Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 100: Promotion

The blazing sun shone on the ground and pulled out the busy figure under the bunker. m[Read the novel to ~]

The Pioneer has been dug up in half, but the Emperor has not yet moved, it seems that he was afraid of the Hellfire engine.

This makes Shen Wei somewhat regretful - knowing that time is sufficient, but what help the adventurers have to help?

If you think about it, it should be a little bonus for everyone. If those adventurers know their true benefits, they will be jealous of going crazy.

The explosion from the Hellfire engine directly destroyed 13 warships and indirectly destroyed nine warships. The total number of warships destroyed was 22, including two heavy cruisers, two medium-sized cruisers, and four light cruisers. There were four attacking ships, six fast-impact ships, one interference ship, two mine-laying ships, and finally a mother ship carrying a large number of fighters.

In the end, after removing some of the points that were indirectly destroyed, only the warship part of the warship brought 1.2 million points of profit to the broken blade team.

In the case of the Sith Warrior, about 100 Sith Warriors died in the explosion, and the real value was 20 inspectors.

Shen Yanlian had never seen them in the face, and he immediately killed 20 monitors. This is the 20 points.

It is a pity that there are no masters. Shen Wei estimates that it is not the masters of the Sith in the battleships, but the masters of the Sith Warriors can resist such shocks. Of course, the premise is that there are warships sheltering them from the wind and rain.

This is only the benefit of the ultimate explosion of the Hellfire engine, not counting the previous air combat gains and the gains at Cruz.

If these three are added together, the profit of the Broken Blade team is already over 1.5 million points, plus the ticket fee charged, the income has reached more than 2.3 million points.

This may not be the biggest gain since they entered the city, but it is definitely the easiest one, and the highest ratio of shots to returns.

The only pity is that the points that determine the success or failure of the mission are still few.

So far, Shen Yu has killed a total of adventurers, 24 monitors, one of whom is Frost and others who completed the shipyard independently and scored 34 points.

Next is King Kong, killing an adventurer and two monitors, earning points six points, killing the adventurer that time, because it is mainly done by r2, King Kong is only assisting the finisher, so only four points.

Zhou Yiyu received five points, mainly through the death of surveillance caused by the destruction of the warship.

Honglang won four points, mainly through landing operations to kill surveillance.

Gentle and fat fats have not scored so far, because they encountered Affleck and others at the beginning of the landing, almost no chance to cooperate with the police, and did not kill any adventurers before. [Read the novel to ~]

Of course, this is also because they have a special mission. The Broken Blade team is not willing to easily kill the adventurers. In addition, because of the anti-killing props, the urgency of the points is also reduced a lot - even if there is no points. Will not be obliterated, it is better to get some more blood.

In addition to the Broken Blade team, the highest score is Ashura.

There are already four of his adventurers in his hands, all of which are done in Cruz. The North District also killed five adventurers, four of whom were killed by him alone, showing their ferocity.

The only person who can surpass Ashura in the number of murders is Edmund, but he is not interested in killing because he is not a task assignment. He is not interested in killing. He usually creates opportunities for himself and, therefore, the efficiency of the West. Will be reduced. Otherwise, if you want to kill people with the strength of this old thing, the number of deaths in the three districts will increase a lot.

Finally, the seven Hellfire engines, their existence means that the Great Universe plan is breaking through the final speed barrier and getting closer and closer to the indulgence of real needs.

What seems to have been forgotten?

Yes, there are still a few people who have improved their strength.

Needless to say, Zeus gained the ability to partially invade. Zhou Yiyu was sensing the Force under the guidance of Asoka. This time he was much more serious than before and he has already begun to sense the Force.

The last is Hong Lang.

This guy was beaten by the general in the battle with Augusta, and in the final stage of desperation, there was a feeling of breakthrough.

“The feeling of breakthrough?” Shen Yan asked Hong Lang: “Is it a feeling to break through, or is it actually a breakthrough?”

Hong Lang’s head: “Feeling... I felt like I was going to break through. I’m already in the state, but I’m still a little bit worse. I’m going to take a look at Augusta’s hand and he’s running. Now, don't go up, don't say how sad it is."

"That is, has not yet completed a real breakthrough?"

"Well, it's a bad line!" Hong Lang answered with affirmation.

"If you break through, what do you think will improve?"

Honglang thought for a reply: "It should be directly related to strength. Augusta's power is too strong, so strong that I can't regret it with him. I am not like you, if you may try to weaken it. He, but in my mind, I only made myself stronger, more fierce, and overpowered him... I tried hard and wanted to explode..."

Gentle snoring: "When are you not dead and strong? Also blasting..."

She turned a good-looking eye.

Hong Lang was very dissatisfied: "But I did burst out at the time. [Read the novel~~]"

"Just almost!" gentle emphasis.

"If you come again, I can definitely do it!" Hong Lang said loudly. He was very dissatisfied with the failure of Augusta’s final fight. In fact, he was in a desperate environment, and he did not lose momentum. It did show signs of eruption, so that he still feels guilty now. After that, if he can beat Augusta, he will ignore it. But considering the gap between them, it is estimated that they are still killed. At best, they can make Augusta suffer more injuries before death.

"Are you sure?" Shen suddenly asked.

Hong Lang replied casually: "Of course."

Shen Hao nodded: "Then we will try."

"What?" Honglang first glimpsed, then reacted: "Boss... you... you are not... want... want..."

Shen Yu has stood up: "Yes, it is to repeat the battle that happened before, wake up your sleepy state... It’s not long before the end of the battle."

"But if you don't wake up?" Hong Lang asked.

"Then hit you until you wake up." King Kong stood up, he was serious: "Don't worry, man, for your future and power, we will take you to death!"

"We?" Honglang cried with a scorpion.

"Yes, we!" Gentle also stood up and started to move his wrist: "You can't expect us to play out the killing power of Augusta alone?"

Honglang quickly stepped back and waved: "I think it's better to re-negotiate this. It's not scientific. I have to know that when I played with Augusta, I was in a state of extreme anger. This feeling, I know that you will not kill me..."

The fat man smiled slyly: "It is not necessarily only when people are in danger of life that people will be angry. We can specifically hit your face, kick your cock, insult your family, greet your ancestors for the 18th generation, and laugh at you." Insult you, if you don't think it's enough, we can call more people, such as the one you hate most, Wujing."

Everyone listened and nodded: "This idea is great!"

Hong Lang listened with a dizzy look: "Fat I always thought you were a kind person!"

The fat man is very wronged: "This is a good advice for you."

Zhao Linger took a sentence: "I am there, in fact, even if I kill it, it will be fine."

The language is stunned and whispered, but it is a word that drives Honglang into hell.

Zhou Yiyu, who heard the voice in the distance, did not even sense the original force. He rushed and screamed: "I will help, the waveball will stand still... spiral back!"

Zhou Yiyu was a charge, and the man had already slammed to Honglang at a high speed, and he was punching his face.

"I wipe your sister!" Hong Lang screamed and flew out.

Zhou Yiyu took back his fist and issued a whisper of Tongtai: "It’s so cool, I know, I’ve been looking forward to having such a day!”

"Me too." Gentle smile.

The next moment, King Kong, gentle, fat, Zhou Yiyu and Zhao Linger have already walked toward Honglang.

Honglang looked at the discoloration and snorted: "Oh... no..."

"Hit!" The five people looked at each other and shouted and rushed together!


Without participating in this drama of the smashing of the waves, Shen Yu took a few steps back to Asoka's side, and then he said with a self-talking attitude:

"Just the punch, he seems to use the original force?"

Although Zhou Yiyu’s punch just seemed to be a sneak attack, it was a long-range charge, and it was impossible to escape without the reaction of Hong Lang.

Shen Yu noticed that there was a back-and-forth pause in front of Hong Lang’s fist. It was this pause that made him unable to escape Zhou Yiyu’s attack.

Asoka snorted: "In fact, he is still a very talented person. He can even be said to be the best of your talents. He is also surprised by the speed of his mastery. It just makes him look too easy. Being influenced by outside things, this may be his most deadly flaw."

"It is not surprising that Yi Yu is actually a very outgoing and somewhat emotional young man. He is passionate, creative, and easily infected by outside worlds. He is able to quickly accept outside information and is therefore affected by it. Shen Shen is still very familiar with Zhou Yiyu. This is a young and energetic young man. His mentality is somewhat juvenile. He may have various shortcomings, but these shortcomings will only make him more sunny, more cheerful, and more acceptable.

In fact, a talent like him is a normal person. Like Shen Shen, it is not normal.

"But the cultivation of the Force needs to concentrate on its own spirit to sense..." Asoka said.

Shen Qian immediately shook his head: "Concentration is only a means, the induction of the original force is the purpose, and the means can be ever-changing. Why must we concentrate all the spirits to do one thing? No, that is a stupid way. At least I I know that many people can do many things at the same time and do a good job."

"Yes, I know, I heard that you have this ability, but the cultivation of the Force does not support the two minds. The cultivation of the original force requires perseverance, patience and sufficient persistence." Asoka answered.

"No, in fact, some people are based on the lack of these qualities, become a master of the original force ... not even a master."

"who is it?"


Asoka groaned, then she shook her head: "I don't know why you mentioned this name, but Anakin broke into the dark for such reasons. You don't want your friends to slip into the dark abyss. in?"

"We are already in the dark world. For us, whether the Force is light or dark is never important."

This made Asoka more discolored, and she turned her head and said: "I will never teach a warrior who masters the dark forces!"

"But the samurai who mastered the dark forces taught you!"

Asoka’s footsteps stopped.

She looked back at Shen Yan and looked fierce: "What do you want to say? If you want to humiliate me..."

Shen Yan interrupted her: "I have no intention of insulting you. I just hope that you understand that the boundaries between darkness and light are not as clear as you think."

"so what?"

"This understanding may help us in the action that follows."

"The action behind?" Asoka is somewhat confused.

"Yes." Shen Yan came over: "Imida has just found our position on this planet. Let me tell you where we are now...alpha-1864-mu-8572."

What Shen said is the coordinates of Tatooine they are now. Tatum has its own independent zoning system, and the entire planet is divided into four zones, each of which can be marked with a coordinate. The format of the coordinates is: one letter connects four numbers, then one letter connects four numbers.

Asoka knew that this was the coordinate, but she didn't know what the coordinates meant, so she asked, "What about that?"

"According to our understanding of the planet this coordinate is very close to a place."


"Ankhurd town."

“What's there?” Asoka realized that the town might be a bit unusual.

"A past Jedi Master and a future Jedi Master." Shen Xiao smiled: "Obi King, Anakin's teacher and Skywalker Luke, the son of Anakin!"

"What?" Asoka was completely shocked.


A huge roar suddenly sounded and rumbling.

A raging momentum rises like a tornado in the desert.

A sly figure swells in the wind, such as the giant world.

A "pig head" that was swollen with a bruised face and a swollen face called the wildest fierce call...

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