Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 26: Ecstasy demon (below)

Entering the gate of the seal, there is a wide stone corridor in front of it, here is the organ gallery on the second floor of the laboratory. .

Shen Qiang carried his hands and walked in front of him, and Zhao Linger held the bottle with the demon behind.

The demon struggled in the bottle, stretched for a while, shortened for a while, like a dough for a group of activities, but no matter how hard he could not break the bottle, he could only keep shouting: "Don’t go any further, this is Go to the promenade, let me go, I tell you how to pass here!"

"Oh, is it?" Shen Yan said casually: "Then I am careful."

He used his fingertips to click on a golden floor in front of him, but he did not move forward. He only heard the flash of the brush. The walls on both sides had shot hundreds of flying needles, and the face was flying over and hit the wall. A jingle is crisp.

Sinking to see the flying needle, made a sweating action: "It's a little dangerous, thank you for your reminder."

The demon obviously stayed: "Oh oh... well, count your luck, but you can escape the first time to escape the second time, let me go, and there are more terrible traps behind."

"Is it? Then I have to see and see." Shen Xiao smiled.

He has a heart to play the demon, so it does not explain.

"You will pay the price of life!" The demon screams, of course, it does not care about sinking, but if it is finished, it will not end well.

"An Anan, I will be careful." Shen Yan waved his hand, he was stepping on a green floor, and the ground brush squirted a large piece of venom.

Indulge in a volley to escape the venom, the liquid spilled on the floor, corroding the brick into a pit.

Sinked: "It's amazing."

"This is just the beginning!" Demon pointed: "You can't go even if you are fifty meters!"

With its cry, the wall next to it suddenly opened, and a huge mechanical guard suddenly appeared, and it was a spear to the sinking.

Shen Yan flashed a step to the left, only to hear a click, the floor suddenly risked, has revealed a bottomless black hole. Fortunately, Shen Shen has borrowed to fly, just as he jumped, the mechanical guard has thrown the steel spear against Shen Shen, and he sneaked away in the volley. He was stepping on the side with a lightning pattern. on the floor.

Just listening to the bang, a flash of lightning has appeared from the ceiling, is playing in the sinking place.

Fortunately, Shen Hao timely flashed a body, escaped the thunder and lightning, while kicking the mechanical guard. The mechanical guards rolled out and saw a series of flames flashing over and over, and I didn’t know how many traps were triggered.

Shen Hao issued a "啧啧" exclamation: "It is really amazing."

His admiration is actually a kind of self-proclaimed "how great my work is," but in the eyes of the demon, it is understood as a fear of death.

"This is awesome?" So the devil dismissed: "This is just the beginning. You just encountered a small chain trap, followed by a slow-start trap, a post-trap, a Dalian ring trap. Let me let go. I can teach you how to go, this is your last chance! The designer of this corridor is a very sinister and deceitful guy, you can't escape all the organs!"

Looking at the demon in a different place.

His astonished expression was mistakenly thought to be a shock to the organs behind him. He was smug: "Do you know horror now?"

"...I was just surprised that you are a monster of so many words." Shen Xiao laughed.

The demon is not indulging the monsters they designed. To be precise, considering the possible modifications of the city, on some important goals, the unparalleled world does not design monsters by itself, but uses the monsters in the existing system of the city. It can be ensured that no major errors will occur due to corrections.

The demon is a part of the plan that cannot be mistaken.

This kind of monster is a kind of wild animal. It mainly occupies the target through the way of soul invasion. In the process of invasion, it will secrete a special liquid, soul liquid, to corrode and affect the target soul. Therefore, the true value of the demon It is not in its ability to occupy, but in the soul fluid it secretes.

Soul Liquid is an important material used to make some top-level pharmacy and special remedies. It can only be obtained from the demon, but it is a demon-like temperament, good at concealing, extremely difficult to capture, and difficult to conquer.

In the wilderness, you will never know which monsters are hidden in the monsters. A large number of monsters make them have countless shelters. They often escape before the host dies. No one can be sure where they are. I missed this monster in a battle.

For this reason, Shen Yu deliberately put this hard-to-find monster on the martyrdom of the first ring of the maze. With a clear goal, it is much easier to catch this guy.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that this little thing would be so arrogant, and the performance would be so humanized.

The demon is obviously irritated by the indulgent answer: "What strange things I can talk about? I have occupied the human body for so long, I have influenced their minds and learned their thinking!"

"This is the case, I understand." Shen Yan nodded.

"This is not a problem you should care about, be careful behind!" The demon suddenly yelled.

Shen Yu Meng side, a giant wood has swept his body and flew over.

"Oh, hey, what am I saying, I saved your life!" The demon yelled in the bottle.

"Then I should say thank you." Shen Yan stepped back and was stepping on a piece of cyan stone. He has the heart to tease this little guy, standing and not leaving, the eager jumper yelling: "Flash off, flash off!"

Sinking is a bow: "Hey, the shoelaces are open."

He knelt down and tied his shoes.


A half-moon shape has been shot from the wall, with a snowy knife passing over the sinking back, hitting the opposite wall.

This cyan slate is a slow-starting trap. It doesn't touch the organ when it is standing on the slate. If anyone thinks it is safe, stand on it and carefully try to test the trap in front, then the next moment will come from A deadly attack around you.

Sinking tied the laces, looked up and looked confused. "What happened?"

That enchanting face: "Your luck is so good!"

Zhao Linger snickered with a small mouth.

The demon seems very unwilling: "You are just lucky, you will be hit by the blood of the morning and evening, then you will know to ask me!"

These organs look ordinary, but they are quite powerful. Most of them have the property of ignoring defensiveness, some have the property of destroying the defensive hood, and a small part is deadly poisonous. Basically, no adventurer can sustain more than three times. hurt.

The only downside is that as long as you don't trigger it, there won't be anything.

The organ gallery is not a stone brick under the organs, but also has a safe zone, but the "lucky" of the sinking is obviously not very good. Even every step is in the organs, but at the same time "good luck" is good, always able Cleverly and skillfully escaped the trap, so that the demon did not believe that Shen Yu can live to the end.

Shen Xiao smiled and said: "Yes? In this case, how about we bet?"

The demon screamed: "What gambling!"

Shen Yu replied: "If I walked through this corridor, then you will give me more soul fluid. If you can't walk, I will let you go, how?"

The demon stayed alone.

The soul liquid secreted by the demon is not unlimited.

In fact, they are like spiders, and they need to take back the released liquid and use it.

However, this is not an absolute situation. When the soul fluid secreted by the demon is lost for some reason, they can be regenerated if they are given some medicine.

But for the demon, this kind of drug slave is absolutely uncomfortable, and they would rather not commit suicide.

So even if the adventurer catches the demon, there is usually only one chance to get the soul fluid. As for taking the soul liquid is killing is to let go, it depends on the mood of the adventurer.

The indulging words made the devil stupid, and after a while it cried: "Oh no, no, I am willing to die..."

Shen Yu has interrupted it: "If you win, you will be free, and regardless of whether you win or lose, I will let you be free after taking the soul."

The demon looked at it, and the body swelled for a while, and finally cried: "Okay, but you have to talk."

"If you swear by the soul, I can let you out first."

"Well, swear with my soul... you really know us." The demon is helpless.

"Of course." Shen Yu hit a ring, Zhao Linger will release the demon.

The little guy got the freedom, but he didn't run because of the soul gambling, and he fell on Zhao Linger's shoulder.

Shen Yu took a step back, then his left hand stretched out, only to hear a bang, a black iron pipe had protruded from the wall, but it just reached the sinking hand.

The sinking was pinched, the iron pipe was pinched by him, the flame could not be sprayed, and the right side was a flying needle, but because the sinking did not evade, the flying needle directly shot, followed by I only heard a loud bang, and the entire corridor was full of electric light flames, which actually inspired seven or eight traps at the same time.

He was standing on the side of the iron pipe that he was holding, and there were countless traps that wiped him over, so no one hit it.

Finally, a piece of optical network in the Resident Evil is shot from a distance.

Shen Hao stepped back a few steps, and he slammed it. The steel plate formed by t1000 was blocked in front of him. The laser cut the t1000 into countless pieces and flew to the sinking side to stop and disappear.

The demon looked stunned: "This... how is this possible? How is it possible?"

These organs were originally a large-scale chain trap. Starting from the first flame jet, they forced the intruder to enter the dead end. In the end, it was inevitable under the cover of the optical network. I did not expect to sink this easily. Bureau.

At this moment, a series of organs were exhausted, and it was already a smooth road.

The demon is still not dying, continue to yell: "You will die, you will die!"

Shen Yili ignored it and suddenly turned around and fired three shots behind him.

At this time, just behind him, the floor jumped out of three self-destructing ghosts.

Three bullets were hitting the self-explosive core of the three ghosts. The three ghosts couldn't do it even if they were close to Shen Yu.

This is a late-style trap. When the intruder walks through the slate that he thinks is safe, the three self-destructing ghosts will launch a sudden attack from behind. The destructive ghost's lethality is equal to their vitality, a self-destructive ghost. The vitality is 1200 points, which means that the three self-destructive ghosts are enough to kill any unsuspecting adventurer under sudden attack.

The self-destructive trap that was placed on the high hopes by the demon did not succeed, and the demon was completely dumbfounded.

At this time, it finally came to understand and shouted: "You lied to me, you lied to me! You already know everything here, right?"

Sinking spreader: "I didn't say I didn't understand."

"I got yours on!" The poor demon took the pain.

"Okay, okay!" Shen Yan smiled at the demon: "In this case, I will give you another chance, OK?"

The demon immediately looked at Shen Yu: "What opportunity?"

Sinking refers to the front corridor: "There are two hundred and fifty meters. I bet I can get all the organs in ten seconds. The bet is the same as before. How about?"

"This is impossible! Even Barber can't do it!" The demon got the scar and forgot the pain. He jumped again: "I gamble with you! I swear by my soul. If you do, I will give you more." One soul fluid, but if you don't do it, you have to lose it just once, and you have to let me go after taking the soul fluid!"

"Complete, I like your refreshment." Shen Xiao laughed.

He slammed his fist and was hitting the wall next to him. Under the blow, the wall brick had a big hole.

There is also a gleaming strange object in the cave, and countless pipes are connected to it, leading to all directions.

"This is..." The demon was stunned.

It suddenly has a bad feeling that the human being in front of us seems to know more about it.

No, not just more than it, even the Barbers may not know that there is such a thing here?

Shen Yu has smiled and said: "This thing is called the Eternal Heart. It is an energy supply device that can provide power for the hood. Of course, it can also provide power support for some organ traps. In fact, I designed the purpose of this corridor. The main reason is to have more ways to get it... Of course, this part is not publicly available."

As he said, he took it out and took the piece of eternal heart out.

Along with the series of loud noises in the corridors of the institutions, all the organs in the corridors failed at the same time.

The demon looked at the sinking: ""

"Yes." Shen Yan answered very seriously: "I am the sinister designer you said."

"No, you are a big liar!" cried out in anger and anger.

Zhao Linger chuckled the face of the little demon: "Poor little things, maybe you will be the first demon to be juiced three times in the history of the city."

On the contrary, he is immersed in his chin and says: "Hey, use the familiarity of the mission world, and bet some self-righteous guys... I didn't think about this? This is a good way to make money!"

Can't take advantage of the familiarity of the world of missions, does not mean that you can't bet on adventurers or gambling!

This is free content!

Thinking of this, Shen Yu’s heart suddenly became clear and he decided to look back and see what opportunities are available.

Anyway, there is nothing in the world, that is, there is no shortage of gamblers.

However, this kind of thing depends on the chance, who can't catch anyone, and who is gambling, and he has to be busy with the task, it is not suitable for the world to find Kaizi.

It is better to hand over to the people below, and the pits are not as good as the pits.

The indulging eyes suddenly illuminate the second legion. Isn’t the batch of goods a natural gambler and pit expert? This kind of thing makes them use the right The only thing to worry about is whether there will be too many people and too many people to offend.

Hey, what about offending? Can not chase the mission world.

Besides, isn’t it just for people to hang?

Ps: I finally called.

I received a phone call from Mars at noon to know that the feelings of pk day is tomorrow, I am always confused.

So I am sorry that it can’t break out today, and it will break out at 12 noon tomorrow.

By the way, the power outage mood.

I originally wanted to go to the Internet cafe. Suddenly I thought that I would use this opportunity to live the day without a computer, even if it was only a daytime.

Take a walk, exercise your body, take a bath, have a massage, take a nap, pick up your daughter to eat...

Life without a computer is very good.

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