Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 24: Reaper (on)

The two officially shook hands, and the previous little gaps disappeared.

In fact, if it is replaced by someone else, Shen Yan will not have the patience to say this.

Only this mission is the Jedi survival model, which means that the ability to escape is far more important than the ability to fight. Zhou Yiyu has expert-level vehicle specialization, and has great dreams for mech-type reinforcement, and thus has a strong understanding and application ability. It can be said that in the world of Terminator tasks, the ability of people like him can be greatly improved. Play. This point, just seeing that without him, it is impossible to make the empty mother fall.

I don't know what kind of danger I will encounter in the future, but there is an adventurer who can drive a variety of vehicles and the car skills are much better than Verna. In this case, it is undoubtedly very important.

The greatest cleverness of Shen Yu is that he knows how to use the power of others and is always willing and good at lending others.

The use of the townspeople in Van Helsing is so, the organization of adventurers in the World War II mission is so, the use of Weina in the X-Men is the case, this time the Terminator world is also true.

People often say wisdom, but they don't know that wisdom is divided into many kinds.

Some people are good at organizing, some are good at reasoning, some are good at analysis, some are good at calculations, some are good at random, some are good at managing thousands of miles, some are good at fraudulent tricks, and some are good at stealing.

There are thousands of people, and there are hundreds of wisdoms. It is obviously not enough to simply summarize with one mind.

The wisdom that Shen Hao really excels is not a serious calculation of sitting and calculating, but a quick thinking of sudden events, the ability to adapt to the situation and the ability to understand and utilize the human heart. The latter is the key to his ability to become the captain of the 641 team.

As the spurting captain Xie Rongjun said: In a **** city, the first thing is to learn not to be afraid of things, but the second is to learn not to cause trouble. The real strong, never easily erect the enemy, but are more willing to make more friends.

To be strong and weak, to be widowed, this is the king!

The kind of squatting around with a bit of skill, and erecting enemies everywhere can only be a dead end.

For example, now, Shen Yu persuaded Zhou Yiyu in a few words, which is obviously much better than threatening the other with a fist. The consequence of the latter approach is to create a huge danger, which is taken for by the sinking.

As for the information search beforehand, premeditated planning, post-summary analysis, weighing the pros and cons, these things are not so much wisdom, but rather a good habit, a logical thinking ability that can be cultivated through acquired training. Of course, even this ability to be acquired is rarely found in the **** world.

At this moment, I saw that Zhou Yiyu had no more opinions. Shen Wei opened the team channel: "If you are alive, just come out and take a breather."

King Kong: "Call..."

Hong Lang: "Don't be your mother, run tired and die."

Gentleness is just a laughter.

The fat man shouted with a cry: "It’s just dangerous, the captain..."

"A bit of a promising, Luo Wei!" Shen Yan slammed the words behind the fat man and went back.

Then Shen Yan said: "My new friend and I are coming to the suburbs of Los Angeles. How are you doing now?"

Gentle and loudly replied: "I am still on the road with Hong Lang, still early."

"What about the Terminator?"

“It’s very difficult to get rid of, but we don’t have a car, we can only walk!”

"When you are wronged, as long as you can run out, we still have enough time to meet. King Kong and the fat guys work harder."


The team was interrupted and everyone was on the road.

Zhou Yiyu looked at Shen Yan with a deep look. He suddenly said, "I really deserve to thank you. If you don't have you, I may still be chasing after a large number of Terminators with your partner, and even stop and rest. nothing."

Shen Yan replied casually: "I hope your thanks can last until the end of this mission."

Zhou Yiyu stayed: "What do you mean by this?"

"Because our own troubles have already arrived."

Just after the words of Shen Yu, the ground suddenly trembled like an earthquake.

The sound of the rumble came from afar, as if any heavy objects were being crushed.

"What is that?" Zhou Yiyu tried to drive on the ground like a wave, shouting loudly.

Shen Yu has not yet answered, Xi Xiaofan in the back row suddenly stood up, a right finger to the far side of the side.

Zhou Yiyu looked in the direction of his fingers.

At the far end of the horizon, a huge black figure gradually appeared.

It was a heavy-duty robot that was as big as a Transformer. The huge metal body was like a steel fortress with a heavy cannon on its shoulder.

From a distance, it is like a Godzilla monster. It is moving toward the end of this side, and every step of it makes the ground vibrate, and the shock wave even spreads to their feet.

"It's the reaper!" Zhou Yiyu whispered out loudly: "It hasn't reached twelve hours yet. How come the second round of chasing will come early!" Zhou Yiyu roared.

"That means that it is not officially pursued, but we are not lucky, just happened to have one." Shen Yan shrugged.

"Hell, you mean this is a robot that passes by soy sauce? Isn't it a special arrangement for the city?"

"To be honest, I am not sure." Shen Xiao laughed.

The Reaper is one of the most intriguing works invented by Skynet. This huge monster body is more than ten times that of the ordinary Terminator. It is tall as a building, and its robot is huge, such as a grab, and it can easily pinch any human. In the body, various small Terminator robots can be ejected, and they are powerful guns.

Seeing the reaper at the moment, Shen has already used his spiritual exploration skills.

"C-400 Reaper Robot, Defensive Force 45, Armored Value 1500, Main Weapon System. 1:188 caliber heavy artillery, shell damage 350 points, shells 20 rounds. 2 special super alloy steel cable. Auxiliary attack system: 1 giant Shape cutting machine arm. 2 projectile saw blade. 3 built-in small terminator. Built-in terminator includes: motorcycle terminator eight, T600 terminator four, T650 terminator two, T700 terminator two, detection robot one. Science and technology evaluation C grade, use evaluation: regular level. Critical 1 heart energy crystallization. Features: repairable after damage. 60 points of critical armor."

After seeing this information, Shen Wei opened the handheld computer and recorded all the information. After sending it to his teammates, he handed it to Zhou Yiyu next to him.

After Zhou Yiyu glanced at it, he screamed: "This thing is much stronger than the reaper in the movie. C-class? So powerful, only C-class?"

"It is the evaluation of technology and actual combat, not the use evaluation. The technological content of this thing will not be too high, that is, the production cost is relatively large. The dual C status of TX can not be shaken, and it can control all the robots in the Terminator world, so it can only be wronged. A big guy is doing C-level... Its real strength should be much higher than the technology evaluation. It is estimated that it is also a special model that is difficult to get... but strange, how can it be a regular level. Since there is a regular level, there should be The main force and the elite level? Hell, what is more powerful than this thing in this mission world?" Shen Yan suddenly suddenly has some cold.

The C-level reaper is a regular level. What is the level of the finalist of the main and elite evaluation? According to this reasoning, isn't the second round to get TX? In the third round, I got Transformers? In the fourth round, I got a starship?

Is there a mistake in my own inference? Shen Yu realized that he might have missed something and didn't think of it.

At this moment, I watched the behemoth come to this side step by step, bringing out a dusty, big earthquake, shaking like a thousand horses, Zhou Yiyu also murmured. "The same is C, maybe you can consider redeeming this thing."

"It's too big, my space can't be installed temporarily, and most of the built-in terminators are redeemable. There is no built-in terminator. The price/performance ratio is at least a quarter down. Although the armor value is very high, it is not as good as T1000. The undead character, I still prefer the T1000."

In the face of this powerful and terrible reaper, the two men did not think how to escape at first time, but calculated that the reaper and the T1000 are better or worse. Some people look at the mountains just as mountains. Some people see the mountains, but they also see the endless treasures hidden in the mountains.

"When you guess the second round of chasing, will it be this stuff?" Zhou Yiyu's face showed bitter melon.

"It is very likely that the cannon fodder is not used, and it is normal to be sent to the court. It is normal for the **** city to give a heavy load to those who perform well."

Zhou Yiyu screamed: "Why, Laozi is not a party member. Is it not the processing capital that is outstanding?"

It’s very calm to sink into it: “It’s already added, the general-purpose energy crystallizes.”

"Yes, it's in your pocket now."

"It's better to remember the things in other people's pockets. If you kill the big guys, the rewards will not be low. Urban habits, the more difficult, the higher the reward." Shen Yu said slow-paced Taking the Linghuo out, Zhou Yiyu clenched the handlebars and, by the way, gave Xi Xiaofan a belt.

The two men took a look at this moment and suddenly laughed at the same time.

"Division of cooperation?" Zhou Yiyu asked.

"You are responsible for defense ~ ~ I am responsible for counterattack." Shen Xiao laughed.

"That `s a deal."

The next moment, the reaper who was striding in the distance suddenly stood, the fire on the shoulders of the muzzle flashed, and a heavy artillery had been beaten to sink them.

At the same time as the reapers in the distance fired, Shen Yi and Zhou Yiyu also acted at the same time.

Zhou Yiyu first stepped on the accelerator pedal, and the off-road vehicle suddenly accelerated. The direction was not to evade in the lateral direction. Instead, it rushed toward the reaper. At the same time that the reaper fired the gun, Zhou Yiyu suddenly cut the file and suddenly lowered the speed. I don't know how he operated. At that moment, the entire off-road vehicle turned upside down like a high-speed driving obstacle. The whole car turned to the front volley.

At the same time, a shell hit the back of the off-road vehicle, and huge waves of wind suddenly swept over, slamming into the bottom of the vacant off-road vehicle, and the whole car was pushed into the sky at once. It was a toy car that was blown up, but the people in the car were flawless.

While the car was tumbling in the air, the sinking in the car was also shot. A series of bullets and bullets flew into the air, beaten on the reaper's body and knocked out a large piece of fine Mars, but that The reaper was not affected at all. The normal damage ability of the Spirit Gun can't break the reaper's defense of 45 points, which can only cause a little damage. As for the flame damage, it can't exert the effect.

The off-road vehicle rolled down in the air. Just as it landed, it was a rapid change, and the car continued to rush forward as if it were spiritual. The reaper quickly lowered the muzzle and the heavy gun was once again aimed at the off-road vehicle.

At the same time that the second heavy artillery started, Zhou Yiyu slammed the steering wheel. The off-road vehicle made a beautiful drifting motion. After a few meters in the horizontal direction, it suddenly slammed toward the side. The second heavy gun again exploded behind it.

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