Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 13: River god

An added benefit of leasing the Imperial factory is that no one has to pay extra for accommodation.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Shen Hao got up and brushed his teeth. When he came to the restaurant, everyone was already waiting for him.

Zhao Linger personally made an omelet for Shen Yu, and it was good for the cow nǎi, and no one else had any share, which made Chu Sheng envious.

When I saw the newspaper on the table, Shen was not in a hurry to have breakfast, first looked at the newspaper.

This makes Chu Sheng very dissatisfied: "What good looks in the newspaper, eat quickly, and then pick up the task."

Shen Yantou said: "Although the world is designed by us, we can only grasp the general direction after all. It is difficult to grasp the details. Some possible changes, especially because of the changes in the interaction of events, are not What we can control. To reduce accidents, the newspaper is a good way to convey information... This is not a waste of time."

Chu Sheng did not understand: "What did you do yesterday is not the details of the event?"

"That is because this is the starting event, there will be no change. In the original story of the game, Major General Atkins was successfully assassinated by Carmela... must be assassinated, otherwise he will not be in danger of being fatal. My rescue is meaningless. But because of the success of the assassination, my shot is equivalent to changing the game story to some extent."

Chu Sheng understands a bit: "So on the one hand, you try to design the plot, but on the other hand, you are destroying the plot yourself?"

"Yes, the use of the plot is itself a destruction of the plot, so we need to track and see what the damage will develop into." Shen Yan read the newspaper and replied, the function of the brain part of the brain makes the speech have no effect. His thinking.

"This way..." Chu Sheng touched his chin: "So, you can't control the direction of the back?"

Zhou Yiyu interface: "That is not, the only change is the details, it will not be the overall situation. The problem is that in order to maximize our interests, the use of details is the most critical."

"Understand, because everyone can see the big picture, you can't put the benefits in the big picture, but the details are not everyone can grasp, so the real interests are here, right?"

Zhou Yiyu admired: "This time you become smart."

"I am jealous, Lao Tzu is always smart." Chu Sheng took a sip. I thought about him and asked, "How do you solve this problem?"

"It's very simple, it's still a matter of doing things in the battle itself. No matter how the event develops, the problem of the monster will not change."

"It turned out to be like this." Chu Sheng said to himself: "So, the real big gains will still depend on the battle to harvest."

"This is the eternal law of the **** city." Shen Yu answered.

"What kind of hands and feet did you do?" Chu Sheng was curious.

"This is why..." Shen Yan touched his chin. "My side is mainly responsible for production and development. There is not much need to fight. On the contrary, it is more dependent on the story. In terms of combat, it is mainly gentle. And Honglang has more hands and feet on their side."

"You will say what you have done." Chu Sheng impatiently said: "Is the monster getting better?"

"That's impossible. You know that the monster's strength criterion is there. If you don't have enough strength, there is no corresponding return. At best, we are more obvious that the monsters become weaker. Let's adapt to our tactics and make us better. ""

"How much is it to fight?" Chu Sheng died to catch up with this problem.

"Oh..." Shen Shen is thinking: "It’s almost the goal that you can get the team to get it... we can get it by ourselves."

"I rely!" Chu Sheng shouted.


Jialing River, white sand beach.

Standing on the tidal flat, Honglang took a shot of the mud on the jar. He drank a few mouthfuls and threw it, and the jar was flying into the river.

Behind him, dozens of jars were lined up, and Honglang picked up an altar with his hands. In the same way, he first drank a few mouthfuls and then poured the wine into the river.

"Hong Da Ge, you drink a little less, it’s not fun to get drunk!" The gardener behind leaned against a tree and was playing with the vampire in his hand.

"Nothing, I don't get drunk in a thousand cups!" Hong Lang laughed and replied, slamming his feet and kicking another jar of wine into the river.

One after another, the wine jar fell into the river like this, the wine splashed in the river, the rich wine fragrance drifted farther and farther, and the whole river beach was filled with rich alcohol.

This wine was passed to Shi Mumu, the little girl was a lovely waver, wrinkled her nose, and a pair of bright scorpions still stared at the river.

Without a moment of effort, Hong Lang has already thrown away the wine.

He shouted back: "Hey, no wine!"

In the forest, Hula has flew out more than ten altar wines.

King Kong walked over with black face: "Isn't it still there? The rest of the wine is here."

"Don't worry, Zhou Da Ge, I have already felt the fluctuation of the strength of water elements, it should appear soon." Shi Mumu replied.

"Then let it hurry up!" Hong Lang grabbed the jar and threw it into the air. The wine sprinkled a long waterline into the air and fell into Hanoi.

There was a wave of waves on the river.

"It's coming!" Shi Mumu shouted.

Needless to say, everyone has already seen that a waterline in the distance is rising rapidly and spreading towards this side.

"All back!" King Kong quickly called.

The gardener took a glimpse of the leaves and flew out a few leaves. He was hitting those jars and shattering most of the jars. Only the six or seven altars were left in place, but all the way from the riverbank to the jungle, and then four people went to the forest at the same time. Retreat.

The waterline on the riverside rushed to the shore.

Along with the waves of water, the river has come out with a full body armor, a monster with a purple-gold hammered fish head.

The monster went to the shore, first greedily sniffed the smell of the air, then the eyes stopped on the four jars of wine on the tidal flat, but not close, just watch carefully around.

It also knows that this wine has come to the fore, but there is no one to set it up, but the good wine is like the life of the gods, so that this monster is reluctant to give up the four altar wine, thinking that it may be the name of the nearby people who are afraid of their own Jialing River god, specially dedicated contribution.

Then he strode to the river beach and opened the jar for drinking.

shut down

After drinking a jar of wine in one breath, the river demon went up to take the second altar, followed by the third altar, the fourth altar... Unconsciously, it has left the river beach and entered the woods.

This river demon is powerful, but most of its strength is in the water. If it is on the shore, its strength will be reduced by at least 40%, so it is easy to stay away from the water. This moment is tempted into the jungle for the wine, just thinking that it is not too far from the river, just turn around and arrive.

However, when it picked up the last altar, it suddenly felt an inexplicable killing.

It was shocked and shouted, and turned and ran.

"I want to go now? It’s late!" Honglang’s arrogant laughter already sounded.

The large vines on the ground suddenly swept toward the river demon as if they were alive, and instantly entangled it.

At the same time, a wild figure has rushed to the river demon at high speed, it is Honglang.

"Bold!" The river demon screamed, and the purple gold hammer smashed out and slammed into the axe of the tyrant. In the strong and fierce impact, a huge force turbulence has swept across the square and will entangle the vines on the river demon. Also bursting.

The river demon was shot and fluttered, and the strange screams turned and ran.

It’s just that it’s just running back, and the face is already a figure, and it’s a punch against it: “The Hammer of the Storm!”

This hit on the river demon, the river demon called to fly, but the body is stiff, the Hong wave has jumped high, the battle axe in the air to draw a fierce light, is lying in the river demon gold On the A, the golden armor was broken and the blood was flying.

The river demon screamed: "Well, I know who I am, I am the Jialing River god, and I am so daring to attack the four sides."

"Small shrimp jīng, also known as the god!" Hong Lang has been squatting and an axe chopped in the river demon, but also a piece of blue blood.

At this time, the river demon was finally lifted from the state of dizziness. When he heard the Honglang, he was shocked: "I am aware of my body..."

Hong Lang has rushed over: "Whether you know your body, you were originally a large green shrimp in the Jialing River. You have been practicing for five hundred years and become a demon. You have to repair it for five hundred years. You have to practice a thousand years to become a man. Solicited, the Jialing River God was sealed, and after the position of the gods, it was further improved. From then on, the Jialing River made waves and did everything."

"You..." The river demon was violently stunned by his violent temper. One of them was accidentally hit by a rushing wave of the Honglang, and then flew again, vomiting a blood.

Honglang has continued to scream and rush: "Unfortunately, although you are a river god, it is not a true god. There is no **** in the air, but there is no soul. At best, it is only a half god. Of course, with the blessing of God, your strength is still strong. Your life is three. Eighty-eight, the scales are blessed by divine power, defending 140, and there are more drowning techniques. As long as there is a land of water, you can cast a variety of spells such as otters, spas, water shields, giant waves, etc. Shore, most of the water spells you can't use. And you just drank so much wine, although the wine is non-toxic, the wine is fierce, you are already in the state of alcohol, the strength and agility play a drop of 2% Ten, even the negative anti-xìng is also reduced, I am right?"

"This is impossible!" The Jialing River **** was scared by him, and he never dreamed that Honglang would understand it so deeply.

Immediately, it also became clear that the enemy knew his own details. If he did not absolutely grasp it, he would never come. This war is only fearful that he is defeated.

Think of it, no longer in love, turn and run.

"I said you can't run away!" King Kong snorted, and it was a punch against the river demon.

The river demon slammed, but suddenly there was a water shield on the body. The effect of this heavy blow did not work.

King Kong also gave a slight glimpse: "Hey? Has there been a slight modification?"

The river demon they designed to be drunk is unable to use any water system after leaving the water. However, it seems that this river demon is not exactly the same. It is not to absorb the water molecules in the air or to store some water. Use some abilities.

Uh... Probably the city can't understand the shameless design of them.

This modification has caused a loophole in King Kong’s interception. The river demon has madly ran towards the river. As long as he returns to the river, it can truly exert its powerful strength and teach each other.

Honglang is slamming his head: "Come back!"

His left hand swayed slightly, and grabbed the river demon volley. The body of the river demon had been flying and back.


This river demon can no longer run, just as it flies backwards, Honglang has already fallen under the heavy axe. This blow is a 20% double attack, the power is great, only one hit The water shield was cracked, and another hit on the back of the river demon, chopping it and screaming again and again.

The pain caused the river to be violent, and the purple gold hammer suddenly slammed back and hit the chest of Honglang.

"King Kong does not destroy the body!" Honglang madly screamed, the golden light flashed on his chest, only to hear the loud noise, actually it was hard to resist this blow, while Honglang was an axe chopping to the river demon, that river The demon eyes also violently flashed, and a wave of turbulent waves rushed to Honglang. The two sides exchanged one blow and were shocked.

The Honglang climbed up and climbed up. The figure of Shi Mumu had already appeared. Looking at the Honglang, a piece of water shrouded the Honglang and began to restore his life.

"I'm fine!" Hong Lang snarled: "The world tree, the thorns are entangled!"

A large thorn has swept up like a tentacle, trapping the river demon with a dead body, and the thorns and thorns are inserted into the river demon in the crack of the golden armor, while the gardener is pointing at the world tree. Green sè has been hit in the world tree, this is his unique plant blessing ability, which can make the thorns of the world tree entangled better and last longer.

King Kong is about to rush to give the river demon a blow, Honglang has called: "You are all flashing, this guy I deal with alone, **** fanaticism, cheekbones!"

Honglang has roared and rushed to the river demon. The axe of the tyrant was cut in the chest of the river demon. By the fixed effect of the thorns, the axe of the river demon was connected to the river, and the purple gold hammer of the river demon also fell on the Honglang. Body.

It’s just that Honglang’s King’s invincible body and the Diamond Sutra double blessing at this time, the defense is not weaker than the river demon, but the attack is high and terrible.

Confrontation with the violent warrior, it is a nightmare, if this is a game, then you can see that the river demon's head is close to four-digit damage, and the top of the Honglang is only a few dozen points.

The life of the river demon rushed down, and it screamed desperately: "If you wait for the obstacles, you dare to blaspheme, this is a sinister move, and you will stop quickly, otherwise you will be condemned!"

At this time, it has begun to ask for mercy.

Honglang does not care about it. If wine is the favorite of the river demon, then the fixed target that stands still is the eternal pursuit of the violent warrior.

The Tomahawk opened wide and screamed, and the sound of Honglang was like a thundering nine-day scrolling: "Small shrimps are jīng, and they are surrounded by the gods of the river. They only know the evil side, and the government has long wanted." I will wait for the show to catch the demon, that is to worship the devil, that is to go to heaven, Fukuzawa's actions. Heaven condemns? You are now being condemned, hahahaha... See the old man slaughtered you, take your inner Dan!"

This last sentence is to expose the wretched intention of When you hear that you want to take Nedan, the river demon knows that he has no luck.

At this point, the effect of the thorns entangled finally disappeared. It fully exerted a spa treatment to restore life to himself, and then added a water shield to himself to guard against King Kong's stun technique, and tried to run out.

I didn't expect to take a step. I saw a huge iron cage falling in the sky and covered it with the Hong Wave.

"Still stay here and play well with Laozi, rock strengthening!" Hong Lang laughed happily, his body muscles were arrogant, showing the powerful strength that a strong warrior really should have.

At this moment, he is like the original Augusta.

Looking at the wild look of the Honglang, the river demon eyes also showed desperate sè, remorse and add: "I blame me for this lack of strength, greedy for wine, and ultimately it is a mistake."

Hong Lang’s mouth screamed: “Get it, it’s not that you’re guilty of greed, but your setting is 100% greedy and dying... swear!”

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