Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 9: Assassination

"This way... Ok, I know. M"

Hidden Dragon Cave, King Kong’s end and Shen’s call, look at Sun Ying’s side: “The two elders died, and the worship of the moon gave up and continued to pursue, and they all retired.”

The people are still widowed, and they are also killed by opponents. It is not a fool to worship the moon. Naturally, I know that even if I catch up, I am afraid that it is difficult to take advantage of it. It is better to send people back to seek help immediately, and then re-engineer the strength and then re-emphasize it.

Judging the situation and making the choice that is most beneficial to you is the difference between people and strangeness.

"In this case, I don't think we need to hide any more." Sun Ying looked at Li Xiaoyao and they replied in battle.

Compared with the poor performance before, the three young people have made obvious progress. Li Xiaoyao is fighting in the front, Zhao Linger is casting the law, Lin Yueru is in the middle of the strategy, the three are echoing each other and taking care of each other. Finally, there is initial cooperation and personal combat experience. It has also grown, and Li Xiaoyao himself has improved one level.

He mastered Wan Jian.

Wan Jianzhen is an upgraded version of Yushan Yujian, which can turn the infuriating into thousands of swords to attack the enemy. Li Xiaoyao is still weak in strength, and can only produce a few, but it is already in its infancy.

I think that from the time he learned Yu Jianshu to the present, it was only a week before and after, and he had already mastered the advanced swordsmanship of the sword. He could only sigh a ruthlessness and the protagonist was invincible.

Originally, King Kong Sun Ying did not show up behind Li Xiaoyao. One was to train their independent combat capability, and the other was to guard against possible attacks.

Since the worship of the moon has now retreated, Li Xiaoyao has made rapid progress, and Sun Ying thinks it is better to show up.

"Wait again, there is a retreat, and there is still uncertainty here. Angel Jihad can not be bound by the system, no one can guarantee that they will not retreat, steal the cold to give us a little." King Kong Road.

Sun Ying sneered: "More than one move! The big troops have retired. What kind of climate can the small team become? Besides, the people of the Dane family don't know that you have a team assembly order? In this case, they are like suicide."

"Be careful is always good. People in the Dane family are not afraid of death. Humanity is not something that can be expected."

"But I heard that your boss is very good at expecting the enemy first."

"The judgment of enemy situation is very different from that of self-deprecation!" King Kong corrects color: "All judgments on human behavior are only meaningful on the basis of certain understanding! We know too little about angel jihad, and sink into it. It is never going to analyze and evaluate the enemies that he does not understand. His every judgment is based on having a good understanding of the enemy. The problem is that this time we follow and do not really understand this team. That's why we haven't taken too many actions for action."

"That's his business. The problem is that I don't have the ability to give them life when they don't notice it."

Without Sun Ying's assistance, Li Xiaoyao relied on their own strength to fight, and their ability to continue to fight was quite poor. In fact, every time they complete a battle, they need to rest for a long time.

If Sun Ying can appear, he can help Li Xiaoyao save time for rest and reply, and greatly improve the speed of upgrade.

Therefore, from her point of view, after Li Xiaoyao has had certain combat experience and courage, the first thing to improve is not the skill and consciousness, but their own strength, which requires her to help Li Xiaoyao and others to quickly upgrade. .

It’s true that the **** decides the head. It can be said that everyone’s way of thinking about the problem is based on their own favorable perspective. For Sun Ying, the early appearance can really play its role and value, and continue to observe and test. It doesn't make sense.

King Kong frowned. "But the boss said let us be vigilant."

"Your boss, not my boss." Sun Ying retorted her lips, and she was not interested in obeying Shen Shen’s orders.

So at this moment she simply walked out of the darkness and walked toward Li Xiaoyao.

"You..." King Kong did not stop, watching her go out, can only cripple, and at the same time put Tina out, let her continue to hide in the dark, carefully guarded behind.

Li Xiaoyao, who just finished a battle, was resting. Seeing Sun Ying coming over, Li Xiaoyao shouted: "Sister Sun, Brother Zhou, how come you?"

Sun Ying smiled and said: "You don't really think that we have the peace of mind that let the three of you experience it alone here?"

Zhao Linger has already smiled and smiled: "I know that Shen Qiang will not let us be alone."

Lin Yueru is proud of his neck: "How have we been doing?"

This gimmick is a big favor. The biggest problem is that you always feel great.

Sun Ying replied bluntly: "The strength is very low, the experience is worse, but the progress is great. Happy, don't just chase the other side when fighting, learn to think and observe each other's characteristics. The biggest difference between monsters and humans. That is, they have their own way of attacking. If you are in the middle of the month, why are you rushing forward to fight yourself? You have to put Linger on the ground several times. The planners are the most flexible and changeable. Listening to all directions, you can't just care for yourself. Linger, the spell is not as strong as possible, the attack is not as fierce as possible, and you can use a force to kill the enemy, so don't use your strength, it will lead to subsequent weakness, reasonable distribution. Your own mana and use can guarantee your continued combat effectiveness..."

She has begun to point to the performance of the three, pointing out what mistakes they made in the previous battle.

Strength and experience are a pair of complementary brothers. Before Li Xiaoyao really grew up, they first taught them practical experience of combat, which is very beneficial to their subsequent development.

After some guidance, Sun Ying had said to the three people: "Okay, then you will continue to fight, we will look at it later, but this time, I want you to deal with five snakes at once."

"Five snakes?" Li Xiaoyao spit out his tongue: "Too much?"

"Don't worry, there are five of your grandsons." Sun Ying said that he has used an additional assisting skill and an auxiliary aid for the three.

With Sun Ying's blessing for them, the strength of the three players has increased, and with the previous guidance of Sun Ying, there will be no problem in dealing with five snakes at once.

King Kong could not help but frown. He felt that Sun Ying was still a little quick and quick.

They are coming back from the outside, and Sun Ying can wait for everyone to come back and make sure to do it again.

As it is now, after Li Xiaoyao was blessed, his combat effectiveness improved, but it also meant that this was their limit. In addition, when dealing with five snake essences, once there is any change, the strain space will be greatly reduced.

Unfortunately, he said it was useless now. Under Sun Ying’s reply, Li Xiaoyao had already started a new round of fighting.

King Kong can only care carefully to keep the rear, and contact Tina, ask her to be careful.

Time passes by in a minute.

With the help of Sun Ying, Li Xiaoyao’s speed of killing monsters has increased dramatically. Although Sun Ying’s state blessing will actually lead to the weakening of Li Xiaoyao’s experience, it is worthwhile in terms of overall efficiency.

Li Xiaoyao's top ten needs little experience, so soon Li Xiaoyao actually rose to the next level, reaching level 7, at this time his full attribute has reached more than 20 points, gradually equivalent to a first difficulty The adventurer, Wan Jianyi is already able to condense the target of twelve swords.

For this reason, Sun Ying glanced at King Kong with smugness. It means "Look, if it wasn't for the grandmother's grandmother, Li Xiaoyao didn't know when it would be upgraded." Maybe there is "your ambush? Why is it so long?" Didn't come?" Meaning.

King Kong shook his head and smiled.

He is actually a person who doesn't like to argue with people. For him, it is better to not appear in the jihad of angels. He prefers that Sun Ying is right and that he is wrong. Therefore, Sun Ying’s optimistic attitude is like Lin Yueru’s and gentle and tender, and he is a typical woman’s mentality.

You can't expect every woman to be Zhao Linger, so if you can't change this kind of arrogant style, you should enjoy it.

It is a pity that he wants to enjoy, but some people do not give him a chance.

The wind is blowing!

King Kong’s ear suddenly came to Tina’s sharp voice: “Be careful...”

It was entirely due to the instinct brought by the long-term battle. King Kong suddenly slammed forward and saw that his original standing place exploded, and the romantic volume rolled the King Kong into the air.

At the same time, seven shadows have appeared in the shadowy hidden dragon cave passage. It is the angelic team. With their appearance, a fog has dissipated from them.

Fog of mist, group stealth props!

At this moment, the seven people joined forces because of Tina and fell through. Three of them had vacated and chased King Kong, and the other four went straight to Li Xiaoyao.

"Flash off!" King Kong screamed, he had no time to take the team assembly order, people rolling in the air, raising their hands and throwing, T10 has turned into a silver giant net block in the center of the channel.

The four black shadows that rushed to Li Xiaoyao were blocked by the giant net, and they stopped for a while. At the same time, they broke the giant net, but this short pause also allowed Li Xiaoyao Sun Ying and others to react.

Sun Ying changed his face and called Li Xiaoyao: "Run!".

The problem is that Li Xiaoyao is entangled with snakes at this time. Where is the time to run, but the sudden attack makes their hearts tremble, and even the battle with the snakes is greatly affected. Lin Yueru accidentally was a snake. I took a bite and sighed.

At the same time, the three figures that were chased in the air have already caught up with King Kong. At the same time, he blasted three punches at the same time. The three strong lights pointed directly to the diamond chest, and the King Kong was beaten with blood.

However, just as King Kong flew out, he suddenly pointed at the T10 below.

At this time, the giant net formed by T10 has been torn by four members of the Angel team and turned into countless pieces of silver liquid metal. But this moment, the finger of King Kong has caused countless metal blocks to fly at the same time, and madly turned to the four in the air. people.

It is King Kong’s control!

But he was completely entangled by the three.

This time changed the elbow and let the four people not think of it. Seeing that Sun Ying had taken out the team assembly order, one of them raised his hand and waved a white light out of the back of Sun Ying’s hand and gathered the team to fly out.

At the same time, another person has been entangled in Sun Ying before flying, shouting: "Fast!"

The three adventurers have already rushed to Li Xiaoyao.

Sun Ying was shocked: "They are going to kill Li Xiaoyao!"

She had previously called Li Xiaoyao to run but it was a kind of protection instinct. At this moment, she finally realized that the other party’s purpose was to kill Li Xiaoyao.

Seeing that the three adventurers have rushed over, the only thing Sun Ying can do is to add a power defensive cover to Li Xiaoyao.


The adventurer has punched Li Xiaoyao and played Li Xiaoyao, while the other two adventurers also rushed to Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru.

Seeing Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru can't hide.

A few Jianguang suddenly went to the two.

"Wan Jian!"

However, while Li Xiaoyao was flying, he gave the sword to the two men.

At this critical moment, Li Xiaoyao broke out his courage and consciousness as the protagonist of the plot.

These swords were originally insignificant for the adventurers, but the scent of the sword made the two people have a slight flower in front of them, and Zhao Linger’s eyes flashed.

A thunderbolt has been smashed on one person, and the person is shuddering.

Lin Yueru has rushed sideways and pointed at another person: "The sword is pointing!"

Lin Yueru's level is not high, but the attack power is very big. At the beginning, even Zhou Yiyu was injured by her. The adventurer was snorted and the movement was sluggish. Lin Yueru was already overjoyed, and it was a string moon for the adventurer. The past was made.

Sun Ying was shocked: "Don't!"

She has no choice but to go to can only face Lin Yueruyi, a treatment of the Holy Light has flocked to Lin Yueru.

At the same time, the adventurer has made a hoarse low laugh: "Little girl!"

His right hand slammed into the ground, and an invisible sharpness had been drawn to Lin Yueru, crossing the string moon.

Although he himself was beaten by the string moon, but his body was slightly swaying, the finger-knife was already crossed by Lin Yueru’s body. Together with the holy light, he burst into the most brilliant light on Lin Yueru. Out of Guanghua.

"This is..." The crowd looked at it at the same time and didn't understand what was going on.

Just then, an earth-shattering snoring sounded.


This snoring was wild and powerful, and it shocked everyone's hearts and trembled. I saw that King Kong’s body had grown up in an instant.

Demon bloodline transformation!

He punched a risky man who was entangled in him.

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