Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 62: Sweep (2)

"Adjustment is xìng: muzzle kinetic energy addition 214, shè process two hundred meters, shè speed 3 hair / second. m"

"Special effect 1 critical strike: 15% chance to double damage, can be combined with the user's critical strike, 15% chance to triple damage."

"Special effects 2 can use the skills of the scattered guns."

There is no presupposition. Before this battle, Shen Yu has completed all the preset needs. Unlike other guns, this powerful gun has no skills, only powerful kinetic energy and powerful special effects. Auxiliary.

The continuous and powerful attack of ordinary attacks is its most important feature!

With the cold hints of the coat of arms, the soul of the gun lingered a red light, gradually forming a silver sè desert eagle.

This desert eagle is particularly huge, held in the hands of the sinking, with a cold metal light.

"This is..." Atkins appeared in the eye, this is the first time he saw a deformable gun.

"The deformation function of the gun of the soul, I could kill you without this, but in the past, I saw the opportunity to see you once before death." Shen Yu has lifted the gun.

not good!

Atkins knew it was not good, and he rushed to the side.

The best way to avoid shè is to not let the muzzle lock yourself. Atkins, who is a gunman, knows this very well. At the same time, the gun in his hand also shines a beam of energy.

Quickly gather!

The raging energy light went to the sinking electricity.

"It’s useless." Shen Yan sighed and made a lateral move, firing the gun in his hand.

The two men moved sideways at the same time, and the bullet and the energy beam rubbed the two bodies and flew over.

The next moment, Atkins and Shen Yu have fired again.

At the same time as the two fired, the body continued to move quickly. Atkins did not dare to be hit by the sinking, and Shen Yan also did not dare to be hit by Atkins.

To some extent, the attacks on both sides have reached the standard of one hit.

Although there are many other ways to deal with this threat, there are not many opportunities for him to compete with a top gunman. He needs the experience of the other side, so he is not afraid to be a real gunman. In response to professional skills, in this case, the battle entered the standard matchup mode between the two top gunners in the first place.

The two people move at the same time, constantly using the various postures such as tumbling, jumping, squatting and so on to avoid the aim of the opponent's muzzle, and they are constantly looking for opportunities to hit each other.

The bullets and the energy beam flew in the sky. This time, the scene was much smaller than before, but it became more thrilling. The original powerful chain was swaying, the flames were dancing, and the flesh and blood flies in the blink of an eye. You come to me, the masters of sharp and vertical competition.


An electric light shè, and Shen Yan escaped while shooting three shots at Atkins.

The Tekins mech was in no way flexible, he jerked his body, and the bullets rubbed a few ballistic ripples in front of his face, while the gun in his hand was sinking and sinking an energy beam.

Sinking is also a big back. At that moment, he is like Keno Reeves in the Matrix. The windbreaker swings, one hand supports the ground, and the beams pass by, but they can't hurt him. The concept of bullet time is This moment is interpreted to the fullest.

The difference is that in addition to the shè, the two gunmen also have close combat.

At the same time that Atkins once again evaded the intensive attack, Shen Yu has quickly rushed to the boxing.

Progressive hit!

It is the skill of learning from Atkins.

Seeing that this punch had to hit the target, Atkins had no time to dodge, and suddenly the shoulders had sunk over the past.

Shoulder hit!

A connection technique is used here to block.

The two of them trembled at the same time, and the eyes of the sinking eyes were full of surprises: "It can be used like this!"

He spoke in his mouth, and the right pistol was aimed at Atkins's head, and it was a shot.

Atkins’s head was off the gun, his left hand was stunned, and he was stopped by the left arm. The two men were intertwined and pointed at each other.

Everyone took the lead, and Shen Yu and Atkins had jointly raised their knees and slammed into each other. The two of them were shaken at the same time, and the moment they left, they fired continuously.

This time, because the distance is too close, everyone has not flashed.

Atkins's mech was hit by three consecutive bullets, and Shen Yan also took an energy gun. Fortunately, this attack is not a gathering of energy, although there are ten times the damage but it is not worth the fate.

At the same time, the two men fell, and they succumbed to the speed advantage and fired again.

Seeing the indiscriminate attack first come, Atkins jumped, violently flew out, kicked and kicked!

When this kicked out, Shen Yu had already retired, and naturally it was an empty kick. However, while kicking out, Atkins’ body rose, and it was so high that he had escaped the gun.

Seeing the sinking eyes in the eyes, the next moment in the Atkins energy shè to the front, Shen Yan is also a roundabout kicked off, also escaped Atkins's attack.

The two men evaded in the same way. When they fell, they were entangled again. The two guns were aimed at the enemy's lower abdomen at the same time. They had not fired yet, and they were turned away by the other party's left hand. They turned sharply and fired again. The two men also slanted at the same time. The agile and coherent, the hacking empire that has just been staged has suddenly become a human weapon 2, you come and go, and you can't play.

Atkins is worthy of being a general of the war, at least in the gunmen, the strength is not inferior to sinking. At this moment, suddenly he lifted his foot and squatted, and Shen Shen also kicked his legs, and the two separated again.

At the same time as the retreat, Atkins’s guns flashed with great light.

Gathering shè!

"Go to hell!" Atkins has violently said: "Five times attack!"

In the face of five times of strengthening the energy of the shock, Shen Yan did not dare to resist.

The figure faded in the air, and the raging energy converges into a large beam of light, but only a wave in the air.

Nothing hit.

Atkins was not surprised. He just looked down at the disappearance of the sinking: "You really are not a simple gunman."

No gunman can have the ability to stealth.

"Never is." The voice of Shen Yan rang behind him, and the muzzle was behind Behind Atkins: "Spike gun!"


Like a burst of fireworks, the muzzle spurts out a large piece of light, and it hits the back of Atkins.

"Hey!" Atkins made a screaming shout, flying under this huge impact.

The mech was turned into a shard of debris, and the original figure of Atkins finally appeared.

Body blood.

He rolled over on the ground a few times, and finally lay still, but the body has not been chéngrén shaped, almost every piece of skin turned over, revealing scarlet flesh.

However, he is still not dead.

Just lying on the ground, staring at the sinking eyes: "This... what is this... skill?"

"Spreading guns..." Shen Yu replied: "You can shoot up to 300 rounds of bullets at a time, with the top bullets and muzzle kinetic energy addition. The theoretical maximum damage is 90,000 to 270,000 points... Under normal circumstances, complete The person with this gun has no chance to ask me this question... You should have some ability to not accept lethal attacks."

Indulging has already understood the crux of the problem. It is likely that Atkins also has the power of immortal blood. No matter how powerful the attack is, it will always last the last life.

"It turned out to be like this..." Atkins murmured.

He spit out a lot of blood, and his face showed a smile, and he seemed to be pleased with the answer.

He looked at the sky above his head and the gun in his hand was lifted again.

But this time, it was not aimed at sinking, but aimed at myself.

"You won," he said.

Pull the trigger.

The energy runs through the head of Atkins, and Atkins heads and dies.

Looking at his body, Shen Yan sighed: "No, you won."

Originally, I wanted to rely on the gunman's ability to fight with the other side. I didn't expect the final moment, or I was forced to use the wind.

When Atkins launched the gathering, it was the moment when the two of them touched each other. They were affected by xìng, and no one could move sideways for the first time, causing Shen Yu to use the wind step to escape.

Atkins's ability to gather is a short-term gathering process.

He can use it at that critical moment, only to show that before this, he has completed the process of gathering, which is exactly what a gunman needs.

Atkins's defensive use of the deputy hand skills, as well as the pre-judgment of the power-based skills, have made Shen Yan eye-opener.

"I have to thank you anyway, you have taught me a lot of things." Shen Yu said his last sigh, picked up the box from Atkins by hand - feeling sentimental, the benefits of the fishing can not be a point less.

Inside the box is a gun reel of the squad, which is not bad. It is also the easiest scroll given by the general of the Arendt Empire. If not, Shen Qian bought it early.

The letter hand put the reel close, Shen Yan turned and left, behind him, is the smashing military car jǐng flute in the roar, that is, the reinforcements finally came.

But they came a little later.

Sinking is not interested in waiting for them, leaving themselves.

He looked at the time and said to himself: "Maybe you can have a cup of coffee."

So he walked toward the center of the city.

At this time, Shirley Chu in the factory, they have begun to pack up and the guy is ready to flee, and the front line has not received news.

But it doesn't matter, because soon, everything will no longer make sense.

Before the advent of the war, Shen Yu came to a coffee shop in the city, sat down with a cup of coffee, and quietly looked at the scenery outside the window.

The neon lights outside the window are still flashing. There are advertisements of various companies on the big screen. The news about the frontline battlefield is also coming, mostly from the news, and there are also many experts predicting what will happen to Arendt. Completely occupy the lion heart kingdom.

There are a few weeks of talks, and one month of talks. There are many different opinions and arguments.

The indulgence looked funny and shook his head slightly: "You can never take over the Lionheart."

Just then, the face of a glamorous hostess on the screen finally appeared.

"Now it is important to insert an important news: Shen Wei, the chairman of the original Broken Blade Company, has been wanted for selling a country, committing a traitorous country, robbing, robbery, killing, etc. It has been wanted. The criminal is extremely vicious..."

Below the news of the rolling broadcast, it is a large avatar of indulgence.

Due to the protests of the people before, the Broken Blade Company has long been known, and the entire Arendt Empire has boiled as soon as the wanted order came out.

People have been screaming and blaming the Broken Blade Company, and at the same time angering the inaction of zhèngfǔ, it was time to grab the **** in the last popular procession, as if at that time, it was known that Shen Shen was a murderer, all of a sudden. They have become prophets.

At this time, Shen was still drinking coffee in the cafe. The waiters all blinked and pointed at the TV, but none of them found the person beside him.

"Isn't the reconnaissance of this broken place not so good?" The indulge that was not discovered in the first place had an inexplicable sense of disappointment.

He was helpless and depressed to continue to drink coffee, and continue to enjoy this last short beautiful light yīn.

To his surprise, just before he was discovered, there was another news explosion.

It’s an adventurer who releases the news of the explosion – this guy is the adventurer who was gentle when he saved Carmela.

The adventurer directly pointed out that Shen Qiang, gentle, Hong Lang and other people are all a group. It is they who sneak into three countries, provoke war and make a fortune.

It was all of a sudden that they rolled up the gentle waves.

This is all right, Arendt has a TV broadcast, the Lionheart Kingdom also has magical communication, and the Tianlu Dynasty has more water curtains and other heavenly spells.

The news was delivered to the rest of the world in the first time, and the waves of Honglang were soft and innocent, and suddenly became wanted criminals.

Almost at the same time as the news, countries began to send people to arrest them.

"This is really..." Shen Yan said with a smile and shook his head: "This **** probably treats us as a falling dog?"

Under normal circumstances, the adventurer is absolutely afraid to provoke a broken blade team.

However, in the context of the country's wanted, the adventurer probably feels that he has got an opportunity. After all, the adventurer is no longer strong and can't be against the whole country.

He thinks he can make a big contribution to it?

Or simply destroy the broken blade team and write a new legend?

"It's an idiot!" Shen Yan dismissed, and he yelled at the sky.

This action caught the attention of the surrounding people, and someone finally saw the face of the sinking.

After repeated comparisons of news images and real people, I found that the indulgent waitress made an exaggerated scream and rushed out... Soon, the whole street was boiling.

"This is finally coming." Shen Yan took a deep breath.

He sipped the rest of the coffee and walked out of the cafe.

In the distance, dozens of jǐng cars roared, and the interesting thing was that the front of the car turned out to be a news broadcast car.

In the back of the jǐng car, dozens of Ares colossus are also coming in the rumble. It seems that the battle in the cemetery gave them a deep impression, and finally knew to fight the battle of the **** of war.

A few jǐng cars stopped at a distance of 20 meters from the sinking, and shouted with a loud speaker: "Raise your hand and kneel on the wall, you are surrounded!"

The news broadcaster stopped at the most favorable angle of shooting. The camera began to focus on the intensive shooting. A female hoster said excitedly to the camera: "CNN tells you that one hour after the overnight broadcast, We have already found the target suspect. The target is now on a street in the central city. He seems to have just come out of the cafe. It does not seem to panic or escape. As we know, this is a fierce evil. The criminals, he killed a lot of innocents, including the recent church bell tower shooting and the death of the chief representative of Enke. Now, this criminal is about to be arrested, CNN News reporter Vivian is on the spot Capture process, if you like my show, please remember to send SMS support..."

On the street, Shen Yu looked at the sky above his head and said to himself: "The reporter's business is really the most boring in the world."

He looked back at the group jǐ one by one nervously pointing his gun at himself, the female reporter even pointed the camera directly at the sinking, and shouted in his mouth: "Give him a close up!"

Shen Xiao smiled, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes: "This is the easiest and most comfortable of all the tasks I have experienced. Anyway, I will miss it. As for now... Goodbye."

He shook his hands at those people, especially the lens.

Just before the Battle of the Colossus, a beam of light in the sky was shining, holding the sinking body.

"This is..." The crowd looked at the beam of light that was directly connected to the sky. Under the television broadcast, almost everyone saw this beam of light, and the figure disappeared under the light column.

Along with the disappearance of indulgence, a giant monster in the sky suddenly appeared, like an aerial giant city, covering the sky of the entire central city.

"That... what is that?" Everyone stared at the sky together.

A large energy beam of light descends from the sky!

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