Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 136: Raytheon

Just a blink of an eye, Shen Shen found that he had changed position. M

He was standing in the high clouds, and at his feet was a huge battleship. He stood on the outer deck of the battleship at this moment, and Edmund stood in front of a fort not far away.

Looking around, you can see through the clouds that a large group of warships is nearby.

Edmund actually sent himself directly to the warship of the emperor!

The Emperor probably did not think that the people who were fighting on the ground would suddenly rush into the air, and the alarm sounded forever.

"Sinking!" Edmund has shouted in the distance: "Here, it is my battlefield between life and death!"

As the alarm sounded, one of the assault robots had ascended to the deck and ran towards the two intruders.

Sinking at the assaulters who rushed up, some dumbfounded: "This is what you call a relatively simple environment?"

Couldn't the so-called simple environment be an endless desert, an empty sky or a grassy grassland?

Edmund replied arrogantly: "Better than the simple environment, it is a more favorable environment for yourself. Shen Shen, I know that you are very good at using the power of technology, you have created a big universe plan, built the Terminator Legion, but I am in the West In the use of scientific and technological power, it will not be worse than you!"

Said, Edmund has raised a hand, a wave of surges in the cuffs, as if the wind blows out, emitting countless silver spots.

Seeing the light spot, Shen Yan’s face changed slightly: “Nano Robot?”

"You really know this thing." Edmund sneered.

Nano-robot, from the Stargate, a super technology product from Atlantis. In the original work, nano-robots can act like humans through a large number of people, and can even control human behavior.

However, in the city, the role of nano-robots has been greatly revised and identified as a special invasive robot designed to invade various types of mechanical products.

If Skynet exists for invention and creation, then nanobots exist for intrusion and control. Its intrusion ability is extremely strong, as long as the machine can invade, even if it is the prosthetic body in the adventurer's body, it It can penetrate into and control the actions of this part, and even control Transformers.

Of course, behind this powerful intrusion, there are also special limitations.

The first is that nano-robots cannot be produced and can only be purchased through the city. Each nano-robot is a **** point. The goal of nanobot control must correspond to the level of the target being controlled.

In other words, if you want to control a C-level reaper, you need to dispatch nine thousand nano-robots to complete the control. If it is a special existence of the plot bonus, it will be added according to the real strength.

The controlled machinery does not have a camouflage effect, which means that once it is controlled, all former Allies will know its betrayal.

During the control period, killing the robot controlled by the nano-robot will not cause damage to the nano-robot. The nano-robot can continue to control other machinery through the transfer, but will be hurt when attacked during the transfer.

In other words, the only way to kill a nano-robot is to transfer it from one mechanical body to another, in the process, unless the other party automatically gives up, there is no way to lift this control.

For the big prophecy, Edmund used almost all his abilities to combine, but that doesn't mean he completely gave up the normal combat ability.

Like Shen Yu, in addition to his own ability, Edmund also accumulated in the process of foreign object reinforcement. The Red Police base car is only accumulated in the five difficulties, in addition to other means including nano robots.

I don’t know how many nano-robots Edmund has in hand, but with the silver wave coming out, a large number of assault rushers were blown by the wind, suddenly moving at the same time, and then the mechanical eyes suddenly became Red, the robotic force that had originally rushed to the two had already aimed at the sinking one.

"Not good!" Shen Yu knows it is bad.

I saw Edmund’s right hand pointing forward and shouted: “Kill him!”

Countless assailants have rushed to sink.

"Your sister!" Sinked and threw the reaper.

The Terminator Legion was all left on the hillside, and now he has only one robot left in his hand.

As soon as the reaper appeared, it had waved the chain to the group of assault robots in front of them, and all the gears on the body flew at the same time. The heavy artillery and the machine gun fired at the same time, and all the firepower poured out at the same time.

Countless assaulters have rushed to the ground, the light knife swept through it quickly, and the smashing sparks, the reapers shouted loudly, the chain pulled the entire sky, dozens of light knives flew and swiftly cut, as if The milling cutter on the processing lathe is rotating at a rapid speed. In the blink of an eye, a large humanoid robot has been dismembered into numerous scrap iron wrecks.

At the same time, Shen Yu has turned to the other side of the battleship, and by the reaper's block, he has quickly opened the distance from the assaulters.

"You can't run!" Edmund screamed.

He raised his arms with one arm and shouted: "Try it, Raytheon!"

Just listen to a loud bang.

A huge robot suddenly fell in the sky.

"Raytheon?" Seeing this stuff, the sinking brain screamed.

This is clearly the Raytheon robot in StarCraft II, but compared to the game, the real Raytheon looks bigger and more powerful, and has multiple capabilities such as long-range melee.

Raytheon's acquisition can only be in the five-difficult world. Like the old-fashioned Trident fighter, it is redeemed through battle points.

But in the same way, this reward for redeeming points cannot bring out the world of five difficulties. Edmund must have used a similar method to identify one.

Such a force that is extremely dependent on the five difficulty levels is quite powerful.

The robots in front of the head are bigger than the reapers, almost comparable to Megatron, the heavy guns on the shoulders are thick and comparable to the guns, the right hand is holding a 12-barrel heavy cannon, and the left hand is holding a huge laser. The sword, the length of the light is seven or eight meters, it looks pretentious and sultry.

As soon as this big guy appeared, the right mobile phone gun had fired behind the sinking, and the bullet had formed a large metal storm to fight.

Indulging in a frantic run, the intensive stream slammed like a torrential rain at the foot of the sinking, pulling a large spark behind him, as if a fire tree was stretching behind him.

The cannon on the shoulder also flashed a large burst of energy. In the lock of Raytheon, a red cross kept chasing after the sinking of the sinking, until he gradually grasped his trajectory and completely locked the opponent.

Open fire!

Indulging instinctively felt the danger of the rear coming, he leaped forward with all his strength, and the silver shield opened behind him. Then he felt that a fierce impact was first on the silver shield that had not yet fully unfolded, and it was smashed into a silver liquid. After that, Yu Bo continued to rush forward, and was blowing behind the Shen Yu, and he pushed him out dozens of meters away.

At this time, Shen Hao heard a loud bang.

Sinking wow spit out a lot of blood, a roll on the ground, a raging chain rubbing a long string of bright fire lines around him.

A small number of bullets hit the sinking body, giving off a slight slamming sound. The meat was not deep, but only half of the bullets shot into the skin, but dozens of such wounds were enough to make people grin.

However, what is really surprising is that these bullets did not cause much damage to him, but they did harm to him. This shows that the attack of Raytheon robots, including some kind of ghosts, cannot be exempted. characteristic.

"You can't run, sink!" Edmund shouted magnificently.

With the wave of his hand, a wave of silver rushed out, and more than a dozen new rushing robots were controlled by him, joining the ranks of chasing and sinking.

"Do you really think this will win?" Shen Yan is also a side flip, while avoiding the attack, the muzzle in the hand is already in the distance.


Shooting on the moon.

A bullet-sized bullet slammed into an unlucky robot and, while tearing it into pieces, continued to advance at high speed and slammed into the Raytheon robot.

According to the thought of Shen Yu, the Raytheon robot is also a mechanical body. Once it is hit by a heavy shot, the special effects on the destruction of the mechanical body, even this big guy may not be able to resist.

I didn't expect that the Raytheon robot's left hand knife slashed and slashed in front of the body, and it was actually being cut on the impact bullet.

With a loud explosion of thunder, Raytheon shook a few times, took a step back, and then stood on the spot if nothing happened.

It even shattered the bullets that were shot in the form of skill attacks!

The sinking people are flying in the air, but they are already stunned.

In the description of the skill of the shot, there are instructions that the bullet in flight can be intercepted and destroyed, but since the sinking of the moon, unless the bullet itself has lost too much in the attack process, it has never met anyone who can A knife to destroy the shooting of the moon.

Especially after attaching the effect of heavy artillery skills, the shooting moon has a certain characteristic.

After the Thunderbolt robot smashed the bullets, it was a roar, leaping into the air, and the twelve-tube guns screamed at the sinking, and the laser knives in the hands had already slammed into the head.

"Fuck!" Shen Yan said, this metamorphosis robot is really worthy of the goods of the five difficulty, even so difficult, strength and the bumblebee have a fight.

He didn't hesitate any more, his right arm suddenly stretched out and suddenly stretched out. He was on the sword of the Raytheon robot. He grabbed the robot and grabbed the robot's arm. Then he pulled it down and slammed toward the deck. Go and drink at the same time: "Even Megatron is my slave, you are a normal robot, what is it!"


This Raytheon robot has been smashed on the ground like a sandbag, and is squatting on several assault rushers.

Sinking left hand red light flashes, scarlet blade is already in hand, smashed against the head of the thunder.

This sword was fierce, cut on the head of the Raytheon robot, and immediately cut a circuit spark, the Thunder robot muzzle turned, and wanted to bombard the sinking.

Shen Yu flew up and kicked the heavy gun, kicked the heavy gun, and lifted the robot.

Lifting this big guy with his body is like a child lifting a truck, but it is an understatement, throwing it at the impact of the assaulter, and immediately smashing it.

The scarlet blade fluttered, and a disciple of Lushan appeared in the side of Shen Yu. The flying sand sword smashed the Raytheon robot, and it illuminated an amazing cold light. At the same time, the black light flashed on the chest, and the demon smashed out, together with the disciple of the Lushan Mountain. , all the robots are stopped.

Edmund was not blinded by this scene.

Of course, he did not think that relying on a Raytheon and a group of nano-robots could deal with the sinking, but the indulgent and fierce counterattack was beyond his expectations.

During this time, he and the three-zone alliance wrestle with each other and have become accustomed to the indulging "lights do not practice", to forget the true strength, in fact, the strength of Shen Hao is no longer worse than the general five-difficult general.

Just as the eager Edmund will start to use his brain, the rushing indulgence will also sell.

At this moment, when you are indulged, a thunder and so many assaulters are really not a thing.

The two men stared at each other, and their eyes were once again intertwined with a high-spirited war.

After watching for a second, the two men shouted at the same time and rushed toward each other.

Sinking left-handed scarlet blade is impatient, from bottom to top, slashing Edmund, Edmund is right-handed with Longinus guns.

The two artifacts collided at this moment, and they burst into a glory, and they both flew out at the same time.

Sinking and shouting, flying an arc in the air, continue to rush to Edmond.

Edmund's left-handed claws slammed into the sinking air, and the invisible paw prints were pressed against the scarlet blade. The sword failed to smash, and Edmond reversed the momentum and shot a chest.

The Scarlet Blade returned to the gun in time, and a powerful force shocked him to return. Edmund rushed forward, and then stabbed again, sinking in the air to fully wave the scarlet blade, actually in a moment, ping pong and play against dozens of rounds.

Surprisingly, it is Edmund who has the upper hand.

"Hey!" Edmund was gray and fluttering. The Longinus gun shot a shot faster and wiped out numerous golden lights in the air. However, the most strange thing was his figure. It was a very fast speed in the air. The gap constantly uses various parts such as the shoulders, elbows and knees to attack the defensive corners of the sinking.

After sideways evading the insulting blow, Edmund’s left hand has been scratched on the chest, and the five fingers of golden light violently appeared. Five blood holes appeared in the chest and he was tumbling in the air. Ten fell back to the deck.

"Fly!" Shen Yan spit out a large mouthful of blood and looked at Edmund with surprise.

Edmund stood proudly in the air and snorted: "Do you think that I have nothing more than big prophetic techniques and robots? Speaking of close combat... Hey, you are proud, no one can take it for a long time. I am pushing this step."

"Is it?" Indulged in a wound that was injured in the chest, and the medical treatment was launched, and the wound was cured. At the same time, I replied casually: "I admit that I have looked down on you before, always thinking that you are a mage-type character, all day long. I only know how to play with the big prophecy of the shit... but I am wrong."

He looked at Edmund: "How can I think that you will only make big moves? Generals, the Lord, no matter who, as long as he is an adventurer, then the essence is to climb from the bottom, step by step, At best, some people admit that they are not recognized. But in any case, since there is an underlying experience, it is impossible to have no basic combat experience. Those who can be selected as the successors of the leader should have more than ordinary people in combat. The potential is right."

Edmund smiled and said: "You know."

"But what about it?" Shen Yan shrugged: "At least most of your abilities are used to combine big prophetic techniques. Isn't it? You can rely on it now, only the experience you have, or one more. Two sets of exercises? And I..."

The scarlet blade in the hands of Shen Yu slowly lifted Remotely pointed to Edmund: "I still have too many cards to be played. So this battle between you and me, unless you do not hesitate to swear, once again Use big prophecy, otherwise you won't win me."

Edmund’s face changed slightly, he was about to talk, and a rumbling sound suddenly sounded:

"But you will still not be the last winner... Victory, always belongs to the Galactic Empire!"

A tall figure slowly floated from the battleship, and the black armor shines murderously.

Black Warrior Anakin!

Perhaps it’s been a long time watching the show. The huge Galaxy fleet has finally lost the interest in watching the show, and it is necessary to openly participate in the war between the adventurers.

After the bombing of the fighter plane, the original warriors finally appeared.

One after another, the Sith Warrior flew out of the battleship, and the flashing lightsaber, like the dark night sky, lit the sky.


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