Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 22: Cooperation

When he came out of prison, he saw that Atkins was already waiting for him. (, the novel is faster and better..)

"The color is not bad." Atkins asked: "Is it enough?"

"To be honest, in general." Shen Yan said with a regretful tone: "The time is too short, she is too dry."

Atkins was amazed. He turned and walked to the door. "You have made me downset. Man, I never thought you were a **** with such a bad habit."

Sinking down and looking at the coat of arms.

Rely on, a sentence directly drops ten points.

There are not many left, OK?

He walked up quickly and walked alongside Atkins: "I don't have this hobby, general, but there are always some women worthy of an exception... If it's not for her princess's identity and the role of Shadow Assassin, I I am willing to find one on the street. I chose her because I think it will make you happy."

Atkins stopped to look at the sinking: "Do you think I will like you to do that?"

"After all, she assassinated you twice, isn't it? This woman should get a lesson, but some things are noble. If you are not suitable, you need someone to handle it for you."

Atkins heard something in his words.

He replied cautiously: "I have enough people to solve problems for me with my friends."

"But not all the problems and troubles, the most important thing is that it also requires you to pay, but I am different..." Shen Yan confronted Atkins to answer.

Atkins’ eyes narrowed.

As a general, he has experienced countless storms and tests, of course he understands the meaning of Shen Yu.

In fact, I don't know how many people have made similar proposals like Shen Yu, but most of them have been rejected by Atkins.

Not because Atkins is incorruptible - the virtue of being honest is noble because it is rare.

It is because he is cautious—only a safe, undiscovered bribe is acceptable.

For a sum of money to be safe, you need to have at least two conditions.

One: from a credible person. Second: the "service" purchased by the other party should be within his authority as much as possible, and will not cause trouble.

Therefore, Atkins has always been very cautious in terms of money, which has made him a good name and a lack of financial resources.

From a practical point of view, the general who has the principle of collecting money is a good general.

Indulging in the already qualified qualifications of the former, in any case, is the person who saved his life twice, can be trusted.

The question is what he wants? What can you give?

After thinking about it, Atkins said: "It seems that you are ambitious, I can understand your mood... You got a chance, you don't want to miss this opportunity."

"Yes general."

"So how do you plan to take advantage of this opportunity?"

"It's such a general. You know that I just rented a factory a few days ago and are producing some standard equipment, which was originally intended to be sold to mercenaries. But you also know that this business is not good."

"It's really hard to do." Atkins nodded, and he was clear about Shen Yan's renting a factory. The rent at the Imperial Factory is too expensive. In fact, this thing is used by people who think they can make a fortune in business. If the weapons produced by those factories cannot sell for a good price, the people who rent the factories will not know the home.

"But I still rent it, not only that, but I also plan to expand the scale of the business."

"What?" Atkins was amazed and thought about him: "If you need me to help you lower the rent..."

"No, no! General Atkins, I don't have that meaning." Shen Yan said quickly.

What kind of joke, even if Atkins came forward, how much rent can he help him? What he wants is not this.

Shen Yu has quickly said: "In fact, I hope that you can invest. I intend to set up two companies, an equipment manufacturing company and a security company as soon as possible. I am willing to pay you 20% of the shares, of course... The price will be very cheap."

"I have no interest." Atkins turned and left: "I don't think your company has any future."

It is not bad to have a factory with a high price to rent.

Sinking and catching up: "This is true under normal circumstances, but what if the war happened?"

"What are you talking about?" Atkins stopped again and looked at the sinking in shock.

Indulge in the ear of Atkins and whispered a few words.

At the next moment, Atkins' face changed a lot, and he continued to step back a few steps: "This is impossible!"

"In fact, it is happening, the general." Shen Qian step by step: "Taiyi real people will soon enter the city."

"He can't do it..."

"He can do it, general, this is an empire, as long as the emperor nods his head!" He is like a rebirth, no one knows more about the rhythm of history than he does, not only that, he even Decide on history: "The war mobilization order will be released at a speed that is beyond your imagination and will be launched within three days."

“Without three months of preparation, the state cannot...”

"The empire has been preparing for the war and is ready to go to war, general. You should be clearer than me!"

Atkins took a long breath.

He stared at the sinking look: "Are you sure that what you said is true?"

He smiled and he walked a few steps forward.

This time Atkins followed up.

Sinking and leisurely said: "General, the stock is there, you don't want to have it or not, but I suggest that you prepare now. Your war mobilization order will not be released soon, if you can do it before then Respond in know how good it is for you, right?"

Atkins’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye.

He knows too much about what it means.

"But if you are wrong..."

"Then you won't lose anything, don't you? General." Shen Yan laughed.

Atkins was originally a military hawk, and his war remarks were simply normal.

Only this time, the effect of this speech will be different.

To understand this, Atkins nodded: "I am going to prepare for a press conference. If you are right... Shen, I don't need your shares, but I need some help from you in other areas. ""

"If it is a security company, there is no problem!" Shen Yan put his right hand on his chest and looked at Atkins.

Sure enough, a smart young man, Atkins thought.

Although only a few days of contact, Atkins has really felt that he is very indulgent.

This feeling is not the result of indulging in the spirit of the king, but from the contact in a few days.

A young man who had nothing to do before entering the city had become an arms dealer in just a few days.

What better than this?

This has made Atkins interested and confident in the upcoming security company.

A better bribe than money is military merit!

"I need to see their fighting power," Atkins said.

"Then you need to arrange for me some advanced tasks that my current reputation can't take, such as s-class, how?" Shen Yu answered.

"S grade?" Atkins looked at him with horror: "It seems that you are confident in the troops you are about to form."

"Beyond your imagination."

"So... I agree."

In this way, without any cost, Shen Yu got a free right to pick any advanced task.

It is worth noting that when Atkins left, Shen Hao saw that the favor with Atkins had risen again.

"Sure enough, it's a real guy... but I just like to deal with real people."

Stop a car and sink into the car.

"City Hall," he said.

Before the release of the mobilization order, all the factories that can rent are rented out, the stocks that can be bought are bought, and the tasks that can be taken are all next – no residue.


"What are you talking about?" The receptionist was shocked to see the gentleness.

Sitting in the gentle opposite the receptionist tilted the body forward, this action let the receptionist instinctively retreat.

Gentle can only hook the finger impatiently, let her close to herself: "I need you to tell your president Maxus adults two things. One: Princess Carmela was arrested for the assassination failed. Two: Tianlu Dynasty and The Arendt Empire is about to join forces to attack the kingdom. Do you understand?"

She is not worried that someone will grab her intelligence to take the plunge.

The big thing like this is that you must confirm the source of the message and ask the event to pass, to judge its reliability.

The receptionist stared at the gentleness: "This is impossible... the true God is on, this is impossible!"

Her performance made me very unhappy.

"You are not qualified to make a judgment, Miss Eva, please inform the president of the news immediately, I am here to wait for him!"

"Ah... Ok, okay!" The receptionist hurried away and entered the Yusen yard from the rear passage.

Gentleness waited so leisurely, surrounded by a group of mercenaries who also heard the news stunned.

Not long after, a gray-haired but spirited old man appeared at the entrance of the passage, followed by four people behind him.

An upper-body red/naked anti-axe big man, a handsome blond man with a red armor in his body, and a lion-winged eagle coat on his armor.

An old man with a white cap and a white robe and a man with a full body cover in the shadows, black cloth covering the face of the man.

There was a buzzing sound around.

"It is President Maxus, he really came."

"The one next to it should be the beast Zakubi."

If it is not an accident to say that President Maxus and the beast of the mercenary king Zakubi are here, the other three people are not surprised.

"Oh my god, that is...that is Prince Apollo, the head of the Royal Guards, will they also appear here?"

"And the Grand Prince of the Clapton, the true God is on, why do you even come to the Red Robe?"

"Who is the person who can't see the face?"

"Shut up, you stupid, you know that it is a senior figure in the dark hall, don't ask who they are, only the dead people know their identity!"

Even the fool realized at this time that the gentle news was not just a hole in the wind.

The white-haired old man has come to the gentle side. He looks at the gentleness and waved his hand: "The other people left here, everything they just heard is not allowed to pass out. Otherwise, they will understand it?"

In terms of power, Maxis did not execute anyone's power, but a group of mercenaries still scared and nodded quickly, and ran out of the guild hall, leaving only a few gentlemen.

Frightened a group of people without waiting, the president of Maxis is about to talk, the blonde Apollo prince has taken the first step to ask gentle: "Is that you gave Camera arrested news?"

"It's me, His Royal Highness, Prince." Gentlely stood up and did not humble and answer.

“Source?” The prince is concise.

"I have someone in the center city."

"What about the evidence?"

"Your arrival is evidence... How long has the dark hall not contacted the Princess of the Princess? Or has it got more accurate news?"

Prince Apollo’s face changed immediately. He looked at the man in the black robe around him. The man just kept his head low and silent.

That's right, if it's not because they have lost contact with Carmel for a while, how can they be alarmed by such a gossip.

It is because I know that the news is not a hole in the air, Apollo will appear here.

At this time, the head of the Croupton, who had a high hat and held a holy book, suddenly said, "So what is the news about the Tianlu Dynasty and the Arendt Empire?"

"Tianlu Guoshi Taiyi real person personally went to the Arendt Empire to meet with the emperor and invited the two countries to attack China together."


"There is no evidence, anyway, it will take a long time, you will get the I just say hello in advance."

The image of the beast that is quite similar to Augusta, Zakubi stepped forward, and the ground stone was broken: "Without evidence, your message will have no value, you are wasting our time!"

Gentle little mouth: "Who said that I came to sell intelligence?"

"Well?" Zakubi glimpsed.

Gentle has answered leisurely: "I came to apply for the task."

"Task? What mission?" Zakubi is puzzled.

"Of course it is the task of saving Princess Carmela." Gentle smile: "In three days, I will be able to save her... so you better be kind to me."

Everyone was scared by this at the same time.

"You can't do it, no one can do it!" Zakubi yelled.

The more you smile, the more happy you are: "Are you reminding me of a good price? The king of mercenaries."

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