Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 138: Bloody battle (1)

This chapter is uploaded by netizens and released for free for study and research.

The tree vines are entwined with the Honglang flying, as if flying in the clouds, until the tall black shadows flash in the distance, the fog gradually fades. Talk

Presented in front of Honglang, it is a tall red monster tree. The tall tree, the branches on the crown are covered with human bodies. These bodies have become undead. They are merged with the branches, as if they grow from the trees, and they are screaming at the branches and waving their claws. Shouting, holding a rusty axe, a sickle and an iron chain in his hand.

On the trunk of the red blame tree, a huge face was squeezed out, and the eyes and ears were complete. The fog of the constant war was spit out from its mouth.

It has a long stalk of trees and vines, and walks freely from the ground. Wherever it goes, the fog of war will also pervade the square. It is no wonder that Ambera says it is its tree foot.

On one of the branches, the old Li of the South China Sea team is hanging. His body has been penetrated by a branch, and blood is flowing from the body, but a drop does not spill. The red branches squirmed like blood vessels, sucking away the life of Lao Li a little bit, but Lao Li seemed to be asleep without any movement.

Storm Tree's special ability to **** the blood demon vine: implement a blood-sucking attack on the target, absorb 3 damage per second and restore your body. After killing the target, you can turn the target into an undead creature under control, and maintain half of the combat power.

When I saw the Honglang was brought up, the human face on the trunk actually burst into laughter: "Oh, come one more, don't worry, wait until I have absorbed this and it's your turn."

Hong Lang screamed: "I have always been very anxious, I am coming now!"

His arms swelled, his whole body broke out, his muscles were smashed up, and a swirl of force appeared, and the tree and vines that entangled him were shocked.

The strange tree snorted: "A very powerful force?"

The strange crown of the tree shook, and dozens of undead creatures above the top of the tree screamed at the same time. The Hong wave directly lifted the battle axe, and the skill was **** and mad! Skills slaughter! Skill charge starts!

The sky axe shadows those undead creatures, Honglang himself turns into a light and shadow flying thorn tree, passing a large number of flying trees and vines undead, the blade of strength in the hands of a **** mania, is cutting the giant face of the strange tree on.

This knife is so strong that it cuts a deep wound on the tree, and a lot of blood flows out from the broken tree.

The tree of the storm screamed: "You dare to hurt me!"

This shot played a role in doubling the charge of the charge, and even hit a six-point damage to it, and the old tree was shocked.

Its voice was fierce and sharp, and with its snoring, more than a dozen Berserkers rushed from the fog at the same time, followed by a group of geniuses wearing monks' robes, which are the churches in the dark world. Secretary. Vitality 240, defense 13 points, long-range attack monsters.

These monsters flew fiercely to Honglang as soon as they appeared. Several church officials raised their hands at the same time and played a ray of light.

A beam of light is hitting the flood, and he flies like a thunder. A mad warrior jumps at the same time, and the battle axe squats on the Honglang. This Honglang does not have enough defensive support. The axe actually cut a confusing blood fog on him.

嗥 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

The next moment Honglang's sword has drawn a thunder and lightning tide, wiping the throat of the Berserker.

At the same time, the Tomahawk slaughter slid back and forth into the hands of Honglang after slashing thirty-six axes, and Honglang’s right hand was smashed on the skull of the Berserker, and he smashed it. Then, with the body of the Berserker, he fell back to the ground.

"Kill it!" The tree of the storm screamed.

"You can also match it!" Hong Lang screamed, his body was bloody, his muscles bulged again, and the whole person looked taller.

"Get out!"

The snoring sounds like thunder and thunder, as if in the tremor of time and space, slamming a thunderstorm of the blue sky, the swell of the majestic blast once again blasted from the body of Honglang, and even circulated a circle of air waves.

Ambera rushed at this moment. She looked at the scene with horror. She saw the blade of the Honglang Power and the Tomb of the Warrior rushing out to meet the four mad warriors. The thunderous speed put all the four Berserkers down.

He attacked and attacked himself, but he also suffered from the same damage, but he seemed to have no idea. At least three wounds bleed the bleeding spring, and painted a picture stained with blood around Zhou. This guy is like a humanoid war lion, once again rushed to the strange tree, slashing at it.

The church secretary not far away has raised his hand against Honglang.

"Hong Lang is careful!" Ambera yelled, and the man had fluttered in the lightning. The speed was fast. He was falling in the group of church officials. The left and right hands were waving, and two flames were blown at the two churches. On the body, the two guys flew on the spot and the body burned into two blazing fireballs in the air. Only the other two directors also shot the light column against Ambeira. Ambeira snorted and a red sword appeared in the left hand. The flame burned along the blade and stabbed the heart of a church secretary. Not yet pulled out, a back elbow slashed into another church secretary, her fighting style is very similar to Shen Yu.

"Thank you!" Honglang shouted at the axe, and the squadron slammed into the axe. As the sharp and harsh cold light flashed, half of the face of the storm tree was actually scraped by him.

The tree of the storm screamed, and with this record, the fog in its mouth stopped spouting, and countless tree feet under the body rushed back, forming a woven sky, rolling to Honglang, at the same time, The blood-sucking demon vines above also rushed to the Honglang.

In addition to the strategic ability of the war fog and a large number of guards, this guy is also quite capable of fighting. The numerous nets and branches of the tree are connected to the celestial net, which can cover a few tens of meters of squares. Under the pressure of overwhelming, the Honglang will be rolled up and wrapped up in an instant, and he will be wrapped like a scorpion in the blink of an eye.

A few blood-sucking demon vines with a large mouth and a big mouth at the top drilled through the gaps, and penetrated the body of the Honglang, and actually began to **** blood at him.

The previous damage of the Storm Tree began to recover naturally under the influence of this **** demon vine.

"Hong Lang!" Ambera's heart trembled and made a voice call.

At the same time, the screaming scream of the tree top suddenly sounded, and it was the old Li. He was distorted all over the body, and he made a weird change. The whole face became fierce and the skin appeared grayish white, which was transformed into an undead creature.

In the center of the battlefield of Kurast, this is the most intense place in the battle, and the place with the strongest **** atmosphere.

There are soaring sounds from battles, metal symphonies when weapons collide, and gunshots that are dense and uniform. Some of the sounds have become more and more distant in the battle, which shows that the entire team's front line is getting longer and longer with the fierce battle.

The formations that were originally connected end to end were becoming loose, and the adventurers became scattered under the impact of a large number of monsters, gradually falling into their own battles.

A large number of airborne battalions were grouped in groups of twenty. They hid in an empty house, attracted targets through sporadic flares, and then attacked fixed locations. Although in terms of personal strength, the soldiers of the airborne battalion can't match the lowest-level monsters here, but their comprehensive combat capability and coordination ability are quite brilliant, and the rich combat experience even exceeds some adventurers - dense fog weather. The next battle was once one of the training courses for airborne troops.

In this battlefield where the fingers are not visible, the level of combat power is no longer in the main position, and flexible resilience and rich combat experience are the key factors for survival. The airborne soldiers rely on the latter to fight, and the adventurers rely on the former.

A **** eagle swooped down from the air and did not reach the target. He saw the fog in the fog, a sharp dagger had pierced its chest, a slender hand crossed the fog, and seized the hell. The slender neck of the vulture, the five fingers buckle, twisted its neck.

Just throwing away the body, the wind whispered in the ear, the instinct of the instinct bowed, escaped the slash of a sharp axe, while the left hand grabbed the other side, the right pistol withstood the mad warrior, and continued to shoot. The Berserker was also fierce. He slammed into his lower abdomen with a sinking shot, hitting him back a few steps, the left hand violent claws attacked, the skill crit launched, and the four-power attack hit the mad warrior. Has not been able to kill it. Shen Hao's right hand rushed out, shot the top of the gun / into the guy's mouth, shot continuously, the bullet penetrated the warrior's skull, brains splashed and sinking.

I haven’t had time to catch my breath, and it’s so easy to hear the sharp whistling sound. As the sharp whistling sounds, the adventurer’s camp suddenly bursts into a rushing sound. It’s obvious that something has rushed into the array and is being slaughtered.

"Damn, what is that, it's so fast..." Someone yelled in the distance.

A person flies out of the fog and falls at the foot of the sinking, the adventurer who spoke before. His half face was torn, his body was full of flesh and blood, and there was a transparent hole in his heart. When he was still dead, he grabbed the sinking and hard and shouted: "Save... save me..."

Shen Yu was about to use medical techniques for him, and the whistling sound in the distance suddenly came from far to near, and in a blink of an eye he rang through the sinking ear drums.

In the fog, a figure rushes out, like an arrow, and the momentum is swift and straight. Indulge in saving people, you can only attack the opponent first, even if you can not hurt people, first force them to retreat. The man was stunned to escape the attack, and at the same time deceived himself, and the five fingers became claws and grabbed the face of Shen Yan, and it was fierce!

Sinking and anti-elbow attack, is hitting the other's fingertips, the man's claws out of the leg, Shen Yan then knees and then hit, two people collided in a moment, no one can hurt the other side, the electric light and the flint For the number of strokes, both sides of the action are all as fast as the wind, the reaction is rapid, and the fierce collision sounds between the fists and the feet is actually quite equal.

The people suddenly shouted, and their arms jumped into the air, revealing a pair of long legs like jade, kicking like a whirlwind.

These two feet came very fast, and the midfoot in the chest was kicked off by her. The man turned directly in the air and flew to the sinking throat. Just about to catch it, Shen Hao’s right hand flashed, and three bullets hit the other side. The man screamed, his right hand swayed, rubbed through the neck, and wiped a blood line in front of his neck. The man quickly retreated, and while skimming the seriously injured adventurer, he suddenly squatted on the cervical spine of the adventurer.

This attack was fierce, and the adventurer’s cervical spine was cut off directly. The adventurer yelled and jumped, and fell to the ground like a dead fish, and did not move any more.

The wind blew, bringing the fog of the sky.

The fog of war gradually dissipated, and even the dark killings quietly dispersed.

Appearing in front of Shen Yan is a white woman with red eyes, wearing a rose armor and a red band on her forehead.

The sullen eyes shrank and finally said: "The battlefield virgin?"

The other party raised his proud head: "My name is Salina."

The battlefield virgin Shalina: One of the three divisions of the Devil Corps, with a vitality of 3000, an attack power of 40, and a defensive power of 20. g! ~!

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