Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 7: Background and mission

After using the task instruction card, Shen Yan looked at the time: "Well, wait a while, the mission world will open, everyone is ready, know the camp you want to choose."

"Yes!" everyone agreed.

Only Chu Sheng was surprised: "Faction? What camp?"

"You didn't read the information for you?" asked tenderly.

Chu Sheng shrugged: "The information is for the dragon. Anyway, Laozi is following you, not looking at it."

Tenderly listening to the eyes, this product is really big enough.

Still sinking into a good temper: "There is a total of three camps in the world of unparalleled, but unlike the past, this world is not a district corresponding to a camp, but to give you a chance to choose after entering, let you choose."

"Like Transformers?" Chu Sheng understood.

"Yes." Shen Hao nodded: "Because it is the zìu mode, everyone has to choose a camp of their own. Therefore, this mission is actually the same as the four districts, but only exists in the three camps, plus temporary zìu If you choose, you will form a disorder, become a enemy, have me, and I have an enemy. Of course, other people are chaotic, we are not chaotic. Chu Sheng, you and your buddy choose the technology mainland camp, I told you yesterday. !"

"I certainly didn't hear... Wait, technology continent? I thought we would enter a world full of gods and devils." Chu Sheng blurted.

Sinking was stunned by the idiots who didn't do any preparations at this point. He slammed his head: "Well, now I have a little time to talk to you about the world. The world we are about to enter is called the Comodo continent. ......"

"Commodore? This name is weird, what do you mean?" Dean curiously asked, the boss is thick and big, the younger brother is the same. Yesterday, Shen Yu specially prepared a bunch of materials for them, all did not see.

"It is the combination of technology and magic, the continent with a lot of artifacts, referred to as Ke Moduo. For the sake of good looks, the word is changed to Ke, and the magic is changed to Mo." Hong Lang responded with a stroke.

"I rely!" Chu Sheng several cocked the **** at the same time: "You really have creativity!"

Shen Yu continued: "Yes, this is a world where technology and magic coexist. In ancient times, there was no technology here, only great power of light and dark. This is the world's top power, under it, it is the earth. Elements such as fire and wind. The two forces of light and dark cultivate two completely different kinds of life, that is, demons and gods... As we know, demons and gods are two races that are innate opposition. So, later, they fought. The war has been fought for thousands of years, and the whole world has fallen apart due to war. In the end, the mainland has been divided into three. One is the place where the gods are entrenched. Here, the fairy is sturdy, the power of light is thick, and it is called the Xianxia continent. The other is dark. The strong force is the place where the demon gathers, and it is called the **** magic continent. The rest, because of the main battlefield, the two forces are too much loss, the human beings in this world have lost most of their ability to practice, so Committed to the development of science and technology, also known as the mainland of science and technology, that is, where we are now. Due to the relationship between culture and history, there is no doubt that these three continents are not harmonious with each other. That is, the three camps. "

A group of people were stunned and looked at each other.

Chu Sheng called: "What is the history of his mother? Since the technology continent was once a battlefield of gods, why are humans still surviving? Since there is a demon god, who will also develop science and technology? Science is a materialist Contribute! When you are a Newton, can you believe in the law of gravity while you believe in God? How can there be a physical law in the world of gods?"

The fat man smirked: "The background is nothing, don't care."

"The problem is that this is neither jīng nor reasonable."

Sinking and spreading hands: "We don't have to pay for the shelves. What do you want to do?"

He continued to tell history: "But in reality, the existence of this world is a big yīn. One thousand five hundred years ago, a prophet named Yilinwen Shenlu discovered..."

"Wait!" Lao Meng suddenly said, he looked at Shen Yu: "Ilin Wen Shen Luo? How do I hear this name so strange?"

Sinking a little embarrassed: "Oh, that is, we each take a word..."

"..." everyone is speechless.

Hong Lang was full of grievances: "I didn't use my name."

The words of Honglang are too heavy in the local language. They found that they took the word casually and put it wherever they wanted. It didn’t sound like a taste, so they finally gave up.

For this reason, looking for someone in Honglang is a question of how the American reading of "Ilinwin God Luolang" is feasible.

Shen Yu continued: "The prophet discovered that the dark and dark elements of this world are so rich because it is between heaven and hell. The existence of the whole world is the yīn seek of heaven and **** from the beginning. The battle between God and the Devil in the world is just an extension of the battle between heaven and hell..."

Weina heard the meaning: "You don't want to tell us that the world has the existence of heaven and **** in addition to the three continents?"

This part of the content is not in the information that Shen Yu gave them.

In order to ensure the secret, Shen Yu gave them only a small amount of information. More information will only tell you little by little after entering the mission world. This is not to worry about them, but to ensure leadership authority. .

One of the most important differences between leadership and non-leadership is the difference in information. Even if the abilities are completely equal, the judgment based on sufficient information is much more accurate than the latter, so that the latter can only act obediently.

The four allies are indulging friends, but they don't mean they don't have their own opinions. Certain leadership skills are still needed.

It seems that even in the team, Shen Hao does not have a captain's shelf for Hong Lang and others - you don't expect yourself to be the boss, don't expect others to be your boss.

Of course, too much is not enough, the key is to grasp the degree and skill.

At this moment, I smiled and said: "Yes, if not, how could there be enough gods for us to hunt?"

When everyone heard the heart and was shocked, the lord had said quickly: "What is the difficulty of heaven and hell?"

"Five difficulties, and the highest level." Shen Yu answered.

"Sure enough," Meng Meng muttered.

shut down

Since I have created a world of plots, of course, we must use its use value to the end. It is only the existence of four difficulty levels. How can it satisfy the appetite of sinking?

Just like Diablo, the unparalleled world is a world where four or five difficulties coexist. Three continents belong to the four-difficult world, while heaven and **** belong to five difficulties.

Speaking of this, Shen Yan simply does not explain his historical background of the chaos, and directly said: "The Comodo continent is located between heaven and address. To enter heaven and **** from here, you must first defeat three. The guardian of the mainland, collecting three beads... Well, I admit, this is the Dragon Ball story, but don't expect to make a wish. After getting these three beads, enter the ngyāng shrine in the deep sea. There are two in the ngyāng shrine The light door, one to heaven, one to hell, as to where to go, is determined by the adventurer and the task, specifically to wait until after the mission world."

He looked up and looked at the front, and the light door had appeared. He said: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, advanced world. King Kong Honglang Shimumu and m7 go to Xianxia mainland, Luo Wei gentle and eternal night and Dragon tooth team go God Magic Mainland, I Yi Yu and the Bulls team go to the technology continent, if there is anything I don’t understand, I will ask you later, and I will give you the answer."

Said that he has taken the lead in entering the light door.

Through the space door, Chu Sheng found that there was a camp choice. According to Shen Yu, he chose the technology continent. When he appeared again, he was standing in an empty square, surrounded by tall buildings, they were in a piece of steel. In the modern city surrounded by cement jungle.

From the flying car passing through the sky, the world's technological level is not low.

The **** coat of arms has sounded a reminder:

"The world of the eternal heart of the unparalleled world, the current camp, the technology camp, the location, the center city."

"Task background: slightly."

"This mission mode: zìu mode, time is one month."

“The same camp adventurers kill each other without rewards, and different camp adventurers can kill each other to get a designated reward or three random rewards.”

"Main line task 1: All adventurers zìu action, get 54,000 blood points in one month. Those who have insufficient points will be deducted by half. If they are less than half, they will be erased."

"Main line character 2: The three camp adventurers get contributions by completing their respective camp missions. The higher the total contribution, the higher the rank of the camp strength, and the contribution is poor."

“Contribution difference settlement method: the average contribution of the three camps. If you are in the strongest camp and contribute more than the average, you will contribute 300 points per point to the corresponding points. Those who are in the lowest camp and who contribute less than the average , according to each point of contribution of 600 points deducted corresponding points. Those who lack points are obliterated."

“The contribution bonus is not included in the first main line task, and the point deduction is included in the first main line task.”

"Note: The three camps are hostile. Non-local adventurers will enter other continents and will not have proof of identity. If they are found to be seen as spies, they will be wanted."

Seeing this, Chu Sheng understood.

In other words, if the second mainline task is deducted due to insufficient contribution, resulting in less than 27,000 points remaining, it is still the result of obliteration, but in turn, the reward is not counted, that is, you contribute again. High, there are more reward points. If you don’t earn 27,000 points in this world, you still die.

He looked at Shen Yu, Shen Xiao smiled at him and made an oK gesture. Chu Sheng was very determined. He knew that no matter how complicated and distorted the task was, he didn't have to worry.

So he continued to watch.

"Optional task: enter heaven or hell. Heaven thirty-three days, Hell 36 layers, each entering a layer, you can get 300 special points reward, no deadline limit, you can withdraw at any time during non-combat, according to the last exit The level is the reward standard."

Shen Yan came over and explained: "That is, if the adventurer goes deep into the 36th floor of Hell, but can't quit because of the battle, and finally ran back to the twentieth floor and quit, then the reward is calculated according to the twenty-story. ”

Chu Sheng gave him a look: "You don't have to explain this, Lao Tzu knows, but what about the thirty-three days and thirty-six layers of hell? Isn't this the standard of urbanization?"

"This is exactly what I want to tell you." Shen Yuzheng sè replied: "The content of heaven and **** has changed, not the ones we originally designed, but the ones that have been adjusted to the **** urban self-owned system."

In the unparalleled world of indulging in design, the city cannot be completely copied.

Sinking thought that it would modify the details, but did not expect the **** city to come across a one-size-fits-all.

The three continents of Comodo, completely obeying the original system of Shenyin, have hardly changed, but in the five difficulty parts, they have changed the special reform and directly modified the city's own system.

In fact, this self-owned system is only a system of urban classification of all the gods and devils in the whole city. It has never existed before, but this time, it was moved out.

The idea of ​​the Supreme Council is very simple. With the existing strength of the Broken Blade team, it is necessary to sweep the four difficulties, even if there is no self-made world.

However, if you want to use the self-made world advantage to sweep the five difficulties, you have to pay a price, so they have changed the special reform in this regard.

But fortunately, the monsters they originally set were not cancelled, but they were included in the entire heavenly **** system. Only the task is no longer based on extinction, but the following layers are the main ones.

In other words, if they want to use the known advantages to eliminate some of the five difficult self-made SS, then it is no problem, but if you want to take advantage of this, you still have to rely on your own strength to solve the problem.

On the issue of how to deal with the self-made world, the Supreme Council is also a painstaking effort. It does not let the painstaking efforts of the people, but does not give him the opportunity to fish and fish. The self-contained coexistence with the original is the solution they choose.

Shen Hao did not mind this.

In his view, the Supreme Council can do this step is already very human. Moreover, it can become the first adventurer in the **** city to experience the 36-story hell. Shen Shen feels proud. The most difficult thing to do is to make the 36th floor **** more difficult than heaven. The deepest **** master is the Zerg master.

If he can, he also wants to see what the Zerg masters look like before entering the four difficulties. I heard that even the five-difficult generals are not seen by everyone.

Even if you can't do it, you should consider destroying Sargeras to make up for the regrets that have not been completed in World of Warcraft.

Of course, before that, everyone must first settle the three continents.

Although the two main tasks given by the city are not designed by him, there are no more people who know more about the ways and means of obtaining contributions and points.

"Three days, as long as three days, I will let you earn 54,000 points." Shen Yu confidently said.

What surprised him was Chu Sheng’s answer: “Hey? Isn’t it that you can get 54,000 points when you open a box? How long will it take three days?”

"..." At that moment, there was a punch that made Chu rise to fly.

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