Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 103: Go to Ankerde

w's arrogant answer makes everyone hold it. m[Read the novel to ~]

Shen Yan still wants to ask again, Hua Tianrui has stopped him: "You don't have to ask, about the four things, you can tell you that this step is already the limit. You only need to know that the four gods are indeed ours. Undercover, but you can't just pass the message as you like... Many things, we have to do it ourselves."

Hua Tianrui said so, everyone is naturally not good to ask.

Indulging in but not thinking, the secret is also divided into high school and low. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Nowadays, it is a crucial period for the integration of the three districts. Trust is very important. Appropriate disclosure of some secrets and openness is the foundation of trust.

In this case, Hua Tianrui is still keeping the news of the four shackles. Most of the news is secret. It seems that the four shackles are not as simple as an undercover.

In this case, why do you think that it is not a human being?

Is it a slip of the word? Still appropriate concessions? Is it a doubt? Or do you have ulterior motives?

The brains of the sinking are spinning fast, and there are countless possibilities in an instant. Latest novel Baidu search ""

However, as he said, the answer is more, often means that there is no answer, let alone an analysis based on unknown conditions, may not be an accurate answer, so he will soon not waste time in this regard.

The topic has therefore turned a bit and returned to the next action.

"Sink, what do you think we should do next?" Hua Tianrui asked him.

"I am going to the town of Ankhed." Shen Yan did not marry him.

"Anker Hud..." Hua Tianrui thought a little and immediately realized: "Would you like to go to the Skywalker Luke and the King of Obi?"

"Well." Shen Hao nodded.

"But Skywalker Luke is still a child. What can he do for us? Our identity is even less likely to allow us to accept us." The enchanting enchantress did not understand.

Obi King is not Asoka. He is highly respected in the Jedi Knights. He is also extremely hated by the separatists. The separatists who died in his hands do not know how many, and will never accept the olive branch thrown by the adventurers.

In fact, the **** city from the beginning to arrange the identity of the separatists, is not intended to let them rely on the power of the Jedi.

Shen Yu replied: "In any case, Luke is the son of Anakin, he is in his hands..."

"Do you want to use him to threaten Anakin?" Everyone understood what he meant. 【】【】

"Get it." Yan Changhe smirked: "The black warrior has already broken into the darkness, except for the power, and in the Star Wars, he directly cut off his son's hand. I can assure you if you threaten with his son. He, he will kill his son in the first sword, and the second sword will kill you."

Wei Chibai smiled and said: "Maybe after you kill him, he will repent, not in the movie... although it makes no sense."

The confession of the defeated wicked is the most worthless.

Hua Tianrui also smiled and shook his head: "Maybe you have not been killed by the black warrior, first chased by the king of Obi."

But when it comes to this, he suddenly stunned: "Obi King..."

He looked at the sinking, and Shen was still laughing.

Hua Tianrui suddenly understood: "You are not going to use Luke to threaten the black warrior, but to use him to threaten the king of Obi... I am so damn, I didn't think of this."

The king of Obi is not a black warrior. No matter how the **** city changes, even if he turns the king of Obi into a dark Sith warrior, his concern for Luke will not change. The strength of the Obi King, it can be said that among the surviving Jedi Knights, few can resist the existence of the Black Warrior. After all, Anakin became a black warrior because he was hit hard by him.

What's more, for Shen Wei, Luke is not just Luke.

The reason why Anakin was brought back to the Jedi Council by Obi King was because Obi King believed that Anakin was the prophet.

But it turns out that the real balance for the Force is actually his son Luke.

When this situation is reflected by the hands of the **** city, it means that the identity of Luke, the son of the Force, has not only represented the balance of the Force, but also the care of the Force.

I don’t know what this care is, but he is really interested in seeing if he can take this opportunity to get some benefits for Zhou Yiyu.

Of course, this cannot be said in public.

However, it is not an easy task to grab Luke from the protection of the King of Obi. One is not good, but it makes one more powerful opponent... maybe more than one.

Who can be sure that there is only one Obi King in protecting Luke now?

The Sith Warrior can be transformed from a system with only two masters and apprentices into a large-scale existence that is flooded with disasters. What is the rare giant panda?

As a person who brings balance to the Force in the prophecy, Luke is protected, and it is afraid that it will far exceed the level of the original. [Read the novel to ~]

Therefore, Hua Tianrui quickly shook his head again: "This risk is too great. We have been attacked on both sides and then provoked the king of Obi. If one fails, it will only give us another enemy."

Lin Weisheng also said: "The infernal sect is earlier than us. If Luke is so easy to be arrested, I am afraid that they will get it early. I am afraid that they have already explored the realities of Ankhed town and finally gave up."

"Who said that I want to attack hard?" Shen Yan asked.

"What can you do then?" asked alone.

"You forgot that we still have one person... Asoka." Shen Yu replied.

If the sinking is not bad, the secret division of this rebel army is likely to exist in the town of Ankhed.

This division aims to defend the proponents of the designated Skywalker while quietly developing its own strength.

They are the fourth force that Tatuin has left behind the fleet, the sand people, the prisoners, and the new forces. They can survive on this chaotic planet, and there must be a force that cannot be underestimated.

Shen Yu hopes to pull this rebel army by controlling Luke.

Yes, the **** city has turned them into separatists, making it difficult for them to reach a cooperation with each other, but this is only a task limitation, a threshold, but not a rule.

Even the rules can be broken, what is the task limit?

If you want to win in a war, knowing how to draw friends for yourself is always the most important thing.

Shen Yu has completed a three-zone joint project. This time, he will try to use Luke to break through the restrictions of identity and reach a new strategic alliance.

Under normal circumstances, this is very difficult.

The resistance forces will not give them too many opportunities.

Fortunately, they now have Asoka.

Regardless of the suspicion of Asoka in the rebel army, she is still a Jedi Knight and a Jedi Knight against the empire.

She can bring everyone into Ankhed, and let Shen Shen talk to people there and help them to get in touch with Luke.

This is all right.

That's why he had to say something to Asoka before, he needs Asoka to cover them.

After listening to Shen’s plan, everyone was speechless at the same time.

The success rate of the indulgent plan is still not high, but it has the advantage of reducing the risk of failure to a minimum.

If you can take Luke in a non-violent way or persuade the rebels to cooperate with them, it will definitely help the war in the future. No one knows whether the infernal sect has arrived in advance, and it has done on this planet. What preparations.

Now the Inferno sects are likely to improve their final preparations, and the three districts cannot be idle.

The final decisive battle is always coming, and before that, who is more prepared, who is closer to victory.

"I can try it." Lin Weisheng said.

Shen Yudao: "There are not many people who go, and more may trigger the other party's alert mentality. Let me, Yi Yu, Asoka, go."

Hua Tianrui smiled and said: "If this is the case, then I will accompany you to go."

Wei Chibai said: "I am also interested."

Lin Weisheng also smiled: "It is better to let me make a fun."

Contact with the Rebels is a strategic decision, and no one knows how much benefit will be generated in the future, but certainly not less.

With such a big advantage, how can such a major event be only responsible for the Broken Blade team.

Shen Yan said: "There are still more people in the six people. Let's reduce one more. I am also a person from the Southern District. I don't think Lin is going to go."

"Why don't you let your week brothers not go?" Wu Jingshi has already snarled.

"Asoka is the teacher of Yi Yu, you can try the results without him." Shen Yu faint.

Everyone knows that Zhou Yiyu is learning the Force with Asoka, but everyone has no choice. They actually want to please Asoka to learn the original force, but hide the task on a first-come, first-served basis, without their share. Good feelings can be upgraded without tasks, but because of the lack of data support, no one knows which step to take.

The most important thing is that from Krussten to Tatooine, Asoka has been with the Broken Blade team. The Broken Blade team has made her look very solid. When it is a private item, it is easy for the adventurer to contact.

The Pioneer is a broken blade team, causing them to be unhappy. Whoever wants to expel them will be expelled, and the adventurers will be able to stand under the fence.

Nowadays, it is difficult to reach Tatooine. You can ignore the Broken Blade team and freely contact Asoka. The result is to make money for the money and to tap the Pioneer. After the completion, Shen Shen began to announce that he wants to pick the fruit... This is your sister. Opportunities are not given to others!

Therefore, at this moment, Shen Jing said that Wu Jingshi is still not convinced. He still wants to continue to say something. Shen Yu has already said: "According to the agreement, the Southern District is fourth. But the current points, the Southern District has come up. So this The second action, the Southern District does not participate in itself is to ensure the effective implementation of the agreement ... and then say that leaving so many people, it also needs someone to be responsible for hosting."

When Wu Jing was suddenly stunned.

He is publicly claiming to take all the proceeds of the Southern District into his own name!

This is also true, the Southern District points have risen, it is indeed necessary to give up some of the world's income in the mission to balance.

The problem is that the increase in points is due to the Broken Blade team. Now it is necessary to lower the points. It is also the Broken Blade team to take away the gains that the Southern District could have.

Feelings, do you stir up stocks? Do long before you do shorts, go up, you earn, fall, or you earn!

When I was in Wujing, he glanced at him: "Gossip! Shen Yan, your appetite is too big!"

"Would you like to go with me?" Shen Yan looked cold when he looked at Wujing, and his eyes were already showing a murder.

His patience with this **** is almost at its best, so this is not to cover up the silence.

When Wu Jing was stunned.

Everyone looked at him with a smile on his face.

Shen Yan issued an invitation. The question now is, do you dare?

Going to Ankhed is to go to Longtan, and if you don't get it, you will die.

The key to this mission is The main thing is sinking. He may not be able to decide that everyone is not in danger, but he can definitely decide who is more dangerous and can even decide to "be the big picture." Need a little sacrifice as needed."

I believe that Hua Tianrui and Wei Chibai will not mind this "necessary sacrifice".

When I was at Takeu, I looked left and looked at it. I found that no one helped me to ease the situation.

Even Lin Weisheng kept his head down and didn't talk.

This group of bastards!

Wu Jingshi took a long breath.

He groaned and said: "Well, I am going with you!"

When he said this, quite a strong man who had never recovered, he let Shen Shen also slightly bowed.

When he looked at Wujing for a while, he finally nodded: "If you are annoying, but it is a man, then... let's go." m^-^ no pop-up window reading ^_^

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