Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 65: Sweep (4)

When the nuclear bomb was dropped, Carmela was at the back of the battlefield.[no + bomb + window + small + say + net]

She is both an assassin and an assassin, not suitable for assault.

This made her once thought that she might not have the chance to kill the fierce demons by hand - until the red light appeared in the sky.

Then the nuclear bomb broke out like never before.

She has never seen such a splendid light.

She watched him rise like a flame, like a gust of wind, and also raised a huge crisis in her heart.

Instinct gave her the ability to use all the protection in the first time, the blood system was fully open, the shock wave roared, the huge impact force Camera to the sky, the frenzied flame enveloped her, she desperately shouted, died She resisted, and she felt that she was almost melted by the flames of the flames, as if the weak leaves were floating in the air.

When the horrible wave washed away, and Cameron dispersed, Camela fell from the air.

At this time, she was completely intact, and the whole person was like a prawns that had just been thrown into a boiling water pot.

However, she is still alive!

Relatively far distance, strong strength and bloodline protection, let her survive in this horrible trend.

At this point, look again.

The army that couldn’t see the head was gone; the flag that covered the sky like Yunhuagai disappeared; the formation of the sword and the sword stood like a forest; the immortal who couldn’t help but see the clouds disappeared; The unstoppable warrior is gone; the slogan of thundering and thundering is gone; all the things that have been gone have disappeared, and only the endless corpses are everywhere, the broken swords and knives are more, just more Torn into pieces like flesh and blood, blood and water sublimate in an instant, leaving only the red dust... "!!!" Carmela shouted in horror: "Is there anyone else? Still alive. Is it?"

She shouted and looked around.

Finally, not far from her side, a soldier climbed up hard, his armor was broken, and one arm had melted, but he was alive.

Then another soldier climbed up from the dead, one after the other.

On the ridiculous land, more and more people are starting to stand up, and although they seem to be falling, they are always stretching towards the distance.

Most of the people who can survive are strong in existence, but no matter who they are, they can survive in this terrorist explosion and they are seriously injured.

Carmela gasped heavily and looked at the soldiers who stood up.

How many people are still alive?

Ten thousand?


Still 100,000?

She didn't know, but she knew that no matter how many people can stand up here, it is already doomed to be the opponent of the devil in the sky - they used only one bomb and killed millions here. Army!

What kind of power is there to do this?

"Devil...a bunch of devils!" Camera looked at the sky and screamed.

In the clouds, the image of a huge battleship reappeared, coming to the low and low pressure in the air.

"Hey!" A huge grunt sounded suddenly.

A **** ray suddenly rushed straight into the air from the ground.

It was the prince Apollo who was flying towards the sky. One of his eyes had been smashed, and the body burnt to coke was peeling off in rapid flight, revealing bright red meat. The blood water descended down during his flight, forming a **** waterfall. He was like a bull, and launched his final charge against the enemy in the sky.

"Brother!" Camela screamed.

"Hey!" More soldiers flew toward the sky, and at the same time made their own angry snoring to the sky.

Looking at this scene, Carmela also flew in the air with his wings fluttering, and the glory of the holy sword appeared in his hand: "Justice will win!"

"Justice will win!" The last warriors shouted in unison.

They are flying in the air, facing the sky and flying straight into the air.

The Renaissance Warrior is like a huge iron scorpion, and the whole ship, like a thorn-like artillery, illuminates its fangs, and the fire begins to flash.

As the sound of a cannon rang, the warriors of the assault fell one after another from the air, such as the winged birds, falling heavily into the dust.

However, more soldiers flew up, and they made a smeared curve on the horizon, rushing to the fortress in the air. Although the remote defense of the energy hood is powerful, the blocking effect on the melee break is extremely limited. Finally, a brave warrior landed on the battleship. He whistled and slammed on the battleship deck as if it meant victory.

The next moment, welcoming him was a bunch of energy light cannons, just a shot, and the soldier was shattered.

A huge statue of God of War rose from the battleship, and the driver made a cold voice: "Strong Phillips arrives at the scheduled position, over!"

With his call, more voices ring in the communication channel:

"Blue Rose arrives at the scheduled location, over."

"Bern Starr arrives at the scheduled location, over."


Michelle replied: "Very good, the sniper war begins. Remember that this is not just a battle, it is also a chance for you to truly show yourself to the sergeant! The enemy is already red blood, this is still to fight, but also die when you die. Who!"

"Do not worry, head!" A group of soldiers yelled at the same time.

While the invading nuclear bomb killed a large number of enemies, it also shocked the arrogant heart of the Second Army. They began to understand that the real monks never wrote the words on their faces.

In fact, the warships can completely solve them before the soldiers rush.

As long as there is another nuclear bomb - 500,000 tons is gone, 100,000 tons and 10,000 tons of equivalent.

The problem is that Shen Yu has now determined that the rate of return from the big power slaughter is almost the lowest – almost no more than two rewards have been found after opening all the boxes.

Therefore, under certain preconditions, the Broken Blade team does not mind to carry out some short-handed battles. Those who can survive the nuclear bomb explosion are strong players. The chances of giving things are the highest, and the chances of giving good things are the highest. You can't waste this opportunity.

At this moment, the Resurrection Warrior is still killing the warriors flying up to control the number of invading enemies, and the spider robots on the abdomen begin to squirt again. The war is not over yet, and the Broken Blades have begun to collect the spoils.

The assaulted warrior continued to fall on the battleship. After the fierce artillery array of the battleship, Apollo fell on the deck, the sword swayed, and a knife was cut. A Terminator was cut down and then continued. The slasher has cut the Terminator into a piece of iron **** and then rushed to the next target.

The prince of the Lionheart Kingdom is like a crazy craftsman who diligently disassembles each machine into parts until a tx terminator ends his actions—a huge beam of energy runs through his chest. His body swayed a few times and finally fell unable to fall.

Zakubi, the king of mercenaries in the Lionheart Kingdom, is the super-strong man of the beastly beast and is slashing on the deck. Just a wave of his hand, he threw a Terminator like a shot put, and slammed it on a gun barrel. The huge impact made the barrel change, and the shell that failed to be shot exploded. The entire artillery platform was blown up.

"Hey!" Zakubi made a whistling whistle. He was like a real war beast. He tirelessly charged on the deck of the battleship. No matter what kind of opponent he encountered, he did not back down, but rushed straight. With his iron fist and tomahawk knocking on the other's head, at least ten of the Terminators were directly destroyed in his hands, and the three images of the God of War were thrown away by him like a toy.

When he was trying to destroy the fourth Ares Colossus, a distant figure rushed in, Zakubi screamed and punched a punch, and the other side also fought with a fist, huge shocks skyrocketed, Zakubi saw His arm has turned into a flesh and blood crumb, an iron arm has penetrated his chest and he has made a big hole in his body.

He looked at the other side with disbelief, and the cold-blooded attacker smiled: "My name is Hong Lang!"

Withdraw his arm, Zakubi trembled fiercely, blood spring waterfall!

"Hong...wave!" Zakubi muttered a bit, this time, the beast finally stopped his strong footsteps and fell down.

He Ruzhen, the general who had negotiated with Shen Qi to buy a formula for chromosomes, is now rushing with blood.

The armor on his body has been ruined, and the rifle in his hand is still waving, like a poisonous snake. Every shot is directed at the key. The fight with him is Aaron’s General Alfred and the Lionheart Kingdom Krump. Great pastor.

Alfred, the young general who claims to be the star of tomorrow, is now shooting with hatred against the enemies everywhere. Any threat to attack them must first be attacked by Alfred.

Crompton, the great pastor of the Lionheart Kingdom, is not only assistive. The Shadow Priest also has a strong ability to kill, and even penetrates the mech and strikes the ontology.

He is like a nemesis of the Great God of War, every encounter with him, will be hurt by powerful shadows, so that for a period of time, the powerful God of War giants even dare not approach this terrible pastor.

However, the three-person team finally met the enemy in their lives.

A piece of thorns emerged from the deck for no reason, entangled with three people.

A few young figures appeared in their field of vision. A young man with a sunny smile nodded to them: "I am the lord. These are my partners, gardeners, nurses, engineers and staff."

"Call and finish, kill!" The little nurse who has never been patient has taken the lead in attacking, and the scalpel has already sent a sharp knife.

With five to three, and three seriously injured guys, even if m7 is newly raised, it is more than enough to deal with them.

Maxis, president of the Lionheart Kingdom Mercenary Guild.

At this time, he was walking toward the battleship with the dark Lord Hall, who was covered in the shadows.

Compared with those warriors who rely on **** battles, the experienced Maxis knows that only destroying this huge warship is the only chance for them to save the defeat.

With the help of the soldiers, the Maxi and Holm entered the ship and went all the way to the main control hall.

Holm’s hidden assassination is the biggest guarantee for them to sneak into. Almost every guardian of the terminator is the first time to be hit by Holm into the crystallization, a blow to the commandment - the appearance of the Terminator on the battlefield, also Let them understand the weakness of this robot.

When the fourth guardian of the Terminator fell under Holm's dark thorn, Maxis said: "Accelerate the speed, we must destroy it before they find it. Just destroy this big guy... even this war we Lost, the future is still our win!"

The laughter sounded.

"It's a pity, President Maxus, I am afraid that your thoughts can't be fulfilled."

Two figures have appeared on the opposite side of the channel.

Gentle and fat.

Maxis’s stagnation: “You...”

Gentle head lifted: "Yes, me! It's me! All of you, you have to die here today!"

The blade of the ruling waved backhand, and the invisible sword had already hit the Maxi.

Carmela turned over and fell on the deck of the battleship.

Just after the fall, a Terminator has rushed over and fired a shot at her. Carmela flashed quickly, and the holy sword slammed into the energy core of the Terminator. Only one sword scrapped the Terminator.

"You all have to die!" She yelled in anger, drumming all the strength to slash and kill, and the mad mother tiger showed an unprecedented powerful force at this moment, one after another strong skills released, even hard Destroyed seven or eight Terminators.

However, the pace of her assault was finally stopped.

A woman is in front of her.

She looked at Carmela and said, "My name is Shi Mumu. I sympathize with your experience, but I am sorry... people are in the rivers and lakes, I can’t help myself!"

Lightly raise your hand and blue waves emerge.

————————————Taiyi real person, the initiator of this war is also on the battleship.

Nowadays, he has lost his once sacred bones, his face is gray and his mouth murmurs: "How could this be? How could this be?"

The huge casualties brought this unrealistic impact to the real person. I thought that I would become the honor of the world of the Tianlu dynasty. The cruel reality tells him that all this is a delusion.

He fought mechanically, playing one after another, and his heart was already in the sky. He didn't even know how he survived, and how he flew to the battleship until he was cold. The long sword of the cold light is directed to himself, and the true talents of Taiyi are awake from the extreme shock. It was a skinny face, and with a cold face in his eyes, he sneered at himself.

"Dead!" Frostmourne has stabbed the real face.

Seeing that Taiyi real people can no longer hide, just at this moment, a sigh suddenly sounded, a group of golden light appeared, wrapped in Frostmourne, so that it could not be stabbed.

Lao Meng suddenly looked up and saw that the sky was vainly standing with a white-browed beard.

"It turned out to be a enchanting." The man snorted and suddenly pointed at the old Meng Yaoyao. The light of his fingertips had already flocked to Lao Meng. The old Meng Lizhi was not good. He wanted to escape but found his body could not move.

Fortunately, a figure suddenly appeared next to him, and he was hitting Lao Meng. He hit him and the other person hit the person. The Taoist was just a slap in the face, and it was a glimmer of light. On the person who came, the man screamed and fell back. He rolled a few times on the ground, and it was Verna.

"Qingxue real people!" King Kong has been watching the old road, this person is the Qingyang Palace, the true and false, and one of the strongest in the entire world.

He is a high-ranking man and should not have participated in the war.

Qing Xuan sighed: "See the heart... Hello!"

Hello, but with endless anger.

King Kong sighed: "Qing Xu Guan, you should not come."

"I didn't mean to be in the world, but I have to come to the world."

"The demon in the sky? It is alright." King Kong smiled: "But unfortunately, even if you come, you can't change anything."

"It is true." Lao Meng has laughed.

He left his hand and made a horrible whistle: "Come out, my children!"

Black smoke rose and a large expanse of undead warriors appeared on the deck of the warship.

This is the accumulation of Lao Meng in the mission world during this time, and there is no shortage of strong presence.

As soon as these undead warriors appeared, Lao Meng waved his hand: "Go, kill all the attackers!"

A large number of undead warriors have rushed in all directions, together with the Terminators, to unite against the Three Kingdoms Warriors.

"The enchanting!" The anger on the face of Qing dynasty reappeared, and his hands were dusty, and a group of qi was already covered by Lao Meng, King Kong and Wei Na.

King Kong hurriedly called: "Old Meng flashes, this is the light Purdue, restraining your undead!"

The old Meng blame quits, King Kong has been welcoming, and the old and the old roads are swaying again. Six Jinjia Tianbing suddenly appear, and they are welcoming King Kong and Weina.

"Six hexagram?" King Kong snorted, this is the six-six hexagram summons used by the imprisoned Ming Wang, summoning the gods to help the war, but this old road is less powerful than the prisoner of the Ming Dynasty, especially on the spell. It.

King Kong Weina also greeted, just blocked the 12-day soldier, only to see the old road suddenly pointed: "Thunder penalty!"

A huge thunderbolt descended from the sky and went straight to King Kong. He was kneeling on King Kong and beat him to vomit blood.

He had received King Kong as a disciple, so he was the most serious about King Kong. The first thing he dealt with was King Kong.

"Be careful, this old road is very powerful!" King Kong shouted, although it was three enemy ones (Taiyi real people were basically ignored), but this old power is powerful, comparable to the devil, and he does not know what to use, even It completely blocked the nuclear bomb attack and was not affected by it. It is one of the few full states.

On his own side, Lao Meng's strength is mainly in the undead warrior, suitable for the overall situation and not suitable for small-scale battles. In fact, it is equivalent to two and a half adventurers against a demon level.

This is not easy, so the three of them turned out to be the most dangerous of all.

The real person of Qing Xu has already put on the dust: "Hey!"

A golden light flying sword suddenly appeared, facing the King Kong is a glimpse ~ ~ seeing King Kong has to pay attention to the heavy, King Kong helpless, is preparing to launch the blood system to transform, just at this time, only listen to the bomb A loud bang, a heavy gun hit the sword, the golden light flying sword was slammed without a trace.

Looking back, I saw a f22 flying at high speed and crashing into the Qing Dynasty.

The illusion of change, the left hand of the void, and several presses, slammed forward: "Block!"

A light curtain has appeared in front of you.


The fighter plane crashed into the light curtain and was bounced back. The volley turned and brushed a burst of deformation sound.

He has said with a loud voice: "You go to deal with other people, this old way to me!"

"He still handed it to me." Another voice came.

Looking back, Shen Yan is carrying his hand and applying it.

♂m net--♂

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