Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 121: bombing


The fierce knives plunged into Affleck's throat. Affleck barely leaned over his neck, and the blade flew over the neck. The next moment, the blade turned, and the cross was changed to a lower thorn. Affleck grabbed a The field infantry pushed forward, and the soldier had been cut into two pieces. The knife passed by, and a long blood mark was drawn on his chest, almost opening. m () but the young offensive attack is not reduced, has been back to the back of the Parma, the sharp knife is cutting on the Parma dagger, just a hand, the dagger has been flying, the left hand burst into He was playing on Parma, playing with his ribs broken, and vomiting blood flew back.

"Parma!" Affleck cried.

But at this moment, he has no longer been able to protect himself, and Ashura has no suspense for one-on-two.

The gap between the three of them is no longer a question of skills and attributes, but even a huge change in the style of combat.

Ashura himself is an adventurer who relies on ordinary attacks as his main mode of operation. His attacks are fierce, quick, coherent, and similar in style to indulgence, but more precise and deadly than indulging. His heinous instincts make him His attack is not aimed at the target's defensive weakness, or the key area of ​​the target is locked, the effect is stronger than the indulgent three-dimensional consciousness, because the thinking process is omitted.

And Affleck and Parma are extreme skill-dependent adventurers, no matter how they adapt to the field in advance, it is impossible to change their combat style in a short time.

What is able to support them is not their own strength, but a group of robots and field infantry around them.

Protecting the officers is their duty, and internal disputes are not related to them.

These brave soldiers rushed to resist the attack. The paralysis of the magnetic rioters was ineffective against him. Yuri’s mental impact was like the release of the dead. Tanya’s gun even opened fire in the future, and they fell into a pool of blood. Life is like a weed, and it is harvested under the young man.

However, the number of soldiers is decreasing and the threat from Ashura is increasing.

Shurao knife draws another wave of blood in the sea of ​​weaving people. The criss-crossing squats in the body of the two men. The speed at which the soldiers can rush can not make up the speed. Affleck and Parma A **** vacuum belt appeared in the vicinity of the moment.

The soldiers' courage is not diminished, their ability is limited, and Ashura has been stabbed to Parma as a sword.

The knife was stabbing Parma's lower abdomen. He held his right hand in Ashura's right hand and had bleeding in his mouth.

Ashura never had the habit of confronting the dead. The Shura knife trembled and trembled, and a shock wave exploded directly from the body of Parma.

"No!" Affleck yelled and rushed up.

The star-sucking sword stabbed Ashura, and Ashura took a backhand. The long sword penetrated his palm and directly fell into the arm. He then put the whole star-sucking sword into the arm like a scabbard. At the same time, Ashura had kicked a kick quickly. In the middle of Affleck's calf, kicking his knee joint, Affleck couldn't control himself.

Ashura's straight arm was sent forward and was hitting Affleck's throat.


The throat was broken, Affleck spit out a blood in the sky, and the sucking star sword borrowed from the arm of Ashura, flew out from behind the shoulder, and the left hand continued to stretch forward, grabbing Affleck’s throat and pinching his eyes .

"Affleck, leave me alone, you are going!" Parma shouted, the dagger retorted Ashura, the young man did not even look back.

He abandoned the knife, and his right arm grabbed Parma's arm and slammed it.

As Ashura himself did not spin, the two men's arms were broken at the same time, but Asura was nothing to do, Parma had already slammed to the ground.

A black dart appeared in the mouth of Ashura, flying the throat of Parma.

Seeing that Parma couldn’t hide, Affleck suddenly screamed and pushed Ashura’s left hand to the Parma.


The black dart broke into the Affleck vest, and Affleck had spit out a large amount of blood, but the next moment, he had taken something out of the coat of arms and pressed it to Parma. ()

Palma's body flashed black.

Parma was shocked: "No, Affleck!"

Affleck has screamed: "Go back and tell them that Edmund is killing us, remember to avenge me!"

He said that he turned and spread his arms to Ashura, letting Ashura's iron hand hit the body like a knife, not letting go.

"Affleck!" Palma screamed with tears.

The black light on his body became more and more vigorous. There was a strange black hole behind him. It was the size of a needle eye, but it gave off a strong suction. He sucked Palma and slammed it back. Parma’s body was actually at this moment. Pulled into a light smoke and flew into the hole. He still struggled to struggle, as if he wanted to escape the traction, but it did not help. In his unwilling call, the figure disappeared and the black hole closed.

Seeing the disappearance of Parma, Affleck, this blond handsome guy's face squeezed a smile.

He grabbed Ashura’s arm and slipped weakly...


The black hole appeared so fast that even Edmund did not think of it.

"this is……"

He stood up quickly, but Palma has disappeared.

Edmund's face was covered with a layer of frost.

The low laugh of "嘿嘿嘿嘿" sounded.

I don’t have to look at it. At this time, it’s only Xie Rongjun who dares to laugh at Edmund.

"I really didn't think that they actually brought props that can give up the task to return early. It seems that people don't believe in you all, you are troubled!" Xie Rongjun laughed.

Being questioned is one thing, and it is another matter to let people escape to testify.

If both Affleck and Parma are dead in the mission, Edmund denies that he is only killed by the enemy and there is no evidence.

But now let a living escape, some things can hardly be lost.

Xie Rongjun was right, and Edmund’s troubles were a bit big.

However, Edmund only snorted: "The Purgatory Lord Edmund calculated the mistakes, miscalculated the enemy's strength, and mistakenly thought that except for Cliff, no one could resist the power of the field. I didn't expect Ashura's talent to be against the rule field. Forcibly killing Affleck, because of the use of field power, I am weak and unable to rescue... I am sad and sorrowful. Fortunately, Affleck is heroic and saves Parma. After leaving a talent, Edmund feels that after this battle, he will resign to teach the Lord, thank you to the public!"

His words were in Chinese, his mouth was clear, his words were round and round, and he heard that Xie Rongjun was stunned. After a while, he reacted and raised his thumb: "Good, good, have a set!"

Edmund used the white girl to use the power of the field, and he would be punished when he returned to the city. At this time, he resigned from the position of the Lord. On the surface, he gave an account to Flo, and he was actually giving an explanation to the Supreme Council.

As long as they can completely destroy the adventurers of the three organizations and win this gamble, the purgatory sect can re-create glory. Even if he is not the leader, who dares to look down on him?

Even if the guy named Flozen knows, what can he do?

Edmund was already snoring, and he did not thank Xie Jun, but turned back to Cliff.

Cliff also stepped on Boss's face.

He smashed a hundred punches on this guy, almost interrupted his whole body bones, but still kept his life, did not dare to let him die.

"If you have enough, stop it. He has already got the punishment he deserves. The question now is how to get rid of this mirage." Edmund said: "Our army has lost more than half."

Relying on the strength of the field, the Red Police Corps has already gained the upper hand. After the adventurers' bloodlines have lost their functions, they become more and more crazy. However, with the cover of the terrain and illusions, the resistance from the adventurers also makes the Red Police Army lose a lot.

At present, the adventurer is killed by seven people, and a large number of summoned beasts are numerous. Among them, the gentle summoning army is particularly heavy, and the Red Police Corps has more than half of the casualties.

According to the trend, the lower the strength, the lower the strength of the trend, the remaining Red Police can kill three or four adventurers is not bad.

Cliff closed his legs and rubbed the blood on his body: "The maintenance of the mirage of the mirage needs to have a glimpse of the eye. As long as it breaks the eye, the big bang will break."

"How to break the eye?" Xie Rongjun asked.

Cliff replied: "Simple, the Kirov airship was dispatched, and the carpet bombing was carried out. Every inch of land was turned into scorched earth, and no matter where the eyes were hidden, it could not run."

More than half of the Red Army’s casualties did not include the Kirov airship. This powerful air force has been hovering behind and watching the ground forces fight.

"It’s an idea, you should say it earlier." Xie Rongjun sympathetically glanced at Boss on the ground.

"Do you think I am because of him?" Cliff smiled. "No, I didn't start the airship at the beginning to avoid accidental injuries. In addition, the illusion reconstruction needs to consume mental energy. After losing the little skylark, Hua Tianrui's magic array It has become the biggest trouble that hinders us from chasing. Sacrificing some troops to consume his spiritual strength can effectively weaken his illusion to maintain time."

"It turned out to be like this." Xie Rongjun nodded. "When do we get started?"

"When the bombing is over, the formation is cracked. At that time, there should be not enough ground troops. It is enough to invest in the rhinoceros tank and the Tibetan military, and cooperate with all of us to launch the bloodline." When Cliff said this, he looked at Edmund. .

Edmund nodded: "Just do it, the airship attack!"

Thirty Kirov airships in the sky move forward at the same time.

Everyone has found this behemoth.

An adventurer yelled into the air and said, "Look, Kirov is coming!"

In the tone of voice with a sense of ambiguity - pure attack power theory, this thing can be stronger than the Apocalypse tank, and it is a cover bombing, once launched an attack, the entire area is within its bombing range, want to hide Hard to hide.

"Get rid of them!" Someone shouted and shot the sky.

It’s just that the armor of these Kirov airships is not low. It’s not easy to just hit them down by guns. Not to mention that the airboats also come with maintenance robots, which can be repaired at any time, even some adventurers. Block the bombs and share the damage for the airship.

"Sinking, it's time to move!" Hua Tianrui turned and shouted.

Sinking grabbed the communicator: "Frost, let the Air Force squadron dispatch!"

"Froster understands." With Frost's answer, the roar of the engine sounded in the distance, and dozens of space fighters appeared in the distance.

Although the Pioneer crashed, the space fighters carried inside it did not suffer much damage, and most of them were preserved. Today, the Kirov airship used for air combat is the best choice.

At this time, the Kirov airship has slowly moved to the top of the town, and a large cluster of bombs dropped from the air, picking up another explosion of clouds.

Dozens of fighters roared from the clouds, far from the Kirov airships firing missiles.

The airship lacking air maneuverability can only watch the missiles flying in the air. Just as the missiles approached, Cliff suddenly stepped forward and pressed forward in front of him. There was a black hole in the air in the distance.

The black hole with strong suction, all the missiles passing through the black hole were sucked at the same time, only a few distant missiles escaped the black hole suction, continued to fly to the airship, hit an airship, and burst into a strong explosion. .

The explosion did not destroy the airship, but the airship was slightly tilted and the rear landing was opened.

One after another, a rhinoceros tank and a transporter with a parachute tied out of the airship, and several of them were unsettled and they hit each other.

But the next moment, the apocalypse tank on the ground has been aimed at the plane in the sky. One missile has been shot at the fighter. Tens of high-snake machine guns are pulling the long chain at the same time.

The flames of war spread from the ground to the air, and countless fireworks rose in the air, exploding, and sounding like a thunder in the air.

"I am shot!" a soldier shouted.

The fighter plane dragged long black smoke in the air and planted it toward the ground.

"Fast skydiving!" Frost yelled.

The hatch was opened and a soldier had jumped out of the fighter.

However, the parachute bag has not even been opened yet. He has been screened by the high-altitude gun of the Apocalypse tank and fell straight from the air.

"Manci!" Frost gave a heartbroken cry.

More attacks are coming from all directions.

The fireworks bursting in the sky, like a rainstorm, fell into the pond, and in the sky, the smog swelled and the smoke rose, and there was almost no clear sky.

The missiles that are fired are shuttled back and forth in the air like birds.

From time to time, there are empty boats or fighters falling from the sky.

The blossoming white lotus blossoms in the sky is the last effort of the airborne soldiers before the crash, and then most people have no chance to fall to the ground.

A few soldiers who fell on the ground, even in the future, got out of the umbrella bag and saw a huge monster in the sky descending from the sky. It was an airship that was also crashing.

At this moment of air combat, both sides are spending more than resources.

The space fighters rely on speed and dexterity, and the airships rely on the cover of a large number of ground forces and their own thick armor.

The two sides fight in the iron and fire, suffering, who can not support, who is the loser.

The facts quickly proved that the failure was a fighter.

Cliff's towed black hole can effectively prevent most missile attacks, and ordinary machine guns are too small to damage the airship.

One after another, the fighters exploded in the air like this, and they were so sad and heartbroken.

This is also the biggest damage to his scientific and technological armed forces. We can't support it anymore, requesting a nuclear bomb! Frost yelled.

"Request for consent, release at high altitude, to avoid accidental injury to the ground."


A fighter jet rushed into the air, rushing out of the clouds and flying around the air. A missile carrying a nuclear warhead was launched into the low-altitude Kirov airship group.

More fighters followed from the rear, and one missile with a nuclear warhead followed suit.

Cliff looked at the air and smiled. "They put the nuclear bomb."

Edmund nodded slightly.

He folded his hands together and shouted loudly: "The technique of praying for God! Guided by my piety, at the expense of my body, pray to the gods, give me more strength, add the fourth rule... in my field Within the territory, all nuclear fission will not happen."

This time, he finally did not speak for God again.

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