Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 124: Withdrawal

In the sky, the last Kirov airship circling a few laps and finally fell to the ground. M

After experiencing the successive attacks of the warplanes, shelling, dragon gods and the original force, Kirov’s airships were even stronger and could not resist.

However, this unit also completed its historical mission - they almost forced all of the adventurers' cards.

A large number of pedigrees are used passively, and various tactical abilities are revealed. The hidden spies are exposed, and even the Dragon Call is consumed. It is the price of the death of eleven adventurers.

There are only forty-five people left in the three-zone alliance.

In addition to the loss of Affleck and Parma, the other insults were not damaged, and the bloodlines were not used. At the same time, dozens of apocalypse, hundreds of spider robots, and later rhinoceros tanks, personnel carriers and other troops were retained.

That is to say, even if we do not consider the existence of the five difficulties, the existing strength of the inferno sect is already above the three-zone alliance, and the triumphant balance begins to lean toward the purgatory sect.

"We are going to be ready to withdraw!" Shen Yu looked at the infernal sect adventurer who jumped out of the airship and shouted to Hua Tianrui: "Do you have a way to stop them?"

"Of course!" Hua Tianrui first took out a small bottle of spirit to restore the potion to drink for himself, and then turned back to one finger, while the arrogant and changeable demon Ji also palms behind the Hua Tianrui.

The fingers are everywhere, and a scene of grotesque scenes appears. Shen Hao suddenly sees himself, Hong Lang and others are fleeing under the full pursuance of the purgatory sect. After a hard battle, they finally die.

Edmund's own blade, then a screaming call, a skylight column rises, Edmund has left directly through the bridge.

The next moment, the scene changed again, and a city rose from the ground.

That is clearly a **** city.

The people of the Inferno sect have returned to the city to celebrate their victory.

It all happened very quickly and slowly.

It was only a matter of seconds, and what happened inside seemed to last for several days.

Just like the years gone by the writers, the essays are silent, but in the eyes of outsiders, all this is nothing but a whisper.

The battlefield suddenly became quiet.

The purgatory in the image is still celebrating, Hua Tianrui has already vomited: "I used the fascination to create our illusion of death, and arranged the illusory **** city, let them mistakenly think that they have Finish the mission and return to the city. But this can only lie to them for a while, they will soon find it wrong. And I am too mentally exhausted and unable to make the next changes."

Was this the illusion of Hua Tianrui?

Combining reality with illusion, although it is a scam, is based on real development.

Hua Tianrui's deception is not perfect. He can't modify his memory, he can only deceive and create new memories.

The illusion of the defeat of the three-zone alliance he created is actually a few battles before the reproduction, and the battle scenes are edited and replayed. If Edmund is indulged or who has no ability to use it, it will not be reflected in Hua Tianrui's deception.

But he still succeeded.

The Inferno sect may have been looking forward to this moment. They have played too hard and paid a lot of money, so when Hua Tianrui created the illusion of their victory, everyone was rejoicing.

Not because they are too stupid, just because they are too eager to win, they are willing to be blinded by the falsehood of the moment.

People are not so. Many scams are successful, not because of its ingenuity, just because it meets your inner needs and needs.

Thinking of this, Shen Yan looked at Hua Tianrui with great depth.

"What are you doing? Going fast, this magical array depends on the IQ of the opponent. The more people there are, the more problems are found and the more likely they are to break. Unless the troubles are all about Honglang, they will not be able to sleep for a long time! ”

Honglang was furious and wanted to know why Laozi could also shoot. Hua Tianrui had run out of his legs and everyone followed them and quickly withdrew from the battlefield.

While running, Hua Tianrui also asked Shen Yan: "How did you do it?"

"What?" Shen began to be confused.

Hua Tianrui did not have a good air: "Ignore the field, how do you ignore the field?"

"How did you do it, how did I do it."

"Fart fart!" Hua Tianrui sighed: "I am an illusionist, with a heart-shaped sword, meditation is true, this is the rule outside the power, so it is not in the bondage, but even so, I also need to pay double the spirit Where are you going like me?"

The so-called field is actually using the power of the rules that we have mastered, and it is a self-contained system. It is like drawing out autonomous regions in the country and setting up their own local regulations.

And what if you want to fight against local regulations?

Move out of national regulations.

Therefore, the method of breaking through the field is simple and simple. It is to apply a higher level of rule power directly in his field, to suppress the small law, to overpower the local will with the will of the state, and the rules naturally do not break.

Even so, it is not easy to do it.

The superior to the lower level, sometimes under the command is not in place, will also suffer a rebound, if it is not directly subordinate, it is more than a bird.

Although Shen Yu has mastered the rules and capabilities of the guns and guns, his status is like that of the Provincial Communications Department. In the case of traffic, it is useless.

Edmund is like the mayor of the autonomous region. He has the final say on the three-point land.

Indulge in the transportation department to go to the place, the traffic, Edmund can not help him, so it is a matter of course to sink the airship.

But if he wants to use this plan to expand his power, such as bloodline transformation, without Edmund's permission, he still can't.

Because Hua Tianrui is the heir to Longmeng, he is the closest to the source of space. To some extent, it is a bit of a taste of the princes. He can take advantage of the potential, so he can make a full-scale breakthrough, even though he has to pay more spiritual power. The price, and a certain degree of rebellion against itself - the princelings are not unscrupulous.

So Shen Shen said how you did it, how did I do it, and the typical is nonsense.

If he only fights against the guns and airships, Hua Tianrui will not ask him at all, because he can also see that this is the rule power, but it is not the power that can make Shen Yu all over the field.

"Oh, what about him?" Shen Yu pointed to Ashura.

Hua Tianrui looked at Ashura and glanced: "They can even fight against the rules, what is the field?"

The underworld is not even afraid of the central government, can you bird a local government?

If the ignorance of the field is the heir-level privilege of Hua Tianrui Cliff, then the confrontation field in the North District is definitely not a privilege, but a habit.

Therefore, in fact, the North District can not only fight against the field of Ashura Kalifu, but many powerful adventurers can reach this point.

Of course, they don't have to pay the price. Every time they fight against the field or the rules, they will cause considerable harm to themselves, and even some of their strength will decline forever. Therefore, some people are not eager to break through in the case of poor strength. Or confrontation. For example, the heads of the 12th Army in the North District are like this. They will not choose to force confrontation when they are not necessary.

Only Shen Shen, if nothing happens, let Hua Tianrui be puzzled.

Therefore, Hua Tianrui stared at Shen Yu: "Say, how did you break through the field?"

This question is difficult to answer.

After thinking for a while, Shen said: "In fact, I have always had a big secret. It seems that I can't say it now."

"What secret?" Hearing Shen Yu said, everyone's ears are erected.

Shen Zhenzheng replied: "Actually, I am the only one in my day. My real name is Long Aotian. It is the reincarnation of the son of space. The talents are different. I will learn everything, and I will be fine in one time. In the three difficulty levels, I have reached more than 3,000 full-features, and all kinds of skills have been developed by me to become a new function, and my pedigree is deeper into the genetic level, and I will permanently integrate with it. Edmund Pediatrics Although the power is strong, how can it bind me to the courage of this day, even if only one percent of power is left, I can still stand out from the crowd..."

"Rely!" Everyone is better than the middle finger.

Hua Tianrui did not dare to look at Shen Yu: "When are you a fool?"

"No." Shen Yan smiled and replied: "But smart people always know when to be stupid."


Flying fish number 13.

Michelle stood in the captain's position in the control hall, looking at the various data given on the master's light brain with a blank expression.

Behind him, there was a large number of gangsters standing with their hands on their hands. On the front floor, there were seventeen or eight corpses lying there - there were always some guys who wouldn’t be convinced of the new leaders, and there were always some ambitions to borrow. The machine is on the upper position.

The establishment of authority requires the infusion of iron and blood. Since the gangsters do not mind using their own lives to gamble on the future, Michelle does not mind using other people's lives to lay their own prestige.

This is a battle and killing without too much suspense. After Michelle personally tore up three guys who challenged himself, the battle has come to an end - more corpses are actually Phillips, Lan Mei also There are a few of them made by Bayern Statt.

The shame of defeat needs to be washed, the stigma of betrayal needs to be turned over, the loyalty of the running dog needs to be confirmed... There are too many reasons for these followers to deal with those who are unwilling to return to the desperate, more violent means than Michele, It is not a strange thing that the puppet army is more fierce and more brutal than the regular army.

Of course, this does not mean that they are truly loyal.

Among those behind the gaze of Michelle, there is no lack of coldness, tyranny and deep hatred.

But these can't affect Michelle.

He sat back to his position, sipping coffee and listening to Armenia's return.

"In the energy boost of the power furnace, the current energy is forty-five percent, and everything works normally." After the gravity returned to normal, the big fat man who finally returned to his position from the air, Armenia carefully looked at Michelle and reported. .

“Fourth reactor cooling, when the energy is raised to 65%, the thrust is accelerated.” Michelle answered slowly.

"Good sir." There is Michelle, the real astronaut. Many things are no longer solely responsible for the light brain. People's thinking is simpler, more direct, and more efficient.

After confirming that everything was normal, Michel asked: "What else?"

A gangster came to Michelle: "The hostages, boss, what are you going to do?"

Michelle looked at the record without looking up. He said casually: "First, don't call me the boss, you can call me the chief or the head. Second, to be you, not you, this is the minimum. Respect the way."

"I won't say you, boss, that's what the Svens do." The swearing man did not change his color and answered: "I am not a Sven."

Others made a low smile.

Although they temporarily chose to obey Michelle, this does not mean that they will not give Michelle some martyrdom. The number of Scarlet Crosses is limited. For most of the gangsters, they still listen to Phillips or Bayernstadt, not Michelle.

Michelle said faintly: "You can choose to be a broken leg person, or be a Sven."

The gangster’s face rose red, and although he had a heart, he was not stupid enough to resist: “Well, sir, how are you going to deal with those hostages?”

Michelle looked up and looked at the ceiling.

Not far from his feet, Marber, Hepchinina and several others were watching him tremble.

After thinking about it for a while, Michelle said: "Put them in the prison cell and be with other hostages."

"You are not going to let them go?" Lan Mei was a little surprised.

She thought Michelle would release the order.

"No." Michelle shook his head.

He did not explain why, but I can see that everyone is somewhat disappointed.

Without release, there is no concern, which means there is no vulnerability to attack.

The gangsters took hostages and asked Michelle's wishes to go bankrupt. Only Hepchinina was still hysterically crying: "No, Mr. Michelle, for Miss's sake, you can't do that to me!"

"Let this woman shut up." Michelle frowned.

"I am willing to obey." A gangster walked over and punched Hupina's face and knocked her to the ground.

"Miss Shirley..." asked Lan Mei.

This awkward woman has not given up, Michelle thought.

He thought for a moment and replied: "I like this woman very much, arrange her in the room and take care of her."

Some things can't be concealed, so don't deliberately hide them.

Instead of letting everyone think that they pretend not to care, it is better to show one kind: at least now I am also interested in this woman.

As long as they don't think that Shirley will make him stupid enough to put down his arms, he will be fine.

"But if she wants us to let go..."

"You only need to be responsible for her life, no need to be responsible for her will." Michelle replied.

This sentence completely shattered everyone's expectations.

Maybe it will make Shirley sad? Michelle thought.

Unfortunately, he did not have a choice.

If you don't control Phillips and other important people in advance, you have to fight hard. Under the attack of the 3,000-strong gangsters, don't say that Michelle only awakens the memory and ability of a great knight, even if he wakes up with Aragon. Strength, I am afraid that it is also a part of life and death.

Even so, he only gained temporary leadership, but if he showed signs of weakness in the process of leadership, then even the Scarlet Cross may not be able to control this ~ So after getting the ownership of this power, Michelle still has a long way to go, he must let them really listen to themselves, rather than temporary obedience under violent coercion.

To do this, you must truly integrate yourself into them.

He wants to be more brutal than the robbers, and more cunning than the gangsters - the civil servants are not good at the soldiers, just like Wen Qing can not afford the white, the elite can not see the grass roots, the airborne can not control the local forces, idealists Can't restrain realists...

The sound of the brain is ringing in the ear, and the countdown has entered the final stage.

The barriers of the Rainbow Bridge gradually tear open under the impact of powerful energy, showing the cosmic galaxy.

Flying Fish 13 rushed out of the Rainbow Bridge and finally returned to the real world of nightmares.

The sight in front of the people made everyone sigh, but the next moment, Armenia has issued a cry of exclamation: "My God... that is..."


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