Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 134: Devil contract

The characters on the parchment flashed a large ray of light, as if to fly out of the paper, condensing a strange picture in the air. m (Baidu search:, see the novel fastest update)

Even in the distance, Shen Yan can feel the powerful power contained in it.

"The devil contract..." Shen Yan whispered out.

Seeing the emergence of this thing, Shen Yu finally understood why Edmund dared to take such a large field of use.

The devil contract is one of the most authoritative props in all the contractual props of the **** city. Its biggest feature is to bear the weight that all life cannot bear.

On the surface, Edmund used the devil's contract to trade Qin's life. In fact, Edmund's true center of gravity is the phrase "all my sins are borne by you."

This is the most valuable and crucial part of this contract - collusion with white women, launching the field, and modifying the rules of the world, all of which have caused damage to the existence of **** cities.

For this reason, Edmund must bear various consequences, including the rebellion of the rule power, the anger of the highest parliament, and the punishment afterwards.

The only way to solve this problem is to find a ghost.

The devil's contract is the best prop that can make this deal, and it can transfer the power of counter-attacks, including the urban law, to another person. Of course, the premise is that the other party is willing and cannot be a sinner or a spoiler. Because the latter is guilty of himself, it is impossible to sin, just as you can't let the people in the prison scape for the prisoner.

In a way, it is the highest level of blame card, at least in terms of procedures.

The Supreme Council’s anger against Edmund will not disappear because of the devil’s contract, but in the process, they can’t punish Edmund, and those anti-phasing forces from the rules will no longer exist.

For Edmund, as long as the procedural punishment can be abolished, the anger of the Supreme Council, he naturally has a way to settle.

It is like a high-level offense. As long as the problems at the legal level are resolved, the rest is only a matter of private friendship, and the latter is better solved than the former.

To understand this, Shen Yu also had to admire the degree of understanding and utilization of the urban rules by the purgatory sect.

In order to make the most use of the rules, and also to evade the punishment of the rules, in order to find this method, the infernal sects must have paid countless efforts, so that they even escaped the punishment that could not escape in theory.

Of course, the price is not small.

You must first find a volunteer who is willing to devote yourself to it. Then you will try your best to get a hard-won devil contract. Finally, you will need to consume a soul. The higher the requirements of the contract completion, the stronger the spirit of consumption.

The brilliance on the parchment is getting more and more smashed.

Qin Wuyan looked at the character floating on it and suddenly smiled.

He shouted at the distant sinking voice:

"Sink, remember what you said? You said, you will give me a chance to revenge."

The roaring war can't cover the bright voice of Qin Wuyan.

Shen Yan looked pale and did not say a word.

"As you said, I am coming!"

"Come to owe you the debt of my Fenglin team!"

"Don't be surprised."

"I know your generosity, but it is based on your strong foundation. You know that I can't help you."

"Yes, I can't tell you how. (M) I am not as tenacious as Xie Rongjun, not fighting back, knowing shame and then courage. I am not a genius who can grow up in frustration, I am just a small person."

"But today, I want you to know that little people... also have the value of small people!"

Said, Qin Wuyan has put one hand on the glittering parchment.

He didn't press it, he just looked at it in horror.

The sinking still remains silent.

"Speak!" Qin Wuyan angrily yelled: "Are you dumb?"

Shen Yu finally spoke up.

"Do you want to hear what I said?" His tone was not high, but he ignored the space distance and passed it directly to Qin Wuyan.

"Actually, you don't want to listen to me at all, right?" Shen continued.

"You just want to show me your existence."

"You want me to regret, sad, regret the kindness that once was a moment, and I have a heartless decision."

"You want me to call you, cry, pray, and even pray."

"Even if I am emotional, persuaded you not to be stupid enough to give up your life for revenge, but also to show your success."

"You want to beat my face and let me regret what I used to do... no matter what."

"You want to prove my mistake, I want to see me whispering for you..."

Qin Wuyan looked at Shen Yu.

Sinking is still ruthless.

He said: "Unfortunately, let you down."

"I did it when I did it, and I have to bear the consequences."

"You are doing the right thing. This is the best way for you to retaliate against me."

"Put your hand down, write your name, write your number, and use your life to change the chance to beat me."

"Unfortunately, you can't see that scene yourself."

Qin Wuyan looked at Shen Yu without confidence.

For this day, he waited for a long time.

He has fantasized many times, and he has seen the surprised expression of his own contract with the devil.

Shen Yu is right. He fantasizes that he is indulging in pain and pleading for himself. He also dreams of persevering and persuading himself, and even more fantasizing that he is mad at himself, and he has moved out of his way to refute himself. .

He admits that the effort on his lips is not as indulgent, and as such, he is looking forward to indulging himself with his powerful language and plausible truth.

He wants to see the "ugly" performance of Shen Yu, and then sign the contract at the moment he thinks he wants to succeed.

This is not the case, can not give Shen Yan a painful blow!

He thought of everything, but he did not expect to be dismissive.

This is impossible!

This is not reasonable!

Doesn't he know how terrible Edmund is to restore his full-fledged strength?

Doesn't he know that in this field, a full-fledged Edmund is even more horrible than the adventurers of the twenty Inferno sects?

Why do he dare to be so arrogant?

On the hillside, the battle is still boiling.

The adventurers smothered each other, and the blood had already dyed the earth.

Because of Edmund's sake, there was not much left in the sky. The attack of the emperor showed a short period of blank due to the dying of the fighter. Before the arrival of the new troops, it was still the battlefield dominated by adventurers.

Only Shen Wei still stood on the hill, looking cold and cold.

He knows that Qin Wuyan wants to see his "ugly state."

That may be his last obsession before his death.

It is also the scene that he wants to see when he exchanges his life.

So as long as he is still calm, cold, and forced, Qin Wuyan can't press the hand.

Because he is not willing!

Edmund was anxious.

But he can't rush.

He is also very clear that this time supporting Qin Wuyan, it is his hatred of sinking. The urging will only be counterproductive. For a person who is determined to avenge his death, let alone the Purgatory Lord, even the Supreme Council has nothing to fear.

Qin Wuyan shook his head and he shouted: "I don't believe it!"

He slammed his hand back and took a few steps forward, pointing out at the sinking voice: "Why? Why are you dead, and so arrogant?"

Shen Yan also walked down the hill.

It is also strange to say that dozens of adventurers on this hillside are smashed into a ball, and no one is looking for sinking.

Wild as Augusta, looking for Honglang; for example, Astin, looking for Hua Tianrui; insidious like Cliff, actually fighting with Ashura - he would like to and Ashura Playing, I am not willing to fight against Shen.

Indulge in the next step toward the mountain, and occasionally there are several unopened spider robots or field infantry to attack him, directly solved by Zhao Linger behind him.

He carried his hand and went to Qin Wuyan. At the same time, he replied in a loud voice: "No reason, you are in the eyes of Qin, but you are jumping with a clown. You are right. I left you because I am kind, not Because my conscience found out that it was just because I looked down on you. For me, letting you take a horse is like lifting your foot and letting go of a cockroach. It’s not worth mentioning. Since it’s just an ant, how can it make me Panicked?"

"But now this cockroach is letting you go down!" Qin Wuyan yelled and walked a few steps forward.

Shen Yu continued to move forward, shuttled through the gunfire, stalking, not seeing a trace of embarrassment, and replied casually: "What about that? It is difficult for me to ask for mercy now, you will let me go... you will not, so I don't have that need. Of course, I can't deny that maybe I will be defeated by Edmund. Maybe I will kneel at his feet and beg for mercy, but you can't see it... At that time, you are just a dead man, what are you? I don't know, I won't see anything."

Shen Yu continued to move forward, slowly speaking.

Edmund frowned.

He is a little impatient.

He said to Qin Wuyan: "Don't talk nonsense with him, and immediately make a contract."

"Shut up!" Qin Wuyan angered back: "My business does not need you to manage, the contract I will book with you, but before that, I have to give a good lesson to this bastard!"

Edmund was trained by him to red light on his face, but he knew that this time he was asking for Qin Wuyan, he could only bear this breath.

In the meantime, he felt that something was wrong.

The performance of Shen Yu seems to be a bit strange, but in the end it is not right, he can't say it for a while.

He looked back at the distance and saw that he was walking leisurely to this side, his eyes flashing a light.

That is... murderous!

not good!

Edmund suddenly awakened in his heart, and he shouted: "No inflammation, come back soon, he wants to kill you!"

Qin Wuyan turned his head and looked at Shen Yu.

At that moment, Shen Yan suddenly flashed his body and turned out three avatars.

These three avatars appear directly in the distance of Shen Qiang, just in the middle of the innocent Qin Qiyan, directly shortening the distance between the two sides, and just appeared on the Qin Wuyan mad, the guns have been together Fire against Qin Wuyan.

Qin Wuyan screamed back, and his hand was caught in the devil's contract at the rear.

To say that you want to sign your own name and number, in fact, you only need to put the coat of arms on the contract, click on the confirmation to complete.

The speed of the bullet is very fast, and the speed of Qin's inflammation is not slow.

Seeing that Qin Wuyan is going to seize the contract, he suddenly snorted in the distance.


This snoring sounded like a dragon and a tiger, and it was a shock to the spirit of Qin.

It is the will of Diablo's will combined with the roar of the Holy Dragon. Even those who are so devastated by Qin Wuyan are inevitably lost.

The hand that caught the contract could not help but lag.

At the same time, Shen Shen's body shape flashed, the body has replaced a avatar, and shot a shot against Qin Wuyan.

The bullet whistled in the air and thundered and angered.

Edmund roared and slammed on it. He tried to shoot himself and never let Shen Shen attack Qin Qin.

However, just as the bullet hit Edmund, he suddenly made a rapid turn, bypassing Edmund's body and flying directly behind him.

At this time, Qin Wuyan finally woke up from the shock and grabbed the contract with his backhand.

"Confirm!" Qin Wuyan issued a hysterical snoring.

A bright light suddenly rises on him, straight to Edmund, as if a bridge has been set up on the two, Qin Wuyan's body quickly withered Edmund's body began to recover a little The white hair turned black, and the body of the cockroach turned taller and taller, as if it had turned back in time and became young again.

At the same time, the shooting moon based on the double A-level armor-piercing projectile was also beaten on Qin Wuyan.

Hit the non-defense and related protective skills of Qin Wuyan.


The huge explosion rose in Qin Wuyan's body. Qin Wuyan was blown up and smashed. A large piece of flesh and blood flew up and spread around, and blood was poured into Edmund.

This gun killed Qin Wuyan, and also completely ended the ongoing life transition, making Edmund finally only get a third of Qin's life, and most importantly, it failed to transfer all the anti-phagic forces.

Most of the anti-phagic power remains on Edmund.

"No, bastard!" Edmund, who was gray-haired and bloody, gave a scream of unwillingness and despair.

The success is defeated!

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