Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 114: Red alert

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In the room, I closed my eyes and meditation, my heart suddenly jumped, and an inexplicable heart filled my heart.

"Michel!" Shen Yan blurted out.

He already felt that the source of this uneasiness came from Michelle.

He hurriedly stood up and wanted to pick up a basin of water and re-apply the last skill on the spacecraft. There was a voice behind him: "You are the worst."

Shen Hao hurried back and saw that the white girl was standing behind him.

The sinking face immediately sank.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to see a girl in white, but he knows that if the girl in white does not show up automatically after his call, it means that something must come out.

"What happened to Michelle?" He asked directly. For this girl, all the practice of winding around is meaningless.

"He awoke." The girl replied.

"Awakening? You mean..."

"Like Serena, his predecessor was a Lohan knight in the world of the Lord of the Rings. Now he has awakened this part of the memory and awakened this part of the power."

Shen Yanran: "How can this be the ghost you made?"

"No, it has nothing to do with me, but an accident."

"The accidents I have encountered recently are really many." Shen Xiao smiled.

“Even if it is an accident, there are inevitable factors in its existence.” The girl said: “Michelle is your summoning soldier. After being separated from your spiritual maintenance, the instinct of life will prompt him to find a source that can support his existence. ”


"Yes. When life can't get the power from outside to maintain its existence, it will work hard from the inside. You can understand it as returning to ancient times, and I understand it as the source."

"Michelle's source is the experience he once had?"

"Yes, this is the instinct to find yourself after life, but not everyone can succeed. Therefore, although it is a very rare accident, it has its inevitable factors. This inevitable factor is that you are ... you are loose The connection with him has caused it all!"

"Does the Supreme Council know?"

The girl continued: "Michelle is completely a spontaneous awakening, without my cover, so the first time he awakened, the Supreme Council found it... This is why I advise you not to contact him in that way. The reason, you will also be discovered."

"Hell!" Shen Yan burst out with a punch: "That is to say that Michelle is going to be destroyed?"

“It may or may not be.” The girl replied: “The Supreme Council will soon discover that Michelle’s awakening has nothing to do with me. You know, an awakened person can do little harm to the city...”

Sinking of course knows.

Although the awakened person is a trouble to the city, it is just a trouble, and it is far from the point of hurting the bones. The reason why people should be nervous and awakened is because they are made by the girl in white, her hand The weapon inside.

This is like a netizen who squats on the Internet every day. In fact, it is not a big threat. At best, it is a dissident. But if the economic support and political guidance of the hostile countries are obtained, the nature will rise to the numerator.

Although Michelle awakened, after all, it was an isolated awakened person.

The city may not like his existence, but if you look at the face of Shen, you may miss him.

At least for now, Shen Wei has not received his death notice - although Michelle is mentally already, it is still a sinking summoned soldier on the system.

"So, Michelle will not be too dangerous?" Shen Yu sighed.

"If he didn't die in the first second of awakening, then the more time he drags back, the less likely he is to be killed, but the other danger will get bigger and bigger."

After pondering and pondering, I already understood: "My son of the Force?"

The Supreme Council may not be interested in killing a self-awakening Michelle, but self-awakening itself is so rare in the city.

Rarely, the Supreme Council must be interested in studying why Michelle is self-awakening.

Following the vine of Michelle, they are likely to touch the melon!

This is why the white girl is now active here.

"Yes, they will find the root cause of Michelle's awakening sooner or later. If you don't want to be exposed, it's best to find a way to solve him as soon as possible."

"I don't need you to tell me what to do. I just want to know how long it takes for the Supreme Council to discover my secret?"

"It's hard to say. Michelle's awakening is caused by a combination of factors. Your factor is fundamental, but it is hidden under countless vines. When the Supreme Council clarifies the process, there will be no problems for the time being. And it may not be understood when it is discovered."

"But they will understand everything sooner or later, right?"

"Exactly, they will discover the secrets of your soul sooner or later, but they may not know that you are the son of space."

“Why?” I don’t understand: “Isn’t the soul the core condition of being the son of space?”

"The problem is that they don't know."

Shen Shen understood.

It seems to be normal and ordinary in Shen Yu’s view. In the eyes of the Supreme Council, perhaps they are always looking for the truth. They don't know the nature of this space, they don't know that consciousness creates matter, and they don't know everything about the core of space.

The law of universal gravitation may sound simple, but before it is discovered and proven, the earth is square!

"That is, I still have some time to toss?"

"There is a theoretical way, but never look down on the energy of your enemy."

"The Supreme Council is not my enemy."

"From the moment you become the son of space, it is already."

For the first time, Shen Yu was dismissed as speechless.

After thinking about it, he asked the girl: "Is there any way I can avoid the life of my own hands without exposing me?"

"If the problem exists, it will sooner or later."

"But at least it can be delayed." Shen Yan is a connoisseur who plays with words, quickly catching the meaning of the girl's words.

The girl nodded: "The easiest way is to divert their attention so that they can't concentrate all their energy on Michelle for the time being."

"How to transfer?"

"The pursuit of power is not only for you, but every adventurer is yearning for it; it is not only you who will bring trouble to the city; the adventurer I help is also not you, but there are many... "The girl did not say anything more.

The sullen eyes suddenly enlarged, and his face was gloomy: "What do you want to say?"

"Someone is praying for my help, I can't refuse him, so I can only inform you in advance."

The sullen eyes suddenly contracted: "Edmund... you want to help the infernal sect!?"

At that moment he finally understood.

damn it!

Edmond’s final plan must be related to this girl!

Yeah, yeah, why can he only contact the girl if he is indulged?

As early as in the Transformers world, Shen Yu knew that girls never helped him.

It was only as time went on, the contact between them deepened, and the secrets that the girl revealed to him became more and more, which made Shen Yu always unconsciously think that the girl favored him more.

Perhaps this is also true, but this does not prove that girls will reject others!

It is like the most favored scorpion does not mean that the emperor can favor himself every day.

She came over and just notified herself, I am sorry, I will not be able to stay with you until there is something tonight. Oh, considering that you come to see you in your hometown, give you more time to spend time with your family, hey, this is You still have the advantage...

That's it!

"But we are a class of people!"

"But it's not a person." The girl replied: "I have my plan. Before you really grow to be able to help me, you are not an irreplaceable existence."

"How is this possible?" Shen Weiwei said: "I am the son of space, that is the existence that you can't create, so I am irreplaceable... God, you learned to lie!?"

"You taught me, but I didn't use it very well." There was no lie on the girl's face.

"That's the truth!" Shen Shen got up: "Now I will teach you one more thing: If you can't use lie to let the other party accept your practice, learn to use your true feelings to impress each other. Stupid The lie will only make things worse. A good lie is that even if he is exposed, he can make himself have a way to go! Tell me now, why do you want to help Edmund?"

The girl quickly replied: "He paid the price. That is my commitment to all the adventurers. When they help me shake the rules of the world, I will do something for them at their request. This is a promise. It is also my law, which I have to obey."

"Why do you want to lie to me?"

"My law is my weakness."

The sullen eyes slammed: "You don't want me to know your weaknesses... are you wary of me?"

"It’s just that there is nothing wrong with it. The fratricidal killing of human beings also makes me understand the truth. The same kind is not the basis of trust."

Sinking and taking a breath: "You have progressed faster and faster during this time."

"You taught me a lot."

"So... what did Edmund do for you?"

"One is to relieve him of the troubles he used before using the big prophecy. Second, temporarily improve his big prophecy and let him enter a higher level."

"What are you talking about?" The heart of Shen Qian shuddered: "Mastery and control rules?"

The girl shook her head: "I don't know what you are talking about. In my case, the level of the rule is only related to the scope of its influence and control. I promote his great prophecy so that his great prophecy can be Working within a specified scope, I personally call this the domain."

"How big is the field..."

"The whole planet."

Sinking and taking a breath: "You mean, you let him have some ability to cover the entire planet?"

"Yes, but only for non-killing ability, and it is effective for everyone."

"Does it also include himself?"


Sinking, this is a sigh of relief, he looked at the girl: "Tell me, what is the ability?"

“Initial failure and attribute weakening.”

"Invalidation of proactive power... is it that makes a certain skill of the adventurer useless? How much is the attribute weakened?"

“Exactly, from the moment the field is launched, all the capabilities that need to be actively used cannot be used, but the ability to function has been retained, and the ability, ability, ability, artifact and rule ability are invalid. But it does not include Edmund's great prophecy. The full attribute is reduced to 50%, and the defensive power due to its own attributes is cleared."

"If that's the case, why should he beat us? You know that there are more people here than me!"


"You mean the last killer of the Inferno sect, is to fight a pure science war with us?"


"Why do they win?"

"Just rely on this." The girl in white raised her hand.

The picture is presented in her hand.

It was a mighty steel torrent that was being opened on the surface of Tatooine.

The first to reach is the hundreds of heavy tanks. These huge steel monsters are equipped with double-door large-caliber guns. There are glittering red stars on the deck, and two heavy-duty shots above the hatch. The machine gun is huge and looks twice as big as an ordinary tank.

Behind the tank cluster, a large number of armed soldiers followed, with helmets on their heads, followed by a neat army and behind the tank.

Some robots, like the eight-clawed spider, are running around the tanks and soldiers. This familiar style looks awkward.

The picture turned sharply and moved to the top of the tank cluster. It was awkward to see that a large, air-pressed airship was flying from the air.

"This is... Kirov airship!" The heart of Shen Yu almost fell to the bottom.

The girl replied: "Red alert, they brought a base car."

On the screen, this force consisting of a steel torrent has passed through the Baie Canyon, and it is Ankhed in the direction.

Shen Yan then rushed out in desperation, screaming: "enemy!!!!"


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