Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 32: Urban balance (on)

"You better not let him run around, there are robots everywhere," Marcus said.

"Yes, thank you very much for your reminder." Shen Yan’s expression nodded to Marcus sincerely. He pointed to Xi Xiaofan: "If you don't mind..."

"Of course." Marcus was a gentleman and stepped back.

Shen Qian quickly came to Xi Xiaofan's body and kneeled down and said to him: "Xiao Fan, go back with my brother."

Xi Xiaofan just looked at the sky above his head with his head.

His eyes are empty, as if he were dead.

Shen Qiang stepped forward and grabbed Xi Xiaofan's arm to hug him. Xi Xiaofan was like a cat who was stepped on his tail and jumped up, screaming and yelling at his body: "Mom... Dad... Mom ……father!"

The shouting was fierce, the tone was sharp, and the thorny people were shocked.

Screaming: "Okay, quiet, I will take you to see your mom and dad? Don't make trouble again. There are robots everywhere. If you run around, I can't protect you."

"Go home... go home..."

"If you can keep quiet, I will take you home!"

Xi Xiaofan finally did not move.

Sinking and holding him back.

Coming to Zhou Yiyu and King Kong, he put Xi Xiaofan down, and the teenager stood still, without any expression.

His mouth is still muttering: "Go home..."

This made King Kong sigh, he touched the boy's head and said in the tone as easy as possible: "Hey, don't worry, we will take you home when we complete this mission."

"That...not... home..." Xi Xiaofan’s sluggish voice floated like a ghost.

King Kong’s heart was shocked.

He looked at Shen Yan, and his face was expressionless.

Yes, that is not home!

No matter how good or safe the **** city is, it is not home!

Maybe in this life, they can't get home.

Shen Qian looked back at Marcus in the distance. The Kailis and the stars on the top of the building had come down, standing behind Marcus, and the three people looked at it together.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu took some food from the **** coat of arms and sent it to King Kong: "Give this to them."

King Kong took the food and strode to Marcus.

The two children in Kelna are obviously starving, and they have seen food being taken over and eaten.

"You don't look like you are being chased." Seeing the food and seeing the clothes on them, Marcus suddenly felt something wrong.

These foods are very good, with exquisite snacks from China, foie gras and caviar from France, and some canned meat. These things could not have been eaten even before Marcus was asleep—he was a criminal in a US federal prison before being converted into a semi-mechanical, executed and agreed to hand over his body to a research institution. Research... At that time, it was not yet at the end of the world.

And now the four men standing in front of his eyes, each wearing clean and tidy clothes, although there are traces of servants, but the clothes are new, and each one is dressed very well, even that Autistic teenagers wear a white and clean shirt, plus a black jacket - it is not easy to find a fitting suit this year.

Although the lie is so perfect, he still needs to explain why they can live this life in this desperately chaotic era.

Just a few minutes ago, Marcus ate the wolf meat that was just born two days ago.

Shen Qian quickly walked over: "We accidentally found a basement while escaping from the Terminator. It was full of food and all kinds of daily necessities and gun-and-paper weapons, many of which were never used. Its people are dead, sick and dead... He didn't hoard himself for drugs. So we took some of them and continued on the road."

"Is that basement far from here?" Kellys asked.

"It’s very far, we have been dead several partners all the way."

This answer made young Kyle frustrated.

"Where are you going?" Marcus asked.

Shen Xiao smiled and said: "Sir, I am very grateful to you for saving my brother's life, but I am not your prisoner, no obligation to answer all your questions. As a thank you for saving people, I will leave you some food. And then... I think we should leave."

"Please don't get me wrong!" Kyle shouted. "We just want to go to the Resistance Army and go to John Connor. He will lead us against the machine. Are you going to find the Resistance?"

Sinking at the look of the young Kyle’s face, he shook his head. “No, we are not going to find the Resistance. We are just wandering around, fleeing, avoiding the chasing of the machine. I think we are different. ”

"You can't avoid them forever, we must stand up and fight!" Kyle yelled.

As the leader of humanity, John Connor's "Future" father, Kyle showed his courage.

When Kellys said this, the **** coat of arms on his hands suddenly tickles.

"Trigger story mission: Kellys's invitation to protect the safety of Marcus and Kellys. Marcus died, deducting blood points of two thousand points. Kellys died, deducting **** points of 3,000 points. During the execution of the mission, no mandatory measures shall be taken against Kellys and Marcus, otherwise the **** points will be deducted according to the degree of coercion. This task is a collective task, one person accepts and all members bear. Yes/No."

Sinking and staying, suddenly looking back, I saw Zhou Yiyu King Kong is also looking at the **** coat of arms on his wrist, apparently received the same instructions.

In an instant, Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind. He grabbed the King Kong around him, held down his hand, and shouted at Zhou Yiyu: "Don't accept!"

At this time, Zhou Yiyu’s hand had been pressed to his **** coat of arms. His expression was very excited, apparently happy for suddenly getting the plot task.

Shen Yu couldn't care for everything. The fire gun suddenly appeared in the hand. A shot was hit by Zhou Yiyu. He was scared to roll over and evade. Then he found the gun that was sinking and shouted: "What are you doing?"

Shen Qian strode and grabbed Zhou Yiyu and shouted: "Don't accept this task!"

At the same time, he looked at Xi Xiaofan, only to see that he still looked at the sky slyly, and did not respond to the hints on the coat of arms, which was relieved.

"Why? This is a rare hidden task! We can get a very good return." Zhou Yiyu screamed and screamed.

"If you fail, it will be more troublesome. Can you afford to lose 5,000 points?"

"We will not fail, there is me, no terminalizer can catch up with us!" Zhou Yiyu angered.

Shen Yan shook his head: "You still don't understand? This may be the reason why we will receive this task."

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Yiyu stayed.

"I said there is a problem with this mission! Don't you feel strange? Why is it happening so well, Marcus they don't appear early, they don't appear late, but here, this time? Time, place, appear It’s too coincidental. It’s not the main line of our mission to know the story!”

"We were originally involved in the story of Terminator 2018." Zhou Yiyu replied with a low voice. In the distance, Marcus and others were horrified for what they saw. Obviously, they couldn’t figure out what happened.

The shot of Shen Yu has completely poked his own lies.

However, Shen Yu has not taken care of this much. He is not very angry: "Why is it because we are not others? The meeting place of Marcus and Kellys can be anywhere in Los Angeles. Why is this? Our neighborhood? At this critical moment?"

Zhou Yiyu stunned, and he finally noticed something wrong: "Do you mean that this is not a coincidence, but a deliberate arrangement in the city? Is this task with a trap?"



"When it comes to why, the answer to this question can be complicated. But I want to ask you a question first. According to what we know, the difficulty of a **** city is based on the area. Only after crossing a region, we Will it encounter obvious mission difficulty, right?"

“Yes, the difficulty of the task in the same difficulty area is roughly the same.”

“That is to say, since the adventurer is improving the strength of the world every time he goes through the mission. So as long as we improve fast enough, our strength can completely exceed the difficulty of the task, right? If so, we only have When you enter a difficult area, you are likely to face strong dangers. When you go to the last mission in the area, it may be very easy. Under normal circumstances, the tasks in the same difficulty area should be completed better and better. Is this?"

" theory, this is the case."

"Then the question came out. Why have I never heard of any adventurer who said that the last task in the fixed difficulty area was very easy? Have you heard this?"

Zhou Yiyu grabbed the scalp: "No, but what about it? What does this have to do with our current mission?"

"Of course." Shen Yan answered very seriously: "I have been working on a **** I am not interested in why it exists, but I am very interested in its habits. I am the first time When I took part in the official mission, it was a team mission. At that time, our opponents were just ordinary German soldiers, but our mission was to keep the bridge, which means that we did not have any room for that mission! The second time was to face a variant with special functions. People, our mission at that time was to hunt down mutants, which meant that we could pick our own opponents. In fact, most of the survivors of this mission, even the Wanwang Wang, have never seen anything! This time Our mission is to escape, our mission is just alive, because our opponents are a steady stream of robots! Have you found out yet? In all three missions, all the world's difficulty itself is very different! World War II is not at all Qualifications are in the same world as the Terminator World and the X-Men. So why are they placed in the same difficulty zone?"

“Because the relationship between mission patterns makes the world more difficult?”

“Yes!” Shen Yan cried: “The **** city has been adjusting the difficulty of the mission, but not through the difficulty of the world itself, but through the mission mode, which makes the difficulty of an area roughly the same. This is precisely why even if our strength grows again and again, we will not feel the ease of the task... When we are in the airship, we have confirmed one thing, that is, when there is a special change in the situation, **** The city must be involved, and now we know that there is only one purpose for its intervention - to create balance! So from this point, if there are several adventurers who can easily complete the task, it is very likely to give such adventurers Make some extra trouble, of course, it gives this a very nice name: extra tasks!"

"Hell..." Zhou Yiyu and King Kong called out at the same time.

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