Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 33: Rolling

Shen Yu did not use the hammer of forging to immediately smash weapons. Www.}dyzww.}网}m}

The reason is that there are not so many low-level identification weapons that can be used for forging in the present, and the second is because the level of forging specialization is not high enough.

The property that the forged hammer can lift depends directly on the level of the forging specialization. To maximize its utility, you have to improve it.

However, this issue is not in a hurry - they have already set up enough forging specialization lifting reels in other copies, and related lifting weapons.

Therefore, after withdrawing from the laboratory, Shen Yu told General Atkins that he would continue to clean up other mission objectives.

Atkins had no interest in this. He said: "I have already seen the combat effectiveness of your soldiers. You must admit that they are indeed a group of outstanding soldiers, especially your two partners. It seems that the strength is also Not weak."

His eyes stayed on Zhou Yiyu and Chu Sheng for a while before continuing. "So you don't have to confirm it anymore. I think our cooperation can be carried out. Oh, right, just got the news, Taiyi real people have entered the city. You are right, the war is about to begin."

"I am not surprised at this." Shen Yan smiled: "But the cooperation has been confirmed, the tasks I have to complete have to be completed... bad luck, no new material technology, I have to pay elsewhere. Fishing back."

“Is it?” Atkins looked at the playful look: “Maybe it’s not bad luck.”

"Oh... maybe not." Sinking and smiling.

Atkins is obviously not a good deceiver. He not only guessed that Shen Shen may have hidden the information, but may even rise from Zhou Yiyu Chu, and he has some doubts about his own strength.

But what does it matter?

The high-ranking officials who can survive in this insulting place in the officialdom have understood the most basic truth, that is, do not try to use traditional morality to bind the people around them.

Deception is not important in itself. What matters is the purpose of deception and whether it is harmful to yourself.

Indulging may have deceived him, but his purpose is only to give himself benefits, not to harm Atkins, then Atkins does not need to care about it - if you can choose, Atkins would like to have one A self-helpful helper will not want a helpless helper. The former you know what he wants, the latter you don't know what he is thinking.

If this self-help helper has a strong ability at the same time, it would be better, because that means easy to use and easy to control.

This is the philosophy of the officialdom.

Therefore, whether it is Atkins or any other high-ranking official standing in front of Shen, as long as his mind is still normal, he will not care about the deceitful deception. Of course, through the necessary hints, let the other party understand that he is not so good. It helps to establish your own authority.

"So, good luck." Atkins smiled and reached out to Shen.

Shen Yu and he regained a moment: "Then we will not delay the time, general, we have too many things to be busy."

"It's right, busy days are coming." Atkins retracted his hand and made a goodbye gesture to Shen.

Atkins left, and Shen Jin still stayed here.

Chu Sheng came over and asked: "Where are we going?"

Sinking shoulders: "East, Lake Atari."

"Go there? There is a place where the beasts gather." Lake Atalie is an important source of water on the Death Plains, and a large number of monsters come here to drink water every day.

The degree of danger there is no worse than the wilderness.

"Yeah, go to Atari Lake, we have a monster revenge mission, a hide collection mission, and a material collection mission, just go there and solve it."

"But there are too many kinds of monsters, the number is uncertain, the risk is unpredictable, and it is not necessary to go to Atari Lake to complete the task?"

"Isn't that better? I am trying to find a place to try a gun." Sinking the gun of the soul in his hand: "The new material, test the performance."

"Crap." Chu Sheng finally understood: "You are looking for a place to enjoy."

It is like a child who gets a new toy can't wait to show off, and Shen Yan also has the impulse to experience the power of a soul gun.

There is no better place than Lake Atari.

All the way to the east, the ridiculous plains gradually saw the vitality. Some grasses are barely drilling out of the ground, bringing green to the earth, and small patches of bushes scattered throughout the plains.

They extended all the way to the east, and gradually grew, finally forming a green sky.

In the distance, the tall red maple forest forms a fiery red community. When the wind blows, it will sway like a rising flame.

Some of the wild deer are running on the plains, trying to catch up with the deer in front.

A few red-eyed leopards swam around the deer, and their eyes occasionally fell on the adventurer's body and quickly left.

Going forward, the plains become more heated, and the beasts that roar around can be seen everywhere. Occasionally, you can see some wandering souls. Here is the paradise of the beasts. The souls can’t make a climate here, and one will accidentally become The delicious food of the soul-eater.

At the time of a white line on the day, Atari Lake finally arrived.

A group of half-humans are drinking water by the lake. They are a strong population in the area of ​​Atari. Apart from a few powerful groups such as the three-footed dragon and the rock giant, there is not much life to compete with them here.

They are no different from the half-humans in Warcraft, but they are even stronger.

They were also one of the tasks enacted by the Central City. The only son of a big businessman died in the hands of these centaur robbers, who gave a revenge mission. Whoever can kill enough centaur can get enough rewards from him. If he can kill the Centaur, he will give himself half of his family.

Destroy the family, sinking is not wanting. The Centaur is not the only tribe. They are scattered too wide, fast, and fertile.

However, if you kill a batch, you can still consider some compensation.

A tall, centaur with a golden trident in his hand is alert.

If you only look at the upper part of his muscular muscles, then this is still a very attractive man.

The half-human who was in charge of the alert clearly saw the arrival of their team. He whistled at the rear, and all the centaules who were drinking water looked up.

Some female centaurs directly raised the bows in their hands, but only a few old half-humans with their staff were still calm.

The car stopped at a distance of 800 meters from the Centaur.

Shen Yan said: "It's here, I didn't let you do it, you don't want to do it."

Then he took out the gun of the soul and placed his left hand on the gun: "Preset: high-speed gun, quality artifact level, maximum range. Muzzle kinetic energy bonus 25, range of 800 meters, normal attack nature, maximum rate of fire. Skills Corrected to the accumulator gun...shows the adjustment properties."

"Adjust the attributes: the kinetic energy of the muzzle is 25, the range is 800 meters, and the rate of fire is 40 rounds per second."

"Bring your own skill accumulator: After launching the skill, you can attach your own strength to the bullet. The number of action can be 45, the effective distance is 200 meters, the mental energy is consumed 8, and the cooling time is five minutes. Is it confirmed?"

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"Request to fix as a time-limited skill."

“Adjusting to a time-limited skill requires lowering the attribute and paying extra points.”

"Accept lower."

"Skill adjustment: After launching the skill, the bullet is attached with 15% of the user's own strength for 40 seconds, the effective distance is 200 meters, the mental energy is 15 points, and the cooling time is five minutes. The gun firing rate is reduced to 32. Send / second, is it confirmed?"

“Request to increase mental energy consumption and cooling time, maximizing the power of the stack.”

"Skill adjustment, additional strength of 25 percent, mental energy consumption of 30 points, cooling time of fifteen minutes, the adjustment is the limit adjustment. Is it confirmed?"

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled: "That's it, the Vulcan gun is listed as a preset type of high-speed gun type, and will enter directly later."

“The default is completed. There is no need to pay points for this preset. It is necessary to pay three hundred and thirty points to modify the preset. Is it promoted to the preset type?”

"of course."

"This promotion requires 4,500 points and consumes 50 points of mental energy."

With this prompt, the silvery white shooting moon in the hands of Shen Yu has begun to change.

The red light lingered, and the whole gun gradually turned into a huge form of a Vulcan in a minute.

Holding the Vulcan cannon, Shen Yu jumped from the car and walked slowly to the front.

The muzzle is aimed at the distant centaur and the trigger is pulled directly.


The fire is shining!

No declaration, no notice, meeting is war!

The first-ever half-human warrior was not even reacted, and the intensive bullets had been beaten into his body, tearing him into countless pieces in an instant.

"Oh!" The sudden blows angered the centaurs, and they screamed and rushed toward the sinking direction.

The male Centaur warriors are almost all strong melee warriors. The centaur rushing to the forefront raises the steel shield in the hand, and a large number of bullets pour on the shield, knocking out the most intensive violent scores in the world.

At the same time, the female centaur took the bow and put the arrow at the same time. The bow and arrow flew to the sky, and the strong airflow fell to the sinking. At the same time, the centaur elders with the staff were simultaneously violently opposed to the soldiers who were charging in front. , blood and body protection mask.

The sinking is still good and the fire continues.

The arrogant bullets were pulled into a huge bullet cover to the far side. The firing rate of two thousand bullets per minute caused a huge metal flow at the muzzle of the Vulcan gun, just like a giant dragon flocking. opponent.

The fate is that there is really a dragon's existence - the effect of the dragon's phantom is played to the extreme at this moment, accompanied by the violent dance of the stream, the roaring dragon can be said to be the first to appear.

The phantom of a dragon screamed and slammed into a half-human warrior with a strong shield. The half-human warrior crashed into the shield and the mask was faint. The next moment, more bullets fiercely entered the warrior, a huge impact. The force hit the half-human horse to fly up and sprinkle countless blood springs.

The arrow that swayed in the sky finally fell.

Sinking softly: "Mirror avatar!"

The figure flashed in an instant, split into four, and at the same time as the avatar, also escaped a lot of arrows.

This time it was four sinking fires.

The original metal flow suddenly became four, and the violent eruption instantly filled the whole sky. The raging chain was like the hand of death. Whenever it went, one person turned over and the impacted half-human warrior could not even sink. Hey around.

This scene is ten times more spectacular than in the lab cell. The demon standing on the shoulder of Zhao Linger is still shaking. If it encounters such an attack at the time, I am afraid that even the chance of being caught is No.

A gray-haired centaur elder raised his staff against the sky and read a curse. In the sound of the mantra, the centaur elders gradually faded, and at the same time, all the centaurs lit up the silver-white light.

The speed of the sprinting of the Centaur fighters suddenly increased. They ran at high speed on the plains, and the bullets hit them. They only played some shallow blood holes, and the damage was significantly reduced.

"Death sacrifice..." Shen Xiao laughed.

No one knows this ability better than him, but it is to increase the speed of 100% and the defense of 60 points.

Yes, in the eyes of Shen Hao, this powerful group skill is just that!

Sinking out the remodeling stone, launching the attribute conversion, lowering the will of one hundred, increasing the power of one hundred points, and then whispering: "Transformation! Wrath of the Holy Dragon!"

As the scales of the dragon gradually emerged on his body, the indulging momentum soared. Under the multi-addition, his attribute at this time has reached more than 500 points of horror data, even if Augusta is standing by his side, he has to be hit by a punch.

Skilled power guns are launched!

Twenty-five percent of the power bonus means that each bullet has an additional damage of more than 100 points. For a Vulcan cannon that fires at 32 rounds per second, it means more than 3,000 damage per second. ability.

Horrible data!

The Centaur warrior, who had just been protected by the Great Sacrifice, once again suffered a fierce blow like a storm.

The bullets pulled out a huge fan in the air and harvested every target that was close.

When the time of the indulgent accumulator is over, the three avatars that follow him also launch the accumulator skills one after another. Although not as strong as the power of the sinking body, dozens of strengths are enough to break the opponent's defense barrier. A lot of dragon phantoms are mad in the sky, above the sky of Atari Lake, except for the lasing of the blast, the rising smoke, only the roaring dragons in the sky, one after another in the smoke, growl Sound, a spectacular scene of a tornado cloud.

The brave Centaur warriors are fearless, and they are still launching a deadly charge.

A heroic and powerful Centaur elite soldier rushed a hundred meters away from the sinking, throwing a spear in his hand.

The spear with the locking and slamming effect forced the sinking side to move a step, flying his piece of scales and leaving a blood mark on his shoulder.

This is the only injury that Shen Shen received during the entire battle.

Subsequently, the Centaur elite soldier fell on the road of the charge, and no chance to make a second attack.

Three minutes later, all the Centaur warriors died, the dragon shadow dissipated, and the smoke remained. The Vulcan gun finally turned its crazy roar after a few turns of inertia.

Shen Yan stood in the same place, looking coldly at the battlefield ahead.

The corpse is everywhere.


Ps: The soul gun itself is the pseudo-artifact level The biggest flaw is that a deformation takes time. The second form of the d-level means that the adventurer consumes a lot of mental power even if he only uses the most common functions. Promotion. From d to double s level, you need to consume 45 spirits. This consumption is white, which is more expensive than the average double s level. It is to avoid this robbery after the double-level shot is added to the initial form, so the soul gun is actually a pseudo-artifact plus double a level, which is in line with the basic value of the artifact, but does not meet the special Value, which is the premium part.

The premium is set by the person. The simple point is that the legendary dragon slaughter knife sold to the player may be worth tens of thousands of yuan and sold to the store, which is tens of thousands of game coins.

Of course, in the city, the premium difference is not that big.

Indulging in their vacancies is also drilling in this part, so it conforms to the urban rules.

In addition, the need to pay a large number of points to change the property remains unchanged, 4,500 points is said to be cheap, several times a few times.

The above is an explanation of the effect of the gun of the soul.

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