Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 11: Contribution and leasing

From the military building, there are more than 5,000 pieces awarded by the military to his pockets in the sinking pockets - the camp mission is this bird-like, and there is no money to contribute. Floating Astronomy ()

However, Shen Yan did not care, called the car directly to the city hall, with prestige, he can pick up the camp task.

Camera’s hiding place, of course, he knows where he is, but he is not in a hurry to complete. After all, the mission world is not a game. Just after receiving the task, it is always impossible to say.

On the contrary, it is the task of the camp to grasp more.

The camp's camp tasks are also divided into many types, some can be shared, some can only be completed, some are time-sensitive, and their characteristics are different.

When Shen Yu came to the City Hall again, there have been several adventurers here - as time goes by, the adventurers are gradually getting rid of the state of the world, and TV news is letting some people smell it here in advance. importance.

However, the demand for a hundred reputations has made these adventurers feel a headache.

When Shen Shen stood in front of the electronic screen in the hall, the adventurers clearly saw him.

A few people looked at each other, and one of them came directly and looked at Shen Yu: "Congratulations to Shen Boda."

"What's so congratulatory?" Shen Yantou did not return, looked at the screen and said.

"Shen Boda has just saved Major General Atkins. Now I must have enough prestige?" The adventurer replied respectfully.

Shen Hao finally turned his head and looked at the adventurers in front of him.

This is a long-haired man with a shawl. The face should be European and American.

The adventurer has hurriedly said: "My name is Arthur, it is in the Western District, but it is not a member of the Inferno sect. I am the captain of the Silver Squad."

"Even if you are a purgatory sect, I will not kill you." Shen Yu faintly answered.

Arthur was obviously relieved, and the grievances of the Broken Blades and the Inferno sects are now unknown, but few people know about the relationship between the Bladeblade and Cliff, so Arthur is also brave enough to dare to speak with Shen.

"Let's talk, what's the matter with me?" Shen asked.

Arthur quickly replied: "If Shen Bo can pick up the camp, we want to ask Shen to help pick up a few shared tasks."

Shen Yu understood: "Do you want to get better soon?"

The reason why the reputation of the 100-point camp is rare is not because of the difficulty of the task, but because the reward is too low. For example, assisting in the arrest of an all-nighter must be completed. After returning, you will get a little ten to ten prestige and a few hundred dollars. Depending on the performance, although there is no danger, it takes less time. Instead, they are the real camp missions. Not only can you get the contribution points, but you can also get the corresponding reputation.

This is like a novice village killing a chicken can only get 5 points of experience, the upgrade is too slow, and the best way to quickly upgrade is to find a master to bring yourself, directly in the high-level experience.

There is no doubt that Shen Qian is such a master.

Although I don't know how much reputation Shen Shen has gained, but he saved the Major General, and now he is standing in front of the electronic screen to find a task, he knows that he is definitely qualified.

At this moment, Arthur respectfully replied: "Yes, adults, of course, we know the rules of the adults, and we can not contribute to the mission."

rule? What rules?

Has the geese plucked hair become my rule? Is it so famous in the city?

Shen Hao is very dissatisfied with this.

Arthur has already received another sentence: "It is our pleasure to be able to fight side by side with adults."

Sample, I will forgive you when you talk so.

Indulge in Arthur, look at the adventurers behind him, and think about it and finally nod. "I can help you pick up a few camp missions."

Arthur was overjoyed.

Shen Yu has continued: "But I will not participate in the execution, the task will be picked up by me, and it will be executed by you. Finally, I will deliver it. Is there a problem?"

I rub!

Arthur hated not giving him a kick.

Do you want to shoot if you dare to sink?

In fact, in addition to wanting to share the prestige, Arthur also wants to take advantage of the opportunity to make a good relationship with Shen Yu, but as it is now, this is pure work, no wages.

Shen Yu has continued: "Of course, the gains from the cleanup process are your own, I don't want to."

Nonsense, you are not shooting, do you want to be?

Besides, what good benefits can the garbage task have?

Looking at Arthur's face, the Shen Yan added: "Of course, I promise that the tasks you receive are enough for you to reach 100 reputation in 12 hours."

This answer finally made Arthur look good.

Earlier when you reach prestige needs, you can make early contributions.

"That's good!" Arthur agreed to bite his teeth.

Shen Yu has turned the electronic screen to the second page - that is the task that requires two hundred reputations to pick up, and Arthur's eyes are all coming out.

Then Shen Shen selected three of the tasks that can be shared, all of which are located in the east of the city, a hundred miles of Anburi, respectively, to clean up the mountains in the Shangdao area, to collect five special materials in the poisonous sand valley and investigate The truth about the mysterious death in the Anburi area.

All three of these tasks are available to participants with a reputation of at least 10 points and a reputation based on the number of participants and the video of the action at the time.

Like Arthur and others, the number of shots is small, and the three tasks are completed. Almost everyone can get a hundred reputations.

As for Shen Yu, if he does not shoot, as a task undertaker and a person who submits, you can get a total of 40 reputation, in addition to the three missions of the three missions.

It can also be seen from this aspect how difficult it is to obtain contributions.

If you want to get more contributions, you have to upgrade your reputation and take on more difficult tasks, such as capturing Carmela.

For Arthur and others, they have no choice – they are better off being exploited than they are being exploited. Whitewashing is much better than whitewashing for twelve hours.

Watching Arthur and others take over the mission, Shen suddenly felt that his reputation in the city was not too bad.

After helping Arthur take over the task, Shen Yu did not pick up other tasks.

Most of the camp missions are time-limited. If you pick too many but can't complete it, you will only be able to reverse the reputation. Some important tasks will even deduct the contribution.

Therefore, Shen Yu is not in a hurry to pick up the task, just waiting quietly - waiting for a highly rewarded task that has already been designed.

When designing the game task, they didn't know what variables were going to happen in the planned actions, so they were more broadly formulated in time. The result was that when there was no accident, everyone could only wait honestly.

So when other adventurers feel that time is not enough, the squad of the Broken Blade team spends most of their time waiting, just too much time.

This kind of happiness is enough to make people hate to bite their teeth.

After an hour, the mission finally came out.

Collecting Moonlight Grass, the number of 20 is required, and the time limit is ten hours. Completing the mission will earn a reward point and increase your reputation by 30. Every hour before completion, add 30 reputation and contribute a little.

This is a material collection task, it is not difficult, but the moonlight grass only exists in the Moonlight Canyon, and it is not suitable for long-term preservation. It can only be used now, so the time requirement is more urgent, so one more extra bonus is added in advance. conditions of.

When the task comes out, Shen Yu will not take it to see it.

Then sit there and continue to wait.

Twenty minutes later, Frost walked into the town hall and sent a bag of things to Shen Qiang's hand: "Sorry, sir, it's late."

"It doesn't matter, just finish it within the time limit."

Delivered directly to the reception, the receptionist glanced at the incomparably horrified eyes, and then: "The moonlight grass collection task is completed."

The **** coat of arms has popped up with tips:

“Complete the task nine hours in advance, increase reputation by 300 points, and get 10 points.”

At the same time, the task of completing the task is also sounded in the lobby. The prompt will be automatically transmitted to each mercenary who receives the task, telling them not to waste time.

As early as after entering the world, Shen Yan let Frost go to the Moonlight Canyon to collect moonlight grass. According to the time calculation, when the mission is released, Frost can almost complete the task.

Even the task publisher didn't think that the task was just completed in twenty minutes, and the task clerk jumped on the screaming--who was so lucky that he had to use the moonlight grass and directly transferred it to him. I myself, this time I have to pay ten times the price, can be a big loss.

"I rub, is it three hundred reputations to contribute ten points?" Chu Sheng squinted his eyes and came in from outside the hall.

At this time, he has also completed a hundred prestige missions, and Zhou Yiyu is here to pick up the camp mission. I did not expect to hear this news when I first came in.

It’s just a day’s work, and Shen has already contributed 50 points to the 50th reputation. This is simply stealing money!

But he is also surprised by this: "How can you not design more than this material collection task?"

Shen Yu replied: "The proceeds of this task are based on the loopholes in the task release, and cause damage to the interests of others. Therefore, such income is essentially against the principle of fairness, and cannot be used or used. Now everyone is in the initial stage, the reputation is low, and the high-contribution tasks that can be received are few. In order to get the first bucket of gold as soon as possible and start the next plan, there is no way to do anything, but the Tuen Mun ramp is not the right way, so Know how to stop."

"It turned out to be like this..." Chu Sheng grabbed the scalp: "What are you going to do next?"

"You will know when you follow."

Saying that Shen Yan went straight to the small hall on the other side, Chu Sheng followed closely and saw that the sign hanging on it was the contribution exchange office.

The contribution exchange office is where the mercenaries use their contributions to redeem the actual benefits, including technology and equipment, as well as the skills of some gunmen and mechanics, but the price of the exchange is not cheap, basically a thousand contributions Bloody points to calculate.

Chu Sheng has some wonders why he has been redeeming so early - he is now only 20 points to contribute, up to a double c-level gunman skills, which is too low for Shen Shen.

Fortunately, he soon knows the answer.

At the exchange office, Shen Yu said to the receptionist: "Request to rent a small Imperial factory with a chemical laboratory."

"Leasing level small empire factory, need to contribute 4 points a day, starting five days of rent." The receptionist answered with a very flattering tone.

"Level Imperial Factory?" Chu Sheng was somewhat confused. He did not expect that Shen Yu did not choose to exchange skills, but asked to rent a factory.

Beside Zhou Yiyi has whispered to Chu Sheng: "The small factory of the Arendt Empire, which is specially used for leasing, has the technological and armed production capacity. Through here we can mass-produce the Terminator, restore the potion and the infantry fighting armor."

Chu Sheng’s heart trembled: “How big is the lot?”

“That depends on the production costs we pay separately. The production line can be used to produce up to 100 Terminators or 200 Infantry Mechs per day, or 500 Humps or less.”

"Rely!" Chu Sheng was shocked. He finally understood why he was so anxious that he wanted to make so many contributions on the first day. He wanted to move the set of the home world.

This can be regarded as a tactical study of Edmund's Red Police Corps. It has a logistics base with re-production capacity. Its role and significance are self-evident.

“But they are all non-identified products.” Zhou Yiyu has added a reminder.

"That's cool, let's be content!" Chu Shengyu's long-term heart, he did not forget to indulge them and the old man is there.

"Actually, this is just the beginning." Zhou Yiyu smiled and replied: "On the top, there are models and models, in addition to the technology research and development room, which can be used to study higher-level technology... Forgot to tell you, here All the technology can be brought back to the city. The only problem is that you must rent the technology research and development room, then buy the relevant materials and then develop."

"Do you have to spend a lot of contributions?"

"a lot of."

“Do these spent contributions count into the urban mainline task calculation?” Chu Sheng is more concerned about the main line task.

Zhou Yiyu shook his head: "Unfortunately, no, it is gone."

"Then you still use it?" Chu Sheng was shocked.

"Because the equipment produced can not only be used by itself, but also can be used for sale." At this time, Shen Yu has completed the lease and turned back to Chu Shengdao.

“Sell?” Chu Sheng’s eyes gave off light.

Now he finally understands why Shen Yu is so anxious to rent a lab.

In a world where money and blood can be exchanged in both directions, making money is a **** point.

When it comes to making money, working is never as good as doing business.

However, he soon realized that things were not that simple: "The contribution of 4 points is equivalent to 400,000 yuan? The factory rental fee of 400,000 a day is not cheap. Everyone is a person who has just come to this world. It may not be able to sell for a while." turn on……"

"If you are not selling well, you can use it yourself." Shen Xiaoxiao Mimi replied: "I didn't intend to make a profit by doing business, as long as the profit is enough to produce the cost."

It turned out to be the case.

If TV manufacturers are worried about selling tens of thousands of TVs, then Shen Yu will never worry about the backlog of 10,000 Terminators.

For him, the terminator who cannot become a financial power can at least continue to function as a force.

Is there anything better than doing a business that is not afraid of losing money?

To some extent, even if others want to buy their goods, they may not be willing.

In order to maximize the interests of the world, the Brokeblade has already put everything they have in it.

"But you can use all of your contributions like this, don't worry about the main line task?"

"There is nothing to worry about." Shen Wei replied He took out the same thing from the coat of arms and shook it in front of Chu.

"Anti-kill token?" Chu Sheng blurted out.

"Yes, anti-make the token." Shen Yuzheng said: "For the last death contest, the result is useless..."

Speaking of this, Shen Yan shrugged and smiled: "This year, there is a hole in the card."

Zhou Yiyu also has the same interface: "With the factory, we can mass produce all kinds of combat equipment we need without fear of loss, and it is more confident to hit the 36-story hell."

On the 36th floor of Hell, Chu Shengchang spit out a sigh of relief, and now he has fully understood the plan to indulge them.

From the beginning, Shen Wei did not put his goal on the three continents. For him, the two main tasks are only his stepping stones to the 36th floor of Hell. For this big goal, he Even the main line task has been ready to give up.

Before entering **** - the Broken Blade team is invincible!

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