conservation, then you can theoretically use this energy. To create a perpetual motion machine.

Sinking did not really break the rules, but he used his own way to satisfy the personal use conditions of the ship-borne weapons, which was equivalent to bypassing and using the rules. From then on, as long as it is under the constraints of this rule, Shen Shen can all walk in the same way, this is the breakthrough rule!

It is like finding something that is outside the law of conservation of energy.

If you use the system language to explain, it is: "Congratulations, you have completed a level breakthrough, your career has improved, you upgraded to a gunner, you have the ability to incorporate all ship-borne heavy artillery into the gun system!"

It's that simple.

Of course, because of the rule power, the ability is not recognized by the system, there is no such phenomenon as system prompts, career upgrades, and because of the ability to bypass the rules, the ability to indulge It is only valid for itself and cannot be extended to other people.

"That is to say, from now on, all the artillery you can use as a gun, and can use the skills, is that what it means?" Compared with the principle of the rule of force, Zhou Yiyu and the rules that care about this breakthrough can bring you What are the benefits.

"Oh... not all. I didn't break through the rules of the energy weapons. I still can't use the gun skills for pure energy weapons. In addition, the skills such as the scattered guns that require a lot of ammunition, I can't estimate. For the use of artillery, I mean, the gun has an infinite bullet box, but the artillery does not."

Scattered guns are used to use special bullets, and because they can only shoot up to one hundred shots, the sinking estimate is that the use of guns will be subject to the same restrictions.

If it is a heavy artillery that fires a shot, the technique of the squirt gun is simply not available.

In short, the rules of Shen Yu’s breakthrough are still based on the original conditions, and he cannot create miracles that lack corresponding conditions.

"The so-called breakthrough rules actually operate in accordance with the rules themselves, not a breakthrough in the true sense?"

"Yes, it only discovers and exploits the existence of rule omissions, and is therefore the initial level of rule ability."

“Is there a higher level?”

"Well!" Shen Hao nodded with certainty: "I don't know how the city is divided, but I personally divide the use of the power of the rules into five levels."

"Five levels?" Zhou Yiyu spit out his tongue: "There are still so many? How about Edmund's level?"

"Like me, it is also the level of the initial level, but the rules that can be used are more. This is a breadth issue, and the five levels I mentioned belong to the depth problem... Let's talk about it first."

Zhou Yiyu discovered that they had returned to the main control room.

When they saw them coming back, Hua Tianrui did not talk nonsense. Immediately said: "All the adventurers have begun to evacuate, but now there is a problem, that is, there is no fighter. The former fleet commander sent almost all the fighters."

"Then go to the escape cabin! Then you can learn Ashura and use the missile launcher to call yourself back." Zhou Yiyu quickly returned to his position and ordered.

From the discussion of the rules, returning to the command level of the warship, he is the authority.

"The problem is that some people may not be too late." Hua Tianrui refers to the star river outside the window: "The distribution of adventurers in the fleet is not equal. I got some information from the communicator, after you bombed Jolly’s command. The infernal sects no longer arbitrarily jump, but concentrate on the forces to encircle some of the adventurers. Now seventeen warships, the infernal sects are mainly concentrated on four ships, and the adventurers above are going all out to kill, as for other warships. They chose to give up."

"Which four?"

Hua Tianrui refers to the screen: "This is the map that has just been done, the mothership, and the Dawn, the Peace and the Leap..."

It’s only a minute before the bombing of the command post. Hua Tianrui has used the help information of the communicator to touch the situation of the warships, and even the distribution maps have been made.

"Good job." Shen Yu appreciated.

Hua Tianrui sighed: "This is the only thing I can do now... but what about the adventurers on those warships?"

"You can only smash the battleship, and then let the Pioneer go fishing."

"Then we have to fly forward..." Zhou Yiyu reminded.

Flying forward is simple, the problem is that Edmund is still in front, but he wants to be close to the Pioneer.

The sinking brows also wrinkled.

This incident is really difficult, and he can't think of a good way at the moment.

At this moment, Edmund suddenly whispered in the distance, the flame chariot flew up in the sky, rolled up a flame of torrents and rushed to Ashura, and Ashura could not stop the blow, and was rushed back by the flames. From the beginning, the four arms behind disappeared, and finally restored the appearance of the previous boy.

"Ashuro!" Everyone called out at the same time.

At the same time, Edmund's giant palm has been pressed down again, and the boy seems to be in a coma and has no reaction.

"Megatron stopped him!" Shen Yu has called.

The fighters of Megatron’s incarnation changed back to the robot form, and the iron fist slammed into the air, and yelled at the same time: “Bring him back, I can’t hold it for a long time!”

On the Pioneer, two fighters flew out, and it was the Hornet and Hera that flew to Ashura.

"Don't want to save people!" Edmund glared at the distance and pointed out that Longinus's gunshot was a little bright and bursting out, shooting a golden beam like an energy cannon.

He had been fighting with Ashura for a long time, and the big prophecy was used for a while, and now he has the same results. He knows how amazing the potential of this boy is. At least at this moment, he has raised the value of his opponent to the same level as Shen Shen. The height will never give him a chance to live.

The golden light beam went straight to Ashura, and the nine dead birds had once again whistled out of the nine-piece flame, condensed into a flame rope in the air, and rolled to the bumblebee and Hera.

"I am going to save people!" Hua Tianrui screamed and rushed forward.

He was in the main control hall. This step was taken out. He went straight out of the hall like a wall-piercing technique. He came out to the air and took out the Kunlun mirror and looked at Ashura. He said, "The cycle of life and death!" ”

The image of Ashura has already appeared in Kunlun mirror.

But this time, this figure did not come out of the mirror, but directly emerged on the mirror surface, while Hua Tianrui took out a quaint long sword, actually slammed against himself, and a large piece of flesh flew to the mirror on his arm. in.

The image in the mirror immediately became real and exquisite, but the image of Ashura in the distance was bleak and illusory.


The golden light beam lingered on Ashura's body and smashed him with a single blow.

At the same time, a little light in the Kunlun mirror exploded, and the figure suddenly came alive, brushing out the mirror, it was Ashura.

As soon as the boy rushed out of the mirror, he passed out.

Edmund's anger screamed, and suddenly slammed Megatron, and stretched out a giant palm, and instantly passed through the endless space and grabbed the two.

Hua Tianrui hugged the juvenile and retired. At the same time, he took out a huge picture and showed it in the air. A magnificent mountain river scene appeared under the stars.

This palm went down, and on the vast mountain river, the whole world was shaken.

The landslide is cracking!

"Ah!" Hua Tianrui has vomited a blood, and hit the main control hall.

This time it was really knocked back. It directly smashed the porthole of the main control room that could stop the artillery fire and fell back to the hall. The whistling air formed a storm and flowed quickly in the hall. Fortunately, Zhou Yiyu started the second porthole in time. Only to be relieved of a disaster.

"Are you okay?" Shen Yu asked Hua Tianrui.

"Fortunately." Hua Tianrui bit his teeth: "The old things are too fierce, breaking the map of the sky, I have suffered some back!"

He looked at Edmund, who was angry and mad in the distance, and suddenly he trembled: "The old things are completely irritated, and he is going crazy."

"He will go crazy?" Zhou Yiyu was a little surprised? "How powerful is he going crazy?"

"Using the big prophecy, let yourself have the power similar to the fourth Shura king, how much do you say?" Hua Tianrui asked.

"Isn't that invincible?" Zhou Yiyu was shocked. The northern district is dominated by the fourth Shura king's bloodline, but Edmund can actually play like this, is this too much?

"The cost is also high, which will directly damage his life."

"Like the Necromancer?"

"It is more serious than that. The necromancer is only physically damaged. He is even damaged in strength, and there will be some sequelae. There may be permanent dark injuries. It is equal to artificially increasing fatal defects. No one knows what will happen to these dark injuries. as a result of!"

"That's weird, just go crazy to kill Ashura?"

At this moment, the three communicators sounded at the same time, and the voice of Wei Chibai came:

"Dead, all dead!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Galileo... Galileo is dead!"

what? Galileo is dead?

Shen Yanran.

Finally, is there still a friend who has gone?

"And Qianqian!" Sun Ying's cry came: "She also went!"

"And Reders... He is dead." Wei Chibai finally threw a heavyweight name.


Heavy peace cruiser.

A **** battle is erupting, fluttering in the sky, almost turning the entire main control hall into a slaughterhouse.

A considerable part of this was Galileo's - he died too thoroughly, and was directly bombarded into pieces by the explosives of an ashes chariot member, so that even the soul could not save.

The sky is still echoing the screams of Rhodes's arrogant and arrogant, the boneless arm is holding the body of an adventurer, watching Cliff and others frantically throwing the weapon in their hands into the adventurer again and again. In the body, until the fall, the arm is retracted - he is not the adventurer of the task assignment, killing the adventurer will not get points, so he does not care about killing, just trying to create opportunities for his own points.

These people originally fought against Lin Weisheng and others on the mother ship.

After encountering Cliff's raid, Lin Weisheng took the initiative and used the team assembly order to send Yan Changhe, the good monk and others.

However, the space transfer with the purgatory sect is undoubtedly a huge mistake.

After discovering the support of the other party's force transmission personnel, Eva once again opened the transmission channel and passed all the people to the Mir, leaving Lin Weisheng and other strong hands on the mother ship.

It happened that Tu Qianqian, Galileo, Sun Ying, Wei Chibai and others were fighting together – they were all members of the same team and they had friendships with each other, so the assaults were also together.

The Inferno sect had applied a hot hand as soon as it appeared, and Galileo was blasted on the spot in this case.

Today, he has only one head left, and he is held in the hands of Tu Qianqian. His eyes are still full of tenderness. Looking at Tu Qianqian, he refuses to close. He seems to want to say something, but he can’t say it.

Tu Qianqian held the head of Galileo, and looked at it. He met Galileo and now the dots are all coming to life.

I remember the first time I met, in the world of ghosts and legends. At that time, she was only a low-risk ordinary adventurer. Galileo was already famous. He helped himself.

Later, they went to the wilderness and met many friends, including the current Wei Chibai and Sun Ying.

At that time, he had hoped to join the Vientiane Palace, but she finally chose Dragon League.

Galileo didn't say anything, but she knew he was disappointed.

Later, the organizations had to set up a traffic team to collect intelligence. After learning that Tu Qianqian joined, Galileo did not hesitate to join.

She knows that he always likes himself, but he does not like to talk, his mouth is very stupid, so he will always contribute silently and pay for himself.

"A fool... Why don't you say it... If you are willing to say it, I have already promised... You know it... I have been waiting for you to say..." Tu Qianqian whispered softly: "The original I thought you would say it last time, but you..."

A tear passed through the corner of his eye.

Tu Qianqian gently picked up the head and kissed at the mouth of Galileo, then said, "I love you, my man!"

The voice is firm and steady.

Then she slowly stood up and headed for Rhodes, who was screaming.

Seeing this scene, Sun Ying was keenly aware of what was going to happen. She screamed: "No, Qianqian, don't!"

Tu Qianqian's arms are already open, long hair fluttering, a huge torrent of magic emerges from her, and in the moment to ascend to the extreme, while her hand wave, a super powerful force has been wrapped in Sun Yingwei Chibai and others Throw them out.

"This is?" Reedes changed his face and shouted: "Not good, Eva will take us away!"

Without the command center, the energy channel does not exist, but Eva's collective transmission is still effective, but it is limited by the cooling time.

The blue-haired female Eva immediately released an energy light group, covering Cliff and others, and at the moment of transmission, Cliff suddenly pushed to Reddes: "You still stay here. !"

"What?" Reeds did not expect to encounter this change, was introduced by Cliff, the next moment, Cliff Eva and others have disappeared at the same time.

"No!" Reedes made a desperate and helpless roar, looking back, Tu Qianqian had issued a horrible and screaming scream, as her arms jerked together, a huge energy shock swept toward Reeds. Go, like a raging tsunami, drown him completely...

Redes is dead!

Shen Yuhua Tianrui finally understood why Edmund was mad.

The four elders of the Inferno sect, now no more than two.

The infernal sects mobilized the faculty, the cult leader personally chased and killed, but in the end only exchanged for this solution, how can Edmund not be angry?

He didn't know how Rhodes died, how much he died, but he knew that even if he won, he would lose.

So he is angry!

Fury is crazy!

To this end, he will destroy all these guys at all costs.

Looking at the Edmond, who grew up in the air and seemed to be a giant in the sky, Shen Shen sighed softly.

"How fierce is he when he is crazy?" he asked Hua Tianrui.

"How do I know, but I have to do it. I don't have any problems at all." Hua Tianrui replied.

"Doesn't it always exist?"

"probably not."

"Is there a power of 12,000?" Zhou Yiyu suddenly asked.

"How is that possible?" Hua Tianrui turned a blind eye ~ ~ then it would be easier. Shen Yu and Zhou Yiyu also took a long breath.

Hua Tianrui heard it awkwardly, and he said: "Use a light cruiser to change a teacher seriously. This sale is worth it."

As he fell, Zhou Yiyu had already sat back in his position, holding the console with both hands, and the ghost flame rose up and spread along the deck to the entire warship.

As the flame passed, the Pioneer sent out the sound of metal, and the turret recovered. Like the former steel fortress, it began a combined change, first the head, then the arms and legs.

The Pioneer, originally a fish-like fish, became a huge flame-filled steel giant in the blink of an eye.

"Hey!" When the giant appeared, he made a tsunami-like scream: "I am back!"

The iron fist is empty and has been squatting against Edmund!


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