Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 57: Battle situation

The war is still in full swing. Www_dyzw8_m/ no + bomb + window + small + say + net / / / free e-book download / /

After the attack on Salva, the army of Arendt crossed the border and officially entered the interior of the Lionheart Kingdom.

Seeing that Arendt progressed, the Tianlu Dynasty was also anxious.

They finally sent out the most powerful thousands of people in the Tianlu dynasty, and broke the Sanxihos on the second day of Salva's life.

The war was finally burned to the mainland of the gods, and the soldiers of the Lionheart Kingdom were still fighting the Arendt army with their familiarity with the terrain and the resistance of the people.

However, as Shen Yu said, heroic can not replace the disparity of the military force, but it is to let thousands of warriors die in the battlefield.

Using space for time, segmentation and encirclement, each of these strategies and tactics to break through does not exist in the concept of three countries.

It’s not that they are so stupid that they can’t think of it, designers can’t limit their IQ, but they can limit their history.

Wisdom is based on the application of history and knowledge. There is not enough rich and splendid war history. Only the **** death of the blood, the country is destined to lack the environment for tactical use, only the endless pursuit and desire for powerful forces.

Not to mention those generals, even if they are on the basis of such a background, on the basis that history cannot provide any reference and reflection for themselves, it cannot be imagined that thousands of ancestors have summed up with blood and tears for thousands of years. War experience.

To put it simply, there is no grandson in this world, no grandson, no warlord who is called the number one, and the commanding ability of the successor has become limited.

This has nothing to do with IQ, it is only related to knowledge.

Therefore, in the eyes of Shen Yu, this war looks more like a farce in a street fight.

On the third day of the break of Salva, Aaron and the Lionheart Kingdom had a big battle in the autumn plain.

The two sides of the decisive battle invested a total of 500,000 people, of which Arendt invested 280,000. The Lionheart Kingdom was almost mobilized nationwide, and only 220,000 people were mobilized in the front of Aaron.

The two sides launched a major confrontation, and eventually the lion heart kingdom was defeated and forced to retreat - they finally understood the retreat.

The heroic Royal Guard blocked the attacking army with his own life, and the Lion King finally escaped 100,000 people.

On the other line, the Tianlu Dynasty once drove straight in, and then arrived first, and entered the belly of the Lionheart Kingdom in one day.

They met with a pioneer of Arendt, and in order to fight for a small town, they almost hit themselves.

Fortunately, everyone still knows how to restrain, and has not caused a big mess for the time being.

This made Shen Yu feel a little pity - he did not intend to see the Lionheart Kingdom before he returned.

Therefore, he instructed Zhou Yiyu to take the Second Corps and immediately go south and enter the Triumph City.

The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most prosperous cities in the Lionheart Kingdom. It is known as a pearl on the continent of the gods.

This pearl was originally on the offensive line of the Tianlu dynasty. According to Aaron, there are so many cities that can be attacked. There is no need to rob the Tianlu.

However, Zhou Yiyu was the first to arrive. Before the main army of the Tianlu Dynasty arrived, the Second Army really played the true color of their rogue thugs, looted the entire city, and then burned the city with a fire.

This act made the Tianlu dynasty angry, and the general Zheng Yinglong personally led a unit to pursue the Second Army. As a result, he encountered an advance team of Aaron.

When the wrath caused the general to lose his senses, he immediately destroyed the unit.

The next thing can be imagined, both sides are angry, although the big war has not yet broken out, the small conflict has begun to happen one after another.

The three parties are killing people, and the lion heart kingdom is certainly losing ground. It is no longer easy for Aaron and Tianlu to advance.

Sinking is spending the next few days in sitting and watching the show.

Of course, he is not idle, the tasks that can be picked up are still connected, and the business that can be done is still done, but the advancement of various plans has made the remaining time enter a relatively flat period.

So every day, I watched TV and did damage.

When the lion heart kingdom is tight, Shen Yan will destroy Aaron and Tianlu, and occasionally let the gentlemen take the troops to highlight one and earn some merits. When the Lionheart Kingdom wins a few games, Zhou Yiyu will also With the second army, it appears in the most needy place in a timely manner, giving the enemy some blows.

With a team channel to contact, and a high-level figure in both camps, such a spy to perform tasks is undoubtedly the most relaxed.

The three countries have killed each other and killed them. As a behind-the-scenes, they are quite interesting.

Of course, it is not only him who can do this.

Other adventurers seem to have discovered the mystery of this. They also have their own friends in hostile forces, and they have begun to work closely with each other.

However, in addition to the broken blade team, there are four teams, including the bull, the dragon, the eternal and the m7. The space for other adventurers is not big, plus the reputation of the broken blade team, the adventurers also I dare not offend, so more often than to follow the broken blade team, how to do the broken blade team, how do they do, break the blade to eat meat, they also follow the soup.

This is also acquiescence - no matter what is forced, it is better to give people a chance to drink soup than to drive people away, and force each other to be stronger against themselves.

Therefore, everyone is so tacitly cooperating, like cāo vertical match puppet cāo vertical battle.

On the tenth day of the attack on Salva, the Tianlu Dynasty and Aaront finally had a large-scale battle in the dead and wilderness.

The grievances accumulated in the multi-day conflict broke out at this moment.

In this battle, the Tianlu dynasty used one of their thousands of people to kill, and Arendt also sent two elite corps, and the two sides killed blood.

Arendt’s star of the future, Alfred’s pro-independence unit, rushed into the enemy’s ranks. After paying more than 60 warlike heroes to be destroyed, he finally broke through the enemy line and tore the other’s thousands of people. Arendt sent a cheering victory. Instead, Shen Yan took a forehead after seeing this scene: "This idiot, how did you become the star of tomorrow? I don't seem to have designed your mentally retarded?" ”

The biggest characteristic of the Tianlu dynasty's ten killings is that it can be constantly changed according to the number of people. The minimum can be ten people, and the largest can be 100,000 people.

Paying such a big price to tear up the smashing of the squad is just to make the formation of the other party from a unified thousand to several small squadrons. Instead, it is the team responsible for the smashing, and it will fall into the enemy army. In the array, encounter a pinch.

"The best way to deal with this kind of ten-killer is to use the powerful remote means to kill the grassroots core non-commissioned officers. Without the connection center, this array will be abolished. You can't do it with your remote! Shen Shenton sighed as if he was angry and did not contend for his unfortunate country loyal minister.

Sure enough, the counterattack of the Tianlu dynasty soon came. The Arendt army responsible for the piercing saw that although they successfully penetrated the enemy, they failed to confuse the enemy. Instead, they fell into a desperate situation surrounded by all sides.

Fortunately, at this time, He Ruzhen also made a big mistake.

He did not arrange enough troops to resist the attack of another leg of Arendt, but concentrated on trying to destroy Alfred.

However, Alfred’s resistance far exceeded his estimation. Alfred’s desperate resistance earned him valuable time. The Twelfth Army successfully broke through the Deer defense line and hardly brought the Tianlu dynasty to his mouth. The fat was robbed back.

“Sure enough, is this a mentally retarded contest against mentally retarded? Or is it always clear to the onlookers?”

At this point, Shen Yu has no intention to look at it.

He sighed to turn off the screen, just as the audience changed their stage to express their dissatisfaction with the plot.

But...and so on...

Suddenly screamed.

He looked back at the screen, and the battlefield was still stifling, and it seemed to be vigorous and lively.

However, Shen Yu always felt that something was missing.

"It's a bit wrong..." Shen Yan touched his chin.

He looked at it for a while and finally found out where the problem was.

He did not see Atkins.

As the chief commander of the Twelfth Army, where is Atkins? Why didn't he appear in this war?

This can be somewhat abnormal.

He raised his **** coat of arms and connected the call: "Yi Yu, do you know where Atkins is?"

"He? I don't know. I haven't been with him recently. I'm very busy recently, you know." Zhou Yiyu's tone filled with excitement.

After successfully redeeming the remaining skills, Zhou Yiyu’s goal is to grab enough money. Despite the fact that the current reinforcement of the Broken Blades has been horrendous, it may not be his opponent to pick up a general, but the hunger and pursuit of money is endless.

In the words of Hong Lang, he also thought about the kind of potion to buy two bottles, drink one bottle and throw a bottle, the artifact is two pieces at a time, and one piece is used for one day.

"Yes, then you can continue." Shen Wei shut down the channel.

No more thoughts, boring around, and taking out the forged hammer to start smashing equipment.

This is already his latest homework.

A few days ago, Frost and Chu Sheng together, finally completed the collection of forging special reels for him, but also listed a number of pieces of garbage equipment - the old man is busy doing identification every day.

Pick up a weapon and knock the forged hammer. The crest will prompt you to absorb 4 damage and increase the melee damage bonus for the specified weapon.

"Useless." Shen Yan sighed and removed the property absorbed by the hammer.

There are also a number of weapons that can be used by forged hammers. Usually a weapon can't accept the forge hammer more than seven times. Therefore, in order to get the maximum attribute bonus, you need to absorb the most.

This is a bit like a bear and a glutinous rice. After all, if you give up, you can't get it back.

Pick up a weapon again and sink again.

This time the luck is good: absorb the fire attribute damage 4 points, can increase 4 ignition element damage for the specified weapon.

"This should be ok." Shen Yu said to himself, has taken out the gun of the soul to add it.

"The Gun of the Soul is upgraded by the forged Hammer's Attribute. When the Sword of the Soar's enchantment is less than 10 sec/sec, the bullet gains 4 points of ice damage bonus. For every 10 shots, 1 point is reduced. Damage, the minimum increase of 1 point."

"After you have used the ice element, you can no longer use the fire element to attach."

Not too much, but it doesn't matter. There are enough garbage weapons in the hands of Shen Yu. If you can add seven times, it will be equivalent to adding 30 extra ice damage to each bullet.

The remaining weapons are naturally not wasted. After getting a 5 ignition element attached, Shen Shen puts it on the Scarlet Blade. Although not too much, the characteristics of elemental damage and defense are irrelevant, even if they hurt. Low can also play a role.

When the weapon was being joyfully smashed, the phone suddenly sounded.

After sinking over, there was a hoarse and heavy voice on the phone: "Is it Mr. Shen Yu?"

"Yes, it is me, you are..."

"My name is Bernard Jencks."


Ps: In recent chapters, some of the content is more transitional. I don't want to find any reason. This is actually an attempt I made... Invincible flow. To be precise, I am used to the way of the Jedi counterattack, but life is not only the Jedi counterattack. After experiencing the initial hard start, after the mid-term brave improvement, the latter should also sweep the square Also not only face the enemy of life and death can have a good story, sweeping the Quartet can also look good, but I still Not good at, I am still learning.

One of the world's self-made parts, five difficulty ones, is actually trying to figure out and study in this direction. For this reason, I wrote it very hard, so I kept trying from all angles to find out and find new things to mine.

There are successes and failures.

In general, my ability in this area is still very lacking. I can only say that I have found some problems.

This is fortunate... I have to find the problem first to solve the problem.

Not much to say in this regard.

In short, I just want to tell you that I am not in a bad state, nor is it a different reason. It is just a situation in which the story develops to this point, given the natural emergence of its own abilities.

But no matter what, I am working hard. If I am disappointed, it is only temporary.

♂m net--♂

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