Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 29: Variety

On the second floor of the lab, the mad gunshots were loud. Www.}dyzww.}网}m}

The soldiers of the Second Legion and the Terminators, along with a neat team, began sweeping all the monsters that dared to appear in front of them.

A huge mechanical guard has just appeared, dozens of guns have been aiming at it at the same time, and a large gun fire has rushed over. The unfortunate guards even slammed back in the future and swayed down.

Several armored beasts roared from the side.

Phillips shouted at the muzzle: "This side!"

Another piece of rain rained over.

"Let these animals see and see us!" A soldier of the Second Legion suddenly rushed forward, took a cloud bomb from the mech and threw it forward, then lay down and kneel down.

Just listening to a loud bang, a few monsters just rushed over have been blown up in the air.

"Go forward!" Phillips shouted, and the troops had rushed past the tide and quickly occupied a new location.

They are rushing faster than those who are terminators.

"The front is the organ corridor!" Blue Rose called.

"Shamir, detonating the agency, playing the channel!" Phillips shouted at the cloister.

The second level is mainly dominated by organs and a large number of guards, and the promenade that Shen has walked through is just one of them.

In addition to the most difficult to walk through the hall corridor, the c-level eternal heart is placed. There are 18 chance corridors on the second floor. Each corridor has a d-class eternal heart to provide energy.

This is also one of the main means for the Broken Blade to gain an eternal heart. If there is no regional limit, Shen Yu can even turn this into a super labyrinth with thousands of organ corridors.

Since the Eternal Heart is a non-productive technology product that can only be obtained through income, the Broken Blade team has designed an energy-driven content in every copy of the world, and the organ gallery is just one of them.

This is not to say that the Eternal Heart cannot virtualize a production line, but that the Broken Blade team does not want this kind of thing to be realized through production from the beginning - the Great Universe Plan has hollowed out almost all of their investment capabilities, The importance of the eternal heart, even if it can be produced, the investment in equipment needed will not be lower than the plan of the universe.

Give it the ability to produce, the blade team can not enjoy the benefits of production, it will only reduce the actual value of the eternal heart or increase the difficulty.

For all the cutting-edge teams that consider the maximization of benefits, it is natural to cut off all the extra effects that can be cut off.

Shamir Longa has thrown a round mechanical roulette against the promenade, and the roulette has passed all the way, igniting countless organs.

The next moment Shamilong b has been along the road of the mechanical wheel, came to a marked point, holding a rocket launcher against the wall, bombing a large piece of masonry, and pulling out an eternal heart from the hollow.

"Get it, the agency is released!"

"Be careful!" Shamir Long suddenly turned around and was a shot at Shamir b. B slammed into the ground, and a poacher suddenly appeared in the back.

Then Lan Mei's cannon gun has been hit on it, a string of fierce fire hit the guy can not climb.

"You go to the left, Byrne, a few of you come with me, go to the right!" Phillips cried.

“What are you going to the right?” Lan Mei asked. “Our mission is to clean up all the nine corridors on the left.”

Phillips replied loudly: "Of course, to grab the turtle son who will only airborne, we have to take more than them."

Blue Rose rolled his eyes: "You are in chaos, strong!"

"I don't care, I want to tell them that Laozi is better than them, come with me!" Phillips rushed to the right.

"Strong!" Lan Mei shouted.

"Let them go." Michelle has stopped her.

He looked at the back of Phillips and muttered: "They have their own dignity and have their own way of fighting... The sergeant once said that because of human conditions, maybe this is the combat style of the Second Legion. If it comes from Internal competition allows them to fight hard, and competition is not necessarily impossible."

"You are not going to let them learn the second airborne camp?" Lan Mei asked Michelle.

Michelle replied leisurely: "The discipline is useful, but it is only a means, not an end."

The troops led by Phillips are arrogant all the way, they are almost crazy, and tirelessly launched the charge.

When it comes to the number of people, they are actually more than Frost and others. Even if they have the help of Zhou Yiyu and Chu Sheng, they are actually much worse than Phillips in firepower.

When this unit is brave and violently attacked, their combat efficiency has increased many times more than before.

One monster after another rushed out, trying to kill these intruders, but waiting for them only the ruthless artillery.

The soldiers cooperated with the Terminator to push the way all the way, and quickly took one pass after another.

On the right side, Frost, Arias and others also led by Zhou Yiyu and Chu Sheng to clear the right cloister.

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"Hey, you listen, there is a lot of fun there." Lyle suddenly said.

"Yes, I heard it." Frost faintly said: "Don't worry about them, we hit us."

With both hands pushing forward, the storm started, and a group of rushing monsters had already been taken by him, and the remaining monsters were broken under the attack of the soldiers.

They marched in an orderly manner. When the sixth corridor was opened, everyone suddenly found that there were a group of people in front of Phillips, Bairnstadt, Shamir.

"You..." Frost snorted.

"Oh, look at your side is too slow, come over and help, don't say thank you." Phillips said proudly.

"We didn't intend to thank you." Feixi muttered.

"What a damn, these guys took medicine, suddenly became so fierce." Dabinit also muttered.

Although there are fewer people on the side of the airborne troops, there are two adventurers and four Transformers to help.

"Don't ignore them." Frost snorted and continued on.

"Hey, if there is a need to help, shout!" Bynstadt waved.

Evans turned back to compare the middle finger, and a group of soldiers of the Second Legion simultaneously gave off a laugh.

At this time, Michelle had already cleaned up the left side and came over. Seeing this scene, Michelle shook his head and laughed.

He picked up the talker: "The second floor is cleaned up, sir."

"Yes? It's much faster than I thought, how is the casualty?" Shen Yan was surprised.

"The four were slightly injured, one was seriously injured and there was no death."

"Good, I am waiting for you at the third floor entrance."

At this time, Shen Yu has entered the entrance of the third floor on the second floor. Under his feet is the guardian wave ss of the second layer of the dead zone - the lord of the undead.

It’s useless to kill it and even the Holy Light.

This guy is very stingy, only gave a one-time undead talisman. After use, he can call out six scorpion soldiers and six scorpion shooters to help fight. It is the same as Warcraft, but the combat power is much stronger. It is a small elite level. For the insufficiency of enough people, this thing only has the value of selling.

However, Shen Yan vaguely has a feeling: "The second level of the wave ss only gave such a broken, the first level of the wave ss gave the rock armor, the gap between the two is too big?"

"What do you want to say? Boss." Zhou Yiyu asked.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu replied: "Hong Lang told me that during this time, the senior demons they killed in Xianxia mainland had almost two rewards. In addition, they gently cleaned up the dark maze and the ash canyon, and the proceeds were also Less than expected, although there is no big problem in the overall situation, the reward seems to have been at the lowest level."

“Do you think the city has reduced our rewards for rewards? Just because this is our homemade world?”

"I thought about it the same way, but just now, Michelle got the rock armor and overturned my thoughts... It looks like our soldiers are more explosive than our own."

"Do you think there is anything in the middle?"

"Maybe... I have a feeling that the lower the strength, the higher the rate of return?" Shen Yu said hesitantly.

Zhou Yiyu frowned. "I have never heard of the city having this rule."

All along, **** cities have pursued a fixed reward model, whether you are a hit or a spike, it is a lot of hardships, and anyway, what rewards are given.

But this time, Shen Wei feels that things may have changed.

"I didn't mean that I didn't have it before. You forgot that the city is also making progress. There is no city before."

"But..." Zhou Yiyu also wants to say that the Supreme Council is not controlled by humans. Can't change the rules? Shen Yu has directly interrupted: "Don't mention that."

Zhou Yiyu realized that he almost said that he was leaking.

Shen Yu has said: "You may not be able to rebuild the warship, but at least add light transmission to your warship."

Zhou Yiyu understood.

He whispered, "Do you think this is for us?"

His whispering is actually meaningless.

"I don't know, it may or may not be, but it doesn't matter, as long as there is no problem in the general direction."

So far, all the benefits have been reduced, but they are still in the floating area, which shows that this change is not too big.

As far as Shen Yan seems concerned, it should be the Supreme Council that has made some adjustments to the rules. It is very likely that high-risk adventurers will reduce their profits accordingly.

However, in order not to resist the enterprising spirit of the adventurer, the reduction of this income is still within the original planning scope and will not be completely cancelled.

For example, before the adventurer gains from 1 to 4, then when the adventurer is too strong, may become 1-2 float.

But things always have advantages and disadvantages.

Just because the benefits of strong-powered adventurers are weakened, people like Michelle and Phillips are likely to raise the rewards accordingly. Maybe they play monsters and become 3-4 floats.

This may be why they get the rock armor skills.

If this is the case, then consider in the future battles, try to let Michelle fight, and they are responsible for arbitrage, using some less harmful attacks.

If the low attack still doesn't work, you can take a visit to the meat shield and absorb the damage for the soldiers. If you don’t fight back, you can’t deduct rewards.

If this doesn't work, there is hell. Even if it is lost here, the impact of **** can be doubled back!

In short, as long as you find the basics of the rules, you will find something useful.

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