Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 83: negotiation

The battleship flew in the vast **** sky. m.

Sinking in front of a podium in the main control hall, supporting his chin with his arms, seems to be thinking about something.

A cup of coffee was sent to his eyes: "What are you thinking about?"

It is gentle.

Sinking and smiling, took a coffee and took a sip: "Some minor problems."

"Battle aspect?"

"No, urban."

"Don't you have made all the things clear? Anything else to think about, win and go home." Gentle sitting next to Shen.

“Is it clear?” Shen Xiao smiled and smiled: “From the initial completion of the Tongtian Tower mission, I will be able to go home, and later to eliminate the Zerg, and then to the later Human Council... What have we known about everything? Lies and fraud Enrich it, don't go to the end, you can never say that you already know everything. Know, the best way to stop looking for the bottom is to make you think you already know everything."

Gentle and slightly stunned: "Is there anything else that is fake? You won't tell me that the Supreme Council is actually dominated by the Quares?"

"How do I know? But what is possible? Isn't it possible? For example, there is no Quares at all, or the Zerg is the master behind the scenes. Who knows?" Shen Xiao laughed.

"Conspiracy theory." Gentle snorted.

Shen Yan looked up and laughed and stopped talking.

However, there is a saying that is gentle and not wrong, that is, no matter whether there is a conspiracy in the end, only the winner will have the qualification to speak and decide everything.

This temptation is the basis for their future victory.

At this point, the battleship has passed through 32 layers of hell, flying in the 33rd floor of hell, searching for all supplies as much as possible along the way, but unfortunately there is no such good luck as the dark gold hell. Most of the **** lords are not killed, they are hidden, and even if they see the battleship, they will not take the initiative.

But for the adventurer, this is also a good opportunity to rest.

More than 80 hours, now more than two days. In the past two days, due to the constant attack, everyone has very little rest time. Although everyone is a superman, it is not a big problem not to sleep for a few days, but the war will come, and naturally it is necessary to maintain a state of complete victory.

Therefore, the next time, they did not attack again, but all went back to the cabin to sleep, even Zhou Yiyu went to make up for it, driving and cleaning work was given to Zeus and the Terminator responsible, hit the beat Just hide, hit the hit and kill, as long as there is no big problem, the adventurers will not easily move.

After six hours, all the adventurers had finished their breaks. At this time, they were already on the 34th floor. Looking at the rest of the time, they finally decided to formally enter the 35th floor of the hell.

Wan Mo Hell.

Bloody plains.

I have just experienced a massive **** battle here.

The smoke has not been exhausted, the bodies are piled up like mountains, the flag of the Burning Legion, hunting and flying over the plains.

On a small **** in the heights of the plain, Sargeras was sitting on a boulder, with a hand, like a statue of a thinker, with a huge corpse lying under his feet. The corner, the majesty is abnormal, but has been torn into two halves, it is the king of the gods of Satan.

Behind him is the army of the Burning Legion sweeping the Quartet. In front of him is a light door leading to the lower hell.

Sargeras looked at the light door, his eyes were deep, and he did not say a word for a long time.

"Adult!" A dull, thunderous sound blasted, Archimonde.

Sargeras waved his hand and Archimonde retired.

Looking at the light door for a long time, Sargeras said: "Come here..."

He finally made a decision and stopped the pace of the attack.

"Call!" All the **** lords spit out at the same time.

The fraudster Kil'jaeden turned to the soldiers of the rear leg and shouted: "We have won!"

"Hey!" Numerous whistling sounds mixed with strange sounds rang at the same time, as the mountains shouted through the plains.

The masters of Ereda, the soldiers of the Dreadlord, and the demon warriors of all races of slavery, also made a loud cheer for the armistice.

Only at this moment will you realize that the devil also has a moment to hate war.

For them, being able to become the 35th Hell Lord is their ultimate dream. As for defeating the horrible Zerg master, they don’t even think about it.

At this moment, Sargeras suddenly gave a scorn.

He looked back into the distance: "Who is it, broke into my territory?"

This was not long ago, Satan had just said it, and then it was torn by Sargeras. Now, the same words were spoken by Sargeras.

"Which lord?" asked a fearful demon.

Sargeras took a deep breath in the sky and closed his eyes: "No... human."


The lords of **** looked at each other and made a scream of laughter.

"It's a good dessert for celebration!" The mouth of the abyss, Lord Marlonus, has flowed out of the mouth.

"Be careful, Maronus, the human beings who can come here all the time, not too weak!" The spider goddess Rose yin measured back.

"It’s just a blessing to pick up the cheaper behind us... Well, I admit, it seems that they have at least the strength of the first nineteen layers, but that’s interesting, isn’t it?”

"It is true." All the demons laughed together.

For those who have become the Lord of the 35th Hell, they are also qualified not to put any humanity in their eyes.

However, when the distant sky appeared the huge battleship of the castle, all the demons could not help but stagnate.

"what is that?"

"It looks like a metal creation of Dark Gold Hell."

“Is it the five-faced monster or the cosmic emperor's embers?”

"There should be no one there, and the human world has technological products."

“It looks very powerful.”

"No matter how strong, it can't be the opponent of the Burning Legion. The Burning Legion is invincible!"

All the devils talked about it, and eventually came to the conclusion that the space warships that had frightened countless troops eventually only caused some curiosity among the soldiers of the Burning Legion.

As for the big lords, watching this warship is even more disdainful.

Although the warship itself is very powerful, if there is no protection from the adventurer, it seems to be an aircraft carrier without a **** fleet, and its end is destined to be sad.

In the one-on-one contest, a demon lord is enough to easily kill a heavy warship. Of course, the Renaissance Warrior has a lot of eternal heart blessings, which is much stronger than the average warship.

Of course, no matter how demon lords disdain, they at least admit that it is not too easy to kill a warship, and they can feel that the human strength inside is not weak.

This made them not attack in the first place, but waited quietly.

This is the basic emphasis on the strong, it is this kind of attention that gives them a chance to talk.

At this moment, the warships in the distance gradually slowed down after flying, and hovered in the air a few kilometers above the Burning Legion. There was a loud voice in the sky:

"His lord of the Burning Legion Corps, Lord Sargeras, I am a human being from the surface world. I want to go to the worms and see the great Zerg. I have no intention of fighting. I just hope to borrow a road from you. ”

It’s the indulgence of talking. If you can, he still hopes to spend the same way through flicking, oh no, trading or friendly negotiation, even though he knows it is difficult.

But look at the flying dragons, the death knights lined up, and the endless guards of countless claws. In fact, there is no hope of winning.

The only thing he can take advantage of is to use the melee to force through the army and put it into the light.

This is like a thousand people attacking the strong city where 100,000 people are stationed. It is impossible to win. Fortunately, as long as one person can climb the city, it will win. This is exactly what Shen Shen said without defense.

But before that, if you can let the defenders release, it is still a better choice than a strong attack.

Anyway, Shen Yu wants to give it a try.

Sargeras lifted his head and looked at the huge battleship in the sky: "You have a lot of demonic blood on your body..."

"...not every lord is so sensible." Hesitated, Shen Shen said.

"So why do you think that I am a sensible lord?"

"I just hope that you can look at the face of the rule..."

"The devil does not need reason, no need to face!" Sargeras has stood up, behind the cloak without wind and automatic, instantly spread the majestic momentum, and forced the sky: "If even the garbage of the upper layers of **** can stop you, Why do you think you can pass from me?"

"So maybe I can provide a better reason?" Shen Shen said: "If you let me in, I am your pioneer, I can test the strength of the master, I can even help you to destroy some of the Zerg, I can be you The right assistant... If you can go all the way to conquer those once enemies, then humans can also be your assistants. If you can accept even the enemy, then we should be able to!"

Sargeras obviously does not give up on the 36th floor.

I just don't know if it is restricted by the girl in white, or because of the deterrent power of the Zerg, he did not go in. But the strong desire he showed, and the power of conquering everything in his background setting, made him eager for the supreme reputation of the supreme ruler.

Sinking is taking advantage of this and proposing a joint plan, which is also his plan for the greatest hope.

He is betting that gambling girls can only influence Sargeras and not Sargeras.

Although she is strong, she is still not omnipotent.

"This is a good flicker." Chu Sheng interface.

Stubbornly blocked the microphone and gave him a look.

Sargeras’ eyes have been smashed: “Just by you? I can feel the power in your body. It’s a group of strong ants, but it’s still just ants. If you alone, you can’t even go to the twentieth.”

"It is not just strength that determines strength and weakness." Shen Yu did not respond weakly.

If you only look at the surname, the adventurers are indeed much worse than the demon lords, but the adventurer's strength can never be dependent on the surname.

"Let me see. Win me, you have the qualification to negotiate."

"You don't need to negotiate to win."

"That may not be." Sargeras raised his hand and pointed to the endless burning army behind him.

Despite the hard battles, the Burning Legion suffered heavy casualties. However, during the process of conquering, the Burning Legion still made up a large number of new troops, which made the soldiers on the entire plains burning the Legion, and they could hardly see the head at first glance.

Sinking is a smile: "Some of the soldiers, I have a way to deal with them."

"Do you mean a nuclear bomb?" Sargeras asked suddenly.

Indulging in a sigh, he did not expect Sargeras to know the nuclear bomb.

However, he immediately realized that the Dark Gold Hell itself was a technological world, and Sargeras knew that the nuclear bomb was normal. Here is a mixture of many intensified systems. It is not a traditional world with no magic and no technology. Looking at new things with old eyes is bound to have a lot of discomfort. He really has no reason to think that Sargeras will be mentally retarded. .

Sargeras has continued: "This is why you can still stand here and negotiate with me. But no matter how powerful weapons you have, it is only a matter of casualties for me."

The silence is silent.

Sargeras is right, it is only a matter of the price of casualties.

At the moment, behind Sargeras, there are five or six big lords, and there are many small and medium lords. The number of devils alone is more than half a hundred, such as the half-god of the Azmodan level. The number is not over.

Even if the nuclear bombs in the hand are thrown down, that is, some of the cannon fodders are killed. The estimated one above the devil level does not want to kill, because he has no more than 500,000 tons.

Fortunately, Sargeras obviously does not know this.

For him, the lords are more powerful, but they are too embarrassed. Instead, they are the soldiers, especially the elite warriors of the demon class. Those ice dragons, guards, and death knights are the core of his true strength. He must protect it.

In the dark gold hell, he has already tasted the suffering of this kind of technology weapon, and he has suffered a lot of casualties.

So if he can, he will also consider a different way.

The devil's surname is a killer, not a death.

They can ignore life without compassion and compassion, but they do not mean welcoming their own loyal men to death - such demon lords are idiots!

However, from Sargeras, he is willing to give up the "free spy, volunteer helper", and also to see with Shen Shen, it can be seen that the IQ of these demons is still limited by their militant and cruel Tian surnames - they are not stupid, But the way they think about problems is very different from that of humans.

Thinking of this, Shen Xiao smiled and said: "You are right, Lord Sargeras, we can't be your opponent. But because of this, I don't want to fight with you, the battle will burn passion, and the fever will make the emotion out of control. Anger will destroy cooperation. Why don't we take a better way, for example, if you send some lords to test?"

Sargeras began to think.

The golden guy behind him has screamed: "Sagras, you really disappoint me, you are actually trading with these humble ants, the people. Invincible you should..."

He didn't finish his words. Sargeras waved his hand and grabbed the glittering body and slammed it toward the ground. He slammed into a big pit.

"Just start from this idiot, I have already had enough of his ignorance and arrogance. Send someone out and kill him in one-on-one situations, even through the first test."

“Need to pass several tests?” Shen asked. He would not believe Sargeras as simple as that.

Sargeras narrowed his eyes and replied: "Look at my mood."

"This is not a good answer."

"At least you can use this opportunity to weaken my strength, isn't it? Considering the quantity comparison, one-on-one battle, you are cheap."

"..." Shen Yu felt for the first time to be led by his opponent.

This year, it is a person with a big fist, and there is weight in speaking.

People who used to swear and flicker, either have a fist that is weaker than him, either have a strong fist and have a good impression on him, or they have a real IQ problem.

But today, he finally met a guy whose fist is harder than him, not his friend, and his IQ is no problem.

Sargeras caught up with their key points, no matter how indulged, how is it that Sargeras decides how to play the game.

Indulging in the illusion of failure, but unexpectedly it was defeated in the hands of Sargeras, which made him not sigh, even God can deceive, but deceived a devil, fully illustrating the IQ affects the family name The more stupid the more kind.

"What do you do now?" Chu Sheng asked.

"What else can I do? Sargeras said yes, killing the arrogant idiot, at least can weaken the other side's strength... although... maybe... this is less than one in ten thousand." Shen Yu is also helpless. .

"The question is... who is going to kill him?" asked Lao Meng.

In any case, Jin Spark is also a demon god, and is a **** god level demon.

Even the ancestors who were scrapped by Sargeras were not very irritating.

One-on-one, in addition to sinking, who else can do such a existence?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and bow down together.

In this case, the consequences of failure are too serious, and no one can afford this burden.

At this time, gentle suddenly stood up and said: "Let me come. He has many weapons, just like my weapons."

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