Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 48: Intimidate

A sharp alarm sounded over Ankerde.

The adventurers rushed out, some people still don't understand the situation, cried: "What happened? Is the Minsk Brotherhood coming to attack?"

"No, it's the Inferno sect!" Shen Yan rushed over and replied: "Everyone is ready to fight immediately, they are coming soon!"

Shen Yan quickly said what he saw.

I heard that the infernal sect had brought a red police base car over, and it was about to launch a field of active ineffectiveness. Everyone was faint.

It turned out that this is their last plan.

The plan is simple but quite practical.

The red-warning base car is strictly not a rare product in the **** city, but few people will actively pursue it.

Because the products produced by the base car can not be taken away from the world, and the production itself needs to consume resources and sufficient time.

This kind of thing is mainly used in the five-difficult interstellar world. The generals can make full use of the special environment of the five difficulties to build a ground army formed by tanks, fighters and a large number of field infantry. During the large-scale war with the Zerg Can play the role of cannon fodder and sea tactics.

However, in other mission worlds, limited time and resources make the Red Police base car not really play its role. The tank clusters produced by it are not irresistible to adventurers.

But all this is based on their ability to play 100% of their strength.

The proactive ability fails, the full attribute is reduced by 50%, and the defensive power of the attribute is zero, which is enough to reduce the risk of the adventurer to the point where even the most difficult adventurers may not be able to play.

With the strength of the two difficulties, the adventurer can not say that it can be easily done in the face of the steel army created by the infernal sect with the time advantage of the first arrival.

"How did you know? Can you determine the source?" Hua Tianrui.

The traitor has not been able to get news in the Eastern District of the Inferno sect. On the contrary, it is to let Shen Shen know the prophet again and again, not jealous, but Hua Tianrui really hopes to sink.

Sinking with a serious attitude to dispel the last expectation of Hua Tianrui's heart: "You don't have to ask the source, things are absolutely wrong!"

"How much did they come?" Lin Weisheng asked.

"After 280 or so apocalypse, 30 Kirov airships, 400 spider robots and at least 1,500 armed soldiers." Although only a rush, Shen Wei quickly analyzed the target number.

"Oh my God!" Everyone was frightened, regardless of the Inferno sect. It is enough that this unit is enough to crush the risk-takers who have fallen sharply.

"What do you do now?" Everyone is anxious.

Shen Yu replied: "All those who have summoned life, call the summoned life, have auxiliary skills, all used, one do not stay, and then search for guns and ammunition as much as possible!"

Hearing this, all the adventurers have used the ability to use in advance, and various states have been used. I am afraid that time is not enough, mental energy is wasted, and gentleness is a breath of laughter.

The gun weapons that were not put in the eyes of the risk-takers were also taken out. The adventurers were angry and shouted: "Mom, I didn't bring a gun!"

Sinking has summoned a Terminator, and he took the heavy machine gun from his hand and threw it at the adventurer. His Terminator is not a summoning ability, it is a self-owned item, and it is not subject to the limitation of the field of invalidity of the initiative. .

"What about the pedigree?" Some adventurers asked urgently.

Shen Yan shook his head: "I don't know when Edmund started his field control, but his field can't be used without limit. It's also necessary to pursue the maximum effect. So I guess it should be when the troops arrive here, the battle really begins. At the time, the only thing we can do is to start the bloodline before he starts the field... The rhythm can only be grasped by himself."

If the bloodline is launched too early, it will cause waste; if it is launched late, there may be no chance to launch.

Shen Hao has no way to do this.

On the contrary, Hua Tianrui suddenly said: "Does Edmund know that we have found them coming?"

"I don't know yet."

"Then maybe we still have a chance." Hua Tianrui immediately said: "We can wait for them on the way, give them a halfway to kill and take the initiative. Edmund encounters an attack, the psychological defense is bound to be shocked, there is It is likely that the field will be launched in the first place. We only need to use the bloodline to transform before the attack."

"Putting is passive?" Shen Yan's eyes are bright.

Indeed, although the enemy's behavior cannot be controlled, it can be induced.

The biggest advantage of the three-zone alliance is that it has inadvertently taken a step ahead in the news. The inferno sect does not know that the white girls will tell Shen Wei about their affairs.

As the girl herself said, she would not only help indulge, but she could not only help the infernal sect.

She upgraded her ability to Edmund, gained the field, and let Shen Shen know in advance and prepare early.

"The question is how do we do it?" asked tenderly.

It is not easy to attack the infernal sect halfway. Tatuin is a desert terrain, has a broad vision, and the Inferno cult is rich in talents. It is not easy for adventurers to lurk without being discovered.

Hua Tianrui smiled: "You forgot what I did?"

When it comes to the fascination, no one is better than Hua Tianrui.

Lonely said: "Even if you can use the bloodline before the field is launched, the active bloodline skills may still be unusable after the field is launched. In this case, even if the 56 people work together, it is necessary to eliminate such a big one in a few minutes. It is also difficult to support the troops. Don't forget that there are more than 20 people in the Inferno sect. Once the time has passed, it is unfortunate when we arrive."

"The blood is used up, and immediately retreat, we give them a guerrilla war." Shen said.

A small and refined team is a good choice for a team that is too weak and weak. It is never a good choice to make full use of space advantages and play guerrilla tactics. It is the best choice to weaken opponents little by little.

"That's it, I'm going to prepare." Hua Tianrui said that the time left by the Inferno sects is not much, and everyone must act now.

"I am going to mobilize the Rebels." Shen Yan went to the Obi King.

If the strength of the former rebel army is still in the eyes of the indulgence, then the importance of the rebel army has greatly improved.

Because the original force is precisely a special practice that is affected by the field of ineffectiveness of initiative.

This made the Rebels' position in this counterattack suddenly rise and became an important weight on this war balance.

If the news of the white girl is the first surprise of the perfect plan of the inferno sect, then the resistance is the second expectation of the plan. The former relies on God's will, while the latter relies on hard work.

But unfortunately, although the infernal sect did not expect the indulgence and the resistance to the alliance, the progress of Shen’s own plan was not so smooth.

According to the original intention of Shen Yu, the adventurer and the Rebel Alliance first had to fight with the Minsk Brotherhood to further cultivate the revolutionary friendship with the Rebels through the battle with the Minsk Brotherhood.

As a result, the Minsk Brotherhood did not come, and the Inferno sects went to a big move, which also made the friendship between the rebels and the adventurers far from ideal. Shen Shen doubted that this was related to Xie Rongjun and the most The good way is not to give him too much time to arrange.

The revolutionary friendship is not enough, and the rebel army is not really owed to the adventurer. OBI has a great possibility and reason to directly reject this "separatist" civil war.

So what do you want to let them agree to join?

Sinking slowly went to the same king who had heard the sound of Obi, and his mind had already turned to countless programs, and one method after another was produced in his mind, then negated, regenerated, and denied.

The same brain is spinning fast, the Obi King who has been watching the cold. Unlike Shen Yu, he doesn't need to think a lot of ways to refuse to indulge. All he needs to do is keep reminding himself: no matter what the **** says to himself, even if he uses Ankerde to threaten himself. They are determined not to agree.

Convincing a person may require many methods, rejecting one person, but only needing firm belief.

He looked at him with a cold eye and was ready to meet all the blame.


He saw Shen Shen rubbing himself and went over.

He even ignored himself!

Shen Yu walked past the king of Obi, and looked at him without looking at him. Standing in front of Little Luke, he said to Luke in a solemn tone: "I think you have seen it, Luke, we The enemy is coming. Now we need all the warriors to stand up and fight, tell me, Luke, will you be one of these warriors?"

"No!" Obi Wang shouted loudly.

But he is still late.

Little Luke has wide eyes and replied: "Of course!"

Every child’s heart has a dream of becoming a hero.

In the stories told by the older generation for the children, the vast battlefields, the ages of heroes, the years of war, and the stories of death and death are always the stories that children can’t listen to.

I don't know the cruelty of death, I don't know the **** horror, the hero's dreams support them, and their courage is always far greater than their own strength.

The desire for the outside world is that the big people will not return to Ladullah. How many heroic teenagers, this is how to write one legend after another in history, and also contribute countless beautiful youth.

The former Anakin, in the form of a boy, drove a space warplane to destroy the warships of the separatists.

Now his son, Luke, the son of the original force, will not be inferior to his father in courage.

The film did not give the young Luke a chance to show off the edge, but the city gave it, and Shen Yu seized it.

Just as the alliance does not need to consider the will of the Obi King, there is no need to consider the war.

As long as Lukeken goes, the king of Obi does not want to go and have to go!

"You don't even think about it!" King Obi was completely angry. He strode to try to catch Luke. In any case, even if he used force, he would never let Luke go to war.

Indulging as if he didn't see him, he just nodded gratifiedly to Luke: "This is good, Luke, you are as good as your father."

"Father?" Luke yelled: "Do you know my father?"

The king of Obi also suddenly stopped his actions and looked at Shen Yu without confidence.

Does he know Luke's father?

Do you say they... They knew Luke’s identity from the beginning?

The chill rises from the body and mind of the king of Obi.

Sinking slowly nodded: "Yes, Luke, I am sorry that I have never told you that I know your father."

"So you know who he is?"

"He is a hero, Luke, a real hero. He used to be a slave, but he never gave up. When he was still very young, he drove alone from here, through the Baiga Canyon, and got a speeding car. The first place in the game. He exchanged his strength for freedom, was taken away from here, and became a great Force Warrior. When he was so big with you, he even drove the plane to fight in space. Defeat a space battleship."

"Wow, he is amazing!" Luke exclaimed excitedly.

Every child wants his father to be great.

Only the king of Obi.

He looked at Shen Yu, he knew it was a threat of indulging.

He does know everything about Anakin!

The threat is a double-edged sword. It may temporarily succumb to the target, but it may also bring endless troubles.

But Shen Yu has now taken care of it.

If he is given enough time, then he will never use this method.

But because there is no time, the negative effects of threats are minimal.

No matter how much Obi King hates him, as long as he is willing to participate in this battle, he will help himself.

As for the future...

Mission World ~ ~ no future!

"What happened to my father?" Luke continued to ask.

"Later...oh, that story is long. But we don't have time to tell a story here, is that okay? When the war is over, I will tell you everything about your father. As for now, you want to be Is your father like that?"

"Of course!" Little Luke clenched his fists.

"Then fight!" Shen Qi squeezed Luke's face.

Then he went to the king of Obi, whispered: "As long as you help me defeat our enemies, then you are going to go, or let us fight for you, feel free."

King Obi whispered: "Only once!"

"The next is not an example!" Shen Yu responded in unison.

In his heart, he sighed.

This time, I am afraid that it will be the final battle, and where is the next time?

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