Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 128: Shortcuts

Ending the conversation with Michelle, I didn’t go back a few steps, and I heard the angry snoring of the distant waves. m(M)

Then I saw a figure rising into the sky, flipping a few heads in the air, it was the enchanting enchantress, she smiled at the jungle, and then continued to run forward, the jungle rushed out of the upper half of the Honglang.

"I want to kill you!" Hong Lang roared, he has entered the state of violent walking.

Because it is a self-made skill, it is not affected by the field, but it can only be used because of the need for anger. Therefore, in the previous battle, Honglang did not use this skill, but I did not expect it to be used now.

After entering the state of the violent state, the Honglang wave should have been indifferent to the enemy and the enemy. At this moment, it is still closely following the change of the enchantress, which shows that this is a great stimulus to him.

Just as he rushed over, Hua Tianrui pointed at Honglang: "You got it wrong. In fact, she has always been a woman. I just played with you."

The Honglang body was stagnant and there was a slight stagnation in his gaze.

Hua Tianrui's fingers turned slightly, and the expression of Honglang's anger was gradually disappearing. Instead, he was satisfied with his performance.

A good illusion is not to forcibly weave a new story into your mind, but to continue to write new stories and make things more natural behind the facts that have already formed.

Hua Tianrui waved his hand: "Go, take a break and you don't want too many people to know about it, right?"

"Of course." Hong Langmu’s reply, the state of the runaway disappeared, and he went back to the jungle.

Hua Tianrui took a sigh of relief and turned back to the enchantress: "Every time I want to wipe your ass!" "Woman" smiled and continued to lean on the mountain wall to play with nails, Meiyu They are all in style.

“What happened in the end?” Shen Yan came over and asked: “How could the wave suddenly crash away?”

Gentle and lazy interface: "If you have a woman, but eventually find that he is a man, you will also go away."

"Women? Men?" After sinking into awkwardness, he immediately understood: "You said that the enchanting enchantress is a man?"

He looked at the enchanting enchantress, and the other gave him a wink, and he only felt that the whole body was cold.

Hua Tianrui's hand: "Exactly, it is both a woman and a man."

"What does this mean?" Shen asked.

"He is a transgender." King Kong has answered for Hua Tianrui. This is what they just learned from Hua Tianrui: "Before entering the **** city, I did a sex-change operation and became a woman. But when he came to the **** When I was in the city, I found myself changing back to a man."

Surgery can change the appearance, but it can't change the gene.

When a **** city receives an adventurer, it has certain re-engineering and corrective characteristics. Therefore, when the changeable enchantress enters the city, in the eyes of the city, this is a person who has defects and needs to be completed.

Of course, the city will not consider whether this defect is the will of the other party.

Perhaps even considering it, I think that the thinking itself is also a flaw.

It is a pity that the city can change the material, but it can't change the thinking. Therefore, the thinking defects continue to be preserved, and the physical defects are compensated. The consequence is that the "beauty" is a white knife. (M)

And he can't cut it in the future - Zhou Yiyu has the most say.

"I guess he must be crazy at the time." Gentle smile.

Hua Tianrui sighed: "You know that transsexuality has never been an easy task in China. For Xiaolan, he took the trouble to send himself to the operating table, and finally turned himself into a daughter, but in I found myself being beaten back to the original shape overnight. This kind of blow is very big... Think about the situation where your big universe plan suddenly bursts for some reason."

"So he tried his best to get the magical woman's transformational abilities, and let him re-do it back to the woman in another way? But how did he do it to maintain a form of transformation for a long time?"

Hua Tianrui sighed: "Maybe because of his long-term obsession, his talent was discovered shortly after he was transformed into a magical woman, so that he could choose a fixed female form without consuming any energy."

"It turned out to be the case."

Talent is the greatest manifestation of the adventurer's own strengths and will. When the enchanting enchantress wants to be a woman, it is no wonder that the result will eventually be formed.

Obviously, the result of some tossing is that this guy's psychology is somewhat abnormal. His favorite thing to do is to become a woman to seduce a man, and then change back to the original shape in front of the other sorghum - you can imagine that horror.

Lonely and sighed and walked over: "He did this, but he actually offended a lot of people. If Tianrui helped him clean up the mess every time, he could live to be a miracle now."

"Not everyone can lie to the past." Hua Tianrui said helplessly: "I can only temporarily stabilize the mood of Honglang, but maybe he will find out soon."

A violent sound rang: "I have found out!"


The figure, like a cannonball, rushed over and was hitting Hua Tianrui. Honglang grabbed Hua Tianrui’s neck and waited for him to react. He had put him on the mountain wall: "You actually use illusion for Laozi, you really thought Is Laozi so deceived?"

"Cough, cough..." Honglang's strength is great. Hua Tianrui is struggling: "Hang Lang, you stop, I don't want you to go crazy, now you are your own, don't fall for a little thing."

Honglang grabbed the hand of Hua Tianrui's neck and tried harder: "Then you should stop him before he plays Laozi, instead of wiping his **** for him..."

"That's because I can't stop him, that's his strong root."

"What do you say?" Hong Lang stunned.

Next to the changeable demon Ji suddenly blinked, he has turned into a Honglang look, slamming against the Honglang, rushing to the Hong wave, punching the Hong wave, this punch is fierce, actually will Hong Lang a boxing fly out.

The Honglang blame screamed and jumped, but was about to fight back, but suddenly thought of something, horrified and looked at the enchanting enchantress: "Arush? Is Laozi's charge?"

Just a hundred enchantments gave him a blow, and it was the charge of the Honglang.

The question is how can he? How is it used?

Hua Tianrui has been licking the throat: "In addition to being able to deform, Xiaolan can temporarily simulate the ability to deform targets, and because it is simulated by the ability, it is not affected by the field. But this requires a little bit of the other party... The essence of life."

When he said the last few words, his expression was quite helpless.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and speechless.

Everything is coming, everyone is thinking of ways to improve their strength.

For the changeable enchantress, Hong Lang may not be the best simulation choice, but since he is sent to the door, it is not polite.

Of course, the final change back to the man is indeed his bad taste - he could not explain it, even if it is afterwards, it is much better than doing it at that time.

The "spleen" thing is the existence of detachment from reason. Some things can not help but know if the consequences are not good.

Hong Lang glared at the trio: "So you guys are mad at me?"

Hua Tianrui snorted: "Yes, Xiao Lan is a pit of you, but you don't have to feel aggrieved. Are you not the same in the opposite direction?"

The sinking face sinks: "What do you mean by this?"

Quietly whispered: "He feels that our layout is problematic."

"You don't say, I can't find it?" Hua Tianrui sneered: "Take Megatron, the Hornet and Hera all over, just to build a wall in this broken place? Sink, you too Look at me?"

"The meaning of the Chinese eagle king is..." Shen Yan asked.

Hua Tianrui slowly replied: "It doesn't mean anything, I just want to know, how many Hellfire engines are left in your hands?"


The scene suddenly cooled down.

It is like a shift from the flaming desert to the Antarctic ice sheet.

Hua Tianrui’s mouth is still sneer, gentle, and King Kong and others are exposed.

Only Shen Shen smiled.

He said: "Hua Ying Wang is really a Chinese eagle king. Some things are just not you. Yes, I let Megatron hide a Hellfire engine. Once the war is unfavorable, it will detonate at any time."

The Hellfire engine is a super-light engine, but it is also the most powerful bomb. In the face of the impetuous infernal sect, it is impossible to say that Shen Shen does not intend to use its super power.

However, in the face of possessing the ability of the field, Edmund, who can customize the law of all things, does not think that the Hellfire engine can take effect if the other party is prepared.

In particular, it takes a long recharge process, and may not be exhausted by Edmund's words without waiting for it to be full of energy.

Therefore, Shen Yu must find a more hidden place, and will never let Edmund know before charging.

And because the power of the Hellfire engine is too large, detonation can easily lead to accidental injury to oneself, so this plan must be carried out in secret.

It is a pity that there was a problem at the beginning of the plan. Hua Tianrui never took a nap, so when he found that Megatron and others had built a wall in the latter half of the day, they felt that something was wrong.

Since the existence of the Hellfire engine was not confidential, he quickly thought of this. To prove this is also very simple, just look at the fact that there are still seven hellfires in the hands of Shen Yu.

Therefore, at this moment, Shen Shen did not deny it. He admitted it directly. He said with his hand: "It is really not easy to deceive you."

"It’s just that your plan is too hasty." Hua Tianrui replied.

"No way, time does not wait for people." Shen Yan sighed. The Inferno sect came too suddenly, and many things he had too late to deal with, and it would inevitably leave behind.

"Where is the Hellfire engine now?"

"The belly of the mountain." Shen Yu pointed to the hill where the wall is located: "When the war begins, the infernal sect will inevitably attack the hill, so there will be concentration points. Once an explosion occurs, most of the opponents should be buried. ”

“What is the planned energy value?”

"Fifty percent, the second critical point."

“Only to the second threshold?” Hua Tianrui was a little surprised: “I thought you would at least detonate the third critical point.”

Shen Yan shook his head: "That power is too big, and most of his own people can't keep it. Although I have hidden news about the Hellfire engine, I have no intention of using everyone's life to satisfy my victory needs... I am here to save. Human, not murder."

"But when you need it, can you still do this?"

After a moment of silence, he finally replied: "Maybe, in this world of killing, our conscience and morality are always breaking through the lower limit again and again. What we can do is to slow down the speed of its breakthrough, but it can never change. It is moving in the direction."

Hua Tianrui chewed on this and eventually nodded: "You are right."

Sinking is not a good person, how can he dare to recognize Hua Tianrui?

At least for now, he has no idea of ​​making the plan of publicity public.

If there is always someone to sacrifice, the first thing to consider is: not yourself.

On this basis, I can think of "the conditions allow to reduce death as much as possible instead of making death as fun", then in this **** city is already a conscience.

Thinking of this, Hua Tianrui said to Shen Shuo: "In this case, it is even."

"It's even." Shen Yu replied.

Hong Lang is very dissatisfied: "By the way, of course you say that it is even, and the unlucky one is not you!"

Zhou Yiyu pushed a hand: "You will be content, so you can be considered a once-in-a-lifetime adventure."

"I am you, Xiao Zhou!" Hong Lang was angry and yelled.

Zhou Yiyu looked at Hong Lang with a contemptuous look: "Hey, is your day male addicted?"


If it wasn’t for the fat man who was holding him, the Honglang had already run away again.

Indulging in is thoughtful: look at this, in the future to start the Hong wave's violent skills, there is a shortcut.


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