Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 106: hijack

Carter finally agreed to take them to see the king of Krabi. M

On the way to see Kennoby, they noticed that the architectural pattern of the town of Ankhed was quite different.

Most of these buildings are exactly the same, it is difficult to tell, and there are no road signs on the roads.

It should have been a road extending in all directions. There are frequent signs of disconnection. There are almost no crossroads. The road itself is also complicated. If you are not careful, you will go to the dead road.

Sometimes they even have to go through some "residence" to get to the opposite road.

"The pattern here is a bit strange." Zhou Yiyu whispered.

Hua Tianrui immediately said: "It is used to fight street fighting, specifically to bully those who are not familiar with the terrain. Those buildings have a lot of hidden firepower points, you can secretly insert people. The building surface is made of sand, but there are also some It is a sand camouflage, and the interior is actually an alloy structure."

Speaking of disguise, Hua Tianrui is a master in this respect. This level of camouflage is too pediatric before his eyes. However, if it is used against ordinary people, its confusing effect is quite good.

Shen Yan also said: "Carter himself is also deliberately taking us around and seeing the road on the left? We have already walked twice from that road."

Hua Tianrui smiled and said: "Unfortunately he has not lied to you."

"He can write down to him even if it is covered with my eyes." Shen Yanzui replied.

For him, this detour only made him more familiar with the layout of the town. In fact, his mind is automatically generating terrain along the way.

After removing the overlapping parts and finding out the differences in the details of the similar buildings, they gradually form a complete and clear map of the town.

"Remember to remind me, never use a labyrinth of magic to deal with you in the future." Hua Tianrui suddenly said.

"I will." Shen Yan answered very seriously, everyone laughed together.

Xiao Luke, who has been with them, suddenly said: "Please don't blame Uncle Carter. Caution is our guarantee for survival in this world. Sand thieves and prisoners often come to attack us. They have heavy firepower and the walls can't stop them, so we I had to deploy defense in this way."

Shen Shen was a little surprised: "Can you understand what we are talking about?"

Luke shook his head: "No, but I can feel what you are saying. The Force guides me, it helps me to break the barrier!" In the latter sentence, Luke bowed his head devoutly.

Hua Tianrui looks at Zhou Yiyu: "His strength is much better than you."

Zhou Yiyu shrugged and only heard it.

Shen Yu has continued to ask: "Is often attacked by sand thieves and prisoners?"

"Yes." Luke replied, the little guy's eyes were bright and his tone was firm: "They always come to harass us, grab food, grab money, and grab everything they can grab. They are the worst people in the world!"

"How long will they come?"

"It's hard to say, sometimes three or five days, sometimes one month, you have to look at their mood."

“How do you get along with the sand people and the prisoners?”

"They played even better!"

With the conversation with Little Luke, Shen Yu gradually realized that the sand thieves composed of local indigenous sand people and the prisoners who were mainly exiled prisoners were not only unruly, but they had already developed to the point of dead enemies.

For them, if the local human beings are prey, then the sand thief or prisoner is the hunter.

The hunter will only have a war with the hunter!

In order to compete for the territory, the war between the two sides has not been repeated twice.

From the perspective of strength, the prisoners' powers are not only extremely violent, but also have their own strengths as interstellar-level wanted elements. Coupled with the constant air transport, the number of people is increasing and it is already overwhelming. However, these prisoners are easily dissatisfied with people because of their sexual jealousy. Therefore, they are divided into organizations and they are mutually inclined.

The sand thieves are much more united, and their adaptation to the local terrain and climate has resisted the prisoners' attacks again and again.

A town like Ankerde is actually living in the cracks between the two forces. Their maze layout is not for street fighting and destroying enemies, but for delaying and hiding themselves.

"So what about the emperor? They don't care about one tube?" Wei Chibai asked.

Carter did not return to the front and said: "They are best to kill them here."

Wei Chibai understood.

For the emperor, both the prisoner and the sand thief, like the separatists, are troublesome guys, and even if they are all dead, they will not let them lose anything. As for the local people - who cares about them?

As for now, the Imperial Fleet is completely finished, and no one is in charge of them.

"In recent days, there has been no movement on the side of the sand thief. On the other hand, the Minsk Brotherhood is very active. They seem to have any big moves, and they are constantly throwing people away. The one that was taught by you before. Is one of the actors they sent out."

"I thought that group of people are all." Shen Yan is very skillful and confused.

Sure enough, Carter snorted: "They? A group of gangsters who ate around the Minsk Brotherhood. The Prisoners' Organization is a loose federal organization composed of five major forces, calling themselves the Freedom League, slogan. Long live freedom, of course, their freedom is free killing, free robbing/robbing, freedom is lawless."

Carter continued: "The Minsk Brotherhood is one of the five major forces, and below them, there is also a distribution of their own power. Each prisoner has the power to recruit his own people. The more he recruits, the higher his status. Burka is the bottom element of the Brotherhood. He is followed by some guys who are not qualified for entry. Don't underestimate these prisoners, they are supernatural and omnipotent. They buy the Imperial fleet and buy a lot of them from outside. Weapons. Although the Imperial Fleet does not dare to sell them strategic weapons like warships, they have everything on the ground. When they are armed, they are an army. Although they seem to be miscellaneous, they do not mean good. ”

"You said what action they are planning recently? Do you know what action?"

"Not very clear, but I can guess some." Carter shook his head: "There are a lot of people coming to the Minsk Brotherhood in the town. I noticed that they seem to be very interested in the equipment on the battleship... although they are not interested in Look like."

"Battleship? You mean... they want to fight a warship?"

"Yes, that is the strategic level of the empire's left-behind fleet that is banned from entering Tatooine. The president of the Minsk Brotherhood, Longer Phillips, once said that he would get a warship at all costs. In order to eliminate all those who dare to confront him. Even though he promised the Emperor that the warship will never be used against the emperor, the empire retaining the fleet will not dare to open this mouth. Of course, you know that the prisoners are daring, they are nothing. Dare to do, so Phillips that the **** may want to build a ship."

"Don't they plan to use the garbage in the town to fight for a warship?" Asoka couldn't believe his ears.

"I also think it's incredible, but they are already doing this... they have collected a lot of abandoned ship-borne artillery, energy cannons, etc., although most of them are broken, they can be used as long as they are repaired," Carter replied.

They officially entered the building underground.

“Is it just a shipboard firepower device? No engine or anything else?” Shen asked.

"No, or there are not many." Carter shook his head.

"Then, unless they have other plans, they already have a spaceship."

"This is impossible. Phillips is by no means a person who will wait. He is impatient and violent. If he does, he will definitely take it out."

"That may be there."

"Who knows." Carter shrugged.

During the talk, they have entered a round castle filled with white stone.

Carter pushed the gate of the round.


the next day.

Michelle crossed his arms around his chest and leaned against the kitchen door.

Shirley cuts the potatoes, veal and space orchid.

She is very proud, like the hatred of those dishes.

Michelle looked funny and thought about it: "Thanks to your care yesterday, I am much better today."

"You're welcome, that's my duty, I don't want to die. I'm also worried about what to do if you have a time bomb on board." Shirley replied coldly, cutting vegetables still hard.

Michelle watched her not talking, and Shirley felt like there were thousands of bugs crawling. She finally couldn't help but ask: "What is that disease? I have never seen it."

"...I can't tell, I have never had it before, maybe it is not suitable for the space environment. So anyway, thank you."

Shirley continued to be silent.

Michelle can only say: "I know that when I am in a coma, someone must have persuaded you to kill me, or simply read my memory to find out those bombs."

"I refused. I hope you will not mind this, they are also good for me." Shirley did not lift her head.

"...I don't mind, each has a position. Right, Nancy I called yesterday...She is my first love." Michelle lowered her head and explained, like a child who made a mistake.

Is it a first love?

Michelle didn't know.

He only knew that he used to be a woman he had loved, in another identity.

But it doesn't matter.

At least for the city.

This kind of feeling does not affect any event, does not trigger any task, just a kind of fluctuation, just like the ripples in the water... exist but meaningless.

However, for Shirley, things don't seem to be the case.

She was very scared and just said, "Oh, is it?"

"She is dead." Michelle exhaled and said with a breath.

There was a tremor in his heart, and Shirley called "Oh," he called.

She cut her finger.

Michelle quickly bandaged her, but saw the touch of color in Shirley's eyes.

"You..." Michelle looked at her with a pill.

Shirley looked positive and replied solemnly: "Do I have to say: I am very sorry about this?"

Michelle laughed.

This laugh seems to untie a knot at the same time in the hearts of two people.

He couldn't help but say, "I saw you, I forgot her."

At that moment, Shirley was drunk.

Gently holding Shirley's hand, Michelle said softly: "The ban has been lifted. From now on, you don't have to cook any more. All the crew can return to normal life."

Shirley glanced, her face was first happy, then suddenly changed, said evilly: "I am rare?" Then turned and left. Only leaving Michelle alone in a daze.

This **** is really a little bit of fun, this is a rare two-person world.

"It's a big stupid pig." Shirley said to herself.

Having said that, Shirley was the first time to connect with Mabo: "Maber, from today, the crew can go back to the lounge to sleep. Oh, the food can also take care of itself. But Jinna... this guy The ban continued to be maintained. Hey, she even beat me with such awkward means. It was really mad at me.” Shirley did not realize that her grievances against Jinna had even surpassed Michelle.

Maber heard somehow, and it took a long time to react. "This is good news, miss. But I have a bad news to tell you."


"Our external communication has had problems. It has been ten minutes now, and we have been unable to send any message to the outside world."

“Is there a huge magnetic field that interferes with our information transmission in the vicinity?”

"Miss, we have to go three times a year on this route. There has never been such a thing."

"Are you sure we haven't had any equipment failures?"

"Not Miss, I am not sure, because it is still being investigated."

Shirley’s heart raised a sense of uneasiness.

These days, I changed to be a chef. The flight affairs were almost handed over to Ma Bo. Only when she passed the nebula storm, she and Michelle jointly shot. I suddenly heard the news today, and she did not adapt to it for a while. After hesitating, he quickly changed his mindset and ordered in a formal captain's tone: "Command all staff to enter the second level of defense, strengthen the defense force against the prisoner's hall, and try to find out the cause of the failure... I will go to the control room. go with."

Ma Bogang said one sentence, suddenly it was a scream.

A few magnetic magnetic bangs made Shirley’s heart jump, she shouted: “Maber, Mabo.”

Then I heard Mabo panicking and shouting: "Prisoners are jailbroken!!!"

In shock, Shirley looked back.

Michelle was standing behind her with solemnity.

Difficult to swallow a saliva, she said: "The trouble is big."

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