Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 17: Please stay in the road friends (on)

After all, Camela failed to run away.

At the height of a two-degree assassination of his own empire, Atkins was in a good mood. He patted his shoulders and said: "This time you have seized Camela, you have contributed!"

Shen Hao looked down at the heraldic tips and added another ten points.

It is reasonable to say that he did not make a lot of shots in this battle. He said that he had to deduct half of his contribution, but he promptly replied to Atkins and had the second aid. The contribution of the second rescue is lower than the first time, so the cumulative contribution is still given ten points.

This is also a limitation of the city, and it is not allowed to repeatedly save people's contribution - killing talent is the risk taker's job.

In addition to the ten points contribution, Atkins's goodwill to Shen Yan has risen by 50 points, and the degree of goodwill has reached 150, which is enough to open the summoning task.

However, the task of taking away a general is quite difficult. Considering that his strength is based on the technology of the Aaron Empire, the pay and return are somewhat disproportionate, so he is not interested in collecting him.

However, he was very interested in the hands that Atkins had just shown to kill Kamela, so he knew it and asked: "I pay attention to it, I don’t dare to take it, look at the strength of the general just now, and fly the card in one fell swoop. Mela, even if she didn’t come, the woman was afraid that she couldn’t kill the general.”

When he heard the indulgence, Atkins shook his head: "My deputy skill is limited, mainly based on the block fly, looks good, has limited lethality, really hard, I am not a card. Mela’s opponent."

It turned out to be the case, and Shen Shen understood it.

Although the gunner can learn the skills of the deputy, the deputy skills are much more restrictive than the general formal skills.

In addition to the inability to master the skills required for two hands, remote skills, group attack skills, and skills that can be applied to weapons, there is an additional limitation to the deputy skill that the damage must not be higher than other explosive skills.

For example, in the current explosive skills of Shen Yu, the lowest damage is heavy artillery, the damage is 300 points, then the deputy skill can not be higher than this value. As for the heavy artillery long-range attack, range attack, destroying the building and other special effects, the deputy skills are ignored. Anyway, it can't be higher than this damage value. Even if you learn the s-level skills, you will automatically deduct the extra part when you play out.

This makes the deputy skills limited to low-level skills, so he is not willing to waste points on the deputy hand skills that have limited lethality.

However, Atkins's use of deputy skills allowed Shen Wei to see a glimmer of light, and he found that the skills of the deputy could still be used.

Indeed, Atkins’s three-shot attack, the repelling effect is quite strong, and if you match the big power guns in your hand, it can really double the gunman’s combat power.

Perhaps this is the development direction of a melee gunman. The former Shen Yu has finally gone astray in this respect.

Not only that, repelling in the city itself is a very useful result.

As I said before, it is difficult for high-agile adventurers to use speed advantage to press against low-agile opponents. The reason is that the speed of movement is completely different from the speed of shots. Bolt runs faster and he is impossible. Using speed to suppress opponents can't beat themselves, at best, there is a priority to take the shot.

However, there is a way to fight against the opponent while maximizing the counterattack. It is to fight back - to give the opponent a repelling effect by giving priority to the opponent, so that the opponent can not counterattack himself.

The violent warrior is an expert in this area. The high force and high repelling make any risky person who thinks he has the advantage of speed should be carefully beaten into a gourd when facing the violent warrior.

I didn’t expect Atkins to play back, and the knockback effect was quite good.

If the violent warrior is achieved by its own strength and weapon characteristics, then Atkins's repelling effect is more obvious, which is the inevitable role of his deputy skills.

Thinking of this, the eyes of Shen Yan are bright.

"What? You want to learn?" Seeing the expression of sinking, Atkins asked with a smile.

Sinking in my heart, I immediately knew that the opportunity was coming.

Although he had designed some deputy skills before, Atkins's deputy skills were modified by the city's tempering and refining, which is obviously more mature than the indulgence of them. Therefore, Shen Yu immediately went to the end: "Thank you for the general. !"

He did not say that he wanted to learn. He said that he would like to thank him. It is obviously a matter of learning.

Atkins smiled and said: "I don't like to owe people. I saved you twice. I should pay off for you. But I taught you, I will not owe you anything. You can think clearly. Already?"

"Yes!" Shen Yu readily agreed.

The principle of fairness is not surprising.

Anyway, he has no use for good feelings. At best, he takes some tasks from Atkins.

He is not afraid of receiving the task, it is better to learn some skills.

The next **** coat of arms has been sounded with only the sound that can be heard by sinking:

"Atkins decided to teach your gunner skills."

"You can choose to study."

"1 shot technique: gathers energy shots, gathers energy to launch a powerful attack, and causes ploidy normal damage. This skill consumes 3 points of mental power and 20 seconds of basic cooling time. It can cause up to five times damage, and each double damage is increased. 3 points of mental power loss, increased 20 seconds of cooling time. This skill can not be upgraded, only can be applied to energy-type gun weapons."

“Learning this skill consumes 50 points and contributes 15 points.”

"2 Gun Technique: Quickly gather energy, greatly increase the firing rate of the energy gun, resulting in multiple rate of fire. This skill consumes 3 points of mental power and lasts for 100 seconds. It can cause up to five times the increase, and each damage is doubled. Increases mental power loss by 3 and reduces the duration of 20 sec. This ability cannot be upgraded and can only be applied to energy guns."

“Learning this skill consumes 50 points and contributes 15 points.”

"1 Progressive Strike: Atkins's deputy skill is the starting skill, quickly close to the opponent to create a 100% normal attack (the damage can be weakened), 60% of the normal attack has a chance of dodging, cooling time In one minute, mental energy consumes 2 points."

“Learning this skill consumes 20 points and contributes 5 points.”

"2 iron shoulder collision: Atkins deputy skill joint skills, using the shoulder to hit the target, the damage is one hundred and two percent of the strength value, the nature of the damage is normal, and the effect of repelling. The cooling time is one minute, Mental energy consumes 2 points."

“Learning this skill consumes 20 points and contributes 5 points.”

"3 rounds kick: Atkins deputy hand skills finish skills, use the legs to attack after jumping, causing twice the power damage to the target, and causing the fly-off effect, skill damage. Cooling time one minute, mental energy consumption 2 points. The attack can be interrupted when it jumps, causing the skill to reverse."

“Learning this skill consumes 20 points and contributes 5 points.”

Seeing the last finishing technique, Shen Yu is also very speechless.

No wonder it’s a finishing touch. The power of this skill is ok, but the chances of its skill being interrupted are too high. If it is not launched on the basis of the iron shoulder, it will not be of much use.

Atkins's three deputy skills are actually three combo skills. The only difference from the professional combo warrior is that it does not enjoy the combo bonus. The previous skills are only for the success rate of the latter skills.

But for Shen Wei, this is enough.

The five contribution points are five thousand **** points. Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to buy a decent deputy skill.

He does not use the energy gun now, so he will give up the two gun skills for the time being, but he is determined to win the three deputy skills.

"I study deputy skills." Shen Yu answered.



As the axe flashed, a thick white snake was broken into two pieces. The snake head rolled off the ground. After rolling over ten meters, it stopped at the foot of the gardener and flashed a box.

The gardener picked up the box and looked at the things inside: "A spirit snake body method, a Nedan... Zhou Da Ge, why do you only design Nedan to make rewards? Is there any other good thing?"

King Kong has not yet answered, Honglang has wiped the blood on the axe and said: "Because it is so simple. The world of unparalleled ss is hundreds, the demon is thousands, the rewards are different, the light design is very big!"

The gardener made a sweaty expression, which is too outrageous. I am also trying to design my own ability.

Or King Kong smiled: "It's a reason. Some things are simple, it's not easy to do it. The ability system can't meet the needs of the designers in the home world because of the need, so we can only come by ourselves, but Really, I found that designing hundreds of capabilities and equipment is actually a very big project. But the most important thing is that there is no need to design so many capabilities."

“No need?” the gardener asked with surprise.

"Yes, there is no need." Hong Lang strode over, and the big tree next to the gardener was a punch. The unbearable sound of the big tree crashed down.

Honglang pointed at the tree road: "Look at this tree, use a punch to pour it, use an axe to cut it down, use a skill to bang or fall... Attack is actually the simplest thing in the world, and it takes all your strength. It’s okay to knock it down! The so-called skills, no matter how strange, can’t be separated from this category.”

The gardener understands the meaning of Honglang: "You mean that the means of attack is not diversification. Anyway, it can cause damage. If the skill can be repeated, then the two same attack skills and two different attack skills, the damage caused. It's no different, right?"

"That's it!" King Kong laughed.

The variability of attack skills is only meaningful for the different defense systems, but far less. The most important reason for adventurers' pursuit of multi-skills, besides adapting to different forms, is the limitation of cooling time.

If there is no cooling limit, without using special circumstances, using ten shots in a row and using ten different attack skills in a row, the damage effect will not be much different.

In contrast, the defenses are different.

Attacks can be universal, and if defenses are universal, the effect will be greatly reduced. The same investment, raising attacks is much higher than raising defenses. If the defense is targeted, it can play a big role. For example, the bulletproof props are finished with armor-piercing bullets, but when the heavy machine gun hits the shuttle, the bullet-proof props are scrapped.

Because of this, when the adventurer's professional skills reach a certain level, there is no need to pursue more - if you can only attack the enemy about 10 times in a standard cooling time, it means you Only ten attack skills are needed, and more is waste.

In this case, the Broken Blade team does not need to design too many attack skills, as long as it can meet the standards of their own needs, the remaining rewards are pursued with versatility and accumulability.

Nedan is a very practical reward, available to everyone, and can be accumulated, so it has become the main reward means ~ ~ basically the fairy of the Xian Xia mainland decent will give Nedan after death At best, the length of cultivation is different, and the effect of internal Dan is different.

One of the main tasks of Honglang King Kong in Xianxia is to collect this monster Nedan.

At this time, Honglang has put away the inner body of Nedan and Naling: "This spirit is to be left to Zhao Linger, and it will not be given to you. Let's go. Let's go to Wanshan Canyon and play the willow tree. The guy is out of wood. Exercise, I will give you the time."

"Hong Da brother is very polite, I was originally coming to help, do not take the share." Gardener said.

"If this is the case, then don't give it, go back and sell the money." Hong Lang replied casually.

The gardener’s face was upset.

Look at him with a look, Hong Lang laughed: "Go, stinky, tease you."

He walked forward on the shoulder of the gardener, and he did not dare to look at the back of Shimumu.

At this moment, the sky suddenly came from afar, "Do you want to stay!"

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